spring data jpa 笔记

Spring Data JPA 是 Spring 基于 ORM 框架、JPA 规范的基础上封装的一套JPA应用框架,可使开发者用极简的代码即可实现对数据的访问和操作。它提供了包括增删改查等在内的常用功能,且易于扩展!学习并使用 Spring Data JPA 可以极大提高开发效率!



KeywordSampleJPQL snippet
And findByLastnameAndFirstname … where x.lastname = ?1 and x.firstname = ?2
Or findByLastnameOrFirstname … where x.lastname = ?1 or x.firstname = ?2
Is,Equals findByFirstnameIs,findByFirstnameEquals … where x.firstname = ?1
Between findByStartDateBetween … where x.startDate between ?1 and ?2
LessThan findByAgeLessThan … where x.age < ?1
LessThanEqual findByAgeLessThanEqual … where x.age ⇐ ?1
GreaterThan findByAgeGreaterThan … where x.age > ?1
GreaterThanEqual findByAgeGreaterThanEqual … where x.age >= ?1
After findByStartDateAfter … where x.startDate > ?1
Before findByStartDateBefore … where x.startDate < ?1
IsNull findByAgeIsNull … where x.age is null
IsNotNull,NotNull findByAge(Is)NotNull … where x.age not null
Like findByFirstnameLike … where x.firstname like ?1
NotLike findByFirstnameNotLike … where x.firstname not like ?1
StartingWith findByFirstnameStartingWith … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with appended %)
EndingWith findByFirstnameEndingWith … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound with prepended %)
Containing findByFirstnameContaining … where x.firstname like ?1 (parameter bound wrapped in %)
OrderBy findByAgeOrderByLastnameDesc … where x.age = ?1 order by x.lastname desc
Not findByLastnameNot … where x.lastname <> ?1
In findByAgeIn(Collection ages) … where x.age in ?1
NotIn findByAgeNotIn(Collection age) … where x.age not in ?1
TRUE findByActiveTrue() … where x.active = true
FALSE findByActiveFalse() … where x.active = false
IgnoreCase findByFirstnameIgnoreCase … where UPPER(x.firstame) = UPPER(?1)



 1 // Pageable 是spring封装的分页实现类,使用的时候需要传入页数、每页条数和排序规则
 3 @Test
 4 public void testPageQuery() throws Exception {
 5     int page=1,size=10;
 6     Sort sort = new Sort(Direction.DESC, "id");
 7     Pageable pageable = new PageRequest(page, size, sort);
 8     userRepository.findALL(pageable);
 9     userRepository.findByUserName("testName", pageable);
10 }


posted @ 2018-03-06 10:17  技术宅home  阅读(199)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报