


1 file=open('/Users/Administrator/Desktop/file.txt','w')
2 file.write('hellp world!')
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1 what_he_does=" plays"
2 his_instrument = ' guitar'
3 his_name=' Robert Johnson'
4 artist_intro=his_name+what_he_does+his_instrument
5 print(artist_intro)
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#Robert Johnson plays guitar


1 word = 'a looooong word'
2 num = 12
3 string = 'bang!'
4 total = string * (len(word)-num)
5 print(total)
6 #bang!bang!bang!
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1 word = 'friend'
2 find_the_evil_in_your_friends = word[0] + word[2:4] + word[-3:-1]
3 print(find_the_evil_in_your_friends)
4 #fieen
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1 phone_number = '1386-444-0044'
2 hiding_number = phone_number.replace(phone_number[:9],'*'*9)
3 print(hiding_number)
4 #*********0044
View Code


1 search = '168'
2 num_a = '1386-168-0006'
3 num_b = '1681-222-0006'
4 print(search + ' is at ' + str(num_a.find(search)) + ' to ' + str(num_a.find(search) + len(search)) + ' of num_a')
5 print(search + ' is at ' + str(num_b.find(search)) + ' to ' + str(num_b.find(search) + len(search)) + ' of num_b')
6 """
7 168 is at 5 to 8 of num_a
8 168 is at 0 to 3 of num_b
9 """
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字符串格式化{}   .format()

1 print('{} a word con get what she {} for .' .format('With','came'))
2 print('{prepositon} a word she can get what she {verb} for'.format(prepositon = 'With',verb = 'came'))
3 print('{0} a word she can get what she {1} for.' .format('with','came'))
4 """
5 With a word con get what she came for .
6 With a word she can get what she came for
7 with a word she can get what she came for.
8 """
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1 def fahrenheit_converter(C):
2     fahrenheit = C * 9/5 + 32
3     return str(fahrenheit) + 'F'
4 C2F = fahrenheit_converter(35)
5 print(C2F)
6 #95.0F
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1 c_d = input("请输入C温度值:")
2 f_d = (9 * int(c_d))/5 + 32
3 print(f_d)
4 """
5 请输入C温度值:0
6 32.0
7 """
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1 def text_create(name,msg):
2     desktop_path = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/'
3     full_path = desktop_path + name + '.txt'
4     file = open(full_path,'w')
5     file.write(msg)
6     file.close()
7     print('Done')
8 text_create('hip','我是你爸爸')
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1 def text_filter(word,censored_word = 'lame',changed_word = '*'*3):
2     return word.replace(censored_word,changed_word)
3 text_filter('Python is lame!')
4 #'Python is ***!'
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条件控制if-else  设置用户密码

 1 def account_login():
 2     password = input('Password:')
 3     if password == '12345':
 4         print('Login success!')
 5     else:
 6         print('Wrong password or invalid input!')
 7         account_login()
 8 account_login()
 9 """
10 Wrong password or invalid input!
11 Password:12456
12 Wrong password or invalid input!
13 Password:12345
14 Login success!
15 """
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1 def account_login():
2     password = input('Password:')
3     password_correct = password == '12345'
4     if password_correct:
5         print('Login success!')
6     else:
7         print('Wrong password or invalid input!')
8         account_login()
9 account_login()
View Code


条件控制if-elif-else  重置密码

 1 password_list = ['*#*#','12345']
 2 def account_login():
 3     password = input('Password:')
 4     password_correct = password == password_list[-1]
 5     password_reset = password == password_list[0]
 6     if password_correct:
 7         print('Login success!')
 8     elif password_reset:
 9         new_password = input('Enter a new password:')
10         password_list.append(new_password)
11         print('Your password has changed successfully') 
12         account_login()
13     else:
14         print('Wrong password or invalid input!')
15         account_login()
16 account_login()
17 """
18 Password:123
19 Wrong password or invalid input!
20 Password:*#*#
21 Enter a new password:123
22 Your password has changed successfully
23 Password:123
24 Login success!
25 """
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1 for every_letter in 'Hello world':
2     print(every_letter)
4 for num in range(1,11):
5     print('1 + ' + str(num) + ' =' + str(num+1))
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 1 songslist = ['Holy Diver','Thunderstruck','Rebel Rebel']
 2 for song in songslist:
 3     if song == 'Holy Diver':
 4         print(song,' - Dio')
 5     elif song == 'Thunderstruck':
 6         print(song,' - AC/DC')
 7     elif song == 'Rebel Rebel':
 8         print(song,' - David Bowie')
 9 """
10 Holy Diver  - Dio
11 Thunderstruck  - AC/DC
12 Rebel Rebel  - David Bowie
13 """
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1 for i in range(1,10):
2     for j in range(1,10):
3         print('{} X {} = {}' .format(i,j,i*j))
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1 count = 0 
2 while True:
3     print('Repeat this line!')
4     count = count + 1
5     if count == 5:
6         break
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while和if结合  密码输入三次错误禁止输入

 1 password_list = ['*#*#','12345']
 2 def account_login():
 3     tries=3
 4     while tries > 0:
 5         password = input('Password:')
 6         password_correct = password == password_list[-1]
 7         password_reset = password == password_list[0]
 9         if password_correct:
10             print('Login success!')
11             break
12         elif password_reset:
13             new_password = input('Enter a new password:')
14             password_list.append(new_password)
15             print('Password has changed successfully!')
16             account_login()
17         else:
18             print('Wrong password or invalis input!')
19             tries = tries - 1
20             print(tries,'times left')
21     else:
22         print('Your account has been suspended!')
24 account_login()
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 1 import random
 4 def roll_dice(numbers=3, points=None):
 5     print('<<<<<<ROLL THE DICE!>>>>>')
 6     if points is None:
 7         points = []
 8     while numbers > 0:
 9         point = random.randrange(1, 7)
10         points.append(point)
11         numbers = numbers - 1
12     print(points)
13     return points
16 def roll_result(total):
17     isBig = 11 <= total <= 18
18     isSmall = 3 <= total <= 10
19     if isBig:
20         return 'big'
21     elif isSmall:
22         return 'small'
25 def start_game():
26     print('<<<<<<GAME STARTS>>>>>')
27     choices = ['big', 'small']
29     your_choice = input('you guess big or samll:')
30     if your_choice in choices:
31         points = roll_dice()
32         total = sum(points)
33         you_win = your_choice == roll_result(total)
34         if you_win:
35             print('the points are', points, 'you win')
36         else:
37             print('the points are', points, 'you lose')
38             start_game()
39     else:
40         print('Invalid words')
41         start_game()
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 1 import random
 4 def roll_dice(numbers=3, points=None):
 5     print('<<<<<<ROLL THE DICE!>>>>>')
 6     if points is None:
 7         points = []
 8     while numbers > 0:
 9         point = random.randrange(1, 7)
10         points.append(point)
11         numbers = numbers - 1
12     return points
15 def roll_result(total):
16     isBig = 11 <= total <= 18
17     isSmall = 3 <= total <= 10
18     if isBig:
19         return 'big'
20     elif isSmall:
21         return 'small'
24 def gamble(n=1000, you_win=True):
25     wager = input('please take your wager<=1000:')
26     while n > 0:
27         if you_win:
28             gamble_sum = n + int(wager) * 2
29             print(gamble_sum)
30         else:
31             gamble_sum = n - int(wager) * 2
32             print(gamble_sum)
35 def start_game():
36     gamble_sum = 1000
37     print('<<<<<<GAME STARTS>>>>>')
38     choices = ['big', 'small']
39     while gamble_sum > 0:
40         your_choice = input('you guess big or samll:')
41         wager = input('please take your wager<=1000:')
43         if your_choice in choices:
44             points = roll_dice()
45             total = sum(points)
46             you_win = your_choice == roll_result(total)
47             if you_win:
48                 print('the points are', points, 'you win')
49                 gamble_sum = gamble_sum + int(wager) * 2
50                 print(gamble_sum)
52             else:
53                 print('the points are', points, 'you lose')
54                 gamble_sum = gamble_sum - int(wager) * 2
55                 print(gamble_sum)
57         else:
58             print('Invalid words')
59             start_game()
62 start_game()
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 1 CN_mobile = [134, 135, 135, 137, 138, 139, 150, 151, 157, 158, 159, 182, 183, 184, \
 2              187, 188, 147, 178, 1705]
 3 CN_union = [130, 131, 132, 155, 156, 185, 186, 145, 176, 1709]
 4 CN_telecom = [133, 153, 180, 181, 189, 177, 1700]
 5 phone_number = input('Enter Your number:')
 6 if len(phone_number) < 11:
 7     print('Invalid length,your number should be in 11 digits')
 8 else:
 9     a = int(phone_number[0:3])
10     if a in CN_mobile:
11         print('mobile')
12     elif a in CN_telecom:
13         print('telecom')
14     elif a in CN_union:
15         print('union')
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1 file=open('/Users/Administrator/Desktop/file.txt','w')
2 file.write('hellp world!')
View Code


1 what_he_does=" plays"
2 his_instrument = ' guitar'
3 his_name=' Robert Johnson'
4 artist_intro=his_name+what_he_does+his_instrument
5 print(artist_intro)
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#Robert Johnson plays guitar


1 word = 'a looooong word'
2 num = 12
3 string = 'bang!'
4 total = string * (len(word)-num)
5 print(total)
6 #bang!bang!bang!
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1 word = 'friend'
2 find_the_evil_in_your_friends = word[0] + word[2:4] + word[-3:-1]
3 print(find_the_evil_in_your_friends)
4 #fieen
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1 phone_number = '1386-444-0044'
2 hiding_number = phone_number.replace(phone_number[:9],'*'*9)
3 print(hiding_number)
4 #*********0044
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1 search = '168'
2 num_a = '1386-168-0006'
3 num_b = '1681-222-0006'
4 print(search + ' is at ' + str(num_a.find(search)) + ' to ' + str(num_a.find(search) + len(search)) + ' of num_a')
5 print(search + ' is at ' + str(num_b.find(search)) + ' to ' + str(num_b.find(search) + len(search)) + ' of num_b')
6 """
7 168 is at 5 to 8 of num_a
8 168 is at 0 to 3 of num_b
9 """
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字符串格式化{}   .format()

1 print('{} a word con get what she {} for .' .format('With','came'))
2 print('{prepositon} a word she can get what she {verb} for'.format(prepositon = 'With',verb = 'came'))
3 print('{0} a word she can get what she {1} for.' .format('with','came'))
4 """
5 With a word con get what she came for .
6 With a word she can get what she came for
7 with a word she can get what she came for.
8 """
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1 def fahrenheit_converter(C):
2     fahrenheit = C * 9/5 + 32
3     return str(fahrenheit) + 'F'
4 C2F = fahrenheit_converter(35)
5 print(C2F)
6 #95.0F
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1 c_d = input("请输入C温度值:")
2 f_d = (9 * int(c_d))/5 + 32
3 print(f_d)
4 """
5 请输入C温度值:0
6 32.0
7 """
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1 def text_create(name,msg):
2     desktop_path = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/'
3     full_path = desktop_path + name + '.txt'
4     file = open(full_path,'w')
5     file.write(msg)
6     file.close()
7     print('Done')
8 text_create('hip','我是你爸爸')
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1 def text_filter(word,censored_word = 'lame',changed_word = '*'*3):
2     return word.replace(censored_word,changed_word)
3 text_filter('Python is lame!')
4 #'Python is ***!'
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条件控制if-else  设置用户密码

 1 def account_login():
 2     password = input('Password:')
 3     if password == '12345':
 4         print('Login success!')
 5     else:
 6         print('Wrong password or invalid input!')
 7         account_login()
 8 account_login()
 9 """
10 Wrong password or invalid input!
11 Password:12456
12 Wrong password or invalid input!
13 Password:12345
14 Login success!
15 """
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1 def account_login():
2     password = input('Password:')
3     password_correct = password == '12345'
4     if password_correct:
5         print('Login success!')
6     else:
7         print('Wrong password or invalid input!')
8         account_login()
9 account_login()
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条件控制if-elif-else  重置密码

 1 password_list = ['*#*#','12345']
 2 def account_login():
 3     password = input('Password:')
 4     password_correct = password == password_list[-1]
 5     password_reset = password == password_list[0]
 6     if password_correct:
 7         print('Login success!')
 8     elif password_reset:
 9         new_password = input('Enter a new password:')
10         password_list.append(new_password)
11         print('Your password has changed successfully') 
12         account_login()
13     else:
14         print('Wrong password or invalid input!')
15         account_login()
16 account_login()
17 """
18 Password:123
19 Wrong password or invalid input!
20 Password:*#*#
21 Enter a new password:123
22 Your password has changed successfully
23 Password:123
24 Login success!
25 """
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1 for every_letter in 'Hello world':
2     print(every_letter)
4 for num in range(1,11):
5     print('1 + ' + str(num) + ' =' + str(num+1))
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 1 songslist = ['Holy Diver','Thunderstruck','Rebel Rebel']
 2 for song in songslist:
 3     if song == 'Holy Diver':
 4         print(song,' - Dio')
 5     elif song == 'Thunderstruck':
 6         print(song,' - AC/DC')
 7     elif song == 'Rebel Rebel':
 8         print(song,' - David Bowie')
 9 """
10 Holy Diver  - Dio
11 Thunderstruck  - AC/DC
12 Rebel Rebel  - David Bowie
13 """
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1 for i in range(1,10):
2     for j in range(1,10):
3         print('{} X {} = {}' .format(i,j,i*j))
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1 count = 0 
2 while True:
3     print('Repeat this line!')
4     count = count + 1
5     if count == 5:
6         break
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while和if结合  密码输入三次错误禁止输入

 1 password_list = ['*#*#','12345']
 2 def account_login():
 3     tries=3
 4     while tries > 0:
 5         password = input('Password:')
 6         password_correct = password == password_list[-1]
 7         password_reset = password == password_list[0]
 9         if password_correct:
10             print('Login success!')
11             break
12         elif password_reset:
13             new_password = input('Enter a new password:')
14             password_list.append(new_password)
15             print('Password has changed successfully!')
16             account_login()
17         else:
18             print('Wrong password or invalis input!')
19             tries = tries - 1
20             print(tries,'times left')
21     else:
22         print('Your account has been suspended!')
24 account_login()
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1 file_path = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/'
2 for i in range(1,10):
3     f = open(file_path + str(i) + '.txt','w')
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1 for i in range(1,100):
2     if i % 2 == 0:
3         print(i)
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 1 import random
 4 def roll_dice(numbers=3, points=None):
 5     print('<<<<<<ROLL THE DICE!>>>>>')
 6     if points is None:
 7         points = []
 8     while numbers > 0:
 9         point = random.randrange(1, 7)
10         points.append(point)
11         numbers = numbers - 1
12     print(points)
13     return points
16 def roll_result(total):
17     isBig = 11 <= total <= 18
18     isSmall = 3 <= total <= 10
19     if isBig:
20         return 'big'
21     elif isSmall:
22         return 'small'
25 def start_game():
26     print('<<<<<<GAME STARTS>>>>>')
27     choices = ['big', 'small']
29     your_choice = input('you guess big or samll:')
30     if your_choice in choices:
31         points = roll_dice()
32         total = sum(points)
33         you_win = your_choice == roll_result(total)
34         if you_win:
35             print('the points are', points, 'you win')
36         else:
37             print('the points are', points, 'you lose')
38             start_game()
39     else:
40         print('Invalid words')
41         start_game()
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 1 import random
 4 def roll_dice(numbers=3, points=None):
 5     print('<<<<<<ROLL THE DICE!>>>>>')
 6     if points is None:
 7         points = []
 8     while numbers > 0:
 9         point = random.randrange(1, 7)
10         points.append(point)
11         numbers = numbers - 1
12     return points
15 def roll_result(total):
16     isBig = 11 <= total <= 18
17     isSmall = 3 <= total <= 10
18     if isBig:
19         return 'big'
20     elif isSmall:
21         return 'small'
24 def gamble(n=1000, you_win=True):
25     wager = input('please take your wager<=1000:')
26     while n > 0:
27         if you_win:
28             gamble_sum = n + int(wager) * 2
29             print(gamble_sum)
30         else:
31             gamble_sum = n - int(wager) * 2
32             print(gamble_sum)
35 def start_game():
36     gamble_sum = 1000
37     print('<<<<<<GAME STARTS>>>>>')
38     choices = ['big', 'small']
39     while gamble_sum > 0:
40         your_choice = input('you guess big or samll:')
41         wager = input('please take your wager<=1000:')
43         if your_choice in choices:
44             points = roll_dice()
45             total = sum(points)
46             you_win = your_choice == roll_result(total)
47             if you_win:
48                 print('the points are', points, 'you win')
49                 gamble_sum = gamble_sum + int(wager) * 2
50                 print(gamble_sum)
52             else:
53                 print('the points are', points, 'you lose')
54                 gamble_sum = gamble_sum - int(wager) * 2
55                 print(gamble_sum)
57         else:
58             print('Invalid words')
59             start_game()
62 start_game()
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 1 CN_mobile = [134, 135, 135, 137, 138, 139, 150, 151, 157, 158, 159, 182, 183, 184, \
 2              187, 188, 147, 178, 1705]
 3 CN_union = [130, 131, 132, 155, 156, 185, 186, 145, 176, 1709]
 4 CN_telecom = [133, 153, 180, 181, 189, 177, 1700]
 5 phone_number = input('Enter Your number:')
 6 if len(phone_number) < 11:
 7     print('Invalid length,your number should be in 11 digits')
 8 else:
 9     a = int(phone_number[0:3])
10     if a in CN_mobile:
11         print('mobile')
12     elif a in CN_telecom:
13         print('telecom')
14     elif a in CN_union:
15         print('union')
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2.列表中的元素是有序的,也就是说每 一个元素都有一个位置;



字典(Dictionary)  key-value












1 num_list = [6,24,2,2,4,3]
2 print(sorted(num_list))
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1 num_list = [6,24,2,2,4,3]
2 print(sorted(num_list,reverse=True))
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1 num=[1,2,3,4]
2 str=['1','2','3','4']
3 for a,b in zip(num,str):
4     print(b,'is',a)
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1 a = []
2 for i in range(1,11):
3     a.append(i)
4 print(a)
View Code
1 b = [i for i in range(1,11)]
2 print(b)
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列表推导式对比  list = [item for item in iterable]

 1 import time
 3 a = []
 4 t0 = time.clock()
 5 for i in range(1,20000):
 6     a.append(i)
 7 print(time.clock()-t0,"seconds process time")
 9 t0 = time.clock()
10 b = [i for i in range(1,20000)]
11 print(time.clock() - t0,"seconds process time")
12 """
13 0.008940021162717623 seconds process time
14 0.002357347740790874 seconds process time
15 """
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 1 a = [i**2 for i in range(1,10)]
 2 c = [j+1 for j in range(1,10)]
 3 k = [n for n in range(1,10) if n %2 == 0] 
 4 z = [letter.lower() for letter in 'ABCDEFGHIGKLMN']
 5 d = {i:i+1 for i in range(4)}
 6 g = {i:j for i,j in zip(range(1,6),'abcde')}
 7 m = {i:j.upper() for i,j in zip(range(1,6),'abcde')}
 8 print(a)
 9 print(c)
10 print(k)
11 print(z)
12 print(d)
13 print(g)
14 print(m)
15 """
16 [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
17 [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
18 [2, 4, 6, 8]
19 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'g', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n']
20 {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4}
21 {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd', 5: 'e'}
22 {1: 'A', 2: 'B', 3: 'C', 4: 'D', 5: 'E'}
23 """
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循环列表时获取元素的索引  enumerate

 1 letters = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g']
 2 for num,letter in enumerate(letters):
 3     print(letter,'is',num+1)
 4 """
 5 a is 1
 6 b is 2
 7 c is 3
 8 d is 4
 9 e is 5
10 f is 6
11 g is 7
12 """
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字符串分开 .split()

1 lyric = 'the night begin to shine,the night begin to shine'
2 words = lyric.split()
3 print(words)
4 """
5 ['the', 'night', 'begin', 'to', 'shine,the', 'night', 'begin', 'to', 'shine']
6 """
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 1 import string
 3 path = '/Users/Administer/Desktop/Walden.txt'
 5 with open(path,'r') as text:
 6     words = [raw_word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for raw_word in text.read().split()]
 7     words_index = set(words)
 8     conuts_dict = {index:words.count(index) for index in words_index}
 9 for word in sorted(counts_dict,key=lambda x:counts_dict[x],reverse=True):
10     print('{} -- {} times'.format(word,counts_dict[word]))
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1 class Cocacola:
2     formula = ['caffeine','sugar','water','soda']
3 coke_for_China = Cocacola()
4 coke_for_China.local_logo = '可口可乐'  #创建实例属性
6 print(coke_for_China.local_logo)   #打印实例属性引用结果
7 #可口可乐
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1 class Cocacola:
2     formula = ['caffeine','sugar','water','soda']
3     def drink(self):
4         print('Energy!')
5 coke = Cocacola()
6 coke.drink()
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 1 class Cocacola:
 2     formula = ['caffeine','sugar','water','soda']
 3     def drink(self,how_much):
 4         if how_much == 'a sip':
 5             print('cool--')
 6         elif how_much == 'whole bottle':
 7             print('headache')
 9 ice_coke = Cocacola()
10 ice_coke.drink('a sip')
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1 class Cocacola:
2     formula = ['caffeine','sugar','water','soda']
3     def __init__(self):
4         self.local_logo = '可口可乐'
5     def drink(self):
6         print('Energy')
7 coke = Cocacola()
8 print(coke.local_logo)
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1 class Cocacola:
2     formula = ['caffeine','sugar','water','soda']
3     def __init__(self):
4         for element in self.formula:
5             print('Coke has {}'.format(element))
6     def drink(self):
7         print('Energy')
8 coke = Cocacola()
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1 class Cocacola:
2     formula = ['caffeine','sugar','water','soda']
3     def __init__(self,logo_name):
4         self.local_logo = logo_name
5     def drink(self):
6         print('Energy')
7 coke = Cocacola('可口可乐')
8 coke.local_logo
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 1 class CocaCola:
 2     calories = 140
 3     sodium = 45
 4     total_carb = 39
 5     caffeine =34
 6     caffeine = 34
 7     ingredients = [
 8         'High fructose Corn Syrup',
 9         'Carbonated Water',
10         'Phosphoric Acid',
11         'Natural Flavors',
12         'Caramel Color',
13         'Caffeine'
14     ]
15     def __init__(self,logo_name):
16         self.local_logo = logo_name
17     def drink(self):
18         print('You got {} cal energy!'.format(self.calories))
20 class CaffeineFree(CocaCola):
21     caffeine = 0
22     ingredients = [
23         'High fructose Corn Syrup',
24         'Carbonated Water',
25         'Phosphoric Acid',
26         'Natural Flavors',
27         'Caramel Color',
28     ]
29 coke_a = CaffeineFree('Cocacola-FREE')
31 coke_a.drink()
33 #You got 140 cal energy!
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 父类子类  起名

 1 ln_path = '/Users/Administrator/Desktop/last_name.txt'  # 名文件
 2 fn_path = '/Users/Administrator/Desktop/first_name.txt'  # 姓文件
 4 fn = []
 5 ln1 = []  # 单字名
 6 ln2 = []  # 双字名
 8 with open(fn_path, 'r') as f:  # 打开姓的文本
 9     for line in f.readlines():  # 读取文本的每行
10         fn.append(line.split('\n')[0])
11 print(fn)
12 with open(ln_path, 'r') as f:  # 打开名的文本
13     for line in f.readlines():
14         if len(line.split('\n')[0]) == 1:  # 单名
15             ln1.append(line.split('\n')[0])
16         else:  # 双名多名
17             ln2.append(line.split('\n')[0])
18 print(ln1)
19 print('=' * 70)  # 分割线
20 print(ln2)
22 import random
25 class FakeUser:
26     def fake_name(self, amount=1, one_word=False, two_words=False):
27         n = 0
28         while n <= amount:
29             if one_word:
30                 full_name = random.choice(fn) + random.choice(ln1)
31             elif two_words:
32                 full_name = random.choice(fn) + random.choice(ln2)
33             else:
34                 full_name = random.choice(fn) + random.choice(ln1 + ln2)
35             yield (full_name)
36             n += 1
38     def fake_gender(self, amount=1):
39         n = 0
40         while n <= amount:
41             gender = random.choice(['', '', '未知'])
42             yield gender
43             n += 1
46 class SnsUser(FakeUser):
47     def get_followers(self, amount=1, few=True, a_lot=False):
48         n = 0
49         while n <= amount:
50             if few:
51                 followers = random.randrange(1, 50)
52             elif a_lot:
53                 followers = random.randrange(200, 10000)
54             yield followers
55             n += 1
58 user_a = FakeUser()
59 user_b = SnsUser()
60 for name in user_a.fake_name(30):
61     print(name)
62 for gender in user_b.get_followers(30):
63     print(gender)
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posted @ 2018-09-12 19:04  皈依Py  阅读(1266)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报