debian11 bspwm+polybar问题记录(siji字体无法正常显示)
Bitmap Fonts Some icon fonts are bitmap fonts, which may be disabled in your distro (e.g. Debian-based distros). On Debian-based systems, bitmap fonts can be enabled by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config And enabling bitmap fonts in the dialog. If that doesn't work or on other distros by deleting the file /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf and running fc-cache afterwards to reload the font cache.
Successfully installed siji.pcf -> /home/mydebian/.local/share/fonts Add the following snippet in your custom startup script that gets executed during xlogin: xset +fp /home/mydebian/.local/share/fonts xset fp rehash If it already exists then you can skip this step.