随笔分类 - Android Service
摘要:1.大致流程 在服务端声明远程服务接口IRemoteService.aidl,并声明回调接口ICallback.aidl 在服务端实现远程服务接口IRemoteService.Stub 使用RemoteCallbackList保存回调接口列表 发布服务 在客户端实现回调接口 ICallback.St
摘要:Android 接口定义语言 (AIDL) 1.AIDL是什么 AIDL(Android 接口定义语言)与您可能使用过的其他 IDL 类似。 您可以利用它定义客户端与服务使用进程间通信 (IPC) 进行相互通信时都认可的编程接口。 2.AIDL 用途 与Binder,Messenger一样,实现绑定
摘要:绑定服务 1.继承Service 绑定服务是 Service 类的实现,不是IntentService实现。 2.bindService 客户端可通过调用 bindService() 绑定到服务,bindService() 方法会立即无值返回,但当系统创建客户端与服务之间的连接时,会对 Servic
摘要:服务 1.定义 Service 是一个可以在后台执行长时间运行操作而不提供用户界面的应用组件。 2.何时释放? 仅当内存过低且必须回收系统资源以供具有用户焦点的 Activity 使用时,Android 系统才会强制停止服务。如果将服务绑定到具有用户焦点的 Activity,则它不太可能会终止;如果
摘要:Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL) 1.In this document Defining an AIDL Interface Create the .aidl file Implement the interface Expose the in
摘要:1.绑定服务的生命期 官方原文如下: Managing the Lifecycle of a Bound Service When a service is unbound from all clients, the Android system destroys it (unless it was
摘要:Binding to a Service Application components (clients) can bind to a service by calling bindService(). The Android system then calls the service's onBi
摘要:Compared to AIDL When you need to perform IPC, using a Messenger for your interface is simpler than implementing it with AIDL, because Messenger queue
摘要:Extending the Binder class If your service is used only by the local application and does not need to work across processes, then you can implement yo
摘要:1.Bound Services A bound service is the server in a client-server interface. A bound service allows components (such as activities) to bind to the ser
摘要:1.Sending Notifications to the User (发送通知) Once running, a service can notify the user of events using Toast Notifications or Status Bar Notifications
摘要:Managing the Lifecycle of a Service The lifecycle of a service is much simpler than that of an activity. However, it's even more important that you pa
摘要:Bound Services 1.In this document The Basics Creating a Bound Service Extending the Binder class Using a Messenger Binding to a Service Additional not
摘要:1.Creating a Started Service A started service is one that another component starts by calling startService(), resulting in a call to the service's on
摘要:Services 简介和分类 A Service is an application component that can perform long-running operations in the background and does not provide a user interface.