


IsPaneOpen Read/write Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the SplitView pane is expanded to its full width.
PaneBackground Read/write Gets or sets the Brush to apply to the background of the Pane area of the control.
CompactPaneLength Read/write Gets or sets the width of the SplitView pane in its compact display mode.
OpenPaneLength Read/write Gets or sets the width of the SplitView pane when it's fully expanded.
DisplayMode Read/write Gets of sets a value that specifies how the pane and content areas of a SplitView are shown.





那么接下来我们先看代码布局,我们采用将汉堡Button单独放在SplitView外面。以下是汉堡Button的布局代码,这里说一下,汉堡图标的样式采用字体图标,字体为Segoe MDL2 Assets,更多图标请点此链接->http://modernicons.io/segoe-mdl2/cheatsheet/

            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
        <StackPanel Grid.Row="0" Height="40" Background="LightGray" Orientation="Horizontal">
            <Button Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Click="Menu_Click">
                    <TextBlock Text="&#xE700;" FontSize="30" FontFamily="Segoe MDL2 Assets" ></TextBlock>
            <TextBlock Margin="10" VerticalAlignment="Center" FontFamily="40" Text="SplitView Demo"></TextBlock>



<SplitView Grid.Row="1" x:Name="splitView" CompactPaneLength="48" OpenPaneLength="150"
                       IsPaneOpen="False" PaneBackground="LightGray" DisplayMode="CompactOverlay">
                <ListView x:Name="hambLv" IsItemClickEnabled="True" ItemClick="hambLv_ItemClick">
                            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                                <SymbolIcon Symbol="{Binding Symbol}"/>
                                <TextBlock Margin="18" Text="{Binding Text}" />
                <TextBlock x:Name="content" FontSize="30"></TextBlock>




1         private void Menu_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
2         {
3             splitView.IsPaneOpen = !splitView.IsPaneOpen;
4         }


1     public class HambList
2     {
3         public string Text { get; set; }
4         public Symbol Symbol { get; set; }
5     }



 1         ObservableCollection<HambList> hambList = new ObservableCollection<HambList>();  //这里注意要引入System.Collections.ObjectModel命名空间;
 2         protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
 3         {
 4             hambList.Clear();
 5             hambList.Add(new HambList { Text = "People", Symbol = Symbol.People });
 6             hambList.Add(new HambList { Text = "Phone", Symbol = Symbol.Phone });
 7             hambList.Add(new HambList { Text = "Message", Symbol = Symbol.Message });
 8             hambList.Add(new HambList { Text = "Mail", Symbol = Symbol.Mail });
 9             base.OnNavigatedTo(e);
10         }
1 this.hambLv.ItemsSource = hambList;  //将hambList集合绑定到ListView控件


1         private void hambLv_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
2         {
3             content.Text = (e.ClickedItem as HambList).Text;
4         }


1             ResourceContext resContext = ResourceContext.GetForCurrentView();
2             string value = resContext.QualifierValues["DeviceFamily"];
3             if (value == "Mobile")
4             {
5                 splitView.DisplayMode = SplitViewDisplayMode.Overlay;
6             }



posted @ 2015-10-23 23:18  Silence.Sky  阅读(1497)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报