

select * from (
select my_table.*, rownum as my_rownum from (
select distinct t1.uuid,f1.* from res_tp t1 left join
select f2.*, t5.committed_rate, t5.client_name,
t5.serial from
(select distinct t4.equipcode, t3.evplcode
from test1 t1,test2 t2, test3 t3, test4 t4
where t1.uuid=t2.eth_service_id and t2.evpl_id=t3.evplcode
and t1.equipcode = t4.equipcode
and t1.equipcode = 'test0000323'
and t4.subnet = 'test02102') f2 left join test5 t5
on f2.evplcode = t5.evplcode
) f1
on t1.equipcode = f1.equipcode and  (t1.uuid = f1.aend or t1.uuid = f1.zend)
where t1.equipcode = f1.equipcode and t1.equipcode = 'test8347938'
) my_table where rownum <= 10 )
where my_rownum > 0


就会报ora-03113 通信通道的文件结束错误。


问题原因出在:on t1.equipcode = f1.equipcode and  (t1.uuid = f1.aend or t1.uuid = f1.zend)





posted on 2009-11-19 16:31  sky100  阅读(2630)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报