

马婕 2014MBA专硕考试 词汇每日一练(转)


1. To ensure its sustained progress in economy, the government has _______ a series of policies.

   A. edited                 B. issued                            C. delivered                 D. shed



issue a new policy/an order/another novel                               发布;发行

          the May ~ of the magazine                                  (出版物)一期

the ~ of how to provide adequate child care/the economic ~               问题

          hot issue                                           热点问题

deliver newspaper/mails                                                    投递

~ a lecture                                                  发表(讲话)

Deliver goods to door                                       送货上门

~ a baby boy                                                      分娩

Our company offer the service to deliver the goods to door  delivery 交货

The service to deliver the goods to door is offered.

Shed 流淌 shed tears /blood 流泪流血

          Shed leaves/hairs 脱落

2. He has never worried about his properties because he has ______ them against disasters and theft.

   A. assured               B. ensured                    C. insured                     D. secure


assure you of the reliability / you that the news are reliable             保证;使放心

ensure one’s safety/ success/ the supply of the necessities                         确保

insure one’s property against fire                                            保险

secure the coast areas from the food                                        使安全

feel ~ with you beside me                                          安全的

I assure you that I will never be late again.

Ensure arrival on time//recovery   确保准时到达

3. The terrorists kidnapped the director of the company and demanded a large sum of money for his _______.

   A. liberty                 B. exemption                 C. relaxation                 D. release


release news/ energy/ suspect /criminal                                       释放,发布

relieve pressure/ pain                                               减轻,缓解

reveal a secrecy/ mystery/the end of a story                                        揭示

Studies ~ that …                                                    显示

Exempt V 豁免,免除 exempt sb from the punishment/military services



4. In November 1987 the government _____ a public debate on the future direction of the official sports policy.

A. initiated            B. induced                   C. designated                      D. provoked


The initial cost 起初成本

Initiate=launch =start  a reform/ a compaign /trade with China  发起,启动

Induce 引诱,诱导  induce sb to make a mistake

      引起         induce sleepines

Designate V   =appoint =assign  任命,指派 校长指派我给大家讲课

             ==mark   标明,标记 designate the boundary

Provoke   1 激怒  provoke one’s anger

          2 煽动  挑逗   provoke a strike // a riot 暴乱

5. It is fortunate for the old couple that their son's career goals and their wishes for him _____.

A. coincide            B. conform                  C. comply                    D. collaborate


Coincidence 巧合 coincide 恰巧一致

Conform 使一致   使符合  conform their research to the economic needs



Conform to the the rules==abide by ==comply with

Confirm 1 确认房间            confirm  a reservation                 

         2 证实              Confirm the news/my suspicion           

Collaborate =cooperate 合作



6. A product is to be regarded as being _______ when introduced into the another country at less than its normal value

  A. discharged            B. discarded                  C. devalued                   D. dumped

Dump 倾销

Discharge the waste 排放 放电

Discard the flower in the garbage

Devalue 贬值 在经济危机期间,一个国家的货币会贬值。你最近的股票不成样子了


7. Retirement is obviously a very complex _____ period; and the earlier you start planning for it, the better.

A. transformation      B. transaction               C. transmission            D. transition


transfer sb. to another position                                               调动

~ the luggage to another car                                            转移


transmit disease/signal                                                       传播,传送

transact business over phone //                 a confidential transaction      交易

Transport the goods

Transform the house into an office/the society/our daily life                     改变,变成

Transplant the kidney from one twin to another

Transparent window


Transition 交替,过度          the transition of the season



7. Retirement is obviously a very complex _____ period; and the earlier you start planning for it, the better.

A. transformation      B. transaction               C. transmission            D. transition




transfer sb. to another position                                               调动

~ the luggage to another car                                            转移


transmit disease/signal                                                       传播,传送

transact business over phone //                 a confidential transaction      交易

Transport the goods

Transform the house into an office/the society/our daily life                     改变,变成

Transplant the kidney from one twin to another

Transparent window


8. After his recovery from illness, he is determined to _______ what he had been doing to attain the goal.

  A. assume                 B. consume                  C. presume                   D. resume

resume what we were doing/ the lost territory/our spirit       

 assume what you said to be true                                                  假定

presume  that you are wrong                                假设

consume fuel                                         消费,消耗

~ potatoes                                 吃掉





9. Mutual respect for territorial _____is one of the bases upon which our two countries develop relationships.


A. unity                    B. entirety                    C. integrity       D. unification






Mutual respect/understanding/benefit         相互的


Neutral   hold a neutral position 中立的


Integrate         1 使一体化  integrate the plan 整合计划


                2 融合     integrate the children into the society 融入社会


Integration 融合,一体化


Integrity   完整   territorial integrity


      正直   a man of integrity


Unity of color 色彩和谐


Entirety 整个


Unification 统一 the unification of the christian churches



posted on 2013-09-26 13:57  斗哥哥  阅读(594)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报