


                                                Learn More About AS2 (transshipment)

1. What are AS1 and AS2?
AS1 and AS2 are draft specifications developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) for securely exchanging business documents, business-to-business (B2B) transactions, over the Internet.

2. What is EDIINT?
EDI over the Internet (EDIINT) is a working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Formed in February of 1996, EDIINT was chartered by the IETF to create a set of secure protocols for sending EDI data over the Internet. The two EDIINT standards that have been certified are AS1 and AS2.
3. How Does AS1 Work?
AS1 provides Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) encryption and security over Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). S/MIME secures data with authentication, message integrity, non-repudiation, and privacy features and is the primary means of transporting most Internet email. SMTP is the protocol used by most email system for sending email messages between servers.
4. How Does AS2 Work?
AS2 provides an Internet solution for securely exchanging EDI over the Internet using Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) and the hypertext transmission protocol (HTTP) instead of the simple mail transport protocol (SMTP) as the transport protocol. AS2 specifies the means to connect, deliver, validate, and reply to (receipt) data in a secure and reliable way. AS2 does not concern itself with the content of the EDI document, only the transport. AS2 essentially creates a wrapper around EDI flat files that enables sending them over the Internet, instead of using a dial-up connection to a value-added network (VAN). AS2 is a real-time technology that provides security and encryption around the HTTP packets.
5. Why is Exchanging Data Securely Important?
Exchanging EDI data over the Internet involves much more than moving the data from one point to another. Because business documents exchanged over the Internet typically include sensitive material such as inventory counts or sales figures, these documents must be exchanged securely, reliably, and quickly. AS2 enables information transmitted over public and private global networks to be digitally signed, secured, and non-repudiated.

6. What are the benefits of Using AS2?
AS2 provides faster, almost instantaneous data transfers directly to your network and reduces the points of failure in data transmissions. Using AS2 eliminates day-to-day value-added network (VAN) charges and long distance dial-ups. AS2 also provides increased reliability and sped, improving supply-chain efficiency. Listed below are some of the main benefits of using AS2:
• 24x7 availability
• Designed to push data securely and reliably over the Internet
• Fast and reliable connectivity
• Encryption ensures that only the sender and receiver can view the data
• Digital signatures ensure authentication
• AS2 detects if the document was altered during transmission
• Non-repudiation of receipt confirms that the intended party received the data • Faster turn-around time for business processes

7. What type of EDI Data Can I Exchange Using AS2?
Any type of data. AS2 does not concern itself with the content of the EDI document, only the transport. AS2 works with almost any data type including EDI, XML, DOC, TXT, binary files, graphics, and spreadsheets.
 8. How Do I Know the iSoft AS2 Solution Adequately Supports AS2?
The iSoft Commerce Suite solution is certified by the Uniform Code Council (UCC) in cooperation with the Drummond Group, Inc, that sponsors an AS1/AS2 test program every six to nine months. This test program allows vendors to test the interoperability of their AS1 and AS2 products with those of other vendors in a setting that reproduces a typical customer environment. iSoft has successfully completed AS2 interoperability testing.
9. What is Required to Exchange Data Using AS2?
• A dedicated persistent Internet connection
• A web server with your EDIINT software
10. What is the Risk for Using AS2?
There is no more risk involved with transactions over AS2 then there would be with any form of normal e-Business transactions. If there is any risk with AS2, it is far outweighed by the cost savings implicit in its operation.
11. What is the Return on Investment for AS2?
ROI is highly dependant upon transaction volume. For small vendors, AS2 may not be a matter of savings, but rather a way to interact with a larger supply chain. For larger enterprises, AS2 can have a significant ROI. Once AS2 is in place, the only cost to the enterprise is on-going support costs (server maintenance, support personnel, etc.).

posted on 2006-02-16 11:38  sinxsoft  阅读(1584)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报