第五篇 -- 学习第四天打卡20190616





pop [pɔp] n.流行音乐;汽水;砰的一声 abbr.(=post office protocol)邮局协议 adj.流行的 adv.突然地 vt.(突然地)提出问题 vi.(突然地)出现
    例:The writers usually jot down any fresh ideas that pop into their heads, otherwise they will not remember them later.
    搭:pop music 流行音乐/pop art 通俗艺术,大众艺术
bank book 银行存折
    商:update a bank book 更新银行存折/cash and bank book 现金和银行存折
compensate ['kɔmpenseit] v.补偿,赔偿
    例:The central government is attempting to compensate for the farmers' economic losses to ease theirfinancial difficulties.
    搭:compensate for 赔偿;抵消
    派:compensatory adj.补偿性的(例:compensatory payment 补偿金)/compensation n.补偿,赔偿;酬金(例:compensation claim 索赔/in compensation for 以...为报酬)
CAD (=cash against documents)凭单付现
    例:CAD is payment term that is favourable to exporters.
wind up 终止,结束;停止营业
    例:He was forced to wind up the company because the goods were unsalable and overstocked.
    搭:wind up in 以...结束;停止营业

comparison [kəm'pærisn] n.比较,对照
    例:There is no comparison between traditional manual workshops and mofern factories.
    搭:in comparison with 与...比较起来/by comparison 通过比较/beyond comparison 无可比拟的/comparison between A and B A与B之间的比较
client ['klaiənt] n.委托人,当事人;顾客
    例:Our client groups are quite loyal to our products.
    商:client statement 客户结单/client base 客户群/client management 客户管理
freeze [fri:z] n./v.冻结,凝固
    例:He was proved to be involved in illegal trade and his account was frozen.
    商:wage freeze工资冻结/price freeze 物价冻结
    派:freezing adj.严寒的;极冷的(例:freezing point 冰点)
afoul [ə'faul] adj./adv. 冲撞着(的);纠缠着(的)
    例: All the company policies should not run afoul of government regulations.
    搭:run afoul of 与...纠缠;同...发生冲突
protection [prə'tekʃn] n.保护;保护物;(列入保险契约的)保险范围;保护贸易制度(或政策、理论)
    例:The insurance policy can offer protection against accidental harm.
    商:consumer protection law 消费者保护法/trade protection 贸易保护
    搭:under the protection of 在...的保护下
    派:protectionism n.贸易保护主义,贸易保护政策/protectionist n.贸易保护主义者


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