


  • 可配置化的降级策略:
    • 信号量/线程 / 超时(1s)、熔断(错误率)
    • HystrixCommandProperty
  • 可以识别的降级边界:
    • @HystrixCommand(Spring AOP)
    • HystrixCommand 抽象类
  • 数据采集:
    • 如何触发熔断(10s / 20个请求 /错误率)-> 如何采集数据,如何统计数据.
    • SEMAPHORE,最大并发数量 -> AQS ->tryAcquire(), acquire()
  • 行为干预: 触发降级/熔断之后,对正常业务产生影响
  • 结果干预: fallback()
  • 自动恢复(处于熔断状态下,会每隔5s尝试去恢复)



滑动窗口: 流量控制技术



  • Obervable 被观察者
  • Observer 观察者
  • Subscribe 订阅


  • 如果有缓存: toCache.toObservable(); -> toBlocking() -> (Observable().call())



  • getMethodFromTarget 获取目标方法信息
  • MetaHolder metaHolder = metaHolderFactory.create(joinPoint); 获取元数据,比如调用方法,HystrixProperty注解数据、方法参数等
  • HystrixCommandFactory.getInstance().create 获取调用者,它持有一个命令对象,并且可以在合适的时候通过这个命令对象完成具体的业务逻辑
  • execute,执行命令
@Around("hystrixCommandAnnotationPointcut() || hystrixCollapserAnnotationPointcut()")
public Object methodsAnnotatedWithHystrixCommand(final ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
    Method method = getMethodFromTarget(joinPoint);
    MetaHolderFactory metaHolderFactory = META_HOLDER_FACTORY_MAP.get(HystrixPointcutType.of(method));
    MetaHolder metaHolder = metaHolderFactory.create(joinPoint);
    //如果是异步,则创建GenericObservableCommand, 否则,则创建GenericCommand
    HystrixInvokable invokable = HystrixCommandFactory.getInstance().create(metaHolder);
    ExecutionType executionType = metaHolder.isCollapserAnnotationPresent() ?
        metaHolder.getCollapserExecutionType() : metaHolder.getExecutionType();

    Object result;
    try {
        if (!metaHolder.isObservable()) {
            result = CommandExecutor.execute(invokable, executionType, metaHolder);
        } else {
            result = executeObservable(invokable, executionType, metaHolder);
    } catch (HystrixBadRequestException e) {
        throw e.getCause();
    } catch (HystrixRuntimeException e) {
        throw hystrixRuntimeExceptionToThrowable(metaHolder, e);
    return result;


这个方法主要用来执行命令,从代码中可以看出这里有三个执行类型,分别是同步、异步、以及响应式。其中,响应式又分为Cold Observable(observable.toObservable()) 和 Hot Observable(observable.observe())
默认的executionType=SYNCHRONOUS ,同步请求。

  • execute():同步执行,返回一个单一的对象结果,发生错误时抛出异常。
  • queue():异步执行,返回一个 Future 对象,包含着执行结束后返回的单一结果。
  • observe():这个方法返回一个 Observable 对象,它代表操作的多个结果,但是已经被订阅者消费掉了。
  • toObservable():这个方法返回一个 Observable 对象,它代表操作的多个结果,需要咱们自己手动订阅并消费掉。


public static Object execute(HystrixInvokable invokable, ExecutionType executionType, MetaHolder metaHolder) throws RuntimeException {

    switch (executionType) {
        // 同步
        case SYNCHRONOUS: {
            return castToExecutable(invokable, executionType).execute();
        // 异步
        case ASYNCHRONOUS: {
            HystrixExecutable executable = castToExecutable(invokable, executionType);
            if (metaHolder.hasFallbackMethodCommand()
                && ExecutionType.ASYNCHRONOUS == metaHolder.getFallbackExecutionType()) {
                return new FutureDecorator(executable.queue());
            return executable.queue();
        // 响应式
        case OBSERVABLE: {
            HystrixObservable observable = castToObservable(invokable);
            return ObservableExecutionMode.EAGER == metaHolder.getObservableExecutionMode() ? observable.observe() : observable.toObservable();
            throw new RuntimeException("unsupported execution type: " + executionType);



public R execute() {
    try {
        return queue().get();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(decomposeException(e));

queue这个方法中,返回了一个Future对象,这个future对象的实现是f,f是以匿名内部类,它是Java.util.concurrent中定一个的一个异步带返回值对象。当调用queue().get()方法时,最终是委派给了delegate.get 方法。

public Future<R> queue() {
         * The Future returned by Observable.toBlocking().toFuture() does not implement the
         * interruption of the execution thread when the "mayInterrupt" flag of Future.cancel(boolean) is set to true;
         * thus, to comply with the contract of Future, we must wrap around it.
    // 创建一个委派对象
    final Future<R> delegate = toObservable().toBlocking().toFuture();

    final Future<R> f = new Future<R>() {

        public boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning) {
            if (delegate.isCancelled()) {
                return false;

            if (HystrixCommand.this.getProperties().executionIsolationThreadInterruptOnFutureCancel().get()) {
                     * The only valid transition here is false -> true. If there are two futures, say f1 and f2, created by this command
                     * (which is super-weird, but has never been prohibited), and calls to f1.cancel(true) and to f2.cancel(false) are
                     * issued by different threads, it's unclear about what value would be used by the time mayInterruptOnCancel is checked.
                     * The most consistent way to deal with this scenario is to say that if *any* cancellation is invoked with interruption,
                     * than that interruption request cannot be taken back.
                interruptOnFutureCancel.compareAndSet(false, mayInterruptIfRunning);

            final boolean res = delegate.cancel(interruptOnFutureCancel.get());

            if (!isExecutionComplete() && interruptOnFutureCancel.get()) {
                final Thread t = executionThread.get();
                if (t != null && !t.equals(Thread.currentThread())) {

            return res;

        public boolean isCancelled() {
            return delegate.isCancelled();

        public boolean isDone() {
            return delegate.isDone();

        public R get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
            return delegate.get();

        public R get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
            return delegate.get(timeout, unit);


    /* special handling of error states that throw immediately */
    if (f.isDone()) {
        try {
            return f;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Throwable t = decomposeException(e);
            if (t instanceof HystrixBadRequestException) {
                return f;
            } else if (t instanceof HystrixRuntimeException) {
                HystrixRuntimeException hre = (HystrixRuntimeException) t;
                switch (hre.getFailureType()) {
                    case COMMAND_EXCEPTION:
                    case TIMEOUT:
                        // we don't throw these types from queue() only from queue().get() as they are execution errors
                        return f;
                        // these are errors we throw from queue() as they as rejection type errors
                        throw hre;
            } else {
                throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(t);

    return f;



  • Observable(被观察者),它的主要作用是产生事件
  • Observer(观察者),它的作用是接收事件并作出相应
  • Subscribe(订阅),它用来连接被观察者和观察者
  • Event(事件),被观察者、观察者、沟通的载体


通过Observable定义一个被观察者,这个被观察者会被toObservable().toBlocking().toFuture() ,实际上就是返回可获得 run() 抽象方法执行结果的Future。run() 方法由子类实现,执行正常的业务逻辑。在下面这段代码中,当存在subscriber时,便会调用Func0#call() 方法,而这个subscriber是在 toBlocking() 中被订阅的。

  • 调用 isRequestCachingEnabled(); 判断请求结果缓存功能是否开启,如果开启并且命中了缓存,则会以Observable形式返回一个缓存结果
  • 创建执行命令的Observable: hystrixObservable
  • 当缓存处于开启状态并且没有命中缓存时,则创建一个"订阅了执行命令的Observable":HystrixCommandResponseFromCache
    • 创建存储到缓存的Observable: HystrixCachedObservable
    • 将toCache添加到缓存中,返回获取缓存的Observable:fromCache
    • 如果添加失败: fromCache!=null, 则调用 toCache.unsubscribe() 方法,取消HystrixCachedObservable 的订阅
    • 如果添加成功,则调用 toCache.toObservable(); 获得缓存Observable
  • 当缓存特性没有开启时,则返回执行命令的Observable。
return Observable.defer(new Func0<Observable<R>>() {
    public Observable<R> call() {
        /* this is a stateful object so can only be used once */
        // CAS保证命令只执行一次
        if (!commandState.compareAndSet(CommandState.NOT_STARTED, CommandState.OBSERVABLE_CHAIN_CREATED)) {
            IllegalStateException ex = new IllegalStateException("This instance can only be executed once. Please instantiate a new instance.");
            //TODO make a new error type for this
            throw new HystrixRuntimeException(FailureType.BAD_REQUEST_EXCEPTION, _cmd.getClass(), getLogMessagePrefix() + " command executed multiple times - this is not permitted.", ex, null);
        // 命令开始时间戳
        commandStartTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // 打印日志
        if (properties.requestLogEnabled().get()) {
            // log this command execution regardless of what happened
            if (currentRequestLog != null) {
        // 缓存开关,缓存KEY(这个是Hystrix中请求缓存功能,hystrix支持将一个请求结果缓存起来,下一个具有相同key的请求将直接从缓存中取出结果,减少请求开销)
        final boolean requestCacheEnabled = isRequestCachingEnabled();
        final String cacheKey = getCacheKey();

        /* try from cache first */
        if (requestCacheEnabled) {
            HystrixCommandResponseFromCache<R> fromCache = (HystrixCommandResponseFromCache<R>) requestCache.get(cacheKey);
            if (fromCache != null) {
                isResponseFromCache = true;
                return handleRequestCacheHitAndEmitValues(fromCache, _cmd);

        // 声明执行命令的Observable
        Observable<R> hystrixObservable =

        Observable<R> afterCache;

        // put in cache
        // 声明执行命令的Observable
        if (requestCacheEnabled && cacheKey != null) {
            // wrap it for caching
            HystrixCachedObservable<R> toCache = HystrixCachedObservable.from(hystrixObservable, _cmd);
            HystrixCommandResponseFromCache<R> fromCache = (HystrixCommandResponseFromCache<R>) requestCache.putIfAbsent(cacheKey, toCache);
            if (fromCache != null) {
                // another thread beat us so we'll use the cached value instead
                isResponseFromCache = true;
                return handleRequestCacheHitAndEmitValues(fromCache, _cmd);
            } else {
                // we just created an ObservableCommand so we cast and return it
                afterCache = toCache.toObservable();
        } else {
            afterCache = hystrixObservable;

        return afterCache
            .doOnTerminate(terminateCommandCleanup)     // perform cleanup once (either on normal terminal state (this line), or unsubscribe (next line))
            .doOnUnsubscribe(unsubscribeCommandCleanup) // perform cleanup once

执行命令的Observable的定义如下,通过defer定义了一个 applyHystrixSemantics 的事件。

final Func0<Observable<R>> applyHystrixSemantics = new Func0<Observable<R>>() {
    public Observable<R> call() {
        // 当commandState处于UNSUBSCRIBED时,不执行命令
        if (commandState.get().equals(CommandState.UNSUBSCRIBED)) {
            return Observable.never();
        return applyHystrixSemantics(_cmd);


假设缓存特性未开启或者未命中缓存,那么代码将执行 applyHystrixSemantics 。

  • 传入的_cmd是一个GenericCommand,最终执行这个command中的run方法,本质就是完成对queryOrder方法的代理。
  • circuitBreaker.allowRequest() 如果为true,表示当前不处于熔断状态,正常执行,否则,调用 handleShortCircuitViaFallback 实现服务降级,如果我们配置了fallback方法,则会获得我们配置的fallback执行

执行路径为 : handleShortCircuitViaFallback ->getFallbackOrThrowException -> getFallbackObservable -> HystrixCommand.getFallbackObservable -> GenericCommand.getFallback();

  • 如果当前hystrix处于未熔断状态,则
    • getExecutionSemaphore 判断当前策略是否为信号量(TryableSemaphoreNoOp/TryableSemaphoreActual),如果是,则调用 tryAcquire 来获取信号量。如果当前信号量满了,则调用 handleSemaphoreRejectionViaFallback 方法。
    • 调用 executeCommandAndObserve 获取命令执行Observable。
private Observable<R> applyHystrixSemantics(final AbstractCommand<R> _cmd) {
    // mark that we're starting execution on the ExecutionHook
    // if this hook throws an exception, then a fast-fail occurs with no fallback.  No state is left inconsistent

    /* determine if we're allowed to execute */
    if (circuitBreaker.allowRequest()) {
        final TryableSemaphore executionSemaphore = getExecutionSemaphore();
        final AtomicBoolean semaphoreHasBeenReleased = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        final Action0 singleSemaphoreRelease = new Action0() {
            public void call() {
                if (semaphoreHasBeenReleased.compareAndSet(false, true)) {

        final Action1<Throwable> markExceptionThrown = new Action1<Throwable>() {
            public void call(Throwable t) {
                eventNotifier.markEvent(HystrixEventType.EXCEPTION_THROWN, commandKey);

        if (executionSemaphore.tryAcquire()) {
            try {
                /* used to track userThreadExecutionTime */
                executionResult = executionResult.setInvocationStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis());
                return executeCommandAndObserve(_cmd)
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                return Observable.error(e);
        } else {
            return handleSemaphoreRejectionViaFallback();
    } else {
        return handleShortCircuitViaFallback();
posted @ 2020-12-15 01:49  snail灬  阅读(219)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报