Jawin –Java/Win32互动项目 可调用DLL及COM的调用项目


Jawin –Java/Win32互动项目:可调用DLLCOM的调用项目
        The Java/Win32 integration project (Jawin) is a free, open source architecture for interoperation between Java and components exposed through Microsoft's Component Object Model (COM) or through Win32 Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs). The current version of Jawin is 2.0-alpha1, build 2005-03-23. The most recent version of this document is located at the Jawin home, kindly hosted by SourceForge.net.
       Java/Win32互动项目( Jawin)是一个免费的开源软件工程,用于和微软的COM或者Win32下面的DLL文件互动。当前Jawin的版本是2.0-alpha1,生成于2005-03-23,最新的文档位于SourceForge.net上的Jawin Home
       You can use Jawin to interact with scriptable applications such as the Microsoft Office suite. You can use Jawin to call scriptable logic components such as Microsoft's COM-based XML parsers and tools. You can also use Jawin to access Win32 API features such as the Windows registry, security APIs, and the event log. You can also use Jawin to make in-process interoperability with .NET code exposed as COM objects. In fact, Jawin allows your Java applications to call any legacy COM- and DLL-based code, without having to write any Java Native Interface (JNI) code. Using Jawin, you can call any component that can be scripted in the Windows environment. You can also call arbitrary COM components or DLL entry points.
       可以使用Jawin与诸如微软的办公套件的可交互的脚本进行应用程序进行交互,可以获取Win32 API应用程序功能,如Windows注册表,安全APIs,甚至事件日志,可以使用Jawin处理.NET代码象处理COM对象一样。实事上,Jawin允许JAVA应用程序调用任何基于COM及DLL的代码,而不需要写任何Java本地接口(JNI)代码。使用Jawin你可以调用任何可在Windows环境下编程的组件,你也可以调用任意的COM组件或者是DLL实体指针。
       awin includes a code generator, Jawin Type Browser, supporting generation of stub code for scriptable as well as non-scriptable COM components. The code generator reads one or more type libraries, and automatically emits the Java stubs needed to call the component(s). The Jawin Type Browser is not (yet) able to generate code for DLL entry points, and not all parameter types are supported for COM components.
       Jawin was initiated by Stuart Halloway and Justin Gehtland of Relevance LLC and is an offspring from Stuarts book Component Development for the Java Platform freely available as PDF from the DevelopMentor downloadable books page. Stuart also previously maintained a list of other Java/COM and Java/Win32 interoperability technologies and products (as of spring 2005, this page seems to be unavailable, but can be found at the Internet Archive).
       Jawin创始于来自于Relevance LLC的Stuart Halloway 及 Justin Gehtland,并且是Stauarts的名为《JAVA平台的组件开发》,该书可以从DevelopMentor downloadable books page免费获取PDF文档。Stauarts原来维护一套其它的Java/COM and Java/Win32 interoperability technologies and products(在2005年的春天,当前页好像是无法访问,但是可以从Internet Archive找到)。
Use of Jawin is subject to the following LICENSE. Jawin includes Konstantin Boukreevs C++ Exception Handling classes. See LICENSE-CPP-Exception for license and copyright details. The Jawin Type Browser includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation, specifically Xerces and Xalan. See LICENSE-Apache for license and copyright details.
Jawin Resources



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