
下载scite编译 发现支持批量块注释功能,查看scite源码,SciTEBase.cxx文件的StartBlockComment() 函数

引用了SString 类,而SString 的成员函数在 PropSetFile.cxx 函数中定义

将PropSetFile.cxx 重命名为SString.cpp,去掉与SString 无关的定义,包含文件保留

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "SString.h"
#include <sstream>

将 wEditor.Call 修改为SendMessage

去掉StartBlockComment()函数 前面的读取配置文件的定义


bool CScintillaWnd::EndBlockComment() {
 bool placeCommentsAtLineStart = false;

 SString comment = "#"; //#号注释
 SString long_comment = comment;
 long_comment.append(" ");
 int selectionStart = SendMessage(SCI_GETSELECTIONSTART);
 int selectionEnd = SendMessage(SCI_GETSELECTIONEND);
 int caretPosition = SendMessage(SCI_GETCURRENTPOS);
 // checking if caret is located in _beginning_ of selected block
 bool move_caret = caretPosition < selectionEnd;
 int selStartLine = SendMessage(SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, selectionStart);
 int selEndLine = SendMessage(SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, selectionEnd);
 int lines = selEndLine - selStartLine;
 int firstSelLineStart = SendMessage(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, selStartLine);
 // "caret return" is part of the last selected line
 if ((lines > 0) &&
         (selectionEnd == SendMessage(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, selEndLine)))
 for (int i = selStartLine; i <= selEndLine; i++) {
  int lineStart = SendMessage(SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE, i);
  int lineIndent = lineStart;
  int lineEnd = SendMessage(SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION, i);
  if (!placeCommentsAtLineStart) {
   lineIndent = GetLineIndentPosition(i);
  SString linebuf = GetRange(lineIndent, lineEnd);
  // empty lines are not commented
  if (linebuf.length() < 1)
  if (linebuf.startswith(comment.c_str())) {
   int commentLength = static_cast<int>(comment.length());
   if (linebuf.startswith(long_comment.c_str())) {
    // Removing comment with space after it.
    commentLength = static_cast<int>(long_comment.length());
   SendMessage(SCI_SETSEL, lineIndent, lineIndent + commentLength);
   SendMessage(SCI_REPLACESEL, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(""));
   if (i == selStartLine) // is this the first selected line?
    selectionStart -= commentLength;
   selectionEnd -= commentLength; // every iteration
 // after uncommenting selection may promote itself to the lines
 // before the first initially selected line;
 // another problem - if only comment symbol was selected;
 if (selectionStart < firstSelLineStart) {
  if (selectionStart >= selectionEnd - (static_cast<int>(long_comment.length()) - 1))
   selectionEnd = firstSelLineStart;
  selectionStart = firstSelLineStart;
 if (move_caret) {
  // moving caret to the beginning of selected block
  SendMessage(SCI_GOTOPOS, selectionEnd);
  SendMessage(SCI_SETCURRENTPOS, selectionStart);
 } else {
  SendMessage(SCI_SETSEL, selectionStart, selectionEnd);
 return true;

在头文件中包含 #include "SString.h"

 后将代码修改为两个快捷键,一个 加注释 一个去注释

posted @ 2012-08-07 16:45  happyboy2  阅读(1705)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报