Markdown 基础

How to use Markdown

H1 text.

H2 text.

H3 text.

H4 text.

H5 text.
H6 text.


This is italic text.
This is also italic text.

This is bold text.
This is also bold text.

This is bold italic text.
This is also bold italic text.


Order Lists

  1. text
  2. typing
  3. just other thing

Unorder Lists

  • text
  • typing
  • just other thing


Code Block

You can activate code block with backticks, _this can be useful_ for showing markdown

even if this lines go across multiple lines```

    Adding 4 spaces in front of a line
    will make it into a code block.

>This is a blockquote
>This is a blockquote
>This is a blockquote


###Normal Links
[link cnblogs](

###Reference Style Links


###Images are just like links
posted @ 2016-12-02 10:53  FigureSkating  阅读(162)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报