
--创建oracle用户和表空间, 仅首次安装系统时需要执行.
--若之前已创建同名的表空间或用户, 则对应脚本会被忽略.
-- 以下配置请根据实际部署情况手工修改
v_username varchar2(1000) := 'test';
v_password varchar2(1000) := '1';
--数据文件目录, 这个目录在ORACLE服务器, 需要和DBA确认.
v_datafile_path varchar2(1000) := '/home/oracle/app/oradata/orcl';

--存放数据泵备份文件的目录, 这个目录在ORACLE服务器, 需要和DBA确认. 对应linux系统的目录需要手工创建?
--v_directory_path varchar2(1000) := '/home/oracle/product/admin/ora11g/dpdump';
-- 以下信息请勿修改
v_count number;
v_dir_name varchar2(1000); --目录名称
v_ts_name varchar2(1000); --当前库表空间
v_username := LOWER(v_username);
v_dir_name := LOWER('fmdmp_' || v_username);
v_ts_name := LOWER(v_username);

    select count(1) into v_count from dba_directories a where a.directory_name = UPPER(v_dir_name);
    if v_count = 0 then
     execute immediate 'create directory ' || v_dir_name || ' as ''' || v_directory_path || '/' || v_username || '''';
    end if;

    select count(*) into v_count from dba_tablespaces a where a.tablespace_name = UPPER(v_ts_name);
    if (v_count = 0) then
        execute immediate 'create tablespace '
|| v_ts_name || ' logging datafile ''' || v_datafile_path || '/' || v_ts_name || '.dbf'' size 512M'
|| ' autoextend on next 512M'
|| ' extent management local'
|| ' segment space management auto';
    end if;
    select count(*) into v_count from dba_users a where a.username = UPPER(v_username);
    if (v_count = 0) then
        execute immediate 'create user ' || v_username || ' identified by ' || v_password || ' default tablespace ' || v_ts_name || ' temporary tablespace TEMP';
    end if;
execute immediate 'grant connect, resource, dba, unlimited tablespace, create any table, select any table, grant any object privilege, create any synonym, drop any synonym to ' || v_username;
execute immediate 'grant execute on utl_file to ' || v_username;
    execute immediate 'grant read,write on directory ' || v_dir_name || ' to ' || v_username;
    execute immediate 'grant select on sys.DBA_DIRECTORIES to ' || v_username;

posted @ 2017-09-30 22:20  Mr.R123  阅读(264)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报