Timus 1153. Supercomputer 要求根据自然数列的前 N 项和求 N 值。
Problem Author: Eugene Bryzgalov
Problem Source: Ural Collegiate Programming Contest, April 2001, Perm, English Tour
1153. Supercomputer
Time Limit: 2.0 second
Memory Limit: 16 MB
To check the speed of JCN Corporation new supercomputer it was decided to figure out the sum of first N (N<10600)
positive integers. Unfortunately, by the time the calculation was
finished the Chief Programmer forgot the value of N he entered.
Your task is to write the program (for personal computer), which would
determine the value of N by the result calculated on supercomputer.
JCN Corporation manufactures only reliable computers, and its programmers write only correctly working programs.
JCN Corporation manufactures only reliable computers, and its programmers write only correctly working programs.
One line containing number M - the result of calculations on supercomputer.
One line, containing N - number, entered by Chef Programmer.
input | output |
28 | 7 |
Problem Source: Ural Collegiate Programming Contest, April 2001, Perm, English Tour
1 using System;
2 using System.Globalization;
4 namespace Skyiv.Ben.Timus
5 {
6 // http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1153
7 sealed class T1153
8 {
9 static void Main()
10 {
11 BigInteger m = BigInteger.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
12 Console.WriteLine(BigInteger.Sqrt(m + m));
13 }
14 }
16 sealed class BigInteger : IComparable<BigInteger>
17 {
18 int[] digits = new int[601];
20 public BigInteger(int n)
21 {
22 digits[0] = n;
23 if (digits[0] > 9) Format();
24 }
26 public BigInteger(BigInteger x)
27 {
28 Array.Copy(x.digits, digits, digits.Length);
29 }
31 public static BigInteger Parse(string s)
32 {
33 BigInteger x = new BigInteger(0);
34 for (int i = s.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) x.digits[s.Length - 1 - i] = s[i] - '0';
35 return x;
36 }
38 public int CompareTo(BigInteger x)
39 {
40 for (int i = digits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
41 {
42 if (digits[i] > x.digits[i]) return 1;
43 else if (digits[i] < x.digits[i]) return -1;
44 }
45 return 0;
46 }
48 public static BigInteger Sqrt(BigInteger x)
49 {
50 BigInteger low, high;
51 GetLowAndHigh(x, out low, out high);
52 BigInteger mid = low;
53 int cmp = 0;
54 while (low.CompareTo(high) <= 0)
55 {
56 mid = (low + high) / 2;
57 cmp = (mid * mid).CompareTo(x);
58 if (cmp < 0) low = mid + 1;
59 else if (cmp > 0) high = mid + (-1);
60 else return mid;
61 }
62 if (cmp > 0) mid = mid + (-1);
63 return mid;
64 }
66 static void GetLowAndHigh(BigInteger x, out BigInteger low, out BigInteger high)
67 {
68 int xmax = x.digits.Length - 1;
69 while (xmax >= 0 && x.digits[xmax] == 0) xmax--;
70 const int doublePrecison = 15;
71 if (xmax < doublePrecison)
72 {
73 low = high = new BigInteger((int)Math.Sqrt(GetPrefix(x, xmax, doublePrecison)));
74 return;
75 }
76 int zeros = xmax - doublePrecison + 1;
77 if (zeros % 2 != 0) zeros++;
78 string[] ss = Math.Sqrt(GetPrefix(x, xmax, xmax - zeros + 1)).ToString("F8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Split('.');
79 low = new BigInteger(0);
80 zeros /= 2;
81 int j = 1;
82 for (int i = 0; i < ss[0].Length; i++) low.digits[i + zeros] = ss[0][ss[0].Length - 1 - i] - '0';
83 for (int i = 0; i < ss[1].Length - 2 && j <= zeros; i++, j++) low.digits[zeros - j] = ss[1][i] - '0';
84 high = new BigInteger(low);
85 if (++high.digits[zeros - j + 1] > 9) high.Format();
86 }
88 static long GetPrefix(BigInteger x, int start, int length)
89 {
90 long v = 0;
91 for (int i = start; i >= 0 && length > 0; i--, length--) v = v * 10 + x.digits[i];
92 return v;
93 }
95 public static BigInteger operator +(BigInteger x, int y)
96 {
97 BigInteger z = new BigInteger(x);
98 z.digits[0] += y;
99 if (z.digits[0] > 9 || z.digits[0] < 0) z.Format();
100 return z;
101 }
103 public static BigInteger operator +(BigInteger x, BigInteger y)
104 {
105 BigInteger z = new BigInteger(x);
106 for (int i = x.digits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) z.digits[i] = x.digits[i] + y.digits[i];
107 z.Format();
108 return z;
109 }
111 public static BigInteger operator *(BigInteger x, BigInteger y)
112 {
113 BigInteger z = new BigInteger(0);
114 int xmax = x.digits.Length - 1;
115 int ymax = y.digits.Length - 1;
116 while (xmax >= 0 && x.digits[xmax] == 0) xmax--;
117 while (ymax >= 0 && y.digits[ymax] == 0) ymax--;
118 for (int xi = xmax; xi >= 0; xi--)
119 for (int yi = ymax; yi >= 0; yi--)
120 z.digits[xi + yi] += x.digits[xi] * y.digits[yi];
121 z.Format();
122 return z;
123 }
125 public static BigInteger operator /(BigInteger x, int y)
126 {
127 BigInteger z = new BigInteger(0);
128 int xmax = x.digits.Length - 1;
129 while (xmax >= 0 && x.digits[xmax] == 0) xmax--;
130 for (int remainder = 0, i = xmax; i >= 0; i--)
131 {
132 int quotient = 10 * remainder + x.digits[i];
133 remainder = quotient % y;
134 z.digits[i] = quotient / y;
135 }
136 return z;
137 }
139 void Format()
140 {
141 for (int quotient = 0, i = 0; i < digits.Length; i++)
142 {
143 int numerator = digits[i] + quotient;
144 quotient = numerator / 10;
145 int remainder = numerator % 10;
146 if (remainder < 0)
147 {
148 remainder += 10;
149 quotient--;
150 }
151 digits[i] = remainder;
152 }
153 }
155 public override string ToString()
156 {
157 int n = digits.Length - 1;
158 while (n >= 0 && digits[n] == 0) n--;
159 if (n < 0) return "0";
160 char[] cs = new char[n + 1];
161 for (int i = n; i >= 0; i--) cs[i] = (char)(digits[n - i] + '0');
162 return new string(cs);
163 }
164 }
165 }
2 using System.Globalization;
4 namespace Skyiv.Ben.Timus
5 {
6 // http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1153
7 sealed class T1153
8 {
9 static void Main()
10 {
11 BigInteger m = BigInteger.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
12 Console.WriteLine(BigInteger.Sqrt(m + m));
13 }
14 }
16 sealed class BigInteger : IComparable<BigInteger>
17 {
18 int[] digits = new int[601];
20 public BigInteger(int n)
21 {
22 digits[0] = n;
23 if (digits[0] > 9) Format();
24 }
26 public BigInteger(BigInteger x)
27 {
28 Array.Copy(x.digits, digits, digits.Length);
29 }
31 public static BigInteger Parse(string s)
32 {
33 BigInteger x = new BigInteger(0);
34 for (int i = s.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) x.digits[s.Length - 1 - i] = s[i] - '0';
35 return x;
36 }
38 public int CompareTo(BigInteger x)
39 {
40 for (int i = digits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
41 {
42 if (digits[i] > x.digits[i]) return 1;
43 else if (digits[i] < x.digits[i]) return -1;
44 }
45 return 0;
46 }
48 public static BigInteger Sqrt(BigInteger x)
49 {
50 BigInteger low, high;
51 GetLowAndHigh(x, out low, out high);
52 BigInteger mid = low;
53 int cmp = 0;
54 while (low.CompareTo(high) <= 0)
55 {
56 mid = (low + high) / 2;
57 cmp = (mid * mid).CompareTo(x);
58 if (cmp < 0) low = mid + 1;
59 else if (cmp > 0) high = mid + (-1);
60 else return mid;
61 }
62 if (cmp > 0) mid = mid + (-1);
63 return mid;
64 }
66 static void GetLowAndHigh(BigInteger x, out BigInteger low, out BigInteger high)
67 {
68 int xmax = x.digits.Length - 1;
69 while (xmax >= 0 && x.digits[xmax] == 0) xmax--;
70 const int doublePrecison = 15;
71 if (xmax < doublePrecison)
72 {
73 low = high = new BigInteger((int)Math.Sqrt(GetPrefix(x, xmax, doublePrecison)));
74 return;
75 }
76 int zeros = xmax - doublePrecison + 1;
77 if (zeros % 2 != 0) zeros++;
78 string[] ss = Math.Sqrt(GetPrefix(x, xmax, xmax - zeros + 1)).ToString("F8", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Split('.');
79 low = new BigInteger(0);
80 zeros /= 2;
81 int j = 1;
82 for (int i = 0; i < ss[0].Length; i++) low.digits[i + zeros] = ss[0][ss[0].Length - 1 - i] - '0';
83 for (int i = 0; i < ss[1].Length - 2 && j <= zeros; i++, j++) low.digits[zeros - j] = ss[1][i] - '0';
84 high = new BigInteger(low);
85 if (++high.digits[zeros - j + 1] > 9) high.Format();
86 }
88 static long GetPrefix(BigInteger x, int start, int length)
89 {
90 long v = 0;
91 for (int i = start; i >= 0 && length > 0; i--, length--) v = v * 10 + x.digits[i];
92 return v;
93 }
95 public static BigInteger operator +(BigInteger x, int y)
96 {
97 BigInteger z = new BigInteger(x);
98 z.digits[0] += y;
99 if (z.digits[0] > 9 || z.digits[0] < 0) z.Format();
100 return z;
101 }
103 public static BigInteger operator +(BigInteger x, BigInteger y)
104 {
105 BigInteger z = new BigInteger(x);
106 for (int i = x.digits.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) z.digits[i] = x.digits[i] + y.digits[i];
107 z.Format();
108 return z;
109 }
111 public static BigInteger operator *(BigInteger x, BigInteger y)
112 {
113 BigInteger z = new BigInteger(0);
114 int xmax = x.digits.Length - 1;
115 int ymax = y.digits.Length - 1;
116 while (xmax >= 0 && x.digits[xmax] == 0) xmax--;
117 while (ymax >= 0 && y.digits[ymax] == 0) ymax--;
118 for (int xi = xmax; xi >= 0; xi--)
119 for (int yi = ymax; yi >= 0; yi--)
120 z.digits[xi + yi] += x.digits[xi] * y.digits[yi];
121 z.Format();
122 return z;
123 }
125 public static BigInteger operator /(BigInteger x, int y)
126 {
127 BigInteger z = new BigInteger(0);
128 int xmax = x.digits.Length - 1;
129 while (xmax >= 0 && x.digits[xmax] == 0) xmax--;
130 for (int remainder = 0, i = xmax; i >= 0; i--)
131 {
132 int quotient = 10 * remainder + x.digits[i];
133 remainder = quotient % y;
134 z.digits[i] = quotient / y;
135 }
136 return z;
137 }
139 void Format()
140 {
141 for (int quotient = 0, i = 0; i < digits.Length; i++)
142 {
143 int numerator = digits[i] + quotient;
144 quotient = numerator / 10;
145 int remainder = numerator % 10;
146 if (remainder < 0)
147 {
148 remainder += 10;
149 quotient--;
150 }
151 digits[i] = remainder;
152 }
153 }
155 public override string ToString()
156 {
157 int n = digits.Length - 1;
158 while (n >= 0 && digits[n] == 0) n--;
159 if (n < 0) return "0";
160 char[] cs = new char[n + 1];
161 for (int i = n; i >= 0; i--) cs[i] = (char)(digits[n - i] + '0');
162 return new string(cs);
163 }
164 }
165 }
我们知道,自然数列的前 N 项和 M = N * ( N + 1 ) / 2 ≈ N2 / 2。所以 N = [ √ 2 * M ]。这里 [x] 表示对 x 进行下取整。
这个程序的关键就是求 BigInteger 的平方根。本程序中第 66 到 86 行的 GetLowAndHigh() 方法估算出平方根的范围,然后在第 48 到 64 行的 Sqrt() 方法中用二分查找法找出所求的平方根。
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