SqlServer 实现CTE(递归)查询


--SqlServer 2005 CTE

with cte (deptid,dptname,parentid) as (

select a.deptid,a.dptname,a.parentid from base_dept a where a.deptid = 2
union all

select a.deptid,a.dptname,a.parentid from base_dept a, cte where a.parentid = cte.deptid

select deptid,dptname,parentid from cte order by dptname;



with cte (deptid,dptname,parentid) as (
select a.deptid,a.dptname,a.parentid from base_dept a where a.deptid = 2
union all
select a.deptid,a.dptname,a.parentid from base_dept a, cte where a.parentid = cte.deptid
select a.cdeptid,a.cdeptparentid,count(a.cid) as ccount
from base_excute_compel a,cte
where a.CompelTime >= '2010-01-01'
and a.CompelTime <= '2013-01-01'
and a.cdeptid in (cte.deptid)
group by a.cdeptid,a.cdeptparentid

posted @ 2012-08-24 11:21  SmartBooks  阅读(1992)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报