
 1 ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnt_SplitString]
 2 (
 3     @p1 varchar(Max),
 4     @p3 varchar(255)
 5 )
 7 @Table_Var TABLE 
 8 (
 9     c1 varchar(max)
10 )
11 AS
13     declare @p2 varchar(max)
14     set @p2=rtrim(ltrim(@p1))
15     declare @pos1 int
16     declare @pos2 int
17     set @pos1=1
18     set @pos2=1
19     while (@pos1<len(@p2))
20     begin
21         set @pos1=charindex(@p3,@p2)
22         if (@pos1=0)
23         begin
24             insert into @table_var values(@p2)
25             set @pos1=len(@p2)
26         end
27         else
28         begin
29             insert into @table_var values(left(@p2,@pos1-1))
30             set @p2=right(@p2,len(@p2)-@pos1)
31             set @pos1=0
32         end
33     end
34     RETURN 
35 END
37 '调用方式
38 Select C1,(Row_Number() Over(Order By @@Cursor_Rows)) As C2 From dbo.Fnt_SplitString('ID,WBS,Quantity,MPSNO,Attribute,FileContent,MaterielName,MaterielCode,ExportAccount',',')


ALTER function [dbo].[SplitString] 2 ( 3 @Input nvarchar(max), 4 @Separator nvarchar(max)=',', 5 @RemoveEmptyEntries bit=1 6 ) 7 returns @TABLE table 8 ( 9 [Id] int identity(1,1), 10 [Value] nvarchar(max) 11 ) 12 as 13 begin 14 declare @Index int, @Entry nvarchar(max) 15 set @Index = charindex(@Separator,@Input) 16 17 while (@Index>0) 18 begin 19 set @Entry=ltrim(rtrim(substring(@Input, 1, @Index-1))) 20 21 if (@RemoveEmptyEntries=0) or (@RemoveEmptyEntries=1 and @Entry<>'') 22 begin 23 insert into @TABLE([Value]) Values(@Entry) 24 end 25 26 set @Input = substring(@Input, @Index+datalength(@Separator)/2, len(@Input)) 27 set @Index = charindex(@Separator, @Input) 28 end 29 30 set @Entry=ltrim(rtrim(@Input)) 31 if (@RemoveEmptyEntries=0) or (@RemoveEmptyEntries=1 and @Entry<>'') 32 begin 33 insert into @TABLE([Value]) Values(@Entry) 34 end 35 36 return 37 end 38 39 40 Select * From [dbo].[SplitString]('ID,WBS,Quantity,MPSNO,Attribute,FileContent,MaterielName,MaterielCode,ExportAccount',',',1)


posted @ 2016-04-02 16:01  温故余学  阅读(449)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报