LeetCode322 Coin Change --------常规DP解法与一种高效的贪心解法
LeetCode322 硬币面值组合问题
题目描述:You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be made up by any combination of the coins, return -1
思想大致是, amount的最小组合数目 = amount减去各个硬币面值的最小组合数 + 1
count[amount] = min{ count[amount - coins[i] ] } , 0 <= i < n;
这里count[amount] 表示组合出amount数值所需要的最小硬币数目,coins是硬币面值的数组。
coinChange(int[] coins, int amount): let count[0, 1 ... amount+1] be a new array foreach i: count[i] = Max.value for i = 0 to amount + 1: if(i == 0) count[0] = 0 else: let l be a new list for k = 0 to coins.length: if(i - coins[k] >= 0) list.add(count[i-coins[k]] + 1); count = getMin(l) // get max value above zero in l return count[amount] = Max.value ? -1:count[amount]
private int res = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public int coinChange(int[] coins, int amount) { Arrays.sort(coins); coinChange(coins, amount, coins.length-1, 0); return res==Integer.MAX_VALUE ? -1 : res; } // private void coinChange(int[] coins, int amount, int cur, int count) { if(cur < 0) return; // stop of recursion coinChange int i = amount / coins[cur]; // The most no. of coins[cur] if(amount % coins[cur] == 0) { res = Math.min(res, count + i); return; } for(; i>=0; i--) { if(count+i+1 >= res) { return; } coinChange(coins, amount-coins[cur]*i, cur-1, count+i); } }