Relationship between the default armclang-generated sections and scatter-loading input sections

How the default sections that armclang generates relate to the sections in an image depends on the attributes of the sections. Without a scatter file, the scatter-loading mechanism maps the sections using default input section selectors. However, you can modify the mapping with a scatter file.

The following table shows the relationship between armclang-generated sections and scatter-loading input sections:

Table 1. Relationship between the default armclang-generated sections and input section selectors
Default section names that armclang generates Input section selectors for scatter-loading Corresponding execution regions for scatter-loading without a scatter file Example
.bss .bss, ZI, or BSS ER_ZI Zero-Initialized data int b=0; and uninitialized data int a;
.data .data, RW, RW-DATA, or DATA ER_RW Read/write data int z=5;
.constdata .constdata, RO, RO-DATA, or CONST ER_RO Read-only constants.
.rodata .rodata, RO, RO-DATA, or CONST ER_RO Read-only numerical constants int const x=5
.rodata.str1.1 .rodata.str1.1, RO, RO-DATA, or CONST ER_RO

String contained in

printf("const string");

.text .text, RO, RO-CODE, or CODE ER_RO Source that translates to instructions.
.text with SHF_ARM_NOREAD flag XO ER_XO

Source code built with


.llvmbc (LLVM bitcode) RO-CODE, or CODE ER_RO Section containing bitcode generated by the link time optimizer.


This table shows the default section names that armclang generates. You can create sections with different names using the __attribute__((section("name"))) function and variable attribute, for example.

armlink prioritizes the most specific selector first, with no ambiguity allowed. The input section selector .rodata* also selects .rodata.str1.1. Specifying both *(.rodata*) and *(.rodata.str1.*) matches *(.rodata.str1.*) sections then any remaining RO data sections with *(.rodata*). For more information, see How the linker resolves multiple matches when processing scatter files.


The following example shows the placement of code and data, with default section names and user-specified section names:

int x1 = 5;                                                // in .data.x1 (default) - RW
int y1[100];                                               // in .bss.y1 (default) - ZI
int const z1[3] = {1,2,3};                                 // in .rodata.z1 (default) - RO

int x2 __attribute__((section("foo"))) = 5;                // in foo (data part of region) - RW
int y2[100];                                               // in .bss.y2 (default) - ZI
int const z2[3] __attribute__((section("bar"))) = {1,2,3}; // in bar - RW
char *s2 __attribute__((section("foo"))) = "abc";          // s2 in foo, "abc" in .rodata.str1.1 - RO

int x3 __attribute__((section("foo"))) = 5;                // in foo (data part of region) - RW
int y3[100];                                               // in .bss.y3 (default) - RW
int const z3[3] = {1,2,3};                                 // in .rodata.z3 (default) - RO
char *s3 __attribute__((section("foo"))) = "def";          // s3 in foo, "def" in .rodata.str1.1 - RW

int add1(int x) __attribute__((section("foo")));
int add1(int x)                                            // in foo (code part of region) - CODE
    return x+1;



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