扩展cocos slider控件,支持禁用置灰
/** * Created by skyxu on 2018/4/16. */ "use strict"; let Direction = cc.Enum({ /** * !#en The horizontal direction. * !#zh 水平方向 * @property {Number} Horizontal */ Horizontal: 0, /** * !#en The vertical direction. * !#zh 垂直方向 * @property {Number} Vertical */ Vertical: 1 }); cc.Class({ extends: cc.Slider, properties: { barSprite: { default: null, type: cc.Sprite, notify: function() { if (CC_EDITOR && this.barSprite) { this._updateBarSprite(); } } }, enableAutoGrayEffect: { default: false, tooltip: CC_DEV && 'i18n:COMPONENT.button.auto_gray_effect', notify: function (oldValue) { this._updateDisabledState(); } }, interactable: { default: true, tooltip: CC_DEV && 'i18n:COMPONENT.button.interactable', notify: function (oldValue) { this._updateDisabledState(); } } }, _handleSliderLogic: function (touch) { if (!this.interactable){ return; } this._updateProgress(touch); this._emitSlideEvent(); }, _updateDisabledState(){ if (this.handle){ this.handle.enableAutoGrayEffect = this.enableAutoGrayEffect; this.handle.interactable = this.interactable; } if(this.barSprite) { this.barSprite._sgNode.setState(0); } if(this.enableAutoGrayEffect) { if(this.barSprite && !this.interactable) { this.barSprite._sgNode.setState(1); } } }, _updateHandlePosition: function () { if (!this.handle) { return; } let handlelocalPos; if (this.direction === Direction.Horizontal) { handlelocalPos = cc.p(-this.node.width * this.node.anchorX + this.progress * this.node.width, 0); } else { handlelocalPos = cc.p(0, -this.node.height * this.node.anchorY + this.progress * this.node.height); } let worldSpacePos = this.node.convertToWorldSpaceAR(handlelocalPos); this.handle.node.position = this.handle.node.parent.convertToNodeSpaceAR(worldSpacePos); this._updateBarSprite(); }, _updateProgress: function (touch) { if (!this.handle) { return; } let maxRange = null, progress = 0, newPos = this.node.convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(touch); if (this.direction === Direction.Horizontal) { maxRange = this.node.width / 2 - this.handle.node.width * this.handle.node.anchorX; progress = cc.clamp01((newPos.x + maxRange) / (maxRange * 2), 0, 1); } else if (this.direction === Direction.Vertical) { maxRange = this.node.height / 2 - this.handle.node.height * this.handle.node.anchorY; progress = cc.clamp01((newPos.y + maxRange) / (maxRange * 2), 0, 1); } this.progress = progress; this._updateBarSprite(); }, _updateBarSprite(){ if (!this.barSprite) { return; } let maxWidth = this.node.width; let curWidth = maxWidth * this.progress; this.barSprite.node.width = curWidth; // mark: 左对齐 this.barSprite.node.x = this.barSprite.node.anchorX * this.barSprite.node.width - this.node.width * this.node.anchorX; } });