create database mDB
create table mTbl
drop database mDB
drop table mTbl --(推荐逻辑删除)
alter table mTbl
add constraint Ck_name check(len(Name)>2)
insert into mTbl(Name,age) values('Joe',20) --标示自动设置
set identity_insert mTbl on
insert into mTbl(id,Name,age) values(100,'Cheng',20) --标示手动设置
set identity_insert mTbl off
update mTbl set Name='Joo',age=21 where(id=100)
delete from mTbl where()
truncate table mTbl --清空表 执行效率比delete高 并且会将标示种子恢复
1 --基本格式 2 select * from TblClass 3 4 --对于列限制 5 6 --取指定列 7 select cid,cname from Tblclass 8 select cname from Tblclass 9 10 --起别名 as 11 select cid as 编号, cname 名称, 描述=cdescription from Tblclass 12 13 --对于行限制 14 insert into tblclass values('myClass001','jjoe') 15 insert into tblclass values('myClass002','jjoe') 16 insert into tblclass values('myClass003','jjoe') 17 insert into tblclass values('myClass004','jooe') 18 --top : 表示取前n行 与 前 n% 19 select top 2 * from tblclass 20 select top 50 percent * from tblclass 21 22 select * from tblclass 23 update tblclass set cdescription ='bi...sowshoddllll' where cid%2=0 24 25 --distinct : 消除重复数据 不查主键列的时候 可以消除重复 比如男女 26 select cdescription from tblclass 27 select distinct cdescription from tblclass 28 select distinct cdescription,cname from tblclass --两列都重复才消除 29 30 31 32 33 --where子句 也是对行进行筛选 做条件用的 设置大小范围 34 35 select * from tblclass 36 where cid>=3 --比较运算符 > < >= <= != (能比较的类型) 37 38 --查询班级编号在2-4之间的信息: 39 select * from tblclass 40 where cid>2 and cid<5 --逻辑运算符 and or not 41 42 --班级编号在1到4之间 并且 要求描述的字符串个数大于5 43 select * from tblclass 44 where cid>1 and cid <4 and len(cdescription)>5 --len() 用于访问字符个数 45 46 --班级编号在1到4之间 或者 要求描述的字符串个数大于5 47 select * from tblclass 48 where (cid>1 and cid<4) or len(cdescription)>5 --运算符not的优先级最高 49 50 --取范围,表示在一个连续的范围内 between ... and ... [5,8] 闭区间 51 select * from tblclass 52 where cid between 2 and 4 53 select * from tblclass 54 where (cid between 2 and 4) and len(cdescription)>5 55 56 --in关键字 表示一个不连续的范围 57 --查询编号为1,3,5的班级 58 select * from tblclass 59 where cid=1 or cid=3 or cid=5 60 select * from tblclass 61 where cid in(1,3,5) 62 63 select * from tblclass 64 65 --模糊查询: like _(任意一个字符) %(任意多个字符) [](连续区间) [^](表示非) 66 select * from tblclass 67 where cdescription like '%good%' 68 69 --查询描述包含dll的信息 70 select * from tblclass 71 where cdescription like '%dll%' 72 --查询描述中以b开头并且是4个字符 73 select * from tblclass 74 where cdescription like 'j___' 75 76 update tblclass set cdescription='Join us !' where cname='myclass002' 77 --查询描述中包含!的班级名称 转义[!] [%] 78 select cname from tblclass 79 where cdescription like '%[!]%' 80 81 select * from tblclass 82 insert into tblclass(cname,cdescription) values('myclass005','my description is : good!') 83 84 85 set identity_insert tblclass on 86 insert into tblclass(cid,cname) values(100,'myclass100') 87 set identity_insert tblclass off 88 89 90 91 insert into tblclass values('myclass102',null) 92 --空值判断 is [not] null 93 select * from tblclass 94 where cdescription is null 95 96 --函数判断 isnull() 判断值是否为空 如果为空 不显示null而给一个默认值 97 select cid,cname,isnull(cdescription,'暂时没描述') from tblclass 98 99 100 --============================================== 101 --order by 子句排序子句 102 select * from tblclass 103 --order by cid asc --按cid升序排序 asc 104 --order by cid desc --按cid降序排序 desc 105 106 107 --可以按照多列排序 order by cid desc,cname asc 108 order by cid desc,cname asc 109 110 --============================================== 111 --分组子句group by ... having ... 112 --聚合函数 113 --聚合: 把多行合并成一行 114 use itcastcn 115 select * from tblscore 116 --找英语的最高分 117 select max(tenglish) from tblscore 118 --找数学的最低分 119 select min(tmath) from tblscore 120 --找英语的平均分 121 select avg(tenglish) from tblscore 122 --求数学成绩的总和 123 select sum(tmath) from tblscore 124 --求参加考试的人数 125 select count(*) from tblstudent 126 select * from tblscore
//2015-12-07 分组 聚合 常用函数 格式化 字符串函数 日期函数 联合查询
1 --分组 group by 统计各班人数 出现在分组选项的列 可以出现在查询结果中 其他的列不可以 2 --和聚合函数一起出现在结果中 3 select tsclassid,count(*) as 人数 from tblstudent 4 group by tsclassid 5 6 7 --做选择 having 和where的区别: having是完成统计之后 在统计结果之中进行筛选 where 在之前 8 --查找出班级人数大于5的班级信息 9 select tsclassid,count(*) as 人数 from tblstudent 10 group by tsclassid having count(*)>5 11 12 --select ... from ... where ... group by ... having... 13 14 -->>完整的select语句 select distinct top n[percent] * 15 --from 表 where (条件) group by ... having ... order by ... 16 17 18 select * from tblstudent 19 20 select tsclassid,count(*) as renshu 21 from tblstudent 22 where tsGender='男' 23 group by tsclassid having tsclassid=5 24 25 26 select distinct top 1 tsage,count(*) as 总人数 27 from tblstudent 28 where tsgender='女' 29 group by tsage having tsage>15 30 order by tsage asc 31 32 --练习:查询所有女生信息 33 select * from tblstudent where tsgender = '女' 34 --练习: 查询班级为3的男生信息 35 select * from tblstudent where tsgender='男' and tsclassid=3 36 --练习:查询姓张的男学生 37 select * from tblstudent where tsname like '张%' and tsgender='男' 38 --练习:找出各个城市的人数 39 select tsaddress,count(*) as 人数 40 from tblstudent 41 group by tsaddress 42 order by 人数 desc 43 --练习:找每个班中人数最多的城市名称 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 --20151207 51 --常用函数: 52 select * from tblclass 53 --cast(值 as 类型) 54 update tblclass set cdescription = cdescription +cast(cid as char(2)) 55 --convert(目标类型,值[,format]) 56 select convert(float,'12.3434') 57 58 --格式化 59 select convert(float,'12.3434',0) 60 select convert(float,'123.23232123123',6) 61 select convert(decimal(10,2),'123.23123123') 62 select getdate() 63 select convert(datetime,'2015-12-07',103) 64 65 select convert(varchar(10),getdate()) 66 --2015-12-07 16:12:38.730 67 68 69 --字符串函数 70 select upper('asdf') 71 select * from tblclass 72 select len(cdescription) from tblclass 73 74 select ltrim(' asd') 75 select rtrim('asd ') 76 77 --字符串截取 left right substring 78 --下标从1开始 79 80 81 select substring('asdfasllsl',3,5)--从1开始数 第三个 5个字符 82 83 84 --日期函数 85 --增加日期 86 select dateadd(year,5,getdate()) 87 select dateadd(month,5,getdate()) 88 --两个时间做差 89 select datediff(day,getdate(),'2015-12-20') 90 91 select * from tblemployee 92 select datepart(dayofyear,empjoindate) from tblemployee 93 94 select year(empjoindate) from tblemployee 95 select datepart(hour,getdate()) 96 97 98 select getdate() 99 100 101 102 103 --联合查询 union 104 select cid,cname from tblclass 105 union 106 select * from tbldepartment 107 108 use itcastcn 109 110 select 'Max:',max(tenglish) from tblscore 111 union 112 select 'Min:',min(tenglish) from tblscore 113 union 114 select 'Avg:',avg(tenglish) from tblscore 115 116 117 --合并成一行 118 select max(tenglish),min(tenglish),avg(tenglish) from tblscore 119 120 121 --练习: 122 select * from tblteacher 123 select ttname,ttsalary from tblteacher 124 union all 125 select '平均工资:',avg(ttsalary) from tblteacher 126 union all 127 select '最高工资:',max(ttsalary) from tblteacher
//2015-12-08 连接查询 判断
1 --连接查询 join on 2 select * from tblclass 3 select * from tblstudent 4 --查询显示学生姓名以及对应班级名称 多表查询 5 6 select tsname as '姓名',cname as '班级名' 7 from tblclass 8 inner join 9 tblstudent on tblstudent.tsclassid=tblclass.cid 10 11 --查询学生姓名以及英语数学分数 12 13 select tblstudent.tsname,tblscore.tenglish,tblscore.tmath 14 from tblstudent 15 join 16 tblscore on tblstudent.tsid=tblscore.tsid 17 18 --查询所有学生的姓名、年龄、所在班级 19 20 select tsname,tsage,cname 21 from tblstudent 22 join 23 tblclass on tblstudent.tsclassid=tblclass.cid 24 order by tsage asc 25 26 --查询所有年龄超过20 的学生姓名、年龄、班级 27 select tsname,tsage,cname 28 from tblstudent 29 join 30 tblclass on tblstudent.tsclassid=tblclass.cid 31 where tblstudent.tsage>20 32 order by tsage desc 33 34 --查询学生姓名、年龄、班级及成绩 35 select tblstudent.tsname,tblstudent.tsage,tblclass.cname,tblscore.tenglish,tblscore.tmath 36 from tblstudent 37 join 38 tblclass on tblstudent.tsclassid=tblclass.cid 39 join 40 tblscore on tblstudent.tsid=tblscore.tsid 41 42 43 ----查询所有没有参加考试(在成绩表中不存在的学生)学生的姓名 44 --select tsclassid,max(tsaddress) from tblstudent 45 --group by tsclassid 46 47 48 --练习: 49 --1.查询所有英语及格的学生姓名、年龄以及成绩 50 select tsname,tsage,tenglish 51 from tblstudent 52 join 53 tblscore on tblstudent.tsid=tblscore.tsid 54 where tblscore.tenglish>60 55 order by tenglish asc 56 57 58 --2.查询所有没有参加考试的学生的姓名 59 --学生编号不在tblscore表中出现not in() 60 select tsname from tblstudent 61 where tsid not in (select tsid from tblscore) 62 63 64 --3.分组使用多个属性 65 --查询每个班级的各个地区有多少人 先对班级分组 在对地区分组 66 select tsclassid,tsaddress,count(*) 67 from tblstudent 68 group by tsclassid,tsaddress 69 order by tsclassid 70 71 --查询每个班级男女人数 72 select tsclassid,tsgender,count(*) as 人数 73 from tblstudent 74 group by tsclassid ,tsgender 75 order by tsclassid 76 77 --查询每个班级每个年龄人数 显示的只能是聚合的列的信息 78 select tsclassid,tsage,count(*) as 人数 79 from tblstudent 80 group by tsclassid,tsage 81 order by tsage 82 83 84 --3.计算各员工的工龄 85 select datediff(day,'2014-11-12',getdate()) 86 87 88 select * 89 from tblemployee 90 where datediff(day,empjoindate,getdate())+1>365 91 92 93 -------------------------------外连接--------------------------- 94 select * from TblDepartment 95 select * from Tblemployee 96 97 select * from tbldepartment left join tblemployee on empdeptid=deptid 98 select * from tblemployee left join tbldepartment on empdeptid=deptid 99 100 select * from tblemployee right join tbldepartment on empdeptid=deptid 101 select * from tbldepartment right join tblemployee on empdeptid=deptid 102 103 104 select * from tblemployee full join tbldepartment on empdeptid=deptid 105 106 107 --低于60分的提示不及格 108 select * from tblscore 109 select * from tblstudent 110 111 112 --判断不想等的情况 113 select tsname, 114 isnull( 115 case 116 when tenglish<60 117 then '不及格' 118 else cast(tenglish as varchar(10)) 119 end ,'quekao' 120 ) 121 from tblstudent 122 left join tblscore on tblscore.tsid=tblstudent.tsid 123 124 125 126 --判断相等的情况 127 select * from tblstudent 128 129 use mytestdatabase 130 create table TblStudent 131 ( 132 Autoid int identity(1,1) , 133 StId int not null, 134 StName nvarchar(100), 135 StGender int 136 ) 137 138 select * from TblStudent 139 140 insert into TblStudent(stid,stname,stgender) values('00003','LJ',0) 141 142 update tblstudent set stgender=1 where stid='00002' 143 144 145 --将性别0 1 显示为男女 146 select *, 147 case stgender when 0 then N'男' when 1 then N'女' end as 性别 148 from tblstudent 149 150 151 --显示成绩为 优良中差 152 use ItCastCn 153 select * from tblScore 154 155 select *, 156 case 157 when tenglish<=100 and tenglish >=90 then '优' 158 when tenglish<90 and tenglish>=70 then '良' 159 when tenglish<70 and tenglish>=60 then '中' 160 when tenglish<60 then '差' 161 end 162 from tblscore 163 164 -- 财务流水表 165 --TblMoneyFlow 166 create Table TblMoneyFlow 167 ( 168 fid int identity(1,1) primary key not null, 169 ftitle nvarchar(10), 170 fmoney money 171 ) 172 173 select * from tblmoneyflow 174 175 insert into TblMoneyFlow values('发工资',5000) 176 insert into TblMoneyFlow values('奖金',1000) 177 insert into TblMoneyFlow values('兼职',400) 178 insert into TblMoneyFlow values('请客',200) 179 insert into TblMoneyFlow values('大保健',500) 180 181 182 select * ,case when fmoney>0 then fmoney end as '收入', 183 case when fmoney<0 then abs(fmoney) end as '支出' 184 from tblmoneyflow