是否应该使用utf-8 bom——因DirectVobSub不支持utf-8 no bom带来的问题


把字幕转换成utf-8 no bom格式,播放时字幕显示乱码。

把字幕转换成utf-8 bom格式,播放时字幕正常。

看来DirectVobSub不支持utf-8 no bom。



utf-8应不应该使用bom呢? unicode标准是如何规定的?





虽然不是标准,但许多Windows 程序(包括Windows 笔记本)在UTF-8编码的文件的开首加入一段字节串EF BB BF。这是字节顺序记号 U+FEFF 的 UTF-8 编码结果。对于没有预期要处理UTF-8的文本编辑器和浏览器会显示成 ISO-8859-1 字符串 ""。 



本着“微软靠得住,母猪会上树” 的成见,由于Windows的记事本另存为utf-8格式会产生bom,而gedit会产生utf-8 no bom,我认为utf-8不应该使用bom。



Q: How I should deal with BOMs?

A: Here are some guidelines to follow:

  1. A particular protocol (e.g. Microsoft conventions for .txt files) may require use of the BOM on certain Unicode data streams, such as files. When you need to conform to such a protocol, use a BOM.

  2. Some protocols allow optional BOMs in the case of untagged text. In those cases,

    • Where a text data stream is known to be plain text, but of unknown encoding, BOM can be used as a signature. If there is no BOM, the encoding could be anything.

    • Where a text data stream is known to be plain Unicode text (but not which endian), then BOM can be used as a signature. If there is no BOM, the text should be interpreted as big-endian.

  3. Some byte oriented protocols expect ASCII characters at the beginning of a file. If UTF-8 is used with these protocols, use of the BOM as encoding form signature should be avoided.

  4. Where the precise type of the data stream is known (e.g. Unicode big-endian or Unicode little-endian), the BOM should not be used. In particular, whenever a data stream is declared to be UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32BE or UTF-32LE a BOM must not be used. See also [ Q: What is the difference between UCS-2 and UTF-16?] [AF] & [MD]




如果数据声明了编码,如保存在数据库中的数据(在数据库中声明了编码) 、xml(使用encoding="utf-8"声明编码)、html(使用charset=utf-8声明编码),不应使用bom(the BOM should not be used)。


由此可得,在纯文本中使用utf-8 bom是可以的。

突然想起,以前在linux下使用各个播放器(mplayer、smplayer) 都出现utf-8格式字幕乱码的问题,难道是因为linux下的文本编辑器(gedit等)生成的是utf-8 no bom ?



posted @ 2010-01-08 17:33  sink_cup  阅读(1267)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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