转:sock_ev——linux平台socket事件框架(event loop) .


* FILE      : event_loop.h
* Description   : 
* Copyright (c) 2012 by Liu Yanyun(E-mail:liuyun827@foxmail.com). All Rights Reserved.
*            Without permission, shall not be used for any commercial purpose

* History:
* Version       Name            Date            Description
   0.1      Liu Yanyun      2012/12/20      Initial Version
#ifndef _EVENT_LOOP_H_  
#define _EVENT_LOOP_H_  
#include <string.h>  
#include <stdint.h>  
#include <sys/select.h>  
#include <sys/time.h>  
#include <sys/types.h>  
#include <sys/epoll.h>  
#include <unistd.h>  
#include <poll.h>  
#include "sock_ev.h"  
class Socket; 
class EventDispatcher; 
* Function  : EventLoop
* Description   : event loop,it is adapter for select poll epoll wait event
class EventLoop 

  * Function    : EventLoop.EventLoop
  * Description : construction function
  * Function    : EventLoop.~EventLoop
  * Description : Destructor function
  virtual ~EventLoop(); 
  * Function    : EventLoop.initialize
  * Description : initialize the loop
  * Input Para  : type_--dispatcher type
  * Return Value: success return true,or else return false
  bool initialize(LoopType type_); 
  * Function    : EventLoop.addEvt
  * Description : add an event and register callback
  * Input Para  : 
  * Output Para : 
  * Return Value: success return true,or else return false
  bool addEvt(Socket *sock_, 
      EvCallBack cb_, 
      EventType evt_, 
      void *arg_); 
  * Function    : EventLoop.removeEvt
  * Description : remove an event and un-register callback
  * Input Para  : 
  * Output Para : 
  * Return Value: success return true,or else return false
  bool removeEvt(Socket *sock_, 
      EventType evt_); 
  * Function    : EventLoop.listen
  * Description : wait for event trigger
  * Input Para  : 
  * Output Para : 
  * Return Value: 
  int listen(int timeout_); 
    EventDispatcher *dispatcher; 
    SockMapT  sockMap; 
#endif /*_EVENT_LOOP_H_*/  



* FILE      : event_loop.cpp
* Description   : 
* Copyright (c) 2012 by Liu Yanyun(E-mail:liuyun827@foxmail.com). All Rights Reserved.
*            Without permission, shall not be used for any commercial purpose

* History:
* Version       Name            Date            Description
   0.1      Liu Yanyun      2012/12/20      Initial Version

#include "event_loop.h"  
#include "sock_ev.h"  
#include "event_dispatcher.h"  
#include "socket_base.h"  
#include "socket.h"  

  dispatcher = NULL; 


  if(NULL != dispatcher) delete dispatcher; 

bool EventLoop::initialize(LoopType type_) 

  if(selectLoop == type_) 
    dispatcher = new SelectDispatcher(); 
  else if(pollLoop == type_) 
    dispatcher = new PollDispatcher(); 
  else if(epollLoop == type_) 
    dispatcher = new EpollDispatcher(); 
    logTrace("loop type is not right:%d", type_); 
    return false; 
  if(NULL == dispatcher) 
    logTrace("new EventDispatcher is failed"); 
    return false; 
    logTrace("dispatcher->initialize() is failed"); 
    return false; 
  return true; 

bool EventLoop::addEvt(Socket *sock_, 
    EvCallBack cb_, 
    EventType evt_, 
    void *arg_) 

  if((NULL == sock_) || (-1 == sock_->getFd()) || (NULL == cb_)) 
    logTrace("addEvt input is not valid,pleace check"); 
    return false; 
  if(!dispatcher->addEvt(this, sock_, cb_, evt_, arg_)) 
    logTrace("addEvt event to loop is failed"); 
    return false; 
  sockMap[sock_->getFd()] = sock_; 
  return true; 

bool EventLoop::removeEvt(Socket *sock_, 
    EventType evt_) 

  if((NULL == sock_) || (-1 == sock_->getFd())) 
    logTrace("removeEvt input is not valid,pleace check"); 
    return false; 
  dispatcher->removeEvt(sock_, evt_); 
  EventType evt = sock_->getEvt(); 
  if(0 == evt) 
  return true; 

int EventLoop::listen(int timeout_) 

    dispatcher->listen(sockMap, timeout_); 

主要调用前一篇中封装的三种事件监听方式,在初始化的时候选择一种event dipatcher,这就是面向接口编程的好处,利用多态,可以很方便的在运行时进行行为的改变。成员变量sockMap用于保存注册到EventLoop中的socket。

posted on 2014-04-18 12:00  bitbit  阅读(711)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报