2005 年8月1号,暴雪正式发布1.11 patch,紧接着在9月13号又更新到1.11b,宣告了1.11时代的到来。从功能上来讲,1.11相对于1.10的改变,远远小于1.10相对于 1.09d的改变。最大的变化在于anti-hack机制,可以这么说,在某种程度上1.11是冲着黑客来的。暴雪下了不少功夫。比如游戏代码的编译器由 原来的VC6
The Warden,据ZoiD(D2 zPickit的作者,WC3、Diablo II和WOW的游戏黑客)的说法,最初出现在WC3(魔兽争霸3
1.11中的hacks检测机制,除了1.10时期就有的version-checking.dll/extrawork.dll和memory probe (packet 8F),还增加了Warden system。Warden的基本原理是在进入游戏后服务器端会发送一个warden检测模块(通过packet AE,warden检测模块类似于DLL)给客户端,随后warden检测模块在客户端运行,监控客户端状态并定期(大约每隔不到一分钟)返回检测结果。 原理有点类似version-checking/extrawork机制,不同的是warden检测模块设计的非常紧凑且传输时经过压缩处理,这样有效地 减轻了网络传输负担,而且在客户端经过简单处理就可运行,不需先存到本地。另外,warden client和server端的传输都是加密的。
附D2 1.11b中出现Maiev.mod字串的汇编代码:
.text:XXXX9CA1 mov [esp+130h+var_11C], 5Fh
.text:XXXX9CA6 mov [esp+130h+var_11B], 7Bh
.text:XXXX9CAB mov [esp+130h+var_11A], 53h
.text:XXXX9CB0 mov [esp+130h+var_119], 0E7h
.text:XXXX9CB5 mov [esp+130h+var_118], 0F2h
.text:XXXX9CBA mov [esp+130h+var_117], 5Ah
.text:XXXX9CBF mov [esp+130h+var_116], 0BFh
.text:XXXX9CC4 mov [esp+130h+var_115], 75h
.text:XXXX9CC9 mov [esp+130h+var_114], 8Ch
.text:XXXX9CCE mov [esp+130h+var_113], 0
.text:XXXX9CD3 xor ecx, ecx
.text:XXXX9CD5 loc_XXXX9CD5:
.text:XXXX9CD5 mov al, [esp+ecx+130h+var_11C]
.text:XXXX9CD9 mov dl, 0D3h
.text:XXXX9CDB imul dl
.text:XXXX9CDD mov [esp+ecx+130h+var_11C], al
.text:XXXX9CE1 inc ecx
.text:XXXX9CE2 cmp ecx, 0Ah
.text:XXXX9CE5 jb short loc_XXXX9CD5
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(szFileName); i++)
szFileName[i] *= 0xD3;
In keeping our aggressive stance on hacks, we have disabled over 30,000 CD-Keys from playing games on Closed Battle.net and permanently closed over 35,000 accounts for using a hack or cheat while playing Diablo II on Battle.net. First time offenders will have their CD-Keys temporarily disabled from playing games on Battle.net for a month and repeat offenders will have their CD-Keys permanently disabled. Repeat offenders will also have a risk of having their CD-Keys permanently disabled from connecting to Battle.net.
We will continue to monitor Battle.net for cheating and take action as needed. If you would like to report additional instances of hacking or cheating, please report the user to us at support@blizzard.com. A false report filed by one player against another will not result in the actions described above.
As always, thank you for your continued support; with your help we have been able to keep Battle.net a fun and safe place to play Blizzard games.