基于miniconda的docker file

FROM continuumio/miniconda3

WORKDIR /workdir

# Create the environment:
#COPY environment.yml .

COPY . .

RUN conda env create -f environment.yml
RUN pwd
# Make RUN commands use the new environment:
SHELL ["conda", "run", "-n", "somethinPredict", "/bin/bash", "-c"]
RUN ls
RUN conda env list
# Demonstrate the environment is activated:

# The code to run when container is started:
#COPY run.py .
ENTRYPOINT ["conda", "run","--no-capture-output", "-n", "somethinPredict", "python", "/workdir/main.py"]


posted on 2022-11-21 13:52  sixiiweb  阅读(187)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
