

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-: import arcpy envfile = r"D:\Work\doing\CNN_RNN\data\beijing\inputdata\ALT.tif" prjfile = r"D:\Work\doing\CNN_RNN\data\beijing\origindata\boundary.prj" arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1 # 可覆盖 arcpy.env.workspace = r"D:\Work\doing\CNN_RNN\data\processdata" # 设置工作路径 arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = prjfile arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF" # 设置范围 # arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Extent(454871.698900, 4253992.158900, 624251.698900, 4437472.158900) # "XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax" arcpy.env.extent = envfile # arcpy.env.cellSize = 30 # 像元大小 arcpy.env.cellSize = envfile arcpy.env.snapRaster = envfile

2. 扇形等分圆

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import arcpy import os arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1 # 可覆盖 # --------------- 自定义参数 ------------------- # 圆的等分个数 n = 8 # 中心点坐标 x = 534874.483 y = 4309287.494 max_dis = 80 step = 5 # 圆形半径的距离,单位:km distances = [j for j in range(step,max_dis,step)] # 135最大距离,5间隔,单位km # distances = [80] # 工作目录 env = arcpy.env.workspace = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\Result\data\beijing" + "/" # tif遥感图路径 tif = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\figure\English\09Discuss\data\deeplearn\p1_plan1_beijing.tif" output = "sector_{}_{}.shp".format(str(step),str(max_dis)) # 切割后最终结果 outFeatureClass = "circle_{}_{}.shp".format(str(step),str(max_dis)) # 切割前 # --------------------------------------------- # 读取tif空间参考信息 tifsr = arcpy.Describe(tif).spatialReference arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = tifsr fc = "point.shp" if os.path.exists(env + fc): arcpy.Delete_management(fc) arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(env,fc,'POINT') arcpy.AddField_management(fc, "NAME", "TEXT", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") xy_values = [('point1', (x, y))] cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc, ("NAME", "SHAPE@XY")) for row in xy_values: cursor.insertRow(row) del cursor inFeatures = fc bufferUnit = "Kilometers" if os.path.exists(env + outFeatureClass): arcpy.Delete_management(outFeatureClass) arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis(inFeatures, outFeatureClass, distances, bufferUnit, "", "ALL") degrees = [(j + 1) * 360 / n - (180/n) for j in range(n)] if os.path.exists(env + "table.dbf"): arcpy.Delete_management("table.dbf") tablefc = arcpy.CreateTable_management(env, "table.dbf") arcpy.AddField_management(tablefc, "distance", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") arcpy.AddField_management(tablefc, "x", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") arcpy.AddField_management(tablefc, "y", "DOUBLE", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") arcpy.AddField_management(tablefc, "degrees", "FLOAT", "", "", "", "", "", "", "") cursor = arcpy.InsertCursor(tablefc) i = 0 while i < len(degrees): row = cursor.newRow() row.distance = max_dis + 1 row.x = x row.y = y row.degrees = degrees[i] cursor.insertRow(row) i += 1 del cursor arcpy.BearingDistanceToLine_management("table.dbf", "lines", "x", "y", "distance", bufferUnit, "degrees", "DEGREES", "", "", tifsr) if os.path.exists(env + output): arcpy.Delete_management(output) arcpy.FeatureToPolygon_management(["lines.shp", outFeatureClass], output) # ----------------删除中间数据------------------ # if os.path.exists(env + outFeatureClass): # arcpy.Delete_management(outFeatureClass) if os.path.exists(env + "lines.shp"): arcpy.Delete_management("lines.shp") if os.path.exists(env + "info"): arcpy.Delete_management("info") # if os.path.exists(env + "point.shp"): # arcpy.Delete_management("point.shp") if os.path.exists(env + "table.dbf"): arcpy.Delete_management("table.dbf") # ---------------------------------------------


3. 分区统计导出excel

import arcpy from arcpy import env from import * import os arcpy.CheckOutExtension("spatial") # Set environment settings env.workspace = r"G:\01UrbanWaterSourceSecurity" # 路径 arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1 # Set local variables inZoneData = "data/shp/basin.shp" # shp zoneField = "ID" # 字段 names = ['Chen', 'Harmonized_DN_NTL_2020_simVIIRS', 'LUH_crops_m_fertl_2020'] # tif if not os.path.exists("result/dbf/"): os.makedirs("result/dbf/") if not os.path.exists("result/excel/"): os.makedirs("result/excel/") for name in names: inValueRaster = "data/tif/" + name + ".tif" outTable = "result/dbf/" + name + ".dbf" out_xls = "result/excel/" + name + ".xls" # Execute ZonalStatisticsAsTable outZSaT = ZonalStatisticsAsTable(inZoneData, zoneField, inValueRaster, outTable, "DATA", "SUM") arcpy.TableToExcel_conversion(outTable, out_xls) print(inValueRaster)

4. 裁剪(做到结果行列行一致)

import arcpy from arcpy import env from import * arcpy.CheckOutExtension("spatial") oundary = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\data\origindata\boundary.shp" # 范围shp envfile = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\data\inputdata\ALT.tif" # 标准数据 prjfile = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\data\origindata\boundary.prj"# 投影 processpath = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\data\processdata"# 中间过程数据存放路径 arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1 # 可覆盖 arcpy.env.workspace = processpath # 设置工作路径 arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem = prjfile arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF" # 设置范围 # arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.Extent(454871.698900, 4253992.158900, 624251.698900, 4437472.158900) # "XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax" arcpy.env.extent = envfile arcpy.env.cellSize = 500 # 像元大小 arcpy.env.cellSize = envfile arcpy.env.snapRaster = envfile # Local variables: Parallel_Processing_Factor = "0" inMaskData = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\data\origindata\envelop.shp" path1 = r'D:\Work\data\CLCD' path2 = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\data\origindata\lulc_clcd" names = [1992,1993,1995,1996,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2012,2015,2020] for name in names: inputdir = path1 + "/" + "CLCD_v01_" + str(name) + ".tif" outputdir = path2 + "/" + "lulc" + str(name) + ".tif" outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(inputdir, inMaskData) print(name) print("OK")

4. 添加字段并按属性赋值

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import arcpy import sys,locale reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1 Parallel_Processing_Factor = "0" path = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\Result\data" arcpy.env.workspace = path def getNewValue(value): if value == 0: i = 1 elif value > 0 and value <= 50: i = 2 elif value > 50: i = 3 return i #设置目标数据 path = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\Result\data" names_new = ['urban2020', 'ssp5', 'flus_beijing_2020', 'flus_shijiazhuang_2020',] for i in range(0, len(names_new)): data = path + "/LEI/new/" + names_new[i] + ".shp" print(data) #添加字段type arcpy.AddField_management(data,'type','SHORT') #根据LEi字段逐行给type赋值 rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(data) for row in rows: row.type = getNewValue(row.LEI) rows.updateRow(row)

5. 按时shp属性裁剪tif

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import arcpy from import * arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1 # 可覆盖 shp =r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\Result\data\direction\boundary.shp"#要处理的shp文件路径 out_path=r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\Result\data\direction\ssp5"#输出文件夹的路径 input_tif = r"D:\Work\doing\00urbanAgglomerations\Result\data\direction\sim\ssp5.tif" FieldsName = "name" # 选择的裁剪字段 arcpy.env.workspace = out_path with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(shp, ["SHAPE@",FieldsName]) as cursor: for row in cursor: shp_name=str(row[1])+'.shp'#输出文件名 确保均为字符串类型,注意命名是唯一的,这样就能将该shp数据中的所有要素都导出 arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion (row[0],out_path,shp_name) shp_path = out_path + "/" + shp_name outputdir = out_path + "/" + str(row[1]) + ".tif" outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(input_tif, shp_path) arcpy.Delete_management(shp_path) print(outputdir)



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