




MindSpore数据集加载-调试小工具 py-spy




MindRecord-Windows下中文路径问题Unexpected error. Failed to open file

MindRecord-Windows下数据集报错Invalid file, DB file can not match


GeneratorDataset报错误Unexpected error. Invalid data type 

GeneratorDataset数据处理报错:The pointer[cnode] is null

MindSpore数据集报错【The data pipeline is not a tree】

MindSpore数据增强报错:Use Decode() for encoded data or ToPIL()

MindSpore自定义数据增强报错args should be Numpy narray.Got class tuple


MindSpore数据集加载-【too many open files】错误

MindSpore数据增强-【 Invalid with type】错误

MindSpore数据集格式-【MindRecord File could not open successfully】

MindSpore数据集加载-【 has no attribute 'child_sampler'】

MindSpore数据集加载-【'DictIterator' has no attribute 'get_next'】错误

MindSpore数据集加载-【IndexError: list index out of range】错误

MindSpore报错: Unexpected error. Inconsistent batch ..

MindSpore数据增强: 内存不足,自动退出 

MindSpore报错: Invalid data, Page size.

MindSpore报错: parse() missing 1 required positional.

MindSpore报错: Unable to data from Generator..

MindSpore报错:GeneratorDataset's num_workers=8, this value is ...

MindSpore报错: Exception thrown from PyFunc.

MindSpore报错: Unexpected error. Invalid data.

图像类型错误导致执行报错:TypeError: img should be PIL image or NumPy array. Got .

通道顺序错误引起matplotlib.image.imsave执行报错:raise ValueError("Third dimension must be 3 or 4")

cv2.imwrite保存Tensor引起类型报错:cv2.error: OpenCV(4.6.0) :-1: error: (-5:Bad argument) in function 'imwrite'

cv2保存图片类型错误执行报错cv2. error: OpenCV(4.6.0) :-1: error: (-5:Bad argument) in function 'imwrite' - img is not a numpy array



MindSpore报错: Exceed function call depth limit 1000解决

MindSpore报错: 'Tensor' has no attribute 'data'

MindSpore报错: 'NoneType' has no attribute 'name'

Mindspore报错: the dimension of logits must be equal to 2

MindSpore报错:For 'Pad',all elements of paddings must >=0

MindSpore报错:For primitive[BinaryCrossEntropy], the x shape must be equal to 

MindSpore报错: For 'Tensor',the type of input_data should be  one of 'Tensor', 'ndarray' ...

MindSpore报错: Data type conversion of 'Parameter' is not supported

MindSpore报错: ScalarAdd不支持bool类型

MindSpore报错: ReduceSum算子不支持8维及以上的输入

MindSpore报错: Unsupported parameter type for python primitive..

MindSpore报错:Primitive ScatterAdd's bprop not defined

MindSpore报错:For 'Conv2d',x shape的C_in除以group应等于weight的C_in

MindSpore报错:For 'Reshape', the shape of 'input_x' is ...,but product

MindSpore报错:For 'Sub', x.shape and y.shape are supposed to broadcast

MindSpore报错:For 'MatMul', the input dimensions must be equal,

MindSpore报错:Cann't select valid kernel[Default/Pow-op]

MindSpore报错:rank in NLLLoss should be int and must be

MindSpore报错:operator[StridedSlice]  input(kNumberTypeUInt16) output(kNumberTypeUInt16) is not supported.

MindSpore报错:Select GPU kernel op * fail! Incompatible data type

MindSpore报错:For 'MirrorPad', paddings must be a Tensor with

MindSpore报错:For primitive[TensorSummary], the v rank must be greater than 0

MindSpore报错:For 'CellList', each cell should be subclass of Cell

MindSpore报错:task_fail_info or current_graph_ is nullptr

MindSpore报错:`padding_idx` in Embedding 超出范围的报错

MindSpore报错:seed2 in `StandardNormal` should be int and >=0


MindSpore报错:output_shape shape element [2] must be positive integer or SHP_ANY

MindSpore报错:For 'TopK', the type of 'x' should be ...

MindSpore报错:Minimum inputs size 0 does not match... 

MindSpore报错:`half_pixel_centers`=True only support in Ascend

MindSpore报错:For 'AvgPool' 输出的shape每一维都要大于零

MindSpore报错:The function `construct` need xx positional argument ...

MindSpore报错:Operator[ ] input( ) output( ) is not support

MindSpore报错:sth should be initialized as a Parameter type in ...

MindSpore报错:"operation does not support the type kMetaTypeNone"

MindSpore报错:When '...' by using Fallback feature, an error occurred

MindSpore报错: Net parameters weight shape xxx i

MindSpore GPU设备算力不足导致计算结果错误

MindSpore报错:设置卡失败 SetDevice failed

mindspore报错:Total stream number xxx exceeds the limit of ...

MindSpore报错:[LoadTask] Distribute Task Failed

MindSpore报错:GPU训练提示分配流失败[cudaStreamCreate failed]

MindSpore报错:出现内存申请大小为0的错误[The memory alloc size is 0]

MindSpore报错:Please input the correct checkpoint

MindSpore告警:"xxx parameters in the net are not

MindSpore报错:For 'context.set_context', package type xxx support 'devic

MindSpore报错:PyNative模式下The pointer[top_cell_] is null

MindSpore报错:Malloc device memory failed

MindSpore报错: Please input the correct checkpoint 

MindSpore求导传入sens值报错: For 'MatMul', the input dimensions

没有ckpt文件导致模型加载执行报错:please check whether the 'ckpt_file_name' is correct

Tensor张量shape不匹配导致执行报错:ValueError: For 'Sub', x.shape and y.shape are supposed to broadcast

自定义loss没有继承nn.Cell导致执行报错:ParseStatement Unsupported statement 'Try'.

参数类型错误导致优化器执行报错:TypeError: For 'Optimizer', the argument parameters must be Iterable type

形参与实参的不对应导致ops.GradOperation执行报错:The parameters number of the function is 2, but the number of provided arguments is 1.

return回来的参数承接问题导致执行报错:AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'asnumpy'

维度数错误引起模型输入错误:For primitive Conv2D, the x shape size must be equal to 4, but got 3.

报错:The value parameter,it's name 'xxxx' already exsts. please set a unique name for the parameter .

construct方法名称错误引起损失函数执行报错:The 'sub' operation does not support the type TensorFloat32, None.

RuntimeError:The 'sub' operation does not support the type TensorFloat32, None.

注释不当报错:There are incorrect indentations in definition or comment of function: 'Net.construct'.

静态图执行卡死问题:For MakeTuple, the inputs should not be empty..node:xxxxxxxxxxxx 

mindspore报错: module() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)

split后For 'Mul', x.shape and y.shape are supposed to broadcast

The operation does not support the type kMetaTypeNone, Tesor...



报错:the value of strategy must be the power of 2, but get xx

报错:PyNative Only support STAND_ALONE, DATA_PARALLEL...

报错:Parallel mode dose not support

报错:davinci_model : load task fail, return ret

报错:connect returned Connection timed out

posted @ 2022-08-12 10:35  Skytier  阅读(368)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报