
1. 用户输入帐号密码进行登陆
2. 用户信息保存在文件内
3. 用户密码输入错误三次后锁定用户


 1 while True:
 2     choice = input("登陆L 注册R 退出Q:").strip()
 3 #用户登录流程
 4     if choice.lower() == 'l':
 5         l_flag = False
 6         count = 1
 7         tmp = ''
 8         while True:
 9             user_name =input("请输入用户名(或者'q'退出):").strip()
10             if not user_name:continue
11             if user_name == 'q':
12                 print("退出成功!")
13                 exit()
14             user_pwd = input("请输入用户密码(或者'q'退出):").strip()
15             if not user_pwd:
16                 print("密码不能为空,请重新输入!")
17                 continue
18             if user_pwd == 'q':
19                 print("退出成功!")
20                 exit()
21             with open("locked_id",mode="r",encoding="utf8") as f_locked:
22                 for line in f_locked:
23                     if line.startswith("username:") and user_name in line and len(user_name)!=0:
24                         print("该用户已经被锁定,请联系管理员!")
25                         exit()
26             with open("user_id",mode="r",encoding="utf8") as f_reed:
27                 for line in f_reed:
28                     if line.startswith("username:") and user_name in line and len(user_name) != 0:
29                         l_flag = True
30                         tmp = line
31                 if l_flag:
32                     if tmp.split(":")[2].strip() == user_pwd:
33                         print("用户登录成功!")
34                         l_flag =  False
35                         exit()
36                     elif count >= 3:
37                         with open("locked_id",mode="a",encoding="utf8") as f_locked:
38                             f_locked.write("\nusername:"+user_name)
39                             print("您的密码错误三次,用户被锁定!")
40                             l_flag =False
41                             exit()
42                     else:
43                         count += 1
44                         l_flag =False
45                         print("密码错误,请重新输入!")
46                         continue
47                 else:
48                     print('用户名不存在,请重新登录!')
50 #用户注册流程
51     if choice.lower() == 'r':
52         r_flag = False    #注册过程标志位
53         while True:
54             new_user_name =input("请输入注册用户名(或者'q'退出):").strip()
55             if not new_user_name:continue    #用户名为空开始下一个循环
56             if new_user_name == 'q':
57                 print("退出成功!")
58                 exit()
59             new_pwd = input("请输入用户密码且不少于6位(或者'q'退出):").strip()
60             if new_pwd == 'q':
61                 print("退出成功!")
62                 exit()
63             if len(new_pwd) < 6:
64                 print('密码不能为空且不少于6位!')
65                 continue
66             with open("user_id",mode="r+",encoding="utf8") as f:
68                 for line in f:
69                     if line.startswith("username:") and new_user_name in line: #判断是否已经有该用户
70                         print("该用户已经被注册!")
71                         r_flag = True
72                         break
73                 if not r_flag:
74                     f.write("\nusername:" + new_user_name)
75                     f.write("\t|password:" + new_pwd)
76                     print("新用户注册成功!")
77                 r_flag = False
78                 break
80 #退出流程
81     if choice.lower() == 'q':
82         print("退出成功!")
83         exit()
posted @ 2017-11-09 10:30  不辣不辣  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报