ksar/sar从内核采集数据,并输出可读性数据。分析相关源码,有助于知道数据来龙去脉。--------------------------------------1. sar源码概览
ksar显示sar/sadc获取的数据,并图形化显示。数据从内核节点,到sadc/sar转换,再到ksar显示。----------------------------2. ksar处理流程
对照ksar每张图表,然后sar/sadc对应的采集转换,再到内核每个数据项含义解析。--------------------------------------------3. ksar解读
1. sar源码概览
当使用sar进行数据统计的时候,通过pstree `pidof sar`,可以看出sar调用了sadc。
1.1 sadc信息采样
sadc入口在sadc.c中,主要是解析参数、启动一个interval alarm、rw_sa_stat_loop()读取数据。
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int opt = 0; char ofile[MAX_FILE_LEN], sa_dir[MAX_FILE_LEN]; int stdfd = 0, ofd = -1; int restart_mark; long count = 0; /* Get HZ */ get_HZ(); /* Compute page shift in kB */ get_kb_shift(); ofile[0] = sa_dir[0] = comment[0] = '\0'; ...-----------------------------------------------------------解析参数并进行配置。 /* Set a handler for SIGALRM */ memset(&alrm_act, 0, sizeof(alrm_act)); alrm_act.sa_handler = alarm_handler; sigaction(SIGALRM, &alrm_act, NULL); alarm(interval);------------------------------------------启动一个alarm,超时未interval,并通过在alarm_handler()中重新起一个alarm实现周期性处理。 /* Main loop */ rw_sa_stat_loop(count, stdfd, ofd, ofile, sa_dir); #ifdef HAVE_SENSORS /* Cleanup sensors */ sensors_cleanup(); #endif /* HAVE_SENSORS */ /* Free structures */ sa_sys_free(); return 0; }
void rw_sa_stat_loop(long count, int stdfd, int ofd, char ofile[], char sa_dir[]) { int do_sa_rotat = 0; unsigned int save_flags; char new_ofile[MAX_FILE_LEN] = ""; struct tm rectime = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL}; /* Set a handler for SIGINT */ memset(&int_act, 0, sizeof(int_act)); int_act.sa_handler = int_handler; sigaction(SIGINT, &int_act, NULL); /* Main loop */ do { reset_stats(); ... /* Read then write stats */ read_stats();--------------------------------------------------------遍历act[]中所有的struct activity,进行采样。 if (stdfd >= 0) { save_flags = flags; flags &= ~S_F_LOCK_FILE; write_stats(stdfd);----------------------------------------------通过标准输出文件打印信息。 flags = save_flags; } /* If the record type was R_LAST_STATS, tag it R_STATS before writing it */ record_hdr.record_type = R_STATS; if (ofile[0]) { write_stats(ofd);------------------------------------------------将结果写到指定文件中。 } ... fflush(stdout); if (count > 0) { count--; } if (count) { /* Wait for a signal (probably SIGALRM or SIGINT) */ pause();----------------------------------------------------------此处和alarm()配合达到周期性采样的效果。 } if (sigint_caught)----------------------------------------------------如果收到SIGINT信号,提前终止采样。 /* SIGINT caught: Stop now */ break; ... } while (count);------------------------------------------------------------达到总采样数,同样停止采样。 /* Close file descriptors if they have actually been used */ CLOSE(stdfd); CLOSE(ofd); }
void read_stats(void) { int i; __nr_t cpu_nr = act[get_activity_position(act, A_CPU, EXIT_IF_NOT_FOUND)]->nr; record_hdr.uptime0 = 0; if (cpu_nr > 2) { read_uptime(&(record_hdr.uptime0)); } for (i = 0; i < NR_ACT; i++) { if (IS_COLLECTED(act[i]->options)) {---------------------------------------遍历所有act[],如果act[]中对应的options包含AO_COLLECTED则进行f_read()。 /* Read statistics for current activity */ (*act[i]->f_read)(act[i]); } } if (cpu_nr == 1) { record_hdr.uptime0 = record_hdr.uptime; } }
act[]存放了所有统计事件的struct activity。
struct activity *act[NR_ACT] = { &cpu_act, &pcsw_act, &irq_act, &swap_act, &paging_act, &io_act, &memory_act, &huge_act, &ktables_act, &queue_act, &serial_act, &disk_act, /* <network> */ &net_dev_act, &net_edev_act, &net_nfs_act, &net_nfsd_act, &net_sock_act, &net_ip_act, &net_eip_act, &net_icmp_act, &net_eicmp_act, &net_tcp_act, &net_etcp_act, &net_udp_act, &net_sock6_act, &net_ip6_act, &net_eip6_act, &net_icmp6_act, &net_eicmp6_act, &net_udp6_act, &fchost_act, &softnet_act, /* AO_CLOSE_MARKUP */ /* </network> */ /* <power-management> */ &pwr_cpufreq_act, &pwr_fan_act, &pwr_temp_act, &pwr_in_act, &pwr_wghfreq_act, &pwr_usb_act, /* AO_CLOSE_MARKUP */ /* </power-management> */ &filesystem_act };
1.2 sar显示统计信息
read_sadc_stat_bunch()读取统计信息,write_stats()调用每个struct activity的f_print()函数,write_stats_avg()调用每个struct activity的f_print_avg()函数。
2 ksar处理流程
2.1 ksar介绍
sar -o temp.bin 1 600--------------------------------------------------sar将采样数据保存在temp.bin中。
LC_ALL=C sar -A -f temp.bin > sar.txt----------------------------将保存的采样数据temp.bin,转换成更可读性强的文本文件。
2.2 ksar操作
2.2.1 数据导入
通过Data->Append from a file...从txt中加载数据,还有其他两种数据来源方式。
2.2.2 数据导出
如果要将图表导出,可以在每张图标下面选择Export PNG之类。
或者通过Export->Export to PDF...,选择指定选项。
3. ksar解析
3.1 CPU信息
void read_stat_cpu(struct stats_cpu *st_cpu, int nbr, unsigned long long *uptime, unsigned long long *uptime0) { FILE *fp; struct stats_cpu *st_cpu_i; struct stats_cpu sc; char line[8192]; int proc_nb; if ((fp = fopen(STAT, "r")) == NULL) {----------------------------------------------------/proc/stat fprintf(stderr, _("Cannot open %s: %s\n"), STAT, strerror(errno)); exit(2); } while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "cpu ", 4)) {------------------------------------------------------统计总cpu不同类别耗时,详细信息参考/proc/stat。这里的信息和内核中一一对应。 memset(st_cpu, 0, STATS_CPU_SIZE); sscanf(line + 5, "%llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu", &st_cpu->cpu_user, &st_cpu->cpu_nice, &st_cpu->cpu_sys, &st_cpu->cpu_idle, &st_cpu->cpu_iowait, &st_cpu->cpu_hardirq, &st_cpu->cpu_softirq, &st_cpu->cpu_steal, &st_cpu->cpu_guest, &st_cpu->cpu_guest_nice); *uptime = st_cpu->cpu_user + st_cpu->cpu_nice + st_cpu->cpu_sys + st_cpu->cpu_idle + st_cpu->cpu_iowait + st_cpu->cpu_hardirq + st_cpu->cpu_steal + st_cpu->cpu_softirq; } else if (!strncmp(line, "cpu", 3)) { ... } fclose(fp); }
3.2 进程创建及切换
void read_stat_pcsw(struct stats_pcsw *st_pcsw) { FILE *fp; char line[8192]; if ((fp = fopen(STAT, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "ctxt ", 5)) {--------------------------------------------ctxt是所有CPU的进程切换次数。 /* Read number of context switches */ sscanf(line + 5, "%llu", &st_pcsw->context_switch); } else if (!strncmp(line, "processes ", 10)) {---------------------------------是整个系统创建进程的次数,total_forks, /* Read number of processes created since system boot */ sscanf(line + 10, "%lu", &st_pcsw->processes); } } fclose(fp); }
3.3 swap信息
void read_vmstat_swap(struct stats_swap *st_swap) { FILE *fp; char line[128]; if ((fp = fopen(VMSTAT, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "pswpin ", 7)) {-------------------------------对应PSWPIN,表示从swap分区读入页面。 /* Read number of swap pages brought in */ sscanf(line + 7, "%lu", &st_swap->pswpin); } else if (!strncmp(line, "pswpout ", 8)) {-------------------------对应PSWPOUT,表示将page写入到swap分区。 /* Read number of swap pages brought out */ sscanf(line + 8, "%lu", &st_swap->pswpout); } } fclose(fp); }
3.4 页面统计信息
pgfree/s表示每秒放入到free list的页面数量;pgscank/s、pgscand/s都表示扫描的页面数量,只不过前者表示kswapd扫描结果,后者表示直接扫描;pgsteal/s都表示从pagecache和swapcache中回收的页面数量。
void read_vmstat_paging(struct stats_paging *st_paging) { FILE *fp; char line[128]; unsigned long pgtmp; if ((fp = fopen(VMSTAT, "r")) == NULL) return; st_paging->pgsteal = 0; st_paging->pgscan_kswapd = st_paging->pgscan_direct = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "pgpgin ", 7)) {------------------------------------------------pgpgin和pgpgout分别对应PGPGIN和PGPGOUT,在submit_io()中更新。指内存和块设备志坚page数目,这里的page指的是disk sector。pgpgin表示从块设备读入,pgpgout写入到跨设备。 /* Read number of pages the system paged in */ sscanf(line + 7, "%lu", &st_paging->pgpgin); } else if (!strncmp(line, "pgpgout ", 8)) { /* Read number of pages the system paged out */ sscanf(line + 8, "%lu", &st_paging->pgpgout); } else if (!strncmp(line, "pgfault ", 8)) {-------------------------------------------在vm_event_item[]中对应PGFAULT,在handle_mm_fault()中更新。统计产生page fault的信息。 /* Read number of faults (major+minor) made by the system */ sscanf(line + 8, "%lu", &st_paging->pgfault); } else if (!strncmp(line, "pgmajfault ", 11)) {---------------------------------------对应PGMAJFAULT,表示从磁盘而不是从内存中获取数据。 /* Read number of faults (major only) made by the system */ sscanf(line + 11, "%lu", &st_paging->pgmajfault); } else if (!strncmp(line, "pgfree ", 7)) {--------------------------------------------对应PGFREE,统计释放的页面次数。 /* Read number of pages freed by the system */ sscanf(line + 7, "%lu", &st_paging->pgfree); } else if (!strncmp(line, "pgsteal_", 8)) {-------------------------------------------统计PGSTEAL_KSWAPD和PGSTEAL_DIRECT信息,表示系统回收的kswapd和直接回收的页面数目。 /* Read number of pages stolen by the system */ sscanf(strchr(line, ' '), "%lu", &pgtmp); st_paging->pgsteal += pgtmp; } else if (!strncmp(line, "pgscan_kswapd", 13)) {--------------------------------------统计PGSCAN_KSWAPD信息,表示从系统启动到现在kswapd后台进程扫描的页面数。 /* Read number of pages scanned by the kswapd daemon */ sscanf(strchr(line, ' '), "%lu", &pgtmp); st_paging->pgscan_kswapd += pgtmp; } else if (!strncmp(line, "pgscan_direct", 13)) {--------------------------------------统计PGSCAN_DIRECT和PGSCAN_DIRECT_THROTTLE,统计世界回收页面数。 /* Read number of pages scanned directly */ sscanf(strchr(line, ' '), "%lu", &pgtmp); st_paging->pgscan_direct += pgtmp; } } fclose(fp); }
3.5 IO统计信息
void read_diskstats_io(struct stats_io *st_io) { FILE *fp; char line[256]; char dev_name[MAX_NAME_LEN]; unsigned int major, minor; unsigned long rd_ios, wr_ios, rd_sec, wr_sec; if ((fp = fopen(DISKSTATS, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (sscanf(line, "%u %u %s %lu %*u %lu %*u %lu %*u %lu",-----------scanf的%u之间的星号,表示跳过此输入。 &major, &minor, dev_name, &rd_ios, &rd_sec, &wr_ios, &wr_sec) == 7) { if (is_device(dev_name, IGNORE_VIRTUAL_DEVICES)) {--------------虚拟设备没有/sys/block/<device>/device,此特性用以判断dev_name对应的设备是否是真实的块设备。 st_io->dk_drive += (unsigned long long) rd_ios + (unsigned long long) wr_ios; st_io->dk_drive_rio += rd_ios; st_io->dk_drive_rblk += rd_sec; st_io->dk_drive_wio += wr_ios; st_io->dk_drive_wblk += wr_sec; } } } fclose(fp); }
static int diskstats_show(struct seq_file *seqf, void *v) { struct gendisk *gp = v; struct disk_part_iter piter; struct hd_struct *hd; char buf[BDEVNAME_SIZE]; int cpu; /* if (&disk_to_dev(gp)->kobj.entry == block_class.devices.next) seq_puts(seqf, "major minor name" " rio rmerge rsect ruse wio wmerge " "wsect wuse running use aveq" "\n\n"); */ disk_part_iter_init(&piter, gp, DISK_PITER_INCL_EMPTY_PART0); while ((hd = disk_part_iter_next(&piter))) { cpu = part_stat_lock(); part_round_stats(cpu, hd); part_stat_unlock(); seq_printf(seqf, "%4d %7d %s %lu %lu %lu " "%u %lu %lu %lu %u %u %u %u\n", MAJOR(part_devt(hd)), MINOR(part_devt(hd)), disk_name(gp, hd->partno, buf), part_stat_read(hd, ios[READ]),-------------------------------------------------成功完成读的次数。 part_stat_read(hd, merges[READ]),----------------------------------------------合并读次数,为了效率可能会合并相邻的读和写。 part_stat_read(hd, sectors[READ]),---------------------------------------------读扇区的次数。 jiffies_to_msecs(part_stat_read(hd, ticks[READ])),-----------------------------读花的时间,这里是所有读操作所花费的毫秒数。 part_stat_read(hd, ios[WRITE]),------------------------------------------------成功完成写的次数。 part_stat_read(hd, merges[WRITE]),---------------------------------------------合并写次数。 part_stat_read(hd, sectors[WRITE]),--------------------------------------------写扇区次数。 jiffies_to_msecs(part_stat_read(hd, ticks[WRITE])),----------------------------写花的时间。 part_in_flight(hd), jiffies_to_msecs(part_stat_read(hd, io_ticks)), jiffies_to_msecs(part_stat_read(hd, time_in_queue)) ); } disk_part_iter_exit(&piter); return 0; }
3.6 内存及swap统计信息
这里的kbcommit和页面统计信息相呼应,此处kbcommit突然增加,产生了很多page fault。
unsigned long vm_commit_limit(void) { unsigned long allowed; if (sysctl_overcommit_kbytes) allowed = sysctl_overcommit_kbytes >> (PAGE_SHIFT - 10); else allowed = ((totalram_pages - hugetlb_total_pages()) * sysctl_overcommit_ratio / 100); allowed += total_swap_pages; return allowed; }
void read_meminfo(struct stats_memory *st_memory) { FILE *fp; char line[128]; if ((fp = fopen(MEMINFO, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "MemTotal:", 9)) { /* Read the total amount of memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 9, "%lu", &st_memory->tlmkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "MemFree:", 8)) { /* Read the amount of free memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 8, "%lu", &st_memory->frmkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "MemAvailable:", 13)) { /* Read the amount of available memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 13, "%lu", &st_memory->availablekb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "Buffers:", 8)) { /* Read the amount of buffered memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 8, "%lu", &st_memory->bufkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "Cached:", 7)) { /* Read the amount of cached memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 7, "%lu", &st_memory->camkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "SwapCached:", 11)) { /* Read the amount of cached swap in kB */ sscanf(line + 11, "%lu", &st_memory->caskb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "Active:", 7)) { /* Read the amount of active memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 7, "%lu", &st_memory->activekb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "Inactive:", 9)) { /* Read the amount of inactive memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 9, "%lu", &st_memory->inactkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "SwapTotal:", 10)) { /* Read the total amount of swap memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 10, "%lu", &st_memory->tlskb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "SwapFree:", 9)) { /* Read the amount of free swap memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 9, "%lu", &st_memory->frskb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "Dirty:", 6)) { /* Read the amount of dirty memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 6, "%lu", &st_memory->dirtykb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "Committed_AS:", 13)) { /* Read the amount of commited memory in kB */ sscanf(line + 13, "%lu", &st_memory->comkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "AnonPages:", 10)) { /* Read the amount of pages mapped into userspace page tables in kB */ sscanf(line + 10, "%lu", &st_memory->anonpgkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "Slab:", 5)) { /* Read the amount of in-kernel data structures cache in kB */ sscanf(line + 5, "%lu", &st_memory->slabkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "KernelStack:", 12)) { /* Read the kernel stack utilization in kB */ sscanf(line + 12, "%lu", &st_memory->kstackkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "PageTables:", 11)) { /* Read the amount of memory dedicated to the lowest level of page tables in kB */ sscanf(line + 11, "%lu", &st_memory->pgtblkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "VmallocUsed:", 12)) { /* Read the amount of vmalloc area which is used in kB */ sscanf(line + 12, "%lu", &st_memory->vmusedkb); } } fclose(fp); }
3.7 中断统计信息
void read_stat_irq(struct stats_irq *st_irq, int nbr) { FILE *fp; struct stats_irq *st_irq_i; char line[8192]; int i, pos; if ((fp = fopen(STAT, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "intr ", 5)) {-------------------------------------------------/proc/stat的intr字段。 /* Read total number of interrupts received since system boot */ sscanf(line + 5, "%llu", &st_irq->irq_nr); pos = strcspn(line + 5, " ") + 5; for (i = 1; i < nbr; i++) { st_irq_i = st_irq + i; sscanf(line + pos, " %llu", &st_irq_i->irq_nr); pos += strcspn(line + pos + 1, " ") + 1; } } } fclose(fp); }
#define FDENTRY_STATE "/proc/sys/fs/dentry-state" #define FFILE_NR "/proc/sys/fs/file-nr" #define FINODE_STATE "/proc/sys/fs/inode-state" #define PTY_NR "/proc/sys/kernel/pty/nr" void read_kernel_tables(struct stats_ktables *st_ktables) { FILE *fp; unsigned int parm; int rc = 0; /* Open /proc/sys/fs/dentry-state file */ if ((fp = fopen(FDENTRY_STATE, "r")) != NULL) { rc = fscanf(fp, "%*d %u", &st_ktables->dentry_stat); fclose(fp); if (rc == 0) { st_ktables->dentry_stat = 0; } } /* Open /proc/sys/fs/file-nr file */ if ((fp = fopen(FFILE_NR, "r")) != NULL) { rc = fscanf(fp, "%u %u", &st_ktables->file_used, &parm); fclose(fp); /* * The number of used handles is the number of allocated ones * minus the number of free ones. */ if (rc == 2) { st_ktables->file_used -= parm; } else { st_ktables->file_used = 0; } } /* Open /proc/sys/fs/inode-state file */ if ((fp = fopen(FINODE_STATE, "r")) != NULL) { rc = fscanf(fp, "%u %u", &st_ktables->inode_used, &parm); fclose(fp); /* * The number of inuse inodes is the number of allocated ones * minus the number of free ones. */ if (rc == 2) { st_ktables->inode_used -= parm; } else { st_ktables->inode_used = 0; } } /* Open /proc/sys/kernel/pty/nr file */ if ((fp = fopen(PTY_NR, "r")) != NULL) { rc = fscanf(fp, "%u", &st_ktables->pty_nr); fclose(fp); if (rc == 0) { st_ktables->pty_nr = 0; } } }
3.9 load和queue统计信息
void read_loadavg(struct stats_queue *st_queue) { FILE *fp; char line[8192]; int load_tmp[3]; int rc; if ((fp = fopen(LOADAVG, "r")) == NULL) return; /* Read load averages and queue length */ rc = fscanf(fp, "%d.%u %d.%u %d.%u %lu/%u %*d\n",------------------------------可以看出从/proc/loadavg中获取信息,然后最后一个数据忽略。 &load_tmp[0], &st_queue->load_avg_1, &load_tmp[1], &st_queue->load_avg_5, &load_tmp[2], &st_queue->load_avg_15, &st_queue->nr_running, &st_queue->nr_threads); fclose(fp); if (rc < 8) return; st_queue->load_avg_1 += load_tmp[0] * 100; st_queue->load_avg_5 += load_tmp[1] * 100; st_queue->load_avg_15 += load_tmp[2] * 100; if (st_queue->nr_running) { /* Do not take current process into account */ st_queue->nr_running--; } /* Read nr of tasks blocked from /proc/stat */ if ((fp = fopen(STAT, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "procs_blocked ", 14)) {--------------------------------从/proc/stat中获取procs_blocked项,表示处于iowait状态的进程数目。 /* Read number of processes blocked */ sscanf(line + 14, "%lu", &st_queue->procs_blocked); break; } } fclose(fp); }
3.10 块设备统计信息
__print_funct_t print_disk_stats(struct activity *a, int prev, int curr, unsigned long long itv) { ... for (i = 0; i < a->nr; i++) { ... printf("%-11s", timestamp[curr]); cprintf_in(IS_STR, " %9s", dev_name, 0);-----------------------------sdc是设备当前统计信息,sdp是设备前一次统计信息,itv是两次时间间隔。 cprintf_f(NO_UNIT, 1, 9, 2, S_VALUE(sdp->nr_ios, sdc->nr_ios, itv));----------------------对应图标中的tps,nr_ios表示块设备读写次数之和。tps表示块设备读写频率。 cprintf_f(unit, 2, 9, 2, S_VALUE(sdp->rd_sect, sdc->rd_sect, itv) / 2, S_VALUE(sdp->wr_sect, sdc->wr_sect, itv) / 2);-----------------对应图标的rkB/s和wkB/s,同样rd_sect和wr_sect可以计算出以KB为单位的读写速率。 /* See iostat for explanations */ cprintf_f(unit, 1, 9, 2, xds.arqsz / 2); cprintf_f(NO_UNIT, 3, 9, 2, S_VALUE(sdp->rq_ticks, sdc->rq_ticks, itv) / 1000.0, xds.await,------------------------------------------------------对应await,在compute_ext_disk_stats()中计算。表示每次读写平均耗时。 xds.svctm); cprintf_pc(DISPLAY_UNIT(flags), 1, 9, 2, xds.util / 10.0); printf("\n"); } }
3.11 CPU频率
pwr_cpufreq_act从/proc/cpuinfo中获取频率信息,CPU Frequency all显示的是所有CPU频率的平均值。
从下面代码分析可知,从关键词processor中获取CPU号,从cpu MHz获取CPU频率。
void read_cpuinfo(struct stats_pwr_cpufreq *st_pwr_cpufreq, int nbr) { FILE *fp; struct stats_pwr_cpufreq *st_pwr_cpufreq_i; char line[1024]; int nr = 0; unsigned int proc_nb = 0, ifreq, dfreq; if ((fp = fopen(CPUINFO, "r")) == NULL) return; st_pwr_cpufreq->cpufreq = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "processor\t", 10)) { sscanf(strchr(line, ':') + 1, "%u", &proc_nb); } /* Entry in /proc/cpuinfo is different between Intel and Power architectures */ else if (!strncmp(line, "cpu MHz\t", 8) || !strncmp(line, "clock\t", 6)) { sscanf(strchr(line, ':') + 1, "%u.%u", &ifreq, &dfreq); if (proc_nb < (nbr - 1)) { st_pwr_cpufreq_i = st_pwr_cpufreq + proc_nb + 1; st_pwr_cpufreq_i->cpufreq = ifreq * 100 + dfreq / 10; st_pwr_cpufreq->cpufreq += st_pwr_cpufreq_i->cpufreq; nr++; } else if (!proc_nb && (nbr == 1)) { st_pwr_cpufreq->cpufreq = ifreq * 100 + dfreq / 10; } } } fclose(fp); ... }
3.12 统计串口线信息
void read_tty_driver_serial(struct stats_serial *st_serial, int nbr) { FILE *fp; struct stats_serial *st_serial_i; int sl = 0; char line[256]; char *p; if ((fp = fopen(SERIAL, "r")) == NULL) return; while ((fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) && (sl < nbr)) { if ((p = strstr(line, "tx:")) != NULL) { st_serial_i = st_serial + sl; sscanf(line, "%u", &st_serial_i->line); /* * A value of 0 means an unused structure. * So increment it to make sure it is not zero. */ (st_serial_i->line)++; /* * Read the number of chars transmitted and received by * current serial line. */ sscanf(p + 3, "%u", &st_serial_i->tx); if ((p = strstr(line, "rx:")) != NULL) { sscanf(p + 3, "%u", &st_serial_i->rx); } if ((p = strstr(line, "fe:")) != NULL) { sscanf(p + 3, "%u", &st_serial_i->frame); } if ((p = strstr(line, "pe:")) != NULL) { sscanf(p + 3, "%u", &st_serial_i->parity); } if ((p = strstr(line, "brk:")) != NULL) { sscanf(p + 4, "%u", &st_serial_i->brk); } if ((p = strstr(line, "oe:")) != NULL) { sscanf(p + 3, "%u", &st_serial_i->overrun); } sl++; } } fclose(fp); }
3.13 获取网口统计信息
rxmcst/s表示每秒接收到的multicast packet数目。
int read_net_dev(struct stats_net_dev *st_net_dev, int nbr) { FILE *fp; struct stats_net_dev *st_net_dev_i; char line[256]; char iface[MAX_IFACE_LEN]; int dev = 0; int pos; if ((fp = fopen(NET_DEV, "r")) == NULL)----------------------------------------------------------------从/proc/net/dev获取信息。 return 0; while ((fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) && (dev < nbr)) { pos = strcspn(line, ":"); if (pos < strlen(line)) { st_net_dev_i = st_net_dev + dev; strncpy(iface, line, MINIMUM(pos, MAX_IFACE_LEN - 1)); iface[MINIMUM(pos, MAX_IFACE_LEN - 1)] = '\0'; sscanf(iface, "%s", st_net_dev_i->interface); /* Skip heading spaces */ sscanf(line + pos + 1, "%llu %llu %*u %*u %*u %*u %llu %llu %llu %llu " "%*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %llu", &st_net_dev_i->rx_bytes, &st_net_dev_i->rx_packets, &st_net_dev_i->rx_compressed, &st_net_dev_i->multicast, &st_net_dev_i->tx_bytes, &st_net_dev_i->tx_packets, &st_net_dev_i->tx_compressed); dev++; } } fclose(fp); return dev; } void read_if_info(struct stats_net_dev *st_net_dev, int nbr) { FILE *fp; struct stats_net_dev *st_net_dev_i; char filename[128], duplex[32]; int dev, n; for (dev = 0; dev < nbr; dev++) { st_net_dev_i = st_net_dev + dev; /* Read speed info */ sprintf(filename, IF_DUPLEX, st_net_dev_i->interface);----------------------------------------------从/sys/class/net/%s/duplex获取信息。 if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) /* Cannot read NIC duplex */ continue; n = fscanf(fp, "%31s", duplex); fclose(fp); if (n != 1) /* Cannot read NIC duplex */ continue; if (!strcmp(duplex, K_DUPLEX_FULL)) { st_net_dev_i->duplex = C_DUPLEX_FULL; } else if (!strcmp(duplex, K_DUPLEX_HALF)) { st_net_dev_i->duplex = C_DUPLEX_HALF; } else continue; /* Read speed info */ sprintf(filename, IF_SPEED, st_net_dev_i->interface);--------------------------------------------------从/sys/class/net/%s/speed获取信息。 if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) /* Cannot read NIC speed */ continue; n = fscanf(fp, "%u", &st_net_dev_i->speed); fclose(fp); if (n != 1) { st_net_dev_i->speed = 0; } } }
3.13.1 /proc/net/dev
static int dev_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v) { if (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN) seq_puts(seq, "Inter-| Receive " " | Transmit\n" " face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame " "compressed multicast|bytes packets errs " "drop fifo colls carrier compressed\n"); else dev_seq_printf_stats(seq, v); return 0; } static void dev_seq_printf_stats(struct seq_file *seq, struct net_device *dev) { struct rtnl_link_stats64 temp; const struct rtnl_link_stats64 *stats = dev_get_stats(dev, &temp); seq_printf(seq, "%6s: %7llu %7llu %4llu %4llu %4llu %5llu %10llu %9llu " "%8llu %7llu %4llu %4llu %4llu %5llu %7llu %10llu\n", dev->name, stats->rx_bytes, stats->rx_packets, stats->rx_errors, stats->rx_dropped + stats->rx_missed_errors, stats->rx_fifo_errors, stats->rx_length_errors + stats->rx_over_errors + stats->rx_crc_errors + stats->rx_frame_errors, stats->rx_compressed, stats->multicast, stats->tx_bytes, stats->tx_packets, stats->tx_errors, stats->tx_dropped, stats->tx_fifo_errors, stats->collisions, stats->tx_carrier_errors + stats->tx_aborted_errors + stats->tx_window_errors + stats->tx_heartbeat_errors, stats->tx_compressed); }
3.14 网络错误统计信息
关键结构体也是struct rtnl_link_stats64。
void read_net_edev(struct stats_net_edev *st_net_edev, int nbr) { FILE *fp; struct stats_net_edev *st_net_edev_i; static char line[256]; char iface[MAX_IFACE_LEN]; int dev = 0; int pos; if ((fp = fopen(NET_DEV, "r")) == NULL) return; while ((fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) && (dev < nbr)) { pos = strcspn(line, ":"); if (pos < strlen(line)) { st_net_edev_i = st_net_edev + dev; strncpy(iface, line, MINIMUM(pos, MAX_IFACE_LEN - 1)); iface[MINIMUM(pos, MAX_IFACE_LEN - 1)] = '\0'; sscanf(iface, "%s", st_net_edev_i->interface); /* Skip heading spaces */ sscanf(line + pos + 1, "%*u %*u %llu %llu %llu %llu %*u %*u %*u %*u " "%llu %llu %llu %llu %llu", &st_net_edev_i->rx_errors,------------------对应rx_erros,表示接受到的bad packet。 &st_net_edev_i->rx_dropped,-----------------对应rx_dropped+rx_missed_errors。 &st_net_edev_i->rx_fifo_errors,-------------对应rx_fifo_errors。 &st_net_edev_i->rx_frame_errors,------------对应rx_length_errors+rx_over_errros。 &st_net_edev_i->tx_errors, &st_net_edev_i->tx_dropped, &st_net_edev_i->tx_fifo_errors, &st_net_edev_i->collisions,-----------------对应collisions &st_net_edev_i->tx_carrier_errors);---------包括tx_carrier_errors+tx_aborted_errors+tx_window_errors+tx_heartbeat_errors。
dev++; } } fclose(fp); }
获取网络设备统计信息的核心数据结构式struct rtnl_link_stat64。
struct rtnl_link_stats64 { __u64 rx_packets; /* total packets received */ __u64 tx_packets; /* total packets transmitted */ __u64 rx_bytes; /* total bytes received */ __u64 tx_bytes; /* total bytes transmitted */ __u64 rx_errors; /* bad packets received */ __u64 tx_errors; /* packet transmit problems */ __u64 rx_dropped; /* no space in linux buffers */ __u64 tx_dropped; /* no space available in linux */ __u64 multicast; /* multicast packets received */ __u64 collisions; /* detailed rx_errors: */ __u64 rx_length_errors; __u64 rx_over_errors; /* receiver ring buff overflow */ __u64 rx_crc_errors; /* recved pkt with crc error */ __u64 rx_frame_errors; /* recv'd frame alignment error */ __u64 rx_fifo_errors; /* recv'r fifo overrun */ __u64 rx_missed_errors; /* receiver missed packet */ /* detailed tx_errors */ __u64 tx_aborted_errors; __u64 tx_carrier_errors; __u64 tx_fifo_errors; __u64 tx_heartbeat_errors; __u64 tx_window_errors; /* for cslip etc */ __u64 rx_compressed; __u64 tx_compressed; __u64 rx_nohandler; /* dropped, no handler found */ };
3.15 NFS客户端统计信息
void read_net_nfs(struct stats_net_nfs *st_net_nfs) { FILE *fp; char line[256]; unsigned int getattcnt = 0, accesscnt = 0, readcnt = 0, writecnt = 0; if ((fp = fopen(NET_RPC_NFS, "r")) == NULL) return; memset(st_net_nfs, 0, STATS_NET_NFS_SIZE); while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "rpc ", 4)) { sscanf(line + 4, "%u %u", &st_net_nfs->nfs_rpccnt, &st_net_nfs->nfs_rpcretrans); } else if (!strncmp(line, "proc3 ", 6)) { sscanf(line + 6, "%*u %*u %u %*u %*u %u %*u %u %u", &getattcnt, &accesscnt, &readcnt, &writecnt); st_net_nfs->nfs_getattcnt += getattcnt; st_net_nfs->nfs_accesscnt += accesscnt; st_net_nfs->nfs_readcnt += readcnt; st_net_nfs->nfs_writecnt += writecnt; } else if (!strncmp(line, "proc4 ", 6)) { sscanf(line + 6, "%*u %*u %u %u " "%*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %u %u", &readcnt, &writecnt, &accesscnt, &getattcnt); st_net_nfs->nfs_getattcnt += getattcnt; st_net_nfs->nfs_accesscnt += accesscnt; st_net_nfs->nfs_readcnt += readcnt; st_net_nfs->nfs_writecnt += writecnt; } } fclose(fp); }
3.16 NFS服务端统计信息
#define NET_RPC_NFSD "/proc/net/rpc/nfsd"
void read_net_nfsd(struct stats_net_nfsd *st_net_nfsd) { FILE *fp; char line[256]; unsigned int getattcnt = 0, accesscnt = 0, readcnt = 0, writecnt = 0; if ((fp = fopen(NET_RPC_NFSD, "r")) == NULL) return; memset(st_net_nfsd, 0, STATS_NET_NFSD_SIZE); while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "rc ", 3)) { sscanf(line + 3, "%u %u", &st_net_nfsd->nfsd_rchits, &st_net_nfsd->nfsd_rcmisses); } else if (!strncmp(line, "net ", 4)) { sscanf(line + 4, "%u %u %u", &st_net_nfsd->nfsd_netcnt, &st_net_nfsd->nfsd_netudpcnt, &st_net_nfsd->nfsd_nettcpcnt); } else if (!strncmp(line, "rpc ", 4)) { sscanf(line + 4, "%u %u", &st_net_nfsd->nfsd_rpccnt, &st_net_nfsd->nfsd_rpcbad); } else if (!strncmp(line, "proc3 ", 6)) { sscanf(line + 6, "%*u %*u %u %*u %*u %u %*u %u %u", &getattcnt, &accesscnt, &readcnt, &writecnt); st_net_nfsd->nfsd_getattcnt += getattcnt; st_net_nfsd->nfsd_accesscnt += accesscnt; st_net_nfsd->nfsd_readcnt += readcnt; st_net_nfsd->nfsd_writecnt += writecnt; } else if (!strncmp(line, "proc4ops ", 9)) { sscanf(line + 9, "%*u %*u %*u %*u %u " "%*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %u " "%*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %u " "%*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %u", &accesscnt, &getattcnt, &readcnt, &writecnt); st_net_nfsd->nfsd_getattcnt += getattcnt; st_net_nfsd->nfsd_accesscnt += accesscnt; st_net_nfsd->nfsd_readcnt += readcnt; st_net_nfsd->nfsd_writecnt += writecnt; } } fclose(fp); }
3.17 网络socket统计信息
static int sockstat_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v) { struct net *net = seq->private; unsigned int frag_mem; int orphans, sockets; local_bh_disable(); orphans = percpu_counter_sum_positive(&tcp_orphan_count); sockets = proto_sockets_allocated_sum_positive(&tcp_prot); local_bh_enable(); socket_seq_show(seq);---------------------------------------------------------从sockets_ in_use中获取每个CPU在使用中的socket数目。显示内容sockets: used xxx。tw表示TimeWait的socket数目。 seq_printf(seq, "TCP: inuse %d orphan %d tw %d alloc %d mem %ld\n", sock_prot_inuse_get(net, &tcp_prot), orphans, atomic_read(&tcp_death_row.tw_count), sockets, proto_memory_allocated(&tcp_prot));------------------------------------第一个参数表示TCP协议使用的socket数目。 seq_printf(seq, "UDP: inuse %d mem %ld\n", sock_prot_inuse_get(net, &udp_prot), proto_memory_allocated(&udp_prot));------------------------------------第一个参数表示UDP协议使用的socket数目。 seq_printf(seq, "UDPLITE: inuse %d\n", sock_prot_inuse_get(net, &udplite_prot)); seq_printf(seq, "RAW: inuse %d\n", sock_prot_inuse_get(net, &raw_prot));----------------------------------RAW类型socket使用数目。 frag_mem = ip_frag_mem(net); seq_printf(seq, "FRAG: inuse %u memory %u\n", !!frag_mem, frag_mem); return 0; }
void read_net_sock(struct stats_net_sock *st_net_sock) { FILE *fp; char line[96]; char *p; if ((fp = fopen(NET_SOCKSTAT, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "sockets:", 8)) { /* Sockets */ sscanf(line + 14, "%u", &st_net_sock->sock_inuse); } else if (!strncmp(line, "TCP:", 4)) { /* TCP sockets */ sscanf(line + 11, "%u", &st_net_sock->tcp_inuse); if ((p = strstr(line, "tw")) != NULL) { sscanf(p + 2, "%u", &st_net_sock->tcp_tw); } } else if (!strncmp(line, "UDP:", 4)) { /* UDP sockets */ sscanf(line + 11, "%u", &st_net_sock->udp_inuse); } else if (!strncmp(line, "RAW:", 4)) { /* RAW sockets */ sscanf(line + 11, "%u", &st_net_sock->raw_inuse); } else if (!strncmp(line, "FRAG:", 5)) { /* FRAGments */ sscanf(line + 12, "%u", &st_net_sock->frag_inuse); } } fclose(fp); }
3.18 huge页面统计信息
void read_meminfo_huge(struct stats_huge *st_huge) { FILE *fp; char line[128]; unsigned long szhkb = 0; if ((fp = fopen(MEMINFO, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) { if (!strncmp(line, "HugePages_Total:", 16)) { /* Read the total number of huge pages */ sscanf(line + 16, "%lu", &st_huge->tlhkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "HugePages_Free:", 15)) { /* Read the number of free huge pages */ sscanf(line + 15, "%lu", &st_huge->frhkb); } else if (!strncmp(line, "Hugepagesize:", 13)) { /* Read the default size of a huge page in kB */ sscanf(line + 13, "%lu", &szhkb); } } fclose(fp); /* We want huge pages stats in kB and not expressed in a number of pages */ st_huge->tlhkb *= szhkb; st_huge->frhkb *= szhkb; }
3.19 softnet统计信息
void read_softnet(struct stats_softnet *st_softnet, int nbr) { FILE *fp; struct stats_softnet *st_softnet_i; char line[1024]; unsigned int proc_nb = 1; /* Open /proc/net/softnet_stat file */ if ((fp = fopen(NET_SOFTNET, "r")) == NULL) return; /* * Init a structure that will contain the values for CPU "all". * CPU "all" doesn't exist in /proc/net/softnet_stat file, so * we compute its values as the sum of the values of each CPU. */ memset(st_softnet, 0, sizeof(struct stats_softnet)); while ((fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp) != NULL) && (proc_nb < nbr)) { st_softnet_i = st_softnet + proc_nb++; sscanf(line, "%x %x %x %*x %*x %*x %*x %*x %*x %x %x", &st_softnet_i->processed, &st_softnet_i->dropped, &st_softnet_i->time_squeeze, &st_softnet_i->received_rps, &st_softnet_i->flow_limit); st_softnet->processed += st_softnet_i->processed; st_softnet->dropped += st_softnet_i->dropped; st_softnet->time_squeeze += st_softnet_i->time_squeeze; st_softnet->received_rps += st_softnet_i->received_rps; st_softnet->flow_limit += st_softnet_i->flow_limit; } fclose(fp); }
static int softnet_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v) { struct softnet_data *sd = v; unsigned int flow_limit_count = 0; #ifdef CONFIG_NET_FLOW_LIMIT struct sd_flow_limit *fl; rcu_read_lock(); fl = rcu_dereference(sd->flow_limit); if (fl) flow_limit_count = fl->count; rcu_read_unlock(); #endif seq_printf(seq, "%08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", sd->processed, sd->dropped, sd->time_squeeze, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* was fastroute */ 0, /* was cpu_collision */ sd->received_rps, flow_limit_count); return 0; }
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