摘要:Introduction This document is for ASP.NET MVC and Web API. If you're interested in ASP.NET Core, see ASP.NET Core documentation. This document is for
摘要:Introduction Most SaaS (multi-tenant) applications have editions (packages) those have different features. Thus, they can provide different price and
摘要:In C#, a class can define own events and other classes can register it to be notified when something happen. This is useful for a desktop application
摘要:Introduction ASP.NET Boilerplate provides an easy way of using embedded Razor views (.cshtml files) and other resources (css, js, img... files) in you
摘要:Introduction Email sending is a pretty common task for almost every application. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a basic infrastructure to simply send em
摘要:Introduction While our default templates designed to work with SQL Server, you can easily modify them to work with MySql. In order to do that, you nee
摘要:Building Dynamic Web API Controllers This document is for ASP.NET Web API. If you're interested in ASP.NET Core, see ASP.NET Core documentation. This
摘要:Introduction Domain Services (or just Service, in DDD) is used to perform domain operations and business rules. Eric Evans describes a good Service in
摘要:Articles & Tutorials Introduction & Step by Step With ASP.NET Core & Entity Framework Core. With ASP.NET MVC, Web API, EntityFramework & AngularJs. Ad
摘要:What is Dependency Injection If you already know Dependency Injection concept, Constructor and Property Injection patterns, you can skip to the next s
摘要:While it's not generally needed, you may want to step into ABP's source code while you debugging your project. All official ASP.NET Boilerplate nuget
摘要:Data Transfer Objects are used to transfer data between Application Layer and Presentation Layer. 数据传输对象用于在应用层和表示层之间传输数据。 Presentation Layer calls to
摘要:Introduction It's common to use the soft-delete pattern which is used to not delete an entity from database but only mark it as 'deleted'. So, if an e