golang + snap7 对西门子plc进行读写
- golang发布的都是二进制文件,体积小部署方便,运行效率也高,不需要经过中间的运行时
- 都是基于snap7的,不深度的使用问题不大,C#、Java的封装肯定会更加成熟一些
- 二进制包可以有效的预防各种剽窃行为
- 垮平台,windows、linux 都可以部署
以下均使用golang snap7 开源库
1. 连接
const (
tcpDevice = ""
rack = 0
slot = 1
// TCPClient
handler := gos7.NewTCPClientHandler(tcpDevice, rack, slot)
Type | Dir. | ||
Address | String | In | PLC 的 IP(V4) 地址 ex. “” |
Rack | String | In | PLC 机架,默认为0 |
Slot | String | In | PLC 节点(见下文) |
Rack && Slot
In addition to the IP Address, that we all understand, there are two other parameters that index the unit : Rack (0..7) and Slot (1..31) that you find into the hardware configuration of your project, for a physical component, or into the Station Configuration manager for WinAC.
在博图软件中,查看 设备组态,如下图所示分别代表了rack 和 slot
2. 读写
func main() {
const (
tcpDevice = ""
rack = 0
slot = 1
// TCPClient
fmt.Printf("connect to %v", tcpDevice)
handler := gos7.NewTCPClientHandler(tcpDevice, rack, slot)
handler.Timeout = 200 * time.Second
handler.IdleTimeout = 200 * time.Second
handler.Logger = log.New(os.Stdout, "tcp: ", log.LstdFlags)
// 创建连接,可以基于这个新建多个会话(client)
err := handler.Connect()
defer handler.Close()
// 新建一个会话
client := gos7.NewClient(handler)
address := 100
start := 0
size := 4
buffer := make([]byte, 255)
value := float32(3) // 写入的数据
// 向DB中写入数据
var helper gos7.Helper
helper.SetValueAt(buffer, 0, value)
err = client.AGWriteDB(address, start, size, buffer)
fmt.Printf("write to db%v start:%v size:%v value:%v", address, start, size, value)
// 从DB中读取数据
buf := make([]byte, 255)
err = client.AGReadDB(address, start, size, buf)
var s7 gos7.Helper
var result float32 // 结果
s7.GetValueAt(buf, 0, &result)
fmt.Printf("read value:%v from db%v start:%v size:%v ", result, address, start, size)
for {
2.1. 对bool类型的数据进行读写
dbNumber := 100
address := 10
offsetPosition := 1
dataSize := 1
buffer := make([]byte, 255)
## 读
err = client.AGReadDB(dbNumber, int(address), dataSize, buffer)
var s7 gos7.Helper
fieldValue := s7.GetBoolAt(buf[0], uint(offsetPosition))
## 写
fieldNewValue := !fieldValue
var helper gos7.Helper
helper.SetValueAt(buffer, offsetPosition, fieldNewValue)
err := client.AGWriteDB(dbNumber, address, dataSize, buffer)
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