“What's up”是来自美国的旧金山的摇滚乐团4 Non Blondes的一首成名曲,歌曲描述了25岁年轻人的心态,我至今仍然对这首歌留下了很深的印象。发现很多朋友跟我有同样感受,用心体会,当张靓颖唱这首歌曲时,我的心灵又再次被触动了。这首后来被称为新嬉皮文化圣歌的歌曲散发着感人至深的浓厚魅力,却不是我手中这支笨笔所能描绘得出的, 细听之下不禁感慨万千,因为这里面的激情,也因为那激情背后的沧桑……
25 years of my life and still
Tryin' to to get up that great big hill of
Hope, for a destination.
I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made
up of this brotherhood of
Man, for whatever that means.
And so I cry sometimes, when
I'm lying in bed just
to get all out,
what's in my head, then
I, I am feeling, a little peculiar.
And so I wake in the morning,
and I step outside
And I take a deep breath,
and I get real high, and
I, scream from the top of my lungs,
"What's going on?"
And I say, "Hey yeah yeah hey,
hey yeah yeah."
I said, "Hey, what's going on?"
And I say, "Hey yeah yeah hey,
hey yeah yeah."
I said, "Hey, what's going on?"
And I try, oh my god, do I try
I try all the time, in this institution.
And I pray, oh my god, do I pray
I pray every single day, for a revolution.
[Slow down] 25 years of my life
and still Tryin' to get up that
great big hill of Hope, for a destination
歌词中文大意:25年的生命让我仍需努力, 翻越那座希望的大山来作为我的目标终点。当我知道该干什么时,很快明白这个世界为男儿时代的男人们而存在,无论那意味着什么。当我入眠时我会哭泣,只有当我赶走头脑中的一切, 才稍稍感到一丝特别。因此当我清晨醒来,走出门外深呼吸时,我感到了真正的快乐。因此我发自肺腑地大喊一声,“ 怎么了 ”。我努力,上苍我一直在努力,在这样的情形下;我祈祷,上苍我祈祷,我每天都祈祷,为了一个彻底的改变。