第七篇 -- 学习第六天打卡20190618





escape [ɪ'skeɪp] v.逃避,避免 n.逃跑,逃亡
    例:In the globalised world, it is hard for one country to escape from the effects of America's export policy.
    商:escape clause 例外条款;免除条款
    搭:escape one's notice 没注意到/narrow escape死里逃生;侥幸逃走/escape route 逃跑路线
resolve [rɪ'zɒlv] vt.解决,解答;决定,决意;分解 n.决定,决意;
    例:It needs the joint efforts of all the countries to resolve the economic crisis.
    搭:resolve to do sth.下定决心做某事/resolve on/upon sth.决定做某事/resolve into sth./sth. into(使...)分解成
    派:resolved adj.下定决心的,坚定的
branding stretching 品牌扩张
    例:Brand stretching means using an established brand name for products in other unrelated market.
disaster [dɪ'zɑːstə(r)] n.灾难,灾祸;不幸
    例:We covered the goods against natural disaster under the request of our customer.
    商:financial disaster 严重的财政危机
    搭:recipe for disaster 造成灾难的原因/disaster area 灾区
    派:disastrous adj.灾难性的;悲惨的
bond [bɒnd] n.联结,联系;黏合剂;公债,债券;契约,合同 v.(使)黏合,(使)结合
    例:The economic development mode of a country is closely bonded with its natural resources.
    商:bond market 证券市场/bond maturity 债券到期日/National Savings Bonds 国家储蓄债券/bonded goods 保税货物/bonded warehouse保税仓库
    搭:bond A and B together 把A和B紧密联系在一起/bond with sb. 和某人拉关系
    派:bondage n.奴役;束缚
panel ['pænl] n.面板,仪表盘;专门小组;全体陪审员 vt.镶嵌
    搭:on the panel 接受健康保险医疗;在受审中/control panel 控制面板
recruit [rɪ'kru:t] v.招募(新兵);吸收(新成员);补充 n.新兵;新成员
    例:The company is recruiting new employees who are good at computer programming.
    搭:raw recruit 生手
    派:recruiter n.招聘人员/recruitment n.招收(新成员)(例:recruitment programme 纳新计划)
prominence ['prɒmɪnəns] n.重要;突出,卓越
    例:The US has been known for its prominence in high-tech since the Second World War.
    搭:rise to prominence 出名/achieve prominence 享有名气
    派:prominent adj.重要的;杰出的;显著的,突出的(例:a prominent leader 杰出的领袖)
vacate [və'keɪt] vt.空出,腾出;辞(职);让(位)
    例:Nobody has taken over the position vacated by John.
insight ['ɪnsaɪt] n.洞察力;洞悉
    例:He makes use of his keen insight into international political relations to achieve his economic purpose.
    派:insightful adj.有深刻了解的;富有洞察力的


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