Irrlicht 3D Engine 笔记系列 之 自己定义Animator
作者: i_dovelemon
日期: 2014 / 12 / 17
来源: CSDN
主题: Custom Animator, Referenced count
在昨天的文章《Irrlicht 3D Engine 笔记系列 之 教程4 - Movement》中,博主向大家保证会在今天向大家实际操作怎样扩展Irrlicht引擎的Animator特性。假设读者对Irrlicht的Animator的特性不是非常了解的话,请先了解下前面的那篇文章,本片文章是在上次文章的基础上进行的。
Custom Animator
博主想要创建一个沿着某条直线进行循环运动,而且物体本身在旋转的Animator。博主称之为Roll Animator(翻滚动画)。
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // declaration : Copyright (c), by XJ , 2014. All right reserved . // brief : This file will define the custom roll animator. // author : XJ // date : 2014 / 12 / 17 // version : 1.0 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma once #include<irrlicht.h> using namespace irr ; using namespace scene ; using namespace core; class CMyRollAnimator: public ISceneNodeAnimator { public: CMyRollAnimator(vector3df _startPos, vector3df _endPos, f32 _speed); //animate a node virtual void animateNode(ISceneNode* node, u32 timeMs); //clone a animator virtual ISceneNodeAnimator* createClone(ISceneNode* node, ISceneManager* newManager=0); private: vector3df m_vStartPos ; vector3df m_vEndPos ; vector3df m_vCurPos ; f32 m_fSpeed ; u32 m_uCurTime; //internal usage vector3df m_vDir ; vector3df m_vRDir ; };读者能够看到博主上面定义的类很的简单,仅仅是加入了几个成员属性而已。除此之外就是复写的方法和一个构造函数。
#include"CMyRollAnimator.h" //constructor CMyRollAnimator::CMyRollAnimator(vector3df _startPos, vector3df _endPos, f32 _speed) :m_vStartPos(_startPos), m_vEndPos(_endPos), m_fSpeed(_speed), m_vCurPos(_startPos), m_uCurTime(0) { m_vDir = m_vEndPos - m_vStartPos ; m_vDir.normalize(); m_vRDir = m_vDir ; m_vRDir.rotateXZBy(90.0f); } //animate a node void CMyRollAnimator::animateNode(ISceneNode* _pNode, u32 timeMs) { if(0 == m_uCurTime) { m_uCurTime = timeMs ; _pNode->setPosition(m_vStartPos); } else { u32 _deltaTime = timeMs - m_uCurTime ; f32 _fDeltaTime = _deltaTime / 1000.0f ; m_uCurTime = timeMs ; m_vCurPos += _fDeltaTime * m_fSpeed * m_vDir ; if(abs(m_vCurPos.X - m_vEndPos.X) < 0.01f && abs(m_vCurPos.Y - m_vEndPos.Y) < 0.01f && abs(m_vCurPos.Z - m_vEndPos.Z) < 0.01f) { m_vCurPos = m_vStartPos ; } _pNode->setPosition(m_vCurPos); _pNode->setRotation(-m_vRDir * 180.0f * timeMs/1000.0f); } }// end for animateNode //clone an animator ISceneNodeAnimator* CMyRollAnimator::createClone(ISceneNode* node, ISceneManager* newManager) { CMyRollAnimator* _pAnimator = new CMyRollAnimator(m_vStartPos, m_vEndPos, m_fSpeed); return _pAnimator ; }// end for createClone
#include<irrlicht.h> #include"MyEventReceiver.h" #include"CMyRollAnimator.h" using namespace irr; using namespace core; using namespace gui; using namespace scene; using namespace video; #ifdef _IRR_WINDOWS_ #pragma comment(lib,"irrlicht.lib") #pragma comment(linker,"/subsystem:windows /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup") #endif int main() { //Create the irrdevice MyEventReceiver _receiver; IrrlichtDevice* _pDevice = createDevice(EDT_DIRECT3D9,dimension2d<u32>(800,640),32U, false, false, false, &_receiver); //Check if create successfully if(NULL == _pDevice) return 1 ; //Get the video driver and scene manager IVideoDriver* _pVideoDriver = _pDevice->getVideoDriver(); ISceneManager* _pSceneManager = _pDevice->getSceneManager(); //Create a sphere node ISceneNode* _pNode = _pSceneManager->addSphereSceneNode(); //Check if create successfully if(NULL == _pNode) return 1 ; _pNode->setPosition(vector3df(0,0,30)); _pNode->setMaterialTexture(0,_pVideoDriver->getTexture("wall.bmp")); _pNode->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING,false); //Create a cube node ISceneNode* _pCubeNode = _pSceneManager->addCubeSceneNode(); //Check if create successfully if(NULL == _pCubeNode) return 1 ; _pCubeNode->setMaterialTexture(0,_pVideoDriver->getTexture("t351sml.jpg")); _pCubeNode->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, false); //Create a scene node animator for cube node //ISceneNodeAnimator* _pAnimator = _pSceneManager->createFlyCircleAnimator(vector3df(0,0,30), // 20.0f); CMyRollAnimator * _pAnimator = new CMyRollAnimator(vector3df(-20,0,30), vector3df(20,0,30), 10.0f); //Check if create successfully if(NULL == _pAnimator) return 1 ; _pCubeNode->addAnimator(_pAnimator); //Drop the animator _pAnimator->drop(); //Add one camera node _pSceneManager->addCameraSceneNode(); int _nlastFPS = -1 ; u32 _uLastTime = _pDevice->getTimer()->getTime(); const f32 MOVEMENT_SPEED = 5.0f ; //Do loop while(_pDevice->run()) { const u32 _now = _pDevice->getTimer()->getTime(); const f32 _frameDeltaTime = (f32)(_now - _uLastTime)/1000.0f; _uLastTime = _now ; vector3df _pos = _pNode->getPosition(); if(_receiver.IsKeyDown(KEY_KEY_W)) _pos.Y += MOVEMENT_SPEED * _frameDeltaTime ; else if(_receiver.IsKeyDown(KEY_KEY_S)) _pos.Y -= MOVEMENT_SPEED * _frameDeltaTime ; if(_receiver.IsKeyDown(KEY_KEY_A)) _pos.X -= MOVEMENT_SPEED * _frameDeltaTime ; else if(_receiver.IsKeyDown(KEY_KEY_D)) _pos.X += MOVEMENT_SPEED * _frameDeltaTime ; _pNode->setPosition(_pos); //Draw the scene _pVideoDriver->beginScene(); _pSceneManager->drawAll(); _pVideoDriver->endScene(); }// end while _pDevice->drop(); return 0 ; }// end
Referenced Counter
在Irrlicht引擎中,通过一个十分简单的引用技术(Referenced Counter)系统来对系统中的对象进行跟踪。
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #ifndef __I_IREFERENCE_COUNTED_H_INCLUDED__ #define __I_IREFERENCE_COUNTED_H_INCLUDED__ #include "irrTypes.h" namespace irr { //! Base class of most objects of the Irrlicht Engine. /** This class provides reference counting through the methods grab() and drop(). It also is able to store a debug string for every instance of an object. Most objects of the Irrlicht Engine are derived from IReferenceCounted, and so they are reference counted. When you create an object in the Irrlicht engine, calling a method which starts with 'create', an object is created, and you get a pointer to the new object. If you no longer need the object, you have to call drop(). This will destroy the object, if grab() was not called in another part of you program, because this part still needs the object. Note, that you only need to call drop() to the object, if you created it, and the method had a 'create' in it. A simple example: If you want to create a texture, you may want to call an imaginable method IDriver::createTexture. You call ITexture* texture = driver->createTexture(dimension2d<u32>(128, 128)); If you no longer need the texture, call texture->drop(). If you want to load a texture, you may want to call imaginable method IDriver::loadTexture. You do this like ITexture* texture = driver->loadTexture("example.jpg"); You will not have to drop the pointer to the loaded texture, because the name of the method does not start with 'create'. The texture is stored somewhere by the driver. */ class IReferenceCounted { public: //! Constructor. IReferenceCounted() : DebugName(0), ReferenceCounter(1) { } //! Destructor. virtual ~IReferenceCounted() { } //! Grabs the object. Increments the reference counter by one. /** Someone who calls grab() to an object, should later also call drop() to it. If an object never gets as much drop() as grab() calls, it will never be destroyed. The IReferenceCounted class provides a basic reference counting mechanism with its methods grab() and drop(). Most objects of the Irrlicht Engine are derived from IReferenceCounted, and so they are reference counted. When you create an object in the Irrlicht engine, calling a method which starts with 'create', an object is created, and you get a pointer to the new object. If you no longer need the object, you have to call drop(). This will destroy the object, if grab() was not called in another part of you program, because this part still needs the object. Note, that you only need to call drop() to the object, if you created it, and the method had a 'create' in it. A simple example: If you want to create a texture, you may want to call an imaginable method IDriver::createTexture. You call ITexture* texture = driver->createTexture(dimension2d<u32>(128, 128)); If you no longer need the texture, call texture->drop(). If you want to load a texture, you may want to call imaginable method IDriver::loadTexture. You do this like ITexture* texture = driver->loadTexture("example.jpg"); You will not have to drop the pointer to the loaded texture, because the name of the method does not start with 'create'. The texture is stored somewhere by the driver. */ void grab() const { ++ReferenceCounter; } //! Drops the object. Decrements the reference counter by one. /** The IReferenceCounted class provides a basic reference counting mechanism with its methods grab() and drop(). Most objects of the Irrlicht Engine are derived from IReferenceCounted, and so they are reference counted. When you create an object in the Irrlicht engine, calling a method which starts with 'create', an object is created, and you get a pointer to the new object. If you no longer need the object, you have to call drop(). This will destroy the object, if grab() was not called in another part of you program, because this part still needs the object. Note, that you only need to call drop() to the object, if you created it, and the method had a 'create' in it. A simple example: If you want to create a texture, you may want to call an imaginable method IDriver::createTexture. You call ITexture* texture = driver->createTexture(dimension2d<u32>(128, 128)); If you no longer need the texture, call texture->drop(). If you want to load a texture, you may want to call imaginable method IDriver::loadTexture. You do this like ITexture* texture = driver->loadTexture("example.jpg"); You will not have to drop the pointer to the loaded texture, because the name of the method does not start with 'create'. The texture is stored somewhere by the driver. \return True, if the object was deleted. */ bool drop() const { // someone is doing bad reference counting. _IRR_DEBUG_BREAK_IF(ReferenceCounter <= 0) --ReferenceCounter; if (!ReferenceCounter) { delete this; return true; } return false; } //! Get the reference count. /** \return Current value of the reference counter. */ s32 getReferenceCount() const { return ReferenceCounter; } //! Returns the debug name of the object. /** The Debugname may only be set and changed by the object itself. This method should only be used in Debug mode. \return Returns a string, previously set by setDebugName(); */ const c8* getDebugName() const { return DebugName; } protected: //! Sets the debug name of the object. /** The Debugname may only be set and changed by the object itself. This method should only be used in Debug mode. \param newName: New debug name to set. */ void setDebugName(const c8* newName) { DebugName = newName; } private: //! The debug name. const c8* DebugName; //! The reference counter. Mutable to do reference counting on const objects. mutable s32 ReferenceCounter; }; } // end namespace irr #endif这个接口十分的简洁,我们仅仅要通过grab()和drop()这两个函数来进行操作就行。操作的规则在上面已经说的很清楚了。
CIrrDeviceStub::~CIrrDeviceStub() { VideoModeList->drop(); FileSystem->drop(); if (GUIEnvironment) GUIEnvironment->drop(); if (VideoDriver) VideoDriver->drop(); if (SceneManager) SceneManager->drop(); if (InputReceivingSceneManager) InputReceivingSceneManager->drop(); if (CursorControl) CursorControl->drop(); if (Operator) Operator->drop(); if (Randomizer) Randomizer->drop(); CursorControl = 0; if (Timer) Timer->drop(); if (Logger->drop()) os::Printer::Logger = 0; }
//! destructor CSceneManager::~CSceneManager() { clearDeletionList(); //! force to remove hardwareTextures from the driver //! because Scenes may hold internally data bounded to sceneNodes //! which may be destroyed twice if (Driver) Driver->removeAllHardwareBuffers(); if (FileSystem) FileSystem->drop(); if (CursorControl) CursorControl->drop(); if (CollisionManager) CollisionManager->drop(); if (GeometryCreator) GeometryCreator->drop(); if (GUIEnvironment) GUIEnvironment->drop(); u32 i; for (i=0; i<MeshLoaderList.size(); ++i) MeshLoaderList[i]->drop(); for (i=0; i<SceneLoaderList.size(); ++i) SceneLoaderList[i]->drop(); if (ActiveCamera) ActiveCamera->drop(); ActiveCamera = 0; if (MeshCache) MeshCache->drop(); for (i=0; i<SceneNodeFactoryList.size(); ++i) SceneNodeFactoryList[i]->drop(); for (i=0; i<SceneNodeAnimatorFactoryList.size(); ++i) SceneNodeAnimatorFactoryList[i]->drop(); if (LightManager) LightManager->drop(); // remove all nodes and animators before dropping the driver // as render targets may be destroyed twice removeAll(); removeAnimators(); if (Driver) Driver->drop(); }
//! Removes all animators from this scene node. /** The animators might also be deleted if no other grab exists for them. */ virtual void removeAnimators() { ISceneNodeAnimatorList::Iterator it = Animators.begin(); for (; it != Animators.end(); ++it) (*it)->drop(); Animators.clear(); }
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