10 2010 档案
摘要:I’m using Windows7 and my computer has 8G RAM, because it is a desktop PC, I don’t need hibernation. The hibernation file is about 6G, surely, this a...
摘要:Well, yesterday I got a new ARM devkit: a STM32103RB dev board with Segger JLink. Thanks Segger, they provide signed Win7 x64 driver for this pro...
摘要:Windows 7 有一个臭名卓著的bug。什么?你不知道?只要搜“windows7 explorer double click scroll”,排在结果第一的就是。 OK, let's show it. 运行资源管理器,展开一些文件夹,让左边的树列表滚动条充满,找一个子文件夹比较多的文件夹,就...
摘要:Well, this is Metroid Prime Chinese Localization release 2010.10.04. Download Only a few changes: Compiled using vc++ 2010, so patching is faste...