如果在我们的 Kubernetes 集群中有了很多的 Service/Pod,那么我们都需要一个一个的去建立一个对应的 ServiceMonitor 对象来进行监控吗?这样岂不是也很麻烦么?
为解决上面的问题,Prometheus Operator 为我们提供了一个额外的抓取配置的来解决这个问题,我们可以通过额外的配置来获取k8s的资源监控(pod、service、node等)。
其中通过kubernetes_sd_configs,可以达到我们想要的目的,监控其各种资源。kubernetes SD 配置允许从kubernetes REST API接受搜集指标,且总是和集群保持同步状态,以下任何一种role类型都能够配置来发现我们想要的对象,来自官网翻译的。
Node role发现每个集群中的目标是通过默认的kubelet的HTTP端口。目标地址默认是kubernetes如下地址中node的第一个地址(NodeInternalIP
, NodeExternalIP
, and NodeHostName
1 2 3 4 5 6 | __meta_kubernetes_node_name: The name of the node object . __meta_kubernetes_node_label_<labelname>: Each label from the node object . __meta_kubernetes_node_labelpresent_<labelname>: true for each label from the node object . __meta_kubernetes_node_annotation_<annotationname>: Each annotation from the node object . __meta_kubernetes_node_annotationpresent_<annotationname>: true for each annotation from the node object . __meta_kubernetes_node_address_<address_type>: The first address for each node address type, if it exists. |
此外,node的实例标签将会被设置成从API server传递过来的node的name。
service角色会为每个服务发现一个服务端口。对于黑盒监控的服务,这个比较有用。address将会被设置成service的kubernetes DNS名称以及各自的服务端口。
Available meta labels:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the service object . __meta_kubernetes_service_annotation_<annotationname>: Each annotation from the service object . __meta_kubernetes_service_annotationpresent_<annotationname>: "true" for each annotation of the service object . __meta_kubernetes_service_cluster_ip: The cluster IP address of the service. (Does not apply to services of type ExternalName) __meta_kubernetes_service_external_name: The DNS name of the service. (Applies to services of type ExternalName) __meta_kubernetes_service_label_<labelname>: Each label from the service object . __meta_kubernetes_service_labelpresent_<labelname>: true for each label of the service object . __meta_kubernetes_service_name: The name of the service object . __meta_kubernetes_service_port_name: Name of the service port for the target. __meta_kubernetes_service_port_protocol: Protocol of the service port for the target. |
Pod role会发现所有pods以及暴露的容器作为target。每个容器声明一个端口,一个单独的target就会生成。如果一个容器没有指定端口,通过relabel手动指定一个端口,一个port-free target容器将会生成。
Available meta labels:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the pod object . __meta_kubernetes_pod_name: The name of the pod object . __meta_kubernetes_pod_ip: The pod IP of the pod object . __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_<labelname>: Each label from the pod object . __meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent_<labelname>: truefor each label from the pod object . __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_<annotationname>: Each annotation from the pod object . __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_<annotationname>: true for each annotation from the pod object . __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_init: true if the container is an InitContainer __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name: Name of the container the target address points to. __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_name: Name of the container port. __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_number: Number of the container port. __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_port_protocol: Protocol of the container port. __meta_kubernetes_pod_ready: Set to true or false for the pod's ready state. __meta_kubernetes_pod_phase: Set to Pending, Running, Succeeded, Failed or Unknown in the lifecycle. __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name: The name of the node the pod is scheduled onto. __meta_kubernetes_pod_host_ip: The current host IP of the pod object . __meta_kubernetes_pod_uid: The UID of the pod object . __meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_kind: Object kind of the pod controller. __meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name: Name of the pod controller. |
endpoints role从每个服务监听的endpoints发现。每个endpoint都会发现一个port。如果endpoint是一个pod,所有包含的容器不被绑定到一个endpoint port,也会被targets被发现。
Available meta labels:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the endpoints object . __meta_kubernetes_endpoints_name: The names of the endpoints object . For all targets discovered directly from the endpoints list (those not additionally inferred from underlying pods), the following labels are attached: __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_hostname: Hostname of the endpoint. __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_node_name: Name of the node hosting the endpoint. __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_ready: Set to true or false for the endpoint's ready state. __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name: Name of the endpoint port. __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_protocol: Protocol of the endpoint port. __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_kind: Kind of the endpoint address target. __meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_name: Name of the endpoint address target. If the endpoints belong to a service, all labels of the role: service discovery are attached. For all targets backed by a pod, all labels of the role: pod discovery are attached. |
ingress role将会发现每个ingress。ingress在黑盒监控上比较有用。address将会被设置成ingress指定的配置。
Available meta labels:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | __meta_kubernetes_namespace: The namespace of the ingress object . __meta_kubernetes_ingress_name: The name of the ingress object . __meta_kubernetes_ingress_label_<labelname>: Each label from the ingress object . __meta_kubernetes_ingress_labelpresent_<labelname>: true for each label from the ingress object . __meta_kubernetes_ingress_annotation_<annotationname>: Each annotation from the ingress object . __meta_kubernetes_ingress_annotationpresent_<annotationname>: true for each annotation from the ingress object . __meta_kubernetes_ingress_scheme: Protocol scheme of ingress, https if TLS config is set . Defaults to http. __meta_kubernetes_ingress_path: Path from ingress spec. Defaults to /. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 | apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: labels: run: jx3recipe name: jx3recipe annotations: "true" spec: selector: matchLabels: app: jx3recipe serviceName: jx3recipe-service replicas: 2 template: metadata: labels: app: jx3recipe appCluster: jx3recipe-cluster spec: terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 20 containers: - image: imagePullPolicy: Always securityContext: runAsUser: 1000 name: jx3recipe lifecycle: preStop: exec: command: [ "kill" , "-s" , "SIGINT" , "1" ] volumeMounts: - name: config-volume mountPath: /data/conf.yml subPath: conf.yml resources: requests: cpu: "100m" memory: "500Mi" env: - name: JX3PVP_ENV value: "qa" - name: JX3PVP_RUN_MODE value: "k8s" - name: JX3PVP_SERVICE_ID valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: - name: JX3PVP_LOCAL_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP - name: JX3PVP_CONSUL_IP value: $(CONSUL_AGENT_SERVICE_HOST) ports: - name: biz containerPort: 8000 protocol: "TCP" - name: admin containerPort: 7000 protocol: "TCP" volumes: - name: config-volume configMap: name: app-configure-file-jx3recipe items: - key: jx3recipe.yml path: conf.yml |
- pod名称的label为jx3recipe
- pod的label_appCluster匹配为 jx3recipe-cluster
- pod的address为http://.*:7000/metrics格式
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | - job_name: 'kubernetes-service-pod' kubernetes_sd_configs: - role: pod relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name] action: replace target_label: jx3recipe - action: labelmap regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+) - source_labels: [ "__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_appCluster" ] regex: "jx3recipe-cluster" action: keep - source_labels: [__address__] action: keep regex: '(.*):7000' |
1 | kubectl create secret generic additional-configs -- from -file=prometheus-additional.yaml -n monitoring |
创建完成后,会将上面配置信息进行 base64 编码后作为 prometheus-additional.yaml 这个 key 对应的值存在:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | apiVersion: v1 data: prometheus-additional.yaml: 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 kind: Secret metadata: creationTimestamp: "2019-09-10T09:32:22Z" name: additional-configs namespace : monitoring resourceVersion: "1004681" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/monitoring/secrets/additional-configs uid: e455d657-d3ad-11e9-95b4-fa163e3c10ff type: Opaque |
然后我们只需要在声明 prometheus 的资源对象文件中添加上这个额外的配置:(prometheus-prometheus.yaml)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | apiVersion: kind: Prometheus metadata: labels: prometheus: k8s name: k8s namespace : monitoring spec: alerting: alertmanagers: - name: alertmanager-main namespace : monitoring port: web baseImage: nodeSelector: linux replicas: 2 secrets: - etcd-certs resources: requests: memory: 400Mi ruleSelector: matchLabels: prometheus: k8s role: alert-rules securityContext: fsGroup: 2000 runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 1000 additionalScrapeConfigs: name: additional-configs key: prometheus-additional.yaml serviceAccountName: prometheus-k8s serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {} serviceMonitorSelector: {} version: v2.5.0 |
1 2 3 | additionalScrapeConfigs: name: additional-configs key: prometheus-additional.yaml |
1 | kubectl apply -f prometheus-prometheus.yaml |
在 Prometheus Dashboard 的配置页面下面我们可以看到已经有了对应的的配置信息了,但是我们切换到 targets 页面下面却并没有发现对应的监控任务,查看 Prometheus 的 Pod 日志:
可以看到有很多错误日志出现,都是xxx is forbidden
,这说明是 RBAC 权限的问题,通过 prometheus 资源对象的配置可以知道 Prometheus 绑定了一个名为 prometheus-k8s 的 ServiceAccount 对象,而这个对象绑定的是一个名为 prometheus-k8s 的 ClusterRole:(prometheus-clusterRole.yaml)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 | apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: prometheus-k8s rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - nodes - services - endpoints - pods - nodes/proxy verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - configmaps - nodes/metrics verbs: - get - nonResourceURLs: - /metrics verbs: - get |
更新上面的 ClusterRole 这个资源对象,然后重建下 Prometheus 的所有 Pod,正常就可以看到 targets 页面下面有 kubernetes-service-pod这个监控任务了:
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