Android HAL 层,三个重要的结构体的源码~

最近在学习android HAL 层 ~ 离不开这三个数据结构~~先贴出来



typedef struct hw_module_t {
    /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG */
    uint32_t tag;

    /** major version number for the module */
    uint16_t version_major;

    /** minor version number of the module */
    uint16_t version_minor;

    /** Identifier of module */
    const char *id;

    /** Name of this module */
    const char *name;

    /** Author/owner/implementor of the module */
    const char *author;

    /** Modules methods */
    struct hw_module_methods_t* methods;

    /** module's dso */
    void* dso;

    /** padding to 128 bytes, reserved for future use */
    uint32_t reserved[32-7];

} hw_module_t;

typedef struct hw_module_methods_t {
    /** Open a specific device */
    int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
            struct hw_device_t** device);

} hw_module_methods_t;

 * Every device data structure must begin with hw_device_t
 * followed by module specific public methods and attributes.
typedef struct hw_device_t {
    /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG */
    uint32_t tag;

    /** version number for hw_device_t */
    uint32_t version;

    /** reference to the module this device belongs to */
    struct hw_module_t* module;

    /** padding reserved for future use */
    uint32_t reserved[12];

    /** Close this device */
    int (*close)(struct hw_device_t* device);

} hw_device_t;

posted on 2012-05-29 16:48  six_string  阅读(345)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报