摘要:2013-6-81. To ensure its sustained progress in economy, the government has _______ a series of policies.A. editedB. issuedC. deliveredD. shed做题的步骤,看懂句子,根据猜的词义选择为了确保经济持续的进步,政府颁布了一系列的政策issuea new policy/an order/another novel发布;发行the May ~ of the magazine(出版物)一期the ~ of how to provide adequate child c
摘要:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e66af46010195w9.html71. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t ____ so much noise.A. resistB. sustainC. tolerateD. undergoEndure//Tolerate//Bear// Withstand// Put up with bad temper/harsh weather忍受She cliams that she can not endure my bad temper and t
摘要:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e66af4601016udh.htmlProtecting the weakest保护最弱势群体The recession may hurt America’s vulnerable children经济危机可能会危害美国弱小的儿童OVER the past few years,a growing number ofAmerica’s parentless children have found homes. In 2008 there were 463,000 children in foster care, a system
摘要:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e66af46010170ma.htmlAmerica's European moment美国的欧洲时刻The troubling similarities between the fiscal mismanagement in Washington and the mess in the euro zone华盛顿的财政处置失当与欧元区的混乱不堪有着令人不安的相似之处FOR the past three years America's leaders have looked on Europe's mana
摘要:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e66af4601016pkh.htmlWhy hasn’t doubt over poisoning subsided?公众对于朱令中毒案的怀疑为何不能平息?Yesterday, the Beijing policerespondedto public questionsregardingthe thallium poisoning of Zhu Ling, pointing out that they first received the report in May of 1995 - five months after th
摘要:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e66af4601016n7m.html(1)短语动词turn upthe radio/music开大He hasn’t turned up yet. //at the party出现,露面turn downthe music关小~ his application for the job.//his demand拒绝turn outto be wrong证明是~ the new model cars生产turn/hand overthe company to me转交,移交turn tothe teacher求助于If you a
摘要:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e66af4601015z0n.htmlBird flu cases test government transparency禽流感疫情考验政府的透明度According to China's healthauthorities, two Shanghai men have died from H7N9 bird flu and one woman from Anhui Province and another four from Jiangsu Province have also beenconfirmedto bei
摘要:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e66af4601015qmk.htmlUS controls threaten Internet freedom美国对互联网的控制威胁着网络自由Source: Global TimesIllustration: Liu Rui插图To control the world by controlling the Internet has been adominantstrategy of the US.Fromthe networkinfrastructureprotection of the Clinton eratothe ne
摘要:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e66af4601015fxi.html中国电子商务蓄势待发Chinese e-commerce中国电子商务Pity the parcel people快递员有的忙了词汇解析Commerce商业,商务----commercial n商业广告BRCR Beijing rural and commercial bank北京农村商业银行ICBC Industrial and commercial bank of China中国工商银行Eg we are putting a series of prime-time commercial.