
  1 USE [Test]
  2 GO
  3 /****** Object:  Trigger [dbo].[DBpoitem_mstIup]    Script Date: 2017/6/1 9:35:41 ******/
  5 GO
  7 GO
  9 ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[DBpoitem_mstIup]
 10 ON [dbo].[poitem_mst]
 12 AS
 13 DECLARE @Site SiteType
 14 , @InsertFlag TINYINT
 15 , @ActionExpression NVARCHAR(60)
 17    @InsertFlag = CASE
 18                     WHEN EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM deleted ) THEN 0
 19                     ELSE 1
 20                  END
 22 DECLARE @UserName LongListType
 23 SET @UserName = dbo.UserNameSp()
 26   @Severity INT
 27 , @Infobar InfobarType
 28 , @BypassPoitemTrg ListYesNoType
 29 , @ESBSupplierBalanceFlag ListYesNoType
 31 SET @Severity = 0
 34    @poitemRowPointer RowPointerType
 35  , @PoNum            PoNumType
 36  , @PoVendNum        VendNumType
 37  , @PoLine           PoLineType
 38  , @PoRelease        PoReleaseType
 39  , @oldPoitemStat    PoitemStatType
 40  , @newPoitemStat    PoitemStatType
 41  , @oldDueDate       DateType
 42  , @newDueDate       DateType
 43  , @oldPromiseDate   DateType
 44  , @newPromiseDate   DateType
 45  , @oldReleaseDate   DateType
 46  , @newReleaseDate   DateType
 47  , @oldItem          ItemType
 48  , @newItem          ItemType
 49  , @oldVendItem      VendItemType
 50  , @newVendItem      VendItemType
 51  , @oldDescription   DescriptionType
 52  , @newDescription   DescriptionType
 53  , @oldItemType      PoLineItemTypeType
 54  , @newItemType      PoLineItemTypeType
 55  , @oldCostType      FaCostTypeType
 56  , @newCostType      FaCostTypeType
 57  , @oldUM               UMType
 58  , @newUM               UMType
 59  , @QtyReceived    QtyUnitNoNegType
 60  , @oldQtyOrdered  QtyUnitNoNegType
 61  ,@newQtyOrdered QtyUnitNoNegType
 62  , @oldQtyOrderedConv   QtyUnitNoNegType
 63  , @newQtyOrderedConv   QtyUnitNoNegType
 64  , @oldPlanCostConv            CostPrcType
 65  , @newPlanCostConv            CostPrcType
 66  , @oldItemCostConv            CostPrcType
 67  , @newItemCostConv            CostPrcType
 68  , @oldUnitMatCostConv         CostPrcType
 69  , @newUnitMatCostConv         CostPrcType
 70  , @oldUnitFreightCostConv     CostPrcType
 71  , @newUnitFreightCostConv     CostPrcType
 72  , @oldUnitDutyCostConv        CostPrcType
 73  , @newUnitDutyCostConv        CostPrcType
 74  , @oldUnitBrokerageCostConv   CostPrcType
 75  , @newUnitBrokerageCostConv   CostPrcType
 76  , @oldUnitInsuranceCostConv   CostPrcType   
 77  , @newUnitInsuranceCostConv   CostPrcType   
 78  , @oldUnitLocFrtCostConv      CostPrcType   
 79  , @newUnitLocFrtCostConv      CostPrcType   
 80  , @oldLcOverride              ListYesNoType
 81  , @newLcOverride              ListYesNoType
 82  , @oldExpedited               ListYesNoType
 83  , @newExpedited               ListYesNoType
 84  , @oldWhse                WhseType
 85  , @newWhse                WhseType
 86  , @oldRevision            RevisionType
 87  , @newRevision            RevisionType
 88  , @ItemRevision           RevisionType
 89  , @oldDrawingNbr          DrawingNbrType
 90  , @newDrawingNbr          DrawingNbrType
 91  , @oldRefType      RefTypeIJKOTType
 92  , @newRefType      RefTypeIJKOTType
 93  , @oldRefNum       CoJobProjTrnNumType
 94  , @newRefNum       CoJobProjTrnNumType
 95  , @oldRefLineSuf   CoLineSuffixProjTaskTrnLineType
 96  , @newRefLineSuf   CoLineSuffixProjTaskTrnLineType
 97  , @oldRefRelease   CoReleaseOperNumType
 98  , @newRefRelease   CoReleaseOperNumType
 99  , @oldNonInvAcct          AcctType
100  , @newNonInvAcct          AcctType
101  , @oldNonInvAcctUnit1     UnitCode1Type
102  , @newNonInvAcctUnit1     UnitCode1Type
103  , @oldNonInvAcctUnit2     UnitCode2Type
104  , @newNonInvAcctUnit2     UnitCode2Type
105  , @oldNonInvAcctUnit3     UnitCode3Type
106  , @newNonInvAcctUnit3     UnitCode3Type
107  , @oldNonInvAcctUnit4     UnitCode4Type
108  , @newNonInvAcctUnit4     UnitCode4Type
109  , @oldTaxCode1        TaxCodeType
110  , @newTaxCode1        TaxCodeType
111  , @oldTaxCode2        TaxCodeType
112  , @newTaxCode2        TaxCodeType
113  , @oldTransNat        TransNatType
114  , @newTransNat        TransNatType
115  , @oldTransNat2       TransNat2Type  
116  , @newTransNat2       TransNat2Type 
117  , @oldDelterm         DeltermType
118  , @newDelterm         DeltermType
119  , @oldProcessInd      ProcessIndType
120  , @newProcessInd      ProcessIndType
121  , @oldEcCode          EcCodeType
122  , @newEcCode          EcCodeType
123  , @oldCommCode        CommodityCodeType
124  , @newCommCode        CommodityCodeType
125  , @oldOrigin          EcCodeType
126  , @newOrigin          EcCodeType
127  , @oldUnitWeight      UnitWeightType
128  , @newUnitWeight      UnitWeightType
129  , @oldSupplQtyConvFactor    UMConvFactorType
130  , @newSupplQtyConvFactor    UMConvFactorType
131  , @oldExportValue           AmountType
132  , @newExportValue           AmountType
133  , @oldShipAddr              DropShipTypeType
134  , @newShipAddr              DropShipTypeType
135  , @oldDropShipNo            DropShipNoType
136  , @newDropShipNo            DropShipNoType
137  , @oldDropSeq               DropSeqType
138  , @newDropSeq               DropSeqType
139  , @ContainsOnlyTaxFreeMatls ListYesNoType
140  , @TaxFreeMatl              ListYesNoType
141  , @OldQtyReceived           QtyUnitNoNegType
142  , @oldManufacturerId        ManufacturerIdType
143  , @newManufacturerId        ManufacturerIdType
144  , @oldManufacturerItem      ManufacturerItemType
145  , @newManufacturerItem      ManufacturerItemType
146  , @OldPreassignLots         ListYesNoType
147  , @NewPreassignLots         ListYesNoType
148  , @OldPreassignSerials      ListYesNoType
149  , @NewPreassignSerials      ListYesNoType
150  , @ProjStat                 ProjStatusType
151  , @ProjtaskStat             ProjStatusType
152  , @AutoReceiveDemandingSitePO ListYesNoType
153  , @newFaNum                 FaNumType
154  , @oldFaNum                 FaNumType
155  , @PoNumLinkFaNum           PoNumType
156  , @PoLineLinkFaNum          PoLineType
161   ii.RowPointer
162 , ii.po_num
163 , ISNULL(ii.po_line, 0)
164 , ISNULL(ii.po_release, 0)
165 , dd.stat
166 , ii.stat
167 , dd.due_date
168 , ii.due_date
169 , dd.expedited
170 , ii.expedited
171 , dd.promise_date
172 , ii.promise_date
173 , dd.release_date
174 , ii.release_date
175 , dd.item
176 , ii.item
177 , dd.vend_item
178 , ii.vend_item
179 , dd.description
180 , ii.description
181 , dd.item_type
182 , ii.item_type
183 , dd.cost_type
184 , ii.cost_type
185 , dd.u_m
186 , ii.u_m
187 ,dd.qty_ordered
188 ,ISNULL(ii.qty_ordered,0)
189 , dd.qty_ordered_conv
190 , ISNULL(ii.qty_ordered_conv, 0)
191 , dd.plan_cost_conv
192 , ii.plan_cost_conv
193 , dd.item_cost_conv
194 , ii.item_cost_conv
195 , dd.unit_mat_cost_conv
196 , ISNULL(ii.unit_mat_cost_conv, 0)
197 , dd.unit_freight_cost_conv
198 , ISNULL(ii.unit_freight_cost_conv, 0)
199 , dd.unit_duty_cost_conv
200 , ISNULL(ii.unit_duty_cost_conv, 0)
201 , dd.unit_brokerage_cost_conv
202 , ISNULL(ii.unit_brokerage_cost_conv, 0)
203 , dd.unit_insurance_cost_conv
204 , ISNULL(ii.unit_insurance_cost_conv, 0)
205 , dd.unit_loc_frt_cost_conv
206 , ISNULL(ii.unit_loc_frt_cost_conv, 0)
207 , dd.lc_override
208 , ii.lc_override
209 , dd.whse
210 , ii.whse
211 , dd.revision
212 , ii.revision
213 , item.revision
214 , dd.drawing_nbr
215 , ii.drawing_nbr
216 , dd.ref_type
217 , ii.ref_type
218 , dd.ref_num
219 , ii.ref_num
220 , dd.ref_line_suf
221 , ISNULL(ii.ref_line_suf, 0)
222 , dd.ref_release
223 , ISNULL(ii.ref_release, 0)
224 , dd.non_inv_acct
225 , ii.non_inv_acct
226 , dd.non_inv_acct_unit1
227 , ii.non_inv_acct_unit1
228 , dd.non_inv_acct_unit2
229 , ii.non_inv_acct_unit2
230 , dd.non_inv_acct_unit3
231 , ii.non_inv_acct_unit3
232 , dd.non_inv_acct_unit4
233 , ii.non_inv_acct_unit4
234 , dd.tax_code1
235 , ii.tax_code1
236 , dd.tax_code2
237 , ii.tax_code2
238 , dd.trans_nat
239 , ii.trans_nat
240 , dd.trans_nat_2
241 , ii.trans_nat_2
242 , dd.delterm
243 , ii.delterm
244 , dd.process_ind
245 , ii.process_ind
246 , dd.ec_code
247 , ii.ec_code
248 , dd.comm_code
249 , ii.comm_code
250 , dd.origin
251 , ii.origin
252 , dd.unit_weight
253 , ii.unit_weight
254 , dd.suppl_qty_conv_factor
255 , ii.suppl_qty_conv_factor
256 , dd.export_value
257 , ii.export_value
258 , dd.ship_addr
259 , ii.ship_addr
260 , dd.drop_ship_no
261 , ii.drop_ship_no
262 , dd.drop_seq
263 , ii.drop_seq
264 , dd.qty_received
265 , ii.qty_received
266 , dd.manufacturer_id
267 , ii.manufacturer_id
268 , dd.manufacturer_item
269 , ii.manufacturer_item
270 , dd.preassign_lots
271 , ii.preassign_lots
272 , dd.preassign_serials
273 , ii.preassign_serials
274 , po.auto_receive_demanding_site_po
275 , ii.fa_num
276 , dd.fa_num
277 FROM inserted ii
278 LEFT OUTER JOIN deleted AS dd ON
279    dd.RowPointer = ii.RowPointer
280    left outer join po WITH (HOLDLOCK) on
281       po.po_num = ii.po_num
282    left outer join vendor on
283       vendor.vend_num = po.vend_num
284    left outer join currency with (readuncommitted) on
285       currency.curr_code = vendor.curr_code
286    left outer join item on
287       item.item = ii.item
288    LEFT OUTER JOIN non_inventory_item ON
289       non_inventory_item.item = ii.item 
291 OPEN poitem_mstIupCrs
292 WHILE @Severity = 0
293 BEGIN -- cursor loop
294    FETCH poitem_mstIupCrs INTO
295      @poitemRowPointer
296    , @PoNum
297    , @PoLine
298    , @PoRelease
299    , @oldPoitemStat
300    , @newPoitemStat
301    , @oldDueDate
302    , @newDueDate
303    , @oldExpedited
304    , @newExpedited
305    , @oldPromiseDate
306    , @newPromiseDate
307    , @oldReleaseDate
308    , @newReleaseDate
309    , @oldItem
310    , @newItem
311    , @oldVendItem
312    , @newVendItem
313    , @oldDescription
314    , @newDescription
315    , @oldItemType
316    , @newItemType
317    , @oldCostType
318    , @newCostType
319    , @oldUM
320    , @newUM
321    ,@oldQtyOrdered
322    ,@newQtyOrdered
323    , @oldQtyOrderedConv
324    , @newQtyOrderedConv
325    , @oldPlanCostConv
326    , @newPlanCostConv
327    , @oldItemCostConv
328    , @newItemCostConv
329    , @oldUnitMatCostConv
330    , @newUnitMatCostConv
331    , @oldUnitFreightCostConv
332    , @newUnitFreightCostConv
333    , @oldUnitDutyCostConv
334    , @newUnitDutyCostConv
335    , @oldUnitBrokerageCostConv
336    , @newUnitBrokerageCostConv
337    , @oldUnitInsuranceCostConv   
338    , @newUnitInsuranceCostConv   
339    , @oldUnitLocFrtCostConv
340    , @newUnitLocFrtCostConv
341    , @oldLcOverride
342    , @newLcOverride
343    , @oldWhse
344    , @newWhse
345    , @oldRevision
346    , @newRevision
347    , @ItemRevision
348    , @oldDrawingNbr
349    , @newDrawingNbr
350    , @oldRefType
351    , @newRefType
352    , @oldRefNum
353    , @newRefNum
354    , @oldRefLineSuf
355    , @newRefLineSuf
356    , @oldRefRelease
357    , @newRefRelease
358    , @oldNonInvAcct
359    , @newNonInvAcct
360    , @oldNonInvAcctUnit1
361    , @newNonInvAcctUnit1
362    , @oldNonInvAcctUnit2
363    , @newNonInvAcctUnit2
364    , @oldNonInvAcctUnit3
365    , @newNonInvAcctUnit3
366    , @oldNonInvAcctUnit4
367    , @newNonInvAcctUnit4
368    , @oldTaxCode1
369    , @newTaxCode1
370    , @oldTaxCode2
371    , @newTaxCode2
372    , @oldTransNat
373    , @newTransNat
374    , @oldTransNat2 
375    , @newTransNat2 
376    , @oldDelterm
377    , @newDelterm
378    , @oldProcessInd
379    , @newProcessInd
380    , @oldEcCode
381    , @newEcCode
382    , @oldCommCode
383    , @newCommCode
384    , @oldOrigin
385    , @newOrigin
386    , @oldUnitWeight
387    , @newUnitWeight
388    , @oldSupplQtyConvFactor 
389    , @newSupplQtyConvFactor 
390    , @oldExportValue
391    , @newExportValue
392    , @oldShipAddr
393    , @newShipAddr
394    , @oldDropShipNo
395    , @newDropShipNo
396    , @oldDropSeq
397    , @newDropSeq
398    , @OldQtyReceived
399    , @QtyReceived
400    , @oldManufacturerId
401    , @newManufacturerId
402    , @oldManufacturerItem
403    , @newManufacturerItem
404    , @OldPreassignLots
405    , @NewPreassignLots
406    , @OldPreassignSerials     
407    , @NewPreassignSerials 
408    , @AutoReceiveDemandingSitePO
409    , @newFaNum
410    , @oldFaNum
412    IF @@FETCH_STATUS = -1
413       BREAK
415       IF UPDATE(Stat) AND @newPoitemStat=N'O'
416       BEGIN
417         EXEC dbo.DBPoItemToInvLotSp @Stat = @newPoitemStat, -- PoitemStatType
418             @PoNum = @PoNum, -- PoNumType
419             @PoLine = @PoLine, -- PoLineType
420             @PoRelease = @PoRelease, -- PoReleaseType
421             @Item = @newItem, -- ItemType
422             @Qty_ordered = @newQtyOrdered-- QtyUnitNoNegType         
423       END
424 END -- End of cursor loop
426 CLOSE poitem_mstIupCrs
427 DEALLOCATE poitem_mstIupCrs


posted @ 2017-06-01 10:57  温故余学  阅读(246)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报