

马婕 2014年MBA,mpacc备考 报刊宣读2 美国对互联网的控制威胁着网络自由(转)


US controls threaten Internet freedom


Source: Global Times

Illustration: Liu Rui   插图

To control the world by controlling the Internet has been a dominant strategy of the US. From the networkinfrastructure protection of the Clinton era to the network anti-terrorism of the Bush era and to the "networkdeterrence" of the Obama era, the national information security strategy of the US has evolved from a preventative strategy to a preemptive one.


介词的用法: by   at   on   under  across   through    throughout  above/below    under/over with     about    for/against    within/beyond

Dominant  He has authority, but he doesn’t want to dominate others. 支配,统治

           Peace is the dominant theme of the conference.首要的,主导的

Infrastructure  基础设施

Terrorism 恐怖主义

Deterence 制止,妨碍物  deterrent adj 

政治用语  deterrence strategy 威慑战略  deterrence theory 威慑论

Preemptive  有先买权的,抢先的

Meanwhile, the methodology has moved from trying to control Internet hardware to control of Internet content. Theultimate goal is for the US to hold the ability to open and shut parts of the Internetat will. In 1993, the Clinton administration proposed to build up "the national information infrastructure" and listed six possible enemies who might attack US key network infrastructure, including sovereign states, economic competitors, as well as all kinds of criminals, hackers, terrorists and insiders. It was a defensive strategy.





Content 内容---contents 目录

be content to do sth  做某事满足


Will  n 遗嘱

        意愿-----willing  adj  be willing to do sth 愿意做某事

Build up 建立,逐步增长  加强

e. g. The movie company has done so much to build up its honor and properity


State  n 状态  In a state of panic 恐慌状态

         国家  The heavy industry was controlled by the state

             The United States

V 陈述,声明------n statement 陈述

Insider  知道内情的人,业内人士  outsider 局外人

After the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration officially upgraded Internet security to the strategic height of national security. Anti-terrorism was the theme of Internet security during the Bush era. In 2004, the US cut off the ".ly" domain name by using the root server, resulting in Libya's disappearance in Internet for three days. It generatedworldwide criticism of the US hegemony on the Internet and concerns over Internet security. In 2009, according to the network security assessment announced by Obama, the threat to the Internet had become one of the most serious economic and military threats that the US was confronted with.



Official 官方的,正式的,official sponsor 官方赞助商,official statistics 官方统计数据

Security  securitycheck 安检  security and Exchange Commission 证券交易委员会

Theme 主题


Generous contribution/help              

posted on 2013-09-26 13:41  斗哥哥  阅读(335)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报