
Stay hungry,Stay foolish.


Python 爬取数据入库mysql

 1 # -*- enconding:etf-8 -*-
 2 import pymysql
 3 import os
 4 import time
 5 import re
 6 serveraddr="localhost"
 7 user="root"
 8 password="123456"
 9 databaseName="test"
10 filename="./data/UNCL.csv"
12 def create_table():
13     # sep=os.sep
14     # tableName=raw_input('please input the table name which will be created:')
15     # classpath=raw_input('请输入需要遍历的路径:')
17     db=pymysql.connect(serveraddr,user,password,databaseName)
18     cursor=db.cursor()
19     cursor.execute("drop table if exists `tncl`")
20     sql="""    create table `tncl`(
21             `tncl_id` varchar(25) not null,
22             `tncl_tag` varchar(25) not null,
23             `tncl_desc` varchar(255) not null,
24             `tncl_note` varchar(1200) not null,
25             primary key(`tncl_id`)
26             ) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;"""
28     cursor.execute(sql)
29     db.close()
30 def test():
31     p1=r"^\s{13}\w.+|\n$"
32     pattern=re.compile(p1)
33     fr=open(filename)
34     w2=open('./data/e.csv','a')
35     for line in fr.readlines():
36         # print(line)
37         matcher=re.findall(pattern,line)
38         # print(matcher)
39         # print(type(matcher))
40         for i in matcher:
41             w2.write(i)
42             # w2.write("\n")
43     fr.close()
44     w2.close()
47 if __name__=='__main__':
48     test()


posted on 2017-08-15 18:09  懵懂的菜鸟  阅读(993)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报