Memo: How to use UMDH to detect memory leak
1. Download windows debug tools from MS
2. Based on the app type (x86 or x64), add path : C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Debuggers\x86(or x64)
3. For all the dlls and exes I wanna detect: run
a. Gflags –i <dll name or exe name> +ust
4. Find you *.pdb, make sure it exist in _NT_SYMBOL_PATH
5. Start the app
6. UMDH –pn:<app name> -f:file1.log
7. do something in app, make sure the leak happens
8. UMDH –pn:<app name> -f file2.log
9. Compare the two files:
a. UMDH –d file1.log file2.log –f:result.log
10. Use notepad to check the result.log
a. Check the items in result.log, item like
+ 21560112 ( 33410790 - 11850678) 905 allocs BackTrace14DA8214
+ 584 ( 905 - 321) BackTrace14DA8214 allocations
Means there are about 21MB memory potential memory leak found(this call stack happened in 584 times). I call it potential because I must check code to make sure whether this is a correct behavior or a memory leak.