

1.phoenix bios

2.intel motherboard

3.intel pci ide controller

4.ide cd-rom drive

5.buslogic or lsi logic parallel scsi controller

6.amd or intel cpu,depending upon the physical hardware

7.intel e1000 or amd pcnet nic

8.standard vga video adapter



1.processors:between one and 32 processors with vsphere virtual smp(the number of processors depends on your vsphere licenses);

2.memory:maximum of 1 tb of ram;

3.scsi adapter;maximum of four scsi adapters with 15 devices peradapter for a total of 60 scsi devices per vm;

4.network adapter;maximum of 10 network adapters;

5.parallel port;maximum of three parallel ports;

6.serial port;maximum of four serial ports;

7.cd/dvd;maximum of four cd/dvd drives(up to four ide devices pervm,in any combination of cd/dvd drives or ide hard drives);

8.floppy drive;maximum of two floppy disk drives on a single floppy disk controller;

9.a single usb controller with up to 20 usb devices connected;

10.keyboard,vide card,and mouse


thick provision lazy zeroed(厚提供延迟置零),in this format,the size of the vdmk file on the datastore is the size of the virtual disk that you create,but within the file,it is not "prezeroed".for example,if you create a 500gb virtual disk and place 100gb of data in it,the vmdk will appear to be 500gb at the datastore file system,but it contains only 100gb of data on disk.as i/o ocurs in the guest,the vmkernel zeroes out the space needed right before the guest i/o is committed,but the space needed right before the guest i/o is committed,but the vdmk file size does not grow(since it was already 500gb).(创建硬盘大小和实际的相同,硬盘文件系统占500g空间,其他vm不能使用,剩余的空间只有写入数据时候才开始被置为0,影响硬盘写入速度)


thick provision eager zeroed(厚提供提前置零),in this format,the size of the vdmk file on the datastore is the size of the virutal disk that you create,and within the file,it is prezeroed.for example,if you create a 500gb virtual disk and place 100gb of data in it,the vmdk will appear to be 500gb at the datastore file system,and it contains 100gb of data and 400gb of zeros on disk.as i/o occurs in the guest,the vmkernel does not need to zero the blocks prior to the i/o occurring.this results in improved i/o latency and less back-end storage i/o operations during inital i/o operations to "new" allocations in te gest os,but it results in significantly more back-end storage i/o operaton up front during the creation of the vm.(创建硬盘文件系统大小和实际硬盘大小相同,其他vm不能使用,将使用后剩余磁盘的空间提前置为零,再写入数据时候不需要提前做i/o置零处理,提高了i/o的延迟,创建硬盘时比较花费时间)


thin provision(瘦提供),in this frmat,the size of the vdmk file on the datastore is only however much is used within the vm itself (figure6.45).for example,if you create a 500gb virtual disk and place 100gb of data in it,the vmdk file will be 100gb in size.as i/o occurs in the guest,the vmkernel zeroes out the space needed right before the guest i/o is committed and grows the vmdk file similarly.sometimes,this is referred to as a "sparse file."(虽然创建500gb硬盘大小,用多少占多少空间.最节约空间,写入也需要提前置零,有i/o延迟)









