A Fast Lock-Free Queue for C++
A Fast Lock-Free Queue for C++ (moodycamel.com)
A Fast General Purpose Lock-Free Queue for C++ (moodycamel.com)
A Fast Lock-Free Queue for C++
Posted February 07, 2013
Update Nov 6, 2014: I've also just written a multi-producer multi-consumer lock-free queue.
Sharing data between threads in annoying. Really annoying. If you do it wrong, the data is likely to become corrupted. Even more error-prone is ensuring the shared data is perceived in the right order (relative to other data reads/writes).
There are, as always, two ways to deal with this: The easy way, and the hard way.
The easy way
Use the locks (e.g. mutexes, critical sections, or equivalent) that come with your platform. They're not too hard to understand conceptually, and even easier to use. You don't have to worry about ordering problems, because the libraries/OS take care of that for you. The only general problem with locks is that they tend to be slow ("slow" being relative here; for general use, they're plenty speedy enough).
The catch
I was looking into doing some audio programming, where the audio callback (which gets called when the device needs more samples to fill its buffer) was on another thread. The goal with audio programming is to never let the audio "glitch" -- which means your callback code must be as close to real-time programming as you can get on a conventional OS. So, the faster things compute, the better, but what really matters with real-time programming is how deterministic the computation time will be -- will your code reliably take 5ms or could there be an occasional 300ms spike?
What does this mean? Well, for starters you can't allocate heap memory -- because that might involve an OS call, which might take a non-deterministic amount of time to complete (e.g. if you have to wait for a page to be swapped to disk). In fact, it's best to avoid calling into the kernel at all. But, this actually isn't the main problem.
The main problem is synchronizing the audio thread with the main thread. We can't use locks, because aside from non-negligible overhead (considering the frequency of callbacks), they can cause priority inversion -- you don't want a high-priority audio thread waiting to enter a critical section that some background thread is obliviously taking its time releasing, causing the audio to glitch.
The hard way
Enter lock-free programming.
Lock-free programming is a way of writing thread-safe code such that in the case of contention, the system is guaranteed to advance as a whole. "Wait-free" programming takes this a step further: the code is set up such that each thread can always advance regardless of what the other is doing. This also has the benefit of avoiding expensive locks.
Why doesn't everyone use lock-free programming? Well, it's not easy to get right. You have to be very careful never to corrupt data under any circumstances, regardless of what each of the threads are doing. But even harder to get right are guarantees related to ordering. Consider this example (a
and b
start at 0):
Thread A Thread B
b = 42
a = 1
What are the possible sets of values that thread B could output? It could be any one of {0 0}, {1 42}, {0 42}, and {1 0}. {0 0}, {1 42}, and {0 42} make sense (which one actually results depends on timing), but how can {1 0} happen? This is because the compiler is allowed to re-order the loads and stores (or even remove some or invent others) in order to improve efficiency, as long as it appears to do the same thing on that thread. But when another thread starts interacting with the first, this re-ordering can become apparent.
It gets worse. You can force the compiler to not reorder specific reads or writes, but the CPU is allowed to (and does, all the time!) re-order instructions too, again as long it appears to do the same thing on the core that the instructions are running on.
Memory barriers
Fortunately, you can force certain ordering guarantees all the way down to the CPU level using memory barriers. Unfortunately, they are extremely tricky to use properly. In fact, a major problem with lock-free code is that it's prone to bugs that can only be reproduced by specific non-deterministic interleavings of thread operations. This means a lock-free algorithm with a bug may work 95% of the time and only fail the other 5%. Or it may work all of the time on a developer's CPU, but fail occasionally on another CPU.
This is why lock-free programming is generally considered hard: It's easy to get something that looks right, but it requires much more effort and thought to create something which is guaranteed to work under all circumstances. Luckily, there are a few tools to help verify implementations. One such tool is Relacy: It works by running unit tests (that you write) under every possible permutation of thread interleaving, which is really cool.
Back to memory barriers: At the lowest level of the CPU, different cores each have their own cache, and these caches need to be kept in sync with each other (a sort of eventual consistency). This is accomplished with a sort of internal messaging system between the various CPU cores (sounds slow? It is. So it was highly optimized with, you guessed it, more caching!). Since both cores are running code at the same time, this can lead to some interesting orderings of memory loads/stores (like in the example above). Some stronger ordering guarantees can be built on top of this messaging system; that's what memory barriers do. The types of memory barriers that I found most powerful were the acquire and release memory barriers. A release memory barrier tells the CPU that any writes that came before the barrier should be made visible in other cores if any of the writes after the barrier become visible, provided that the other cores perform a read barrier after reading the data that was written to after the write barrier. In other words, if a thread B can see a new value that was written after a write barrier on a separate thread A, then after doing a read-barrier (on thread B), all writes that occurred before the write barrier on thread A are guaranteed to be visible on thread B. Once nice feature of acquire and release semantics is that they boil down to no-ops on x86 -- every write implicitly has release semantics, and every read implicitly has acquire semantics! You still need to add the barriers, though, because they prevent compiler re-ordering (and they'll generate the right assembly code on other processor architectures which don't have as strong a memory-ordering model).
If this sounds confusing, it is! But don't give up hope, because there's many well-explained resources; a good starting point is Jeff Preshing's very helpful articles on the subject. There's also a short list of links in this answer on Stack Overflow.
A wait-free single-producer, single consumer queue
Since I apparently find tangents irresistible, I, of course, set out to build my own lock-free data structure. I went for a wait-free queue for a single producer, single consumer architecture (which means there's only ever two threads involved). If you need a data structure which is safe to use from several threads at once, you'll need to find another implementation (MSVC++ comes with one). I chose this restriction because it's much easier to work with than one where there's a free-for-all of concurrent threads, and because it was all I needed.
I had looked at using some existing libraries (particularly liblfds), but I wasn't satisfied with the memory management (I wanted a queue that wouldn't allocate any memory at all on the critical thread, making it suitable for real-time programming). So, I ignored the copious advice about only doing lock-free programming if you're already an expert in it (how does anyone become an expert like that?), and was able to successfully implement a queue!
The design is as follows:
A contiguous circular buffer is used to store elements in the queue. This allows memory to be allocated up front, and may provide better cache usage. I call this buffer a "block".
To allow the queue to grow dynamically without needing to copy all the existing elements into a new block when the block becomes too small (which isn't lock-free friendly anyway), multiple blocks (of independent size) are chained together in a circular linked list. This makes for a queue of queues, essentially.
The block at which elements are currently being inserted is called the "tail block". The block at which elements are currently being consumed is called the "front block". Similarly, within each block there is a "front" index and a "tail" index. The front index indicates the next full slot to read from; the tail index indicates the next empty slot to insert into. If these two indices are equal, the block is empty (exactly one slot is left empty when the queue is full in order to avoid ambiguity between a full block and an empty block both having equal head and tail indices).
In order to keep the queue consistent while two threads are operating on the same data structure, we can take advantage of the fact that the producing thread always goes in one direction in the queue, and the same can be said for the consuming thread. This means that even if a variable's value is out of date on a given thread, we know what range it can possibly be in. For example, when we dequeue from a block, we can check the value of the tail index (owned by the other thread) in order to compare it against the front index (which the dequeue thread owns, and is hence always up-to-date). We may get a stale value for the tail index from the CPU cache; the enqueue thread could have added more elements since then. But, we know that the tail will never go backwards -- more elements could have been added, but as long as the tail was not equal to the front at the time we checked it, there's guaranteed to be at least one element to dequeue.
Using these sort of guarantees, and some memory barriers to prevent things like the tail from being incremented before (or perceived as being incremented before) the element is actually added to the queue, it's possible to design a simple algorithm to safely enqueue and dequeue elements under all possible thread interleavings. Here's the pseudocode:
# Enqueue
If room in tail block, add to tail
Else check next block
If next block is not the head block, enqueue on next block
Else create a new block and enqueue there
Advance tail to the block we just enqueued to
# Dequeue
Remember where the tail block is
If the front block has an element in it, dequeue it
If front block was the tail block when we entered the function, return false
Else advance to next block and dequeue the item there
The algorithms for enqueueing and dequeueing within a single block are even simpler since the block is of fixed size:
# Enqueue within a block (assuming we've already checked that there's room in the block)
Copy/move the element into the block's contiguous memory
Increment tail index (wrapping as needed)
# Dequeue from a block (assuming we've already checked that it's not empty)
Copy/move the element from the block's contiguous memory into the output parameter
Increment the front index (wrapping as needed)
Obviously, this pseudocode glosses over some stuff (like where memory barriers are placed), but the actual code is not much more complex if you want to check out the lower-level details.
When thinking about this data structure, it's helpful to make the distinction between variables that are "owned" by (i.e. written to exclusively by) the consumer or producer threads. A variable that is owned by a given thread is never out of date on that thread. A variable that is owned by a thread may have a stale value when it is read on a different thread, but by using memory barriers carefully we can guarantee that the rest of the data is at least as up to date as the variable's value indicates when reading it from the non-owning thread.
To allow the queue to potentially be created and/or destroyed by any thread (independent from the two doing the producing and consuming), a full memory barrier (memory_order_seq_cst) is used at the end of the constructor and at the beginning of the destructor; this effectively forces all the CPU cores to synchronize outstanding changes. Obviously, the producer and consumer must have stopped using the queue before the destructor can be safely called.
Give me teh codes
What's the use of a design without a solid (tested) implementation? :-)
I've released my implementation on GitHub. Feel free to fork it! It consists of two headers, one for the queue and a header it depends on which contains some helpers.
It has several nice characteristics:
- Compatible with C++11 (supports moving objects instead of making copies)
- Fully generic (templated container of any type) -- just like
, you never need to allocate memory for elements yourself (which saves you the hassle of writing a lock-free memory manager to hold the elements you're queueing) - Allocates memory up front, in contiguous blocks
- Provides a
method which is guaranteed never to allocate memory (the queue starts with an initial capacity) - Also provides an
method which can dynamically grow the size of the queue as needed - Doesn't use a compare-and-swap loop; this means enqueue and dequeue are O(1) (not counting memory allocation)
- On x86, the memory barriers compile down to no-ops, meaning enqueue and dequeue are just a simple series of loads and stores (and branches)
- Compiles under MSVC2010+ and GCC 4.7+ (and should work on any C++11 compliant compiler)
It should be noted that this code will only work on CPUs that treat aligned integer and native-pointer-size loads/stores atomically; fortunately, this includes every modern processor (including ARM, x86/x86-64, and PowerPC). It is not designed to work on the DEC Alpha (which seems to have the weakest memory-ordering guarantees of all time).
I'm releasing the code and algorithm under the terms of the simplified BSD license. Use it at your own risk; in particular, lock-free programming is a patent minefield, and this code may very well violate a pending patent (I haven't looked). It's worth noting that I came up with the algorithm and implementation from scratch, independent of any existing lock-free queues.
Performance and correctness
In addition to agonizing over the design for quite some time, I tested the algorithm using several billion randomized operations in a simple stability test (on x86). This, of course, helps inspire confidence, but proves nothing about the correctness. In order to ensure it was correct, I also tested using Relacy, which ran all the possible interleavings for a simple test which turned up no errors; it turns out this simple test wasn't comprehensive, however, since I eventually did find a bug later using a different set of randomized runs (which I then fixed).
I've only tested this queue on x86-64, which is rather forgiving as memory ordering goes. If somebody is willing to test this code on another architecture, let me know! The quick stability test I whipped up is available here.
In terms of performance, it's fast. Really fast. In my tests, I was able to get up to about 12+ million concurrent enqueue/dequeue pairs per second! (The dequeue thread had to wait for the enqueue thread to catch up if there was nothing in the queue.) After I had implemented my queue, though, I found another single-consumer, single-producer templated queue (written by the author of Relacy) published on Intel's website; his queue is roughly twice as fast, though it doesn't have all the features that mine does, and his only works on x86 (and, at this scale, "twice as fast" means the difference in enqueue/dequeue time is in the nanosecond range). [Update: Mine is now competitive speed-wise with his.]
Updated May 06, 2013I spent some time properly benchmarking, profiling, and optimizing the code, using Dmitry's single-producer, single-consumer lock-free queue (published on Intel's website) as a baseline for comparison. Mine's now faster in general, particularly when it comes to enqueueing many elements (mine uses a contiguous block instead of separate linked elements). Note that different compilers give different results, and even the same compiler on different hardware yields significant speed variations. The 64-bit version is generally faster than the 32-bit one, and for some reason my queue is much faster under GCC on a Linode. Here are the benchmark results in full:
32-bit, MSVC2010, on AMD C-50 @ 1GHz
| Min | Max | Avg
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | Mult
Raw add | 0.0039s | 0.0268s | 0.0040s | 0.0271s | 0.0040s | 0.0270s | 6.8x
Raw remove | 0.0015s | 0.0017s | 0.0015s | 0.0018s | 0.0015s | 0.0017s | 1.2x
Raw empty remove | 0.0048s | 0.0027s | 0.0049s | 0.0027s | 0.0048s | 0.0027s | 0.6x
Single-threaded | 0.0181s | 0.0172s | 0.0183s | 0.0173s | 0.0182s | 0.0173s | 0.9x
Mostly add | 0.0243s | 0.0326s | 0.0245s | 0.0329s | 0.0244s | 0.0327s | 1.3x
Mostly remove | 0.0240s | 0.0274s | 0.0242s | 0.0277s | 0.0241s | 0.0276s | 1.1x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0164s | 0.0309s | 0.0349s | 0.0352s | 0.0236s | 0.0334s | 1.4x
Random concurrent | 0.1488s | 0.1509s | 0.1500s | 0.1522s | 0.1496s | 0.1517s | 1.0x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 23.45 million
SPSC queue: 28.10 million
64-bit, MSVC2010, on AMD C-50 @ 1GHz
| Min | Max | Avg
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | Mult
Raw add | 0.0022s | 0.0210s | 0.0022s | 0.0211s | 0.0022s | 0.0211s | 9.6x
Raw remove | 0.0011s | 0.0022s | 0.0011s | 0.0023s | 0.0011s | 0.0022s | 2.0x
Raw empty remove | 0.0039s | 0.0024s | 0.0039s | 0.0024s | 0.0039s | 0.0024s | 0.6x
Single-threaded | 0.0060s | 0.0054s | 0.0061s | 0.0054s | 0.0061s | 0.0054s | 0.9x
Mostly add | 0.0080s | 0.0259s | 0.0081s | 0.0263s | 0.0080s | 0.0261s | 3.3x
Mostly remove | 0.0092s | 0.0109s | 0.0093s | 0.0110s | 0.0093s | 0.0109s | 1.2x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0150s | 0.0175s | 0.0181s | 0.0200s | 0.0165s | 0.0190s | 1.2x
Random concurrent | 0.0367s | 0.0349s | 0.0369s | 0.0352s | 0.0368s | 0.0350s | 1.0x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 34.90 million
SPSC queue: 32.50 million
32-bit, MSVC2010, on Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 @ 2.1GHz
| Min | Max | Avg
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | Mult
Raw add | 0.0011s | 0.0097s | 0.0011s | 0.0099s | 0.0011s | 0.0098s | 9.2x
Raw remove | 0.0005s | 0.0006s | 0.0005s | 0.0006s | 0.0005s | 0.0006s | 1.1x
Raw empty remove | 0.0018s | 0.0011s | 0.0019s | 0.0011s | 0.0018s | 0.0011s | 0.6x
Single-threaded | 0.0047s | 0.0040s | 0.0047s | 0.0040s | 0.0047s | 0.0040s | 0.9x
Mostly add | 0.0052s | 0.0114s | 0.0053s | 0.0116s | 0.0053s | 0.0115s | 2.2x
Mostly remove | 0.0055s | 0.0067s | 0.0056s | 0.0068s | 0.0055s | 0.0068s | 1.2x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0044s | 0.0089s | 0.0075s | 0.0128s | 0.0066s | 0.0107s | 1.6x
Random concurrent | 0.0294s | 0.0306s | 0.0295s | 0.0312s | 0.0294s | 0.0310s | 1.1x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 71.18 million
SPSC queue: 61.02 million
64-bit, MSVC2010, on Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 @ 2.1GHz
| Min | Max | Avg
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | Mult
Raw add | 0.0007s | 0.0097s | 0.0007s | 0.0100s | 0.0007s | 0.0099s | 13.6x
Raw remove | 0.0004s | 0.0015s | 0.0004s | 0.0020s | 0.0004s | 0.0018s | 4.6x
Raw empty remove | 0.0014s | 0.0010s | 0.0014s | 0.0010s | 0.0014s | 0.0010s | 0.7x
Single-threaded | 0.0024s | 0.0022s | 0.0024s | 0.0022s | 0.0024s | 0.0022s | 0.9x
Mostly add | 0.0031s | 0.0112s | 0.0031s | 0.0115s | 0.0031s | 0.0114s | 3.7x
Mostly remove | 0.0033s | 0.0041s | 0.0033s | 0.0041s | 0.0033s | 0.0041s | 1.2x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0042s | 0.0035s | 0.0067s | 0.0039s | 0.0054s | 0.0038s | 0.7x
Random concurrent | 0.0142s | 0.0141s | 0.0145s | 0.0144s | 0.0143s | 0.0142s | 1.0x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 101.21 million
SPSC queue: 71.42 million
32-bit, Intel ICC 13, on Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 @ 2.1GHz
| Min | Max | Avg
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | Mult
Raw add | 0.0014s | 0.0095s | 0.0014s | 0.0097s | 0.0014s | 0.0096s | 6.8x
Raw remove | 0.0007s | 0.0006s | 0.0007s | 0.0007s | 0.0007s | 0.0006s | 0.9x
Raw empty remove | 0.0028s | 0.0013s | 0.0028s | 0.0018s | 0.0028s | 0.0015s | 0.5x
Single-threaded | 0.0039s | 0.0033s | 0.0039s | 0.0033s | 0.0039s | 0.0033s | 0.8x
Mostly add | 0.0049s | 0.0113s | 0.0050s | 0.0116s | 0.0050s | 0.0115s | 2.3x
Mostly remove | 0.0051s | 0.0061s | 0.0051s | 0.0062s | 0.0051s | 0.0061s | 1.2x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0066s | 0.0036s | 0.0084s | 0.0039s | 0.0076s | 0.0038s | 0.5x
Random concurrent | 0.0291s | 0.0282s | 0.0294s | 0.0287s | 0.0292s | 0.0286s | 1.0x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 55.65 million
SPSC queue: 63.72 million
64-bit, Intel ICC 13, on Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 @ 2.1GHz
| Min | Max | Avg
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | Mult
Raw add | 0.0010s | 0.0099s | 0.0010s | 0.0100s | 0.0010s | 0.0099s | 9.8x
Raw remove | 0.0006s | 0.0015s | 0.0006s | 0.0018s | 0.0006s | 0.0017s | 2.7x
Raw empty remove | 0.0024s | 0.0016s | 0.0024s | 0.0016s | 0.0024s | 0.0016s | 0.7x
Single-threaded | 0.0026s | 0.0023s | 0.0026s | 0.0023s | 0.0026s | 0.0023s | 0.9x
Mostly add | 0.0032s | 0.0114s | 0.0032s | 0.0118s | 0.0032s | 0.0116s | 3.6x
Mostly remove | 0.0037s | 0.0042s | 0.0037s | 0.0044s | 0.0037s | 0.0044s | 1.2x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0060s | 0.0092s | 0.0088s | 0.0096s | 0.0077s | 0.0095s | 1.2x
Random concurrent | 0.0168s | 0.0166s | 0.0168s | 0.0168s | 0.0168s | 0.0167s | 1.0x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 68.45 million
SPSC queue: 50.75 million
64-bit, GCC 4.7.2, on Linode 1GB virtual machine (Intel Xeon L5520 @ 2.27GHz)
| Min | Max | Avg
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | RWQ | SPSC | Mult
Raw add | 0.0004s | 0.0055s | 0.0005s | 0.0055s | 0.0005s | 0.0055s | 12.1x
Raw remove | 0.0004s | 0.0030s | 0.0004s | 0.0030s | 0.0004s | 0.0030s | 8.4x
Raw empty remove | 0.0009s | 0.0060s | 0.0010s | 0.0061s | 0.0009s | 0.0060s | 6.4x
Single-threaded | 0.0034s | 0.0052s | 0.0034s | 0.0052s | 0.0034s | 0.0052s | 1.5x
Mostly add | 0.0042s | 0.0096s | 0.0042s | 0.0106s | 0.0042s | 0.0103s | 2.5x
Mostly remove | 0.0042s | 0.0057s | 0.0042s | 0.0058s | 0.0042s | 0.0058s | 1.4x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0030s | 0.0164s | 0.0036s | 0.0216s | 0.0032s | 0.0188s | 5.8x
Random concurrent | 0.0256s | 0.0282s | 0.0257s | 0.0290s | 0.0257s | 0.0287s | 1.1x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 137.88 million
SPSC queue: 24.34 million
In short, my queue is blazingly fast, and actually doing anything with it will eclipse the overhead of the data structure itself.
The benchmarking code is available here (compile and run with full optimizations).
Update update (May 20, '13): I've since changed the benchmark to preallocate the queues' memory, and added a comparison against Facebook's folly::ProducerConsumerQueue (which is a smidgeon faster but cannot grow as needed). Here are the results:
64-bit, GCC 4.7.2, on Linode 1GB virtual machine (Intel Xeon L5520 @ 2.27GHz)
|----------- Min ------------|------------ Max ------------|------------ Avg ------------|
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | Folly | RWQ | SPSC | Folly | RWQ | SPSC | Folly | xSPSC | xFolly
Raw add | 0.0003s | 0.0018s | 0.0003s | 0.0003s | 0.0018s | 0.0003s | 0.0003s | 0.0018s | 0.0003s | 5.52x | 0.96x
Raw remove | 0.0003s | 0.0030s | 0.0004s | 0.0003s | 0.0030s | 0.0004s | 0.0003s | 0.0030s | 0.0004s | 8.58x | 1.28x
Raw empty remove | 0.0009s | 0.0061s | 0.0006s | 0.0010s | 0.0061s | 0.0006s | 0.0010s | 0.0061s | 0.0006s | 6.40x | 0.61x
Single-threaded | 0.0034s | 0.0053s | 0.0033s | 0.0034s | 0.0053s | 0.0033s | 0.0034s | 0.0053s | 0.0033s | 1.54x | 0.97x
Mostly add | 0.0042s | 0.0046s | 0.0042s | 0.0043s | 0.0046s | 0.0042s | 0.0042s | 0.0046s | 0.0042s | 1.09x | 0.99x
Mostly remove | 0.0042s | 0.0049s | 0.0043s | 0.0042s | 0.0051s | 0.0043s | 0.0042s | 0.0050s | 0.0043s | 1.20x | 1.02x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0025s | 0.0100s | 0.0024s | 0.0028s | 0.0101s | 0.0026s | 0.0026s | 0.0100s | 0.0025s | 3.88x | 0.97x
Random concurrent | 0.0265s | 0.0268s | 0.0262s | 0.0273s | 0.0287s | 0.0284s | 0.0269s | 0.0280s | 0.0271s | 1.04x | 1.01x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 142.60 million
SPSC queue: 33.86 million
Folly queue: 181.16 million
Another update (Jan 28, '15): I optimized my queue a bit further, vastly improving its cache-friendliness under heavy contention (using a trick inspired by the MCRingBuffer paper). Note that my queue is now generally roughly comparable or significantly better than the SPSC and Folly ones, except when it comes to trying to dequeue from an empty queue, which the others can do faster. This skews the final average ops/s summary numbers a little, alas. (We're talking about single-digit nanoseconds here -- a "slow" failed dequeue operation with my queue still only takes 7ns, and that's on my 1GHz C-50 netbook processor.) The results in full:
64-bit, GCC 4.8.1, on Linode 1GB virtual machine (Intel Xeon L5520 @ 2.27GHz)
|----------- Min ------------|------------ Max ------------|------------ Avg ------------|
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | Folly | RWQ | SPSC | Folly | RWQ | SPSC | Folly | xSPSC | xFolly
Raw add | 0.0004s | 0.0005s | 0.0004s | 0.0004s | 0.0005s | 0.0004s | 0.0004s | 0.0005s | 0.0004s | 1.12x | 0.95x
Raw remove | 0.0004s | 0.0004s | 0.0005s | 0.0005s | 0.0004s | 0.0005s | 0.0004s | 0.0004s | 0.0005s | 0.96x | 1.21x
Raw empty remove | 0.0061s | 0.0024s | 0.0023s | 0.0061s | 0.0025s | 0.0023s | 0.0061s | 0.0024s | 0.0023s | 0.40x | 0.38x
Single-threaded | 0.0121s | 0.0113s | 0.0112s | 0.0122s | 0.0113s | 0.0113s | 0.0122s | 0.0113s | 0.0113s | 0.93x | 0.93x
Mostly add | 0.0059s | 0.0103s | 0.0096s | 0.0059s | 0.0112s | 0.0109s | 0.0059s | 0.0110s | 0.0107s | 1.86x | 1.81x
Mostly remove | 0.0072s | 0.0060s | 0.0061s | 0.0073s | 0.0061s | 0.0077s | 0.0072s | 0.0061s | 0.0069s | 0.84x | 0.95x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0053s | 0.0082s | 0.0151s | 0.0087s | 0.0106s | 0.0158s | 0.0071s | 0.0095s | 0.0155s | 1.34x | 2.17x
Random concurrent | 0.0310s | 0.0328s | 0.0278s | 0.0310s | 0.0329s | 0.0279s | 0.0310s | 0.0328s | 0.0278s | 1.06x | 0.90x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 164.08 million
SPSC queue: 204.05 million
Folly queue: 206.35 million
64-bit, MinGW GCC 4.9.2, on AMD C-50 @ 1GHz
|----------- Min ------------|------------ Max ------------|------------ Avg ------------|
Benchmark | RWQ | SPSC | Folly | RWQ | SPSC | Folly | RWQ | SPSC | Folly | xSPSC | xFolly
Raw add | 0.0010s | 0.0023s | 0.0012s | 0.0010s | 0.0023s | 0.0016s | 0.0010s | 0.0023s | 0.0014s | 2.38x | 1.45x
Raw remove | 0.0010s | 0.0020s | 0.0012s | 0.0011s | 0.0021s | 0.0012s | 0.0011s | 0.0021s | 0.0012s | 1.94x | 1.18x
Raw empty remove | 0.0205s | 0.0121s | 0.0085s | 0.0222s | 0.0122s | 0.0086s | 0.0213s | 0.0121s | 0.0085s | 0.57x | 0.40x
Single-threaded | 0.0292s | 0.0285s | 0.0283s | 0.0293s | 0.0286s | 0.0284s | 0.0293s | 0.0286s | 0.0284s | 0.98x | 0.97x
Mostly add | 0.0172s | 0.0309s | 0.0233s | 0.0174s | 0.0312s | 0.0234s | 0.0173s | 0.0310s | 0.0233s | 1.79x | 1.35x
Mostly remove | 0.0236s | 0.0182s | 0.0172s | 0.0237s | 0.0182s | 0.0174s | 0.0236s | 0.0182s | 0.0173s | 0.77x | 0.73x
Heavy concurrent | 0.0147s | 0.0290s | 0.0199s | 0.0159s | 0.0291s | 0.0258s | 0.0155s | 0.0291s | 0.0220s | 1.87x | 1.42x
Random concurrent | 0.0982s | 0.0989s | 0.1015s | 0.0986s | 0.0998s | 0.1021s | 0.0984s | 0.0995s | 0.1019s | 1.01x | 1.04x
Average ops/s:
ReaderWriterQueue: 64.38 million
SPSC queue: 53.05 million
Folly queue: 67.30 million
The future of lock-free programming
I think that as multi-threaded code becomes more prevalent, more and more libraries will become available that leverage lock-free programming for speed (while abstracting the gory, error-prone guts from the application developer). I wonder, though, how far this multi-core-with-shared-memory architecture will go -- the cache coherence protocols and memory barrier instructions don't seem to scale very well (performance-wise) to highly parallel CPUs. Immutable shared memory with thread-local writes may be the future. Sounds like a job for functional programming!
A Fast General Purpose Lock-Free Queue for C++
Posted November 06, 2014
So I've been bitten by the lock-free bug! After finishing my single-producer, single-consumer lock-free queue, I decided to design and implement a more general multi-producer, multi-consumer queue and see how it stacked up against existing lock-free C++ queues. After over a year of spare-time development and testing, it's finally time for a public release. TL;DR: You can grab the C++11 implementation from GitHub (or jump to the benchmarks).
The way the queue works is interesting, I think, so that's what this blog post is about. A much more detailed and complete (but also more dry) description is available in a sister blog post, by the way.
Sharing data: Oh, the woes
At first glance, a general purpose lock-free queue seems fairly easy to implement. It isn't. The root of the problem is that the same variables necessarily need to be shared with several threads. For example, take a common linked-list based approach: At a minimum, the head and tail of the list need to be shared, because consumers all need to be able to read and update the head, and the producers all need to be able to update the tail.
This doesn't sound too bad so far, but the real problems arise when a thread needs to update more than one variable to keep the queue in a consistent state -- atomicity is only ensured for single variables, and atomicity for compound variables (structs) is almost certainly going to result in a sort of lock (on most platforms, depending on the size of the variable). For example, what if a consumer read the last item from the queue and updated only the head? The tail should not still point to it, because the object will soon be freed! But the consumer could be interrupted by the OS and suspended for a few milliseconds before it updates the tail, and during that time the tail could be updated by another thread, and then it becomes too late for the first thread to set it to null.
The solutions to this fundamental problem of shared data are the crux of lock-free programming. Often the best way is to conceive of an algorithm that doesn't need to update multiple variables to maintain consistency in the first place, or one where incremental updates still leave the data structure in a consistent state. Various tricks can be used, such as never freeing memory once allocated (this helps with reads from threads that aren't up to date), storing extra state in the last two bits of a pointer (this works with 4-byte aligned pointers), and reference counting pointers. But tricks like these only go so far; the real effort goes into developing the algorithms themselves.
My queue
The less threads fight over the same data, the better. So, instead of using a single data structure that linearizes all operations, a set of sub-queues is used instead -- one for each producer thread. This means that different threads can enqueue items completely in parallel, independently of each other.
Of course, this also makes dequeueing slightly more complicated: Now we have to check every sub-queue for items when dequeuing. Interestingly, it turns out that the order that elements are pulled from the sub-queues really doesn't matter. All elements from a given producer thread will necessarily still be seen in that same order relative to each other when dequeued (since the sub-queue preserves that order), albeit with elements from other sub-queues possibly interleaved. Interleaving elements is OK because even in a traditional single-queue model, the order that elements get put in from from different producer threads is non-deterministic anyway (because there's a race condition between the different producers). [Edit: This is only true if the producers are independent, which isn't necessarily the case. See the comments.] The only downside to this approach is that if the queue is empty, every single sub-queue has to be checked in order to determine this (also, by the time one sub-queue is checked, a previously empty one could have become non-empty -- but in practice this doesn't cause problems). However, in the non-empty case, there is much less contention overall because sub-queues can be "paired up" with consumers. This reduces data sharing to the near-optimal level (where every consumer is matched with exactly one producer), without losing the ability to handle the general case. This pairing is done using a heuristic that takes into account the last sub-queue a producer successfully pulled from (essentially, it gives consumers an affinity). Of course, in order to do this pairing, some state has to be maintained between calls to dequeue -- this is done using consumer-specific "tokens" that the user is in charge of allocating. Note that tokens are completely optional -- the queue merely reverts to searching every sub-queue for an element without one, which is correct, just slightly slower when many threads are involved.
So, that's the high-level design. What about the core algorithm used within each sub-queue? Well, instead of being based on a linked-list of nodes (which implies constantly allocating and freeing or re-using elements, and typically relies on a compare-and-swap loop which can be slow under heavy contention), I based my queue on an array model. Instead of linking individual elements, I have a "block" of several elements. The logical head and tail indices of the queue are represented using atomically-incremented integers. Between these logical indices and the blocks lies a scheme for mapping each index to its block and sub-index within that block. An enqueue operation simply increments the tail (remember that there's only one producer thread for each sub-queue). A dequeue operation increments the head if it sees that the head is less than the tail, and then it checks to see if it accidentally incremented the head past the tail (this can happen under contention -- there's multiple consumer threads per sub-queue). If it did over-increment the head, a correction counter is incremented (making the queue eventually consistent), and if not, it goes ahead and increments another integer which gives it the actual final logical index. The increment of this final index always yields a valid index in the actual queue, regardless of what other threads are doing or have done; this works because the final index is only ever incremented when there's guaranteed to be at least one element to dequeue (which was checked when the first index was incremented).
So there you have it. An enqueue operation is done with a single atomic increment, and a dequeue is done with two atomic increments in the fast-path, and one extra otherwise. (Of course, this is discounting all the block allocation/re-use/referencing counting/block mapping goop, which, while important, is not very interesting -- in any case, most of those costs are amortized over an entire block's worth of elements.) The really interesting part of this design is that it allows extremely efficient bulk operations -- in terms of atomic instructions (which tend to be a bottleneck), enqueueing X items in a block has exactly the same amount of overhead as enqueueing a single item (ditto for dequeueing), provided they're in the same block. That's where the real performance gains come in :-)
I heard there was code
Since I thought there was rather a lack of high-quality lock-free queues for C++, I wrote one using this design I came up with. (While there are others, notably the ones in Boost and Intel's TBB, mine has more features, such as having no restrictions on the element type, and is faster to boot.) You can find it over at GitHub. It's all contained in a single header, and available under the simplified BSD license. Just drop it in your project and enjoy!
Benchmarks, yay!
So, the fun part of creating data structures is writing synthetic benchmarks and seeing how fast yours is versus other existing ones. For comparison, I used the Boost 1.55 lock-free queue, Intel's TBB 4.3 concurrent_queue
, another linked-list based lock-free queue of my own (a naïve design for reference), a lock-based queue using std::mutex
, and a normal std::queue
(for reference against a regular data structure that's accessed purely from one thread). Note that the graphs below only show a subset of the results, and omit both the naïve lock-free and single-threaded std::queue
Here are the results! Detailed raw data follows the pretty graphs (note that I had to use a logarithmic scale due to the enormous differences in absolute throughput).
64-bit 8-core AWS instance (c1.xlarge), Ubuntu, g++
Running 64-bit benchmarks on an Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5506 @ 2.13GHz
(precise mode)
Note that these are synthetic benchmarks. Take them with a grain of salt.
'Avg': Average time taken per operation, normalized to be per thread
'Range': The minimum and maximum times taken per operation (per thread)
'Ops/s': Overall operations per second
'Ops/s/t': Operations per second per thread (inverse of 'Avg')
Operations include those that fail (e.g. because the queue is empty).
Each logical enqueue/dequeue counts as an individual operation when in bulk.
(Measures the average operation speed with multiple symmetrical threads
under reasonable load -- small random intervals between accesses)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 2.1439us Range: [2.0316us, 2.1834us] Ops/s: 932.90k Ops/s/t: 466.45k
3 threads: Avg: 3.8096us Range: [3.3842us, 4.1643us] Ops/s: 787.49k Ops/s/t: 262.50k
4 threads: Avg: 5.5406us Range: [5.0081us, 5.6616us] Ops/s: 721.94k Ops/s/t: 180.48k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0120ms Range: [0.0118ms, 0.0123ms] Ops/s: 664.05k Ops/s/t: 83.01k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0189ms Range: [0.0188ms, 0.0191ms] Ops/s: 633.72k Ops/s/t: 52.81k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0246ms Range: [0.0240ms, 0.0248ms] Ops/s: 650.46k Ops/s/t: 40.65k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 133.15k
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 2.0623us Range: [2.0364us, 2.0712us] Ops/s: 969.77k Ops/s/t: 484.88k
3 threads: Avg: 3.1724us Range: [3.1542us, 3.2327us] Ops/s: 945.67k Ops/s/t: 315.22k
4 threads: Avg: 4.4476us Range: [4.2467us, 4.6332us] Ops/s: 899.36k Ops/s/t: 224.84k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0101ms Range: [9.7889us, 0.0102ms] Ops/s: 795.01k Ops/s/t: 99.38k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0155ms Range: [0.0150ms, 0.0158ms] Ops/s: 773.39k Ops/s/t: 64.45k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0213ms Range: [0.0206ms, 0.0218ms] Ops/s: 750.30k Ops/s/t: 46.89k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 153.72k
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 2.3908us Range: [2.2293us, 2.6284us] Ops/s: 836.54k Ops/s/t: 418.27k
3 threads: Avg: 4.2701us Range: [3.5851us, 4.3783us] Ops/s: 702.55k Ops/s/t: 234.18k
4 threads: Avg: 6.0101us Range: [5.8873us, 6.0534us] Ops/s: 665.55k Ops/s/t: 166.39k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0123ms Range: [0.0120ms, 0.0125ms] Ops/s: 647.96k Ops/s/t: 81.00k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0191ms Range: [0.0189ms, 0.0193ms] Ops/s: 626.99k Ops/s/t: 52.25k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0244ms Range: [0.0234ms, 0.0248ms] Ops/s: 656.16k Ops/s/t: 41.01k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 123.33k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 2.2272us Range: [2.1376us, 2.3070us] Ops/s: 898.01k Ops/s/t: 449.00k
3 threads: Avg: 4.0825us Range: [4.0605us, 4.1017us] Ops/s: 734.84k Ops/s/t: 244.95k
4 threads: Avg: 5.4065us Range: [5.3347us, 5.4531us] Ops/s: 739.86k Ops/s/t: 184.96k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0115ms Range: [0.0112ms, 0.0116ms] Ops/s: 692.97k Ops/s/t: 86.62k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0171ms Range: [0.0169ms, 0.0172ms] Ops/s: 702.47k Ops/s/t: 58.54k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0228ms Range: [0.0225ms, 0.0232ms] Ops/s: 701.16k Ops/s/t: 43.82k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 132.93k
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 2.2096us Range: [2.2034us, 2.2123us] Ops/s: 905.15k Ops/s/t: 452.58k
3 threads: Avg: 3.9077us Range: [3.5631us, 4.2803us] Ops/s: 767.71k Ops/s/t: 255.90k
4 threads: Avg: 5.8294us Range: [5.7747us, 5.8686us] Ops/s: 686.17k Ops/s/t: 171.54k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0125ms Range: [0.0121ms, 0.0129ms] Ops/s: 641.39k Ops/s/t: 80.17k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0187ms Range: [0.0184ms, 0.0189ms] Ops/s: 640.76k Ops/s/t: 53.40k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0255ms Range: [0.0244ms, 0.0262ms] Ops/s: 626.32k Ops/s/t: 39.15k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 129.20k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 2.6149us Range: [2.2393us, 2.8581us] Ops/s: 764.85k Ops/s/t: 382.43k
3 threads: Avg: 5.0743us Range: [4.9853us, 5.0976us] Ops/s: 591.21k Ops/s/t: 197.07k
4 threads: Avg: 7.6434us Range: [7.3726us, 7.7969us] Ops/s: 523.33k Ops/s/t: 130.83k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0302ms Range: [0.0269ms, 0.0328ms] Ops/s: 264.68k Ops/s/t: 33.09k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0637ms Range: [0.0509ms, 0.0682ms] Ops/s: 188.37k Ops/s/t: 15.70k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1120ms Range: [0.1001ms, 0.1184ms] Ops/s: 142.90k Ops/s/t: 8.93k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 85.99k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only enqueue:
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0229us Range: [0.0229us, 0.0230us] Ops/s: 43.58M Ops/s/t: 43.58M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0418us Range: [0.0416us, 0.0419us] Ops/s: 47.84M Ops/s/t: 23.92M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0821us Range: [0.0821us, 0.0822us] Ops/s: 48.71M Ops/s/t: 12.18M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1621us Range: [0.1616us, 0.1625us] Ops/s: 49.35M Ops/s/t: 6.17M
12 threads: Avg: 0.2503us Range: [0.2498us, 0.2507us] Ops/s: 47.94M Ops/s/t: 3.99M
16 threads: Avg: 0.3417us Range: [0.3406us, 0.3428us] Ops/s: 46.82M Ops/s/t: 2.93M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 12.03M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0146us Range: [0.0146us, 0.0146us] Ops/s: 68.45M Ops/s/t: 68.45M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0315us Range: [0.0313us, 0.0316us] Ops/s: 63.53M Ops/s/t: 31.77M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0614us Range: [0.0613us, 0.0615us] Ops/s: 65.10M Ops/s/t: 16.27M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1220us Range: [0.1216us, 0.1222us] Ops/s: 65.56M Ops/s/t: 8.20M
12 threads: Avg: 0.1901us Range: [0.1884us, 0.1909us] Ops/s: 63.14M Ops/s/t: 5.26M
16 threads: Avg: 0.2694us Range: [0.2658us, 0.2733us] Ops/s: 59.38M Ops/s/t: 3.71M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 16.96M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0745us Range: [0.0744us, 0.0745us] Ops/s: 13.43M Ops/s/t: 13.43M
2 threads: Avg: 0.7351us Range: [0.6376us, 0.8720us] Ops/s: 2.72M Ops/s/t: 1.36M
4 threads: Avg: 5.9754us Range: [5.5307us, 6.1937us] Ops/s: 669.41k Ops/s/t: 167.35k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0276ms Range: [0.0263ms, 0.0282ms] Ops/s: 289.71k Ops/s/t: 36.21k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0486ms Range: [0.0222ms, 0.0555ms] Ops/s: 246.97k Ops/s/t: 20.58k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1059ms Range: [0.1018ms, 0.1092ms] Ops/s: 151.02k Ops/s/t: 9.44k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.45M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0443us Range: [0.0442us, 0.0443us] Ops/s: 22.60M Ops/s/t: 22.60M
2 threads: Avg: 0.3436us Range: [0.3082us, 0.3696us] Ops/s: 5.82M Ops/s/t: 2.91M
4 threads: Avg: 1.6788us Range: [1.6172us, 1.7061us] Ops/s: 2.38M Ops/s/t: 595.67k
8 threads: Avg: 8.5452us Range: [8.4615us, 8.6459us] Ops/s: 936.20k Ops/s/t: 117.03k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0475ms Range: [0.0469ms, 0.0482ms] Ops/s: 252.43k Ops/s/t: 21.04k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1398ms Range: [0.1317ms, 0.1445ms] Ops/s: 114.48k Ops/s/t: 7.16k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.61M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0739us Range: [0.0738us, 0.0739us] Ops/s: 13.54M Ops/s/t: 13.54M
2 threads: Avg: 0.4404us Range: [0.4023us, 0.4634us] Ops/s: 4.54M Ops/s/t: 2.27M
4 threads: Avg: 3.1988us Range: [3.1510us, 3.2464us] Ops/s: 1.25M Ops/s/t: 312.62k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0103ms Range: [0.0102ms, 0.0105ms] Ops/s: 774.38k Ops/s/t: 96.80k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0215ms Range: [0.0212ms, 0.0216ms] Ops/s: 557.77k Ops/s/t: 46.48k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0401ms Range: [0.0394ms, 0.0407ms] Ops/s: 398.68k Ops/s/t: 24.92k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.62M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0696us Range: [0.0696us, 0.0696us] Ops/s: 14.36M Ops/s/t: 14.36M
2 threads: Avg: 0.8199us Range: [0.6931us, 0.8818us] Ops/s: 2.44M Ops/s/t: 1.22M
4 threads: Avg: 5.0074us Range: [4.9400us, 5.0589us] Ops/s: 798.82k Ops/s/t: 199.70k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0233ms Range: [0.0220ms, 0.0240ms] Ops/s: 342.66k Ops/s/t: 42.83k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0427ms Range: [0.0218ms, 0.0492ms] Ops/s: 281.23k Ops/s/t: 23.44k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0845ms Range: [0.0782ms, 0.0872ms] Ops/s: 189.45k Ops/s/t: 11.84k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.53M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0109us Range: [0.0108us, 0.0109us] Ops/s: 92.13M Ops/s/t: 92.13M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 92.13M
only enqueue (pre-allocated):
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are producers,
and the queue has been stretched out first)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0175us Range: [0.0175us, 0.0176us] Ops/s: 56.98M Ops/s/t: 56.98M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0343us Range: [0.0337us, 0.0368us] Ops/s: 58.31M Ops/s/t: 29.15M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1314us Range: [0.1059us, 0.1515us] Ops/s: 30.43M Ops/s/t: 7.61M
8 threads: Avg: 0.5502us Range: [0.4973us, 0.5676us] Ops/s: 14.54M Ops/s/t: 1.82M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 16.37M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 8.0792ns Range: [8.0657ns, 8.0857ns] Ops/s: 123.77M Ops/s/t: 123.77M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0199us Range: [0.0198us, 0.0200us] Ops/s: 100.56M Ops/s/t: 50.28M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0362us Range: [0.0361us, 0.0363us] Ops/s: 110.40M Ops/s/t: 27.60M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0730us Range: [0.0724us, 0.0734us] Ops/s: 109.61M Ops/s/t: 13.70M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 39.88M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0477us Range: [0.0476us, 0.0478us] Ops/s: 20.96M Ops/s/t: 20.96M
2 threads: Avg: 0.7644us Range: [0.6611us, 0.8702us] Ops/s: 2.62M Ops/s/t: 1.31M
4 threads: Avg: 6.5308us Range: [6.0638us, 6.9217us] Ops/s: 612.48k Ops/s/t: 153.12k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0276ms Range: [0.0192ms, 0.0292ms] Ops/s: 290.08k Ops/s/t: 36.26k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.21M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0440us Range: [0.0439us, 0.0440us] Ops/s: 22.75M Ops/s/t: 22.75M
2 threads: Avg: 0.2923us Range: [0.2799us, 0.3120us] Ops/s: 6.84M Ops/s/t: 3.42M
4 threads: Avg: 1.5782us Range: [1.4991us, 1.6202us] Ops/s: 2.53M Ops/s/t: 633.63k
8 threads: Avg: 8.5111us Range: [8.4543us, 8.6016us] Ops/s: 939.95k Ops/s/t: 117.49k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.03M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0563us Range: [0.0563us, 0.0564us] Ops/s: 17.76M Ops/s/t: 17.76M
2 threads: Avg: 0.6085us Range: [0.6031us, 0.6223us] Ops/s: 3.29M Ops/s/t: 1.64M
4 threads: Avg: 4.8504us Range: [3.0550us, 5.2267us] Ops/s: 824.68k Ops/s/t: 206.17k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0211ms Range: [0.0205ms, 0.0215ms] Ops/s: 378.88k Ops/s/t: 47.36k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.85M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0698us Range: [0.0698us, 0.0698us] Ops/s: 14.33M Ops/s/t: 14.33M
2 threads: Avg: 0.7667us Range: [0.7002us, 0.8237us] Ops/s: 2.61M Ops/s/t: 1.30M
4 threads: Avg: 5.0945us Range: [4.9227us, 5.1724us] Ops/s: 785.17k Ops/s/t: 196.29k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0233ms Range: [0.0224ms, 0.0241ms] Ops/s: 343.59k Ops/s/t: 42.95k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.30M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0107us Range: [0.0107us, 0.0107us] Ops/s: 93.28M Ops/s/t: 93.28M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 93.28M
only enqueue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk when all threads are producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 8.7326ns Range: [8.7251ns, 8.7431ns] Ops/s: 114.51M Ops/s/t: 114.51M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0174us Range: [0.0171us, 0.0176us] Ops/s: 114.97M Ops/s/t: 57.49M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0346us Range: [0.0342us, 0.0347us] Ops/s: 115.60M Ops/s/t: 28.90M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0669us Range: [0.0605us, 0.0692us] Ops/s: 119.51M Ops/s/t: 14.94M
12 threads: Avg: 0.1146us Range: [0.1120us, 0.1169us] Ops/s: 104.72M Ops/s/t: 8.73M
16 threads: Avg: 0.1741us Range: [0.1700us, 0.1769us] Ops/s: 91.92M Ops/s/t: 5.75M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 28.44M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 8.7317ns Range: [8.7133ns, 8.7451ns] Ops/s: 114.53M Ops/s/t: 114.53M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0186us Range: [0.0184us, 0.0187us] Ops/s: 107.81M Ops/s/t: 53.91M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0382us Range: [0.0378us, 0.0383us] Ops/s: 104.74M Ops/s/t: 26.19M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0793us Range: [0.0790us, 0.0796us] Ops/s: 100.83M Ops/s/t: 12.60M
12 threads: Avg: 0.1229us Range: [0.1217us, 0.1232us] Ops/s: 97.64M Ops/s/t: 8.14M
16 threads: Avg: 0.1745us Range: [0.1677us, 0.1802us] Ops/s: 91.69M Ops/s/t: 5.73M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 27.74M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only enqueue bulk (pre-allocated):
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk when all threads are producers,
and the queue has been stretched out first)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 9.0071ns Range: [8.9924ns, 9.0178ns] Ops/s: 111.02M Ops/s/t: 111.02M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0187us Range: [0.0184us, 0.0188us] Ops/s: 106.79M Ops/s/t: 53.40M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0395us Range: [0.0393us, 0.0397us] Ops/s: 101.25M Ops/s/t: 25.31M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0831us Range: [0.0823us, 0.0835us] Ops/s: 96.28M Ops/s/t: 12.04M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 37.45M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 8.7146ns Range: [8.7099ns, 8.7187ns] Ops/s: 114.75M Ops/s/t: 114.75M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0185us Range: [0.0181us, 0.0187us] Ops/s: 108.27M Ops/s/t: 54.14M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0383us Range: [0.0376us, 0.0384us] Ops/s: 104.54M Ops/s/t: 26.13M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0798us Range: [0.0794us, 0.0801us] Ops/s: 100.25M Ops/s/t: 12.53M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 38.52M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only dequeue:
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0479us Range: [0.0478us, 0.0479us] Ops/s: 20.90M Ops/s/t: 20.90M
2 threads: Avg: 0.4099us Range: [0.3972us, 0.4170us] Ops/s: 4.88M Ops/s/t: 2.44M
4 threads: Avg: 2.7666us Range: [2.0147us, 2.8988us] Ops/s: 1.45M Ops/s/t: 361.46k
8 threads: Avg: 9.0300us Range: [8.8027us, 9.1078us] Ops/s: 885.94k Ops/s/t: 110.74k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0179ms Range: [0.0178ms, 0.0179ms] Ops/s: 672.15k Ops/s/t: 56.01k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0338ms Range: [0.0332ms, 0.0340ms] Ops/s: 473.79k Ops/s/t: 29.61k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.56M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0404us Range: [0.0404us, 0.0404us] Ops/s: 24.75M Ops/s/t: 24.75M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0827us Range: [0.0826us, 0.0827us] Ops/s: 24.18M Ops/s/t: 12.09M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1745us Range: [0.1738us, 0.1748us] Ops/s: 22.92M Ops/s/t: 5.73M
8 threads: Avg: 0.3536us Range: [0.3514us, 0.3559us] Ops/s: 22.62M Ops/s/t: 2.83M
12 threads: Avg: 0.5554us Range: [0.5457us, 0.5628us] Ops/s: 21.60M Ops/s/t: 1.80M
16 threads: Avg: 0.7653us Range: [0.7439us, 0.7776us] Ops/s: 20.91M Ops/s/t: 1.31M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.07M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0356us Range: [0.0355us, 0.0356us] Ops/s: 28.11M Ops/s/t: 28.11M
2 threads: Avg: 0.4965us Range: [0.4550us, 0.5404us] Ops/s: 4.03M Ops/s/t: 2.01M
4 threads: Avg: 4.5768us Range: [4.4660us, 4.6482us] Ops/s: 873.96k Ops/s/t: 218.49k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0189ms Range: [0.0129ms, 0.0203ms] Ops/s: 423.34k Ops/s/t: 52.92k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0424ms Range: [0.0411ms, 0.0432ms] Ops/s: 282.73k Ops/s/t: 23.56k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0767ms Range: [0.0523ms, 0.0825ms] Ops/s: 208.48k Ops/s/t: 13.03k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.85M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0290us Range: [0.0286us, 0.0292us] Ops/s: 34.47M Ops/s/t: 34.47M
2 threads: Avg: 0.2343us Range: [0.2270us, 0.2470us] Ops/s: 8.54M Ops/s/t: 4.27M
4 threads: Avg: 2.0731us Range: [1.9837us, 2.1597us] Ops/s: 1.93M Ops/s/t: 482.36k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0103ms Range: [9.5712us, 0.0106ms] Ops/s: 779.17k Ops/s/t: 97.40k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0451ms Range: [0.0433ms, 0.0480ms] Ops/s: 266.36k Ops/s/t: 22.20k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1436ms Range: [0.1360ms, 0.1520ms] Ops/s: 111.41k Ops/s/t: 6.96k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.51M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0275us Range: [0.0275us, 0.0276us] Ops/s: 36.31M Ops/s/t: 36.31M
2 threads: Avg: 0.8440us Range: [0.7192us, 0.8839us] Ops/s: 2.37M Ops/s/t: 1.18M
4 threads: Avg: 6.3769us Range: [5.6198us, 6.7313us] Ops/s: 627.27k Ops/s/t: 156.82k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0292ms Range: [0.0263ms, 0.0300ms] Ops/s: 274.34k Ops/s/t: 34.29k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0642ms Range: [0.0548ms, 0.0662ms] Ops/s: 186.79k Ops/s/t: 15.57k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1196ms Range: [0.1172ms, 0.1206ms] Ops/s: 133.76k Ops/s/t: 8.36k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.22M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0617us Range: [0.0617us, 0.0618us] Ops/s: 16.20M Ops/s/t: 16.20M
2 threads: Avg: 1.4892us Range: [1.3851us, 1.5315us] Ops/s: 1.34M Ops/s/t: 671.48k
4 threads: Avg: 8.0076us Range: [4.8463us, 8.5494us] Ops/s: 499.53k Ops/s/t: 124.88k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0295ms Range: [0.0202ms, 0.0314ms] Ops/s: 271.52k Ops/s/t: 33.94k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0594ms Range: [0.0364ms, 0.0639ms] Ops/s: 201.87k Ops/s/t: 16.82k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1049ms Range: [0.0564ms, 0.1191ms] Ops/s: 152.58k Ops/s/t: 9.54k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.02M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 3.8947ns Range: [3.8927ns, 3.8964ns] Ops/s: 256.76M Ops/s/t: 256.76M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 256.76M
only dequeue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing an item in bulk when all threads are consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 1.8063ns Range: [1.8008ns, 1.8111ns] Ops/s: 553.61M Ops/s/t: 553.61M
2 threads: Avg: 5.3528ns Range: [5.3256ns, 5.3836ns] Ops/s: 373.63M Ops/s/t: 186.82M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0278us Range: [0.0257us, 0.0288us] Ops/s: 143.65M Ops/s/t: 35.91M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0860us Range: [0.0839us, 0.0868us] Ops/s: 93.02M Ops/s/t: 11.63M
12 threads: Avg: 0.1500us Range: [0.1429us, 0.1535us] Ops/s: 79.98M Ops/s/t: 6.66M
16 threads: Avg: 0.2670us Range: [0.2490us, 0.2774us] Ops/s: 59.92M Ops/s/t: 3.74M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 63.04M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 1.6650ns Range: [1.6632ns, 1.6664ns] Ops/s: 600.59M Ops/s/t: 600.59M
2 threads: Avg: 4.6593ns Range: [4.5874ns, 4.7052ns] Ops/s: 429.25M Ops/s/t: 214.62M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0159us Range: [0.0158us, 0.0160us] Ops/s: 251.62M Ops/s/t: 62.91M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0515us Range: [0.0498us, 0.0528us] Ops/s: 155.40M Ops/s/t: 19.43M
12 threads: Avg: 0.0787us Range: [0.0764us, 0.0798us] Ops/s: 152.54M Ops/s/t: 12.71M
16 threads: Avg: 0.1374us Range: [0.1252us, 0.1435us] Ops/s: 116.47M Ops/s/t: 7.28M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 79.24M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly enqueue:
(Measures the average operation speed when most threads are enqueueing)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0937us Range: [0.0927us, 0.0963us] Ops/s: 21.35M Ops/s/t: 10.68M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1862us Range: [0.1816us, 0.1900us] Ops/s: 21.48M Ops/s/t: 5.37M
8 threads: Avg: 0.8762us Range: [0.7998us, 0.9349us] Ops/s: 9.13M Ops/s/t: 1.14M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.66M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0843us Range: [0.0841us, 0.0847us] Ops/s: 23.72M Ops/s/t: 11.86M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1088us Range: [0.1029us, 0.1111us] Ops/s: 36.75M Ops/s/t: 9.19M
8 threads: Avg: 0.3251us Range: [0.2290us, 0.4168us] Ops/s: 24.61M Ops/s/t: 3.08M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 7.02M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1152us Range: [0.1118us, 0.1171us] Ops/s: 17.37M Ops/s/t: 8.68M
4 threads: Avg: 2.5790us Range: [1.8601us, 3.1117us] Ops/s: 1.55M Ops/s/t: 387.75k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0170ms Range: [0.0166ms, 0.0176ms] Ops/s: 469.45k Ops/s/t: 58.68k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.12M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3593us Range: [0.3540us, 0.3657us] Ops/s: 5.57M Ops/s/t: 2.78M
4 threads: Avg: 1.1523us Range: [1.1393us, 1.1810us] Ops/s: 3.47M Ops/s/t: 867.86k
8 threads: Avg: 5.9296us Range: [5.4979us, 6.1961us] Ops/s: 1.35M Ops/s/t: 168.65k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 984.95k
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2142us Range: [0.1944us, 0.2233us] Ops/s: 9.34M Ops/s/t: 4.67M
4 threads: Avg: 2.7030us Range: [2.4932us, 2.7637us] Ops/s: 1.48M Ops/s/t: 369.96k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0127ms Range: [9.8947us, 0.0138ms] Ops/s: 628.60k Ops/s/t: 78.58k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.21M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2057us Range: [0.1952us, 0.2165us] Ops/s: 9.72M Ops/s/t: 4.86M
4 threads: Avg: 6.1602us Range: [3.7945us, 7.2017us] Ops/s: 649.33k Ops/s/t: 162.33k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0375ms Range: [0.0334ms, 0.0419ms] Ops/s: 213.17k Ops/s/t: 26.65k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.17M
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly enqueue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk under light contention)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0172us Range: [0.0172us, 0.0173us] Ops/s: 116.00M Ops/s/t: 58.00M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0366us Range: [0.0363us, 0.0369us] Ops/s: 109.38M Ops/s/t: 27.34M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0797us Range: [0.0794us, 0.0801us] Ops/s: 100.37M Ops/s/t: 12.55M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 27.58M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0171us Range: [0.0171us, 0.0171us] Ops/s: 117.11M Ops/s/t: 58.55M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0304us Range: [0.0280us, 0.0320us] Ops/s: 131.48M Ops/s/t: 32.87M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0714us Range: [0.0612us, 0.0770us] Ops/s: 112.07M Ops/s/t: 14.01M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 30.14M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly dequeue:
(Measures the average operation speed when most threads are dequeueing)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1035us Range: [0.1034us, 0.1036us] Ops/s: 19.32M Ops/s/t: 9.66M
4 threads: Avg: 1.4781us Range: [1.4440us, 1.4955us] Ops/s: 2.71M Ops/s/t: 676.56k
8 threads: Avg: 3.8335us Range: [2.7691us, 4.1910us] Ops/s: 2.09M Ops/s/t: 260.86k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.52M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0843us Range: [0.0842us, 0.0844us] Ops/s: 23.72M Ops/s/t: 11.86M
4 threads: Avg: 0.7221us Range: [0.6558us, 0.7557us] Ops/s: 5.54M Ops/s/t: 1.38M
8 threads: Avg: 1.0831us Range: [0.8750us, 1.2979us] Ops/s: 7.39M Ops/s/t: 923.26k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.55M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4447us Range: [0.3836us, 0.4890us] Ops/s: 4.50M Ops/s/t: 2.25M
4 threads: Avg: 2.3882us Range: [1.9014us, 2.7969us] Ops/s: 1.67M Ops/s/t: 418.73k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0132ms Range: [7.8331us, 0.0142ms] Ops/s: 604.38k Ops/s/t: 75.55k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 677.76k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1613us Range: [0.1609us, 0.1618us] Ops/s: 12.40M Ops/s/t: 6.20M
4 threads: Avg: 1.6693us Range: [1.5484us, 1.7851us] Ops/s: 2.40M Ops/s/t: 599.07k
8 threads: Avg: 7.8647us Range: [7.4879us, 8.0231us] Ops/s: 1.02M Ops/s/t: 127.15k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.65M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4576us Range: [0.4205us, 0.4906us] Ops/s: 4.37M Ops/s/t: 2.19M
4 threads: Avg: 3.7064us Range: [3.5114us, 3.8460us] Ops/s: 1.08M Ops/s/t: 269.81k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0188ms Range: [0.0186ms, 0.0189ms] Ops/s: 426.30k Ops/s/t: 53.29k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 605.60k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.7979us Range: [0.7404us, 0.8972us] Ops/s: 2.51M Ops/s/t: 1.25M
4 threads: Avg: 7.7466us Range: [7.5002us, 7.9109us] Ops/s: 516.35k Ops/s/t: 129.09k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0258ms Range: [0.0248ms, 0.0267ms] Ops/s: 310.04k Ops/s/t: 38.76k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 342.85k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly dequeue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing an item in bulk under light contention)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 8.3404ns Range: [7.7191ns, 8.9024ns] Ops/s: 239.80M Ops/s/t: 119.90M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0264us Range: [0.0223us, 0.0274us] Ops/s: 151.37M Ops/s/t: 37.84M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1042us Range: [0.0994us, 0.1064us] Ops/s: 76.75M Ops/s/t: 9.59M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 43.63M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 4.9164ns Range: [4.8544ns, 5.0084ns] Ops/s: 406.80M Ops/s/t: 203.40M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0156us Range: [0.0155us, 0.0158us] Ops/s: 256.40M Ops/s/t: 64.10M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0518us Range: [0.0448us, 0.0607us] Ops/s: 154.57M Ops/s/t: 19.32M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 75.37M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
single-producer, multi-consumer (measuring all but 1 thread):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing with only one producer, but multiple consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1041us Range: [0.0978us, 0.1122us] Ops/s: 9.60M Ops/s/t: 9.60M
4 threads: Avg: 1.9386us Range: [1.7129us, 2.3281us] Ops/s: 1.55M Ops/s/t: 515.83k
8 threads: Avg: 0.7837us Range: [0.5718us, 1.4367us] Ops/s: 8.93M Ops/s/t: 1.28M
16 threads: Avg: 0.8587us Range: [0.8096us, 1.0077us] Ops/s: 17.47M Ops/s/t: 1.16M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.99M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1034us Range: [0.0984us, 0.1079us] Ops/s: 9.67M Ops/s/t: 9.67M
4 threads: Avg: 1.4904us Range: [1.3998us, 1.6162us] Ops/s: 2.01M Ops/s/t: 670.97k
8 threads: Avg: 0.9243us Range: [0.3801us, 6.2399us] Ops/s: 7.57M Ops/s/t: 1.08M
16 threads: Avg: 0.7863us Range: [0.6860us, 0.8744us] Ops/s: 19.08M Ops/s/t: 1.27M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.01M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1390us Range: [0.1325us, 0.1545us] Ops/s: 7.19M Ops/s/t: 7.19M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4625us Range: [0.2754us, 0.5561us] Ops/s: 6.49M Ops/s/t: 2.16M
8 threads: Avg: 0.7324us Range: [0.5028us, 1.2586us] Ops/s: 9.56M Ops/s/t: 1.37M
16 threads: Avg: 0.4086us Range: [0.3950us, 0.4355us] Ops/s: 36.71M Ops/s/t: 2.45M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.60M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0396us Range: [0.0395us, 0.0396us] Ops/s: 25.27M Ops/s/t: 25.27M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4785us Range: [0.3555us, 2.2952us] Ops/s: 6.27M Ops/s/t: 2.09M
8 threads: Avg: 6.6917us Range: [2.8804us, 8.9630us] Ops/s: 1.05M Ops/s/t: 149.44k
16 threads: Avg: 6.2738us Range: [4.4906us, 0.0135ms] Ops/s: 2.39M Ops/s/t: 159.39k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.23M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1923us Range: [0.1744us, 0.2023us] Ops/s: 5.20M Ops/s/t: 5.20M
4 threads: Avg: 1.5853us Range: [0.4197us, 2.7908us] Ops/s: 1.89M Ops/s/t: 630.79k
8 threads: Avg: 1.1113us Range: [0.8406us, 1.7108us] Ops/s: 6.30M Ops/s/t: 899.83k
16 threads: Avg: 0.5356us Range: [0.5155us, 0.5548us] Ops/s: 28.01M Ops/s/t: 1.87M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.72M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1914us Range: [0.1719us, 0.2080us] Ops/s: 5.22M Ops/s/t: 5.22M
4 threads: Avg: 2.8230us Range: [2.6594us, 2.9641us] Ops/s: 1.06M Ops/s/t: 354.23k
8 threads: Avg: 8.1605us Range: [7.5421us, 9.6067us] Ops/s: 857.79k Ops/s/t: 122.54k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0330ms Range: [0.0316ms, 0.0339ms] Ops/s: 455.18k Ops/s/t: 30.35k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 678.72k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
single-producer, multi-consumer (pre-produced):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing from a queue pre-filled by one thread)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0479us Range: [0.0478us, 0.0479us] Ops/s: 20.89M Ops/s/t: 20.89M
3 threads: Avg: 1.0918us Range: [0.9990us, 1.1343us] Ops/s: 2.75M Ops/s/t: 915.91k
7 threads: Avg: 6.1592us Range: [6.0475us, 6.1973us] Ops/s: 1.14M Ops/s/t: 162.36k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0243ms Range: [0.0240ms, 0.0245ms] Ops/s: 617.10k Ops/s/t: 41.14k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.49M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0404us Range: [0.0404us, 0.0404us] Ops/s: 24.74M Ops/s/t: 24.74M
3 threads: Avg: 0.9008us Range: [0.8752us, 0.9113us] Ops/s: 3.33M Ops/s/t: 1.11M
7 threads: Avg: 4.7648us Range: [4.7195us, 4.8146us] Ops/s: 1.47M Ops/s/t: 209.87k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0194ms Range: [0.0191ms, 0.0196ms] Ops/s: 772.72k Ops/s/t: 51.51k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.96M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0356us Range: [0.0355us, 0.0357us] Ops/s: 28.11M Ops/s/t: 28.11M
3 threads: Avg: 2.1016us Range: [1.8879us, 2.2375us] Ops/s: 1.43M Ops/s/t: 475.82k
7 threads: Avg: 0.0161ms Range: [0.0149ms, 0.0163ms] Ops/s: 435.41k Ops/s/t: 62.20k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0692ms Range: [0.0458ms, 0.0738ms] Ops/s: 216.64k Ops/s/t: 14.44k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.15M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0286us Range: [0.0286us, 0.0287us] Ops/s: 34.91M Ops/s/t: 34.91M
3 threads: Avg: 0.9964us Range: [0.9581us, 1.0265us] Ops/s: 3.01M Ops/s/t: 1.00M
7 threads: Avg: 5.4370us Range: [5.3420us, 5.4884us] Ops/s: 1.29M Ops/s/t: 183.93k
15 threads: Avg: 0.1103ms Range: [0.1003ms, 0.1155ms] Ops/s: 135.94k Ops/s/t: 9.06k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.02M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0275us Range: [0.0275us, 0.0275us] Ops/s: 36.31M Ops/s/t: 36.31M
3 threads: Avg: 3.3246us Range: [2.6774us, 3.5321us] Ops/s: 902.37k Ops/s/t: 300.79k
7 threads: Avg: 0.0204ms Range: [6.8770us, 0.0235ms] Ops/s: 342.89k Ops/s/t: 48.98k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0959ms Range: [0.0412ms, 0.1095ms] Ops/s: 156.35k Ops/s/t: 10.42k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.00M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0616us Range: [0.0615us, 0.0616us] Ops/s: 16.24M Ops/s/t: 16.24M
3 threads: Avg: 2.7538us Range: [2.6907us, 2.8152us] Ops/s: 1.09M Ops/s/t: 363.14k
7 threads: Avg: 0.0215ms Range: [0.0190ms, 0.0225ms] Ops/s: 325.43k Ops/s/t: 46.49k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0868ms Range: [0.0813ms, 0.0919ms] Ops/s: 172.89k Ops/s/t: 11.53k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.84M
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
multi-producer, single-consumer (measuring 1 thread):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing with only one consumer, but multiple producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0625us Range: [0.0624us, 0.0626us] Ops/s: 15.99M Ops/s/t: 15.99M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0639us Range: [0.0625us, 0.0644us] Ops/s: 15.66M Ops/s/t: 15.66M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0671us Range: [0.0628us, 0.0715us] Ops/s: 14.89M Ops/s/t: 14.89M
16 threads: Avg: 0.0916us Range: [0.0869us, 0.0946us] Ops/s: 10.92M Ops/s/t: 10.92M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 14.37M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0556us Range: [0.0555us, 0.0557us] Ops/s: 17.99M Ops/s/t: 17.99M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0454us Range: [0.0452us, 0.0455us] Ops/s: 22.03M Ops/s/t: 22.03M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0410us Range: [0.0410us, 0.0411us] Ops/s: 24.37M Ops/s/t: 24.37M
16 threads: Avg: 0.0418us Range: [0.0412us, 0.0421us] Ops/s: 23.93M Ops/s/t: 23.93M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 22.08M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0444us Range: [0.0420us, 0.0516us] Ops/s: 22.53M Ops/s/t: 22.53M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2854us Range: [0.2487us, 0.4188us] Ops/s: 3.50M Ops/s/t: 3.50M
8 threads: Avg: 0.5135us Range: [0.5043us, 0.5177us] Ops/s: 1.95M Ops/s/t: 1.95M
16 threads: Avg: 0.5293us Range: [0.5162us, 0.5350us] Ops/s: 1.89M Ops/s/t: 1.89M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 7.47M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1757us Range: [0.1333us, 0.2080us] Ops/s: 5.69M Ops/s/t: 5.69M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1487us Range: [0.1463us, 0.1507us] Ops/s: 6.72M Ops/s/t: 6.72M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1561us Range: [0.1542us, 0.1565us] Ops/s: 6.41M Ops/s/t: 6.41M
16 threads: Avg: 0.6278us Range: [0.5630us, 0.6839us] Ops/s: 1.59M Ops/s/t: 1.59M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.10M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0464us Range: [0.0392us, 0.0543us] Ops/s: 21.55M Ops/s/t: 21.55M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4172us Range: [0.3421us, 0.4385us] Ops/s: 2.40M Ops/s/t: 2.40M
8 threads: Avg: 0.2543us Range: [0.2397us, 0.2625us] Ops/s: 3.93M Ops/s/t: 3.93M
16 threads: Avg: 0.2392us Range: [0.2348us, 0.2422us] Ops/s: 4.18M Ops/s/t: 4.18M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 8.01M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1546us Range: [0.1125us, 0.1981us] Ops/s: 6.47M Ops/s/t: 6.47M
4 threads: Avg: 0.6662us Range: [0.5840us, 0.7603us] Ops/s: 1.50M Ops/s/t: 1.50M
8 threads: Avg: 0.7431us Range: [0.6830us, 0.7976us] Ops/s: 1.35M Ops/s/t: 1.35M
16 threads: Avg: 0.7052us Range: [0.6063us, 0.7579us] Ops/s: 1.42M Ops/s/t: 1.42M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.68M
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
dequeue from empty:
(Measures the average speed of attempting to dequeue from an empty queue
(that eight separate threads had at one point enqueued to))
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0409us Range: [0.0406us, 0.0416us] Ops/s: 24.45M Ops/s/t: 24.45M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0905us Range: [0.0825us, 0.0962us] Ops/s: 22.10M Ops/s/t: 11.05M
8 threads: Avg: 0.3867us Range: [0.3854us, 0.3899us] Ops/s: 20.69M Ops/s/t: 2.59M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 9.04M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0237us Range: [0.0200us, 0.0249us] Ops/s: 42.21M Ops/s/t: 42.21M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0524us Range: [0.0500us, 0.0539us] Ops/s: 38.19M Ops/s/t: 19.09M
8 threads: Avg: 0.2339us Range: [0.1980us, 0.2642us] Ops/s: 34.21M Ops/s/t: 4.28M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 15.51M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 6.5831ns Range: [6.5815ns, 6.5847ns] Ops/s: 151.90M Ops/s/t: 151.90M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0122us Range: [0.0122us, 0.0122us] Ops/s: 163.52M Ops/s/t: 81.76M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0488us Range: [0.0488us, 0.0489us] Ops/s: 163.91M Ops/s/t: 20.49M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 62.08M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 5.1712ns Range: [5.1697ns, 5.1721ns] Ops/s: 193.38M Ops/s/t: 193.38M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0104us Range: [0.0103us, 0.0104us] Ops/s: 193.18M Ops/s/t: 96.59M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0413us Range: [0.0413us, 0.0413us] Ops/s: 193.79M Ops/s/t: 24.22M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 76.01M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 7.0505ns Range: [7.0486ns, 7.0525ns] Ops/s: 141.83M Ops/s/t: 141.83M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0160us Range: [0.0160us, 0.0160us] Ops/s: 125.02M Ops/s/t: 62.51M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0638us Range: [0.0638us, 0.0638us] Ops/s: 125.33M Ops/s/t: 15.67M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 52.37M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0291us Range: [0.0291us, 0.0291us] Ops/s: 34.32M Ops/s/t: 34.32M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2276us Range: [0.1948us, 0.2441us] Ops/s: 8.79M Ops/s/t: 4.39M
8 threads: Avg: 5.2936us Range: [2.8883us, 6.2920us] Ops/s: 1.51M Ops/s/t: 188.91k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 7.83M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.9395ns Range: [0.9392ns, 0.9396ns] Ops/s: 1.06G Ops/s/t: 1.06G
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.06G
enqueue-dequeue pairs:
(Measures the average operation speed with each thread doing an enqueue
followed by a dequeue)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0292us Range: [0.0292us, 0.0292us] Ops/s: 34.23M Ops/s/t: 34.23M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.2037us Range: [0.1940us, 0.2153us] Ops/s: 9.82M Ops/s/t: 4.91M
4 threads: Avg: 1.7694us Range: [1.7308us, 1.7856us] Ops/s: 2.26M Ops/s/t: 565.17k
8 threads: Avg: 6.5195us Range: [6.3181us, 6.6066us] Ops/s: 1.23M Ops/s/t: 153.39k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.90M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0226us Range: [0.0226us, 0.0226us] Ops/s: 44.19M Ops/s/t: 44.19M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.0487us Range: [0.0485us, 0.0488us] Ops/s: 41.10M Ops/s/t: 20.55M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1205us Range: [0.1195us, 0.1214us] Ops/s: 33.20M Ops/s/t: 8.30M
8 threads: Avg: 0.3268us Range: [0.3128us, 0.3348us] Ops/s: 24.48M Ops/s/t: 3.06M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 13.60M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0437us Range: [0.0436us, 0.0437us] Ops/s: 22.90M Ops/s/t: 22.90M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.3969us Range: [0.3245us, 0.4216us] Ops/s: 5.04M Ops/s/t: 2.52M
4 threads: Avg: 3.3639us Range: [3.2929us, 3.4045us] Ops/s: 1.19M Ops/s/t: 297.27k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0146ms Range: [0.0139ms, 0.0148ms] Ops/s: 548.28k Ops/s/t: 68.54k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.76M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0288us Range: [0.0287us, 0.0289us] Ops/s: 34.72M Ops/s/t: 34.72M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.3518us Range: [0.3293us, 0.3811us] Ops/s: 5.69M Ops/s/t: 2.84M
4 threads: Avg: 2.4316us Range: [2.3749us, 2.5254us] Ops/s: 1.64M Ops/s/t: 411.24k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0119ms Range: [0.0109ms, 0.0127ms] Ops/s: 670.40k Ops/s/t: 83.80k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.49M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0477us Range: [0.0476us, 0.0477us] Ops/s: 20.99M Ops/s/t: 20.99M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.4059us Range: [0.3067us, 0.4286us] Ops/s: 4.93M Ops/s/t: 2.46M
4 threads: Avg: 3.6382us Range: [3.5906us, 3.6695us] Ops/s: 1.10M Ops/s/t: 274.86k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0152ms Range: [0.0140ms, 0.0157ms] Ops/s: 526.95k Ops/s/t: 65.87k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.48M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0646us Range: [0.0646us, 0.0646us] Ops/s: 15.48M Ops/s/t: 15.48M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.6880us Range: [0.6445us, 0.7316us] Ops/s: 2.91M Ops/s/t: 1.45M
4 threads: Avg: 6.0035us Range: [5.9227us, 6.0622us] Ops/s: 666.28k Ops/s/t: 166.57k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0200ms Range: [0.0106ms, 0.0247ms] Ops/s: 400.14k Ops/s/t: 50.02k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.49M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 4.4183ns Range: [4.4094ns, 4.4228ns] Ops/s: 226.33M Ops/s/t: 226.33M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 226.33M
heavy concurrent:
(Measures the average operation speed with many threads under heavy load)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.2189us Range: [0.2185us, 0.2194us] Ops/s: 9.14M Ops/s/t: 4.57M
3 threads: Avg: 0.3700us Range: [0.3134us, 0.4042us] Ops/s: 8.11M Ops/s/t: 2.70M
4 threads: Avg: 1.1026us Range: [1.0439us, 1.1272us] Ops/s: 3.63M Ops/s/t: 906.94k
8 threads: Avg: 3.1887us Range: [3.0584us, 3.2292us] Ops/s: 2.51M Ops/s/t: 313.61k
12 threads: Avg: 6.0866us Range: [5.9009us, 6.2746us] Ops/s: 1.97M Ops/s/t: 164.30k
16 threads: Avg: 9.9339us Range: [9.5659us, 0.0102ms] Ops/s: 1.61M Ops/s/t: 100.67k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 959.54k
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0502us Range: [0.0475us, 0.0523us] Ops/s: 39.86M Ops/s/t: 19.93M
3 threads: Avg: 0.1121us Range: [0.1088us, 0.1140us] Ops/s: 26.76M Ops/s/t: 8.92M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4054us Range: [0.3912us, 0.4140us] Ops/s: 9.87M Ops/s/t: 2.47M
8 threads: Avg: 0.7169us Range: [0.5758us, 0.8319us] Ops/s: 11.16M Ops/s/t: 1.39M
12 threads: Avg: 1.2992us Range: [1.0963us, 1.5459us] Ops/s: 9.24M Ops/s/t: 769.70k
16 threads: Avg: 1.8166us Range: [1.4060us, 1.9616us] Ops/s: 8.81M Ops/s/t: 550.47k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.72M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3558us Range: [0.3235us, 0.3937us] Ops/s: 5.62M Ops/s/t: 2.81M
3 threads: Avg: 1.7224us Range: [1.5520us, 1.8241us] Ops/s: 1.74M Ops/s/t: 580.60k
4 threads: Avg: 2.2439us Range: [1.8891us, 2.4835us] Ops/s: 1.78M Ops/s/t: 445.65k
8 threads: Avg: 8.8162us Range: [8.5410us, 9.0435us] Ops/s: 907.42k Ops/s/t: 113.43k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0184ms Range: [0.0179ms, 0.0187ms] Ops/s: 653.30k Ops/s/t: 54.44k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0289ms Range: [0.0236ms, 0.0301ms] Ops/s: 554.55k Ops/s/t: 34.66k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 422.31k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3223us Range: [0.3021us, 0.3596us] Ops/s: 6.20M Ops/s/t: 3.10M
3 threads: Avg: 0.8995us Range: [0.8900us, 0.9129us] Ops/s: 3.34M Ops/s/t: 1.11M
4 threads: Avg: 1.7776us Range: [1.6889us, 1.8523us] Ops/s: 2.25M Ops/s/t: 562.55k
8 threads: Avg: 6.1223us Range: [5.5484us, 6.5143us] Ops/s: 1.31M Ops/s/t: 163.34k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0175ms Range: [0.0137ms, 0.0198ms] Ops/s: 686.07k Ops/s/t: 57.17k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0461ms Range: [0.0382ms, 0.0519ms] Ops/s: 347.11k Ops/s/t: 21.69k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 530.15k
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4770us Range: [0.3797us, 0.5594us] Ops/s: 4.19M Ops/s/t: 2.10M
3 threads: Avg: 1.4174us Range: [1.1771us, 1.6083us] Ops/s: 2.12M Ops/s/t: 705.51k
4 threads: Avg: 3.1814us Range: [2.8453us, 3.4126us] Ops/s: 1.26M Ops/s/t: 314.33k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0115ms Range: [7.8236us, 0.0142ms] Ops/s: 693.66k Ops/s/t: 86.71k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0136ms Range: [9.8911us, 0.0154ms] Ops/s: 879.37k Ops/s/t: 73.28k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0194ms Range: [0.0178ms, 0.0210ms] Ops/s: 823.59k Ops/s/t: 51.47k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 357.56k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.5884us Range: [0.5593us, 0.6079us] Ops/s: 3.40M Ops/s/t: 1.70M
3 threads: Avg: 2.7292us Range: [2.5104us, 2.8136us] Ops/s: 1.10M Ops/s/t: 366.41k
4 threads: Avg: 6.0285us Range: [5.7452us, 6.1933us] Ops/s: 663.52k Ops/s/t: 165.88k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0233ms Range: [8.6898us, 0.0286ms] Ops/s: 342.92k Ops/s/t: 42.87k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0594ms Range: [0.0545ms, 0.0609ms] Ops/s: 202.13k Ops/s/t: 16.84k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1016ms Range: [0.0870ms, 0.1082ms] Ops/s: 157.46k Ops/s/t: 9.84k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 232.46k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
Overall average operations per second per thread (where higher-concurrency runs have more weight):
(Take this summary with a grain of salt -- look at the individual benchmark results for a much
better idea of how the queues measure up to each other):
moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue (including bulk): 19.04M
boost::lockfree::queue: 4.07M
tbb::concurrent_queue: 5.09M
SimpleLockFreeQueue: 3.76M
LockBasedQueue: 1.36M
std::queue (single thread only): 297.43M
64-bit 32-core AWS instance (cc2.8xlarge), Ubuntu, g++
Running 64-bit benchmarks on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz
(precise mode)
Note that these are synthetic benchmarks. Take them with a grain of salt.
'Avg': Average time taken per operation, normalized to be per thread
'Range': The minimum and maximum times taken per operation (per thread)
'Ops/s': Overall operations per second
'Ops/s/t': Operations per second per thread (inverse of 'Avg')
Operations include those that fail (e.g. because the queue is empty).
Each logical enqueue/dequeue counts as an individual operation when in bulk.
(Measures the average operation speed with multiple symmetrical threads
under reasonable load -- small random intervals between accesses)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.9490us Range: [0.9444us, 0.9512us] Ops/s: 2.11M Ops/s/t: 1.05M
3 threads: Avg: 1.6217us Range: [1.6120us, 1.6288us] Ops/s: 1.85M Ops/s/t: 616.63k
4 threads: Avg: 2.5471us Range: [2.5150us, 2.5578us] Ops/s: 1.57M Ops/s/t: 392.60k
8 threads: Avg: 8.7667us Range: [8.7260us, 8.8109us] Ops/s: 912.54k Ops/s/t: 114.07k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0194ms Range: [0.0186ms, 0.0196ms] Ops/s: 618.06k Ops/s/t: 51.51k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0347ms Range: [0.0343ms, 0.0348ms] Ops/s: 461.73k Ops/s/t: 28.86k
32 threads: Avg: 0.1103ms Range: [0.1095ms, 0.1110ms] Ops/s: 290.14k Ops/s/t: 9.07k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 190.15k
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.6626us Range: [0.6322us, 0.6736us] Ops/s: 3.02M Ops/s/t: 1.51M
3 threads: Avg: 1.1325us Range: [1.1000us, 1.1511us] Ops/s: 2.65M Ops/s/t: 882.97k
4 threads: Avg: 1.8496us Range: [1.8032us, 1.8770us] Ops/s: 2.16M Ops/s/t: 540.65k
8 threads: Avg: 6.9275us Range: [6.8699us, 6.9555us] Ops/s: 1.15M Ops/s/t: 144.35k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0152ms Range: [0.0150ms, 0.0153ms] Ops/s: 791.01k Ops/s/t: 65.92k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0252ms Range: [0.0248ms, 0.0254ms] Ops/s: 634.43k Ops/s/t: 39.65k
32 threads: Avg: 0.0634ms Range: [0.0629ms, 0.0638ms] Ops/s: 504.94k Ops/s/t: 15.78k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 266.86k
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 1.0256us Range: [0.6384us, 1.0845us] Ops/s: 1.95M Ops/s/t: 975.07k
3 threads: Avg: 1.8734us Range: [1.8230us, 1.8918us] Ops/s: 1.60M Ops/s/t: 533.80k
4 threads: Avg: 2.6625us Range: [2.4000us, 2.8020us] Ops/s: 1.50M Ops/s/t: 375.59k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0138ms Range: [0.0130ms, 0.0144ms] Ops/s: 577.73k Ops/s/t: 72.22k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0471ms Range: [0.0434ms, 0.0487ms] Ops/s: 254.73k Ops/s/t: 21.23k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1145ms Range: [0.1138ms, 0.1154ms] Ops/s: 139.74k Ops/s/t: 8.73k
32 threads: Avg: 0.4516ms Range: [0.4458ms, 0.4532ms] Ops/s: 70.85k Ops/s/t: 2.21k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 160.22k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 1.0053us Range: [0.9950us, 1.0112us] Ops/s: 1.99M Ops/s/t: 994.72k
3 threads: Avg: 1.5741us Range: [1.5690us, 1.5797us] Ops/s: 1.91M Ops/s/t: 635.27k
4 threads: Avg: 2.4572us Range: [2.4326us, 2.4669us] Ops/s: 1.63M Ops/s/t: 406.96k
8 threads: Avg: 7.5870us Range: [7.0968us, 7.6851us] Ops/s: 1.05M Ops/s/t: 131.80k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0156ms Range: [0.0155ms, 0.0158ms] Ops/s: 767.09k Ops/s/t: 63.92k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0265ms Range: [0.0262ms, 0.0266ms] Ops/s: 604.29k Ops/s/t: 37.77k
32 threads: Avg: 0.0928ms Range: [0.0879ms, 0.0957ms] Ops/s: 344.98k Ops/s/t: 10.78k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 195.65k
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 1.1227us Range: [1.0641us, 1.1357us] Ops/s: 1.78M Ops/s/t: 890.75k
3 threads: Avg: 1.6745us Range: [1.4539us, 1.9843us] Ops/s: 1.79M Ops/s/t: 597.20k
4 threads: Avg: 3.5253us Range: [3.5045us, 3.5347us] Ops/s: 1.13M Ops/s/t: 283.66k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0196ms Range: [0.0182ms, 0.0200ms] Ops/s: 408.60k Ops/s/t: 51.08k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0687ms Range: [0.0680ms, 0.0691ms] Ops/s: 174.55k Ops/s/t: 14.55k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1619ms Range: [0.1597ms, 0.1634ms] Ops/s: 98.85k Ops/s/t: 6.18k
32 threads: Avg: 0.6604ms Range: [0.5891ms, 0.6739ms] Ops/s: 48.46k Ops/s/t: 1.51k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 146.45k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 1.6278us Range: [0.7309us, 1.7716us] Ops/s: 1.23M Ops/s/t: 614.31k
3 threads: Avg: 3.8231us Range: [3.7828us, 3.8525us] Ops/s: 784.71k Ops/s/t: 261.57k
4 threads: Avg: 8.2348us Range: [6.7550us, 8.7739us] Ops/s: 485.75k Ops/s/t: 121.44k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0468ms Range: [0.0459ms, 0.0474ms] Ops/s: 170.89k Ops/s/t: 21.36k
12 threads: Avg: 0.1094ms Range: [0.1087ms, 0.1099ms] Ops/s: 109.74k Ops/s/t: 9.14k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1959ms Range: [0.1928ms, 0.1980ms] Ops/s: 81.69k Ops/s/t: 5.11k
32 threads: Avg: 0.9527ms Range: [0.9363ms, 0.9593ms] Ops/s: 33.59k Ops/s/t: 1.05k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 79.79k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only enqueue:
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0141us Range: [0.0141us, 0.0141us] Ops/s: 70.69M Ops/s/t: 70.69M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0249us Range: [0.0249us, 0.0250us] Ops/s: 80.19M Ops/s/t: 40.10M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0499us Range: [0.0498us, 0.0499us] Ops/s: 80.20M Ops/s/t: 20.05M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1010us Range: [0.1007us, 0.1011us] Ops/s: 79.21M Ops/s/t: 9.90M
12 threads: Avg: 0.1543us Range: [0.1536us, 0.1548us] Ops/s: 77.78M Ops/s/t: 6.48M
16 threads: Avg: 0.2154us Range: [0.2142us, 0.2161us] Ops/s: 74.28M Ops/s/t: 4.64M
32 threads: Avg: 0.6913us Range: [0.6885us, 0.6931us] Ops/s: 46.29M Ops/s/t: 1.45M
48 threads: Avg: 1.0539us Range: [1.0423us, 1.0712us] Ops/s: 45.55M Ops/s/t: 948.90k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 11.32M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 9.0936ns Range: [9.0686ns, 9.1014ns] Ops/s: 109.97M Ops/s/t: 109.97M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0208us Range: [0.0207us, 0.0208us] Ops/s: 96.32M Ops/s/t: 48.16M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0417us Range: [0.0415us, 0.0417us] Ops/s: 96.04M Ops/s/t: 24.01M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0843us Range: [0.0841us, 0.0845us] Ops/s: 94.85M Ops/s/t: 11.86M
12 threads: Avg: 0.1313us Range: [0.1308us, 0.1316us] Ops/s: 91.38M Ops/s/t: 7.62M
16 threads: Avg: 0.1812us Range: [0.1799us, 0.1820us] Ops/s: 88.28M Ops/s/t: 5.52M
32 threads: Avg: 0.5041us Range: [0.5035us, 0.5046us] Ops/s: 63.48M Ops/s/t: 1.98M
48 threads: Avg: 0.7848us Range: [0.7781us, 0.7938us] Ops/s: 61.16M Ops/s/t: 1.27M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 14.89M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0533us Range: [0.0533us, 0.0533us] Ops/s: 18.76M Ops/s/t: 18.76M
2 threads: Avg: 1.3973us Range: [1.3962us, 1.3985us] Ops/s: 1.43M Ops/s/t: 715.65k
4 threads: Avg: 7.1735us Range: [4.8830us, 7.7483us] Ops/s: 557.61k Ops/s/t: 139.40k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0413ms Range: [0.0391ms, 0.0419ms] Ops/s: 193.47k Ops/s/t: 24.18k
12 threads: Avg: 0.1030ms Range: [0.0992ms, 0.1066ms] Ops/s: 116.47k Ops/s/t: 9.71k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1928ms Range: [0.1892ms, 0.1949ms] Ops/s: 82.97k Ops/s/t: 5.19k
32 threads: Avg: 0.7135ms Range: [0.7109ms, 0.7147ms] Ops/s: 44.85k Ops/s/t: 1.40k
48 threads: Avg: 1.7082ms Range: [1.7023ms, 1.7125ms] Ops/s: 28.10k Ops/s/t: 585.42
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.00M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0301us Range: [0.0301us, 0.0301us] Ops/s: 33.21M Ops/s/t: 33.21M
2 threads: Avg: 0.5175us Range: [0.5168us, 0.5178us] Ops/s: 3.86M Ops/s/t: 1.93M
4 threads: Avg: 1.9453us Range: [1.9412us, 1.9502us] Ops/s: 2.06M Ops/s/t: 514.07k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0107ms Range: [0.0106ms, 0.0107ms] Ops/s: 748.95k Ops/s/t: 93.62k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0256ms Range: [0.0233ms, 0.0261ms] Ops/s: 468.77k Ops/s/t: 39.06k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0450ms Range: [0.0447ms, 0.0451ms] Ops/s: 355.86k Ops/s/t: 22.24k
32 threads: Avg: 0.2274ms Range: [0.2266ms, 0.2281ms] Ops/s: 140.70k Ops/s/t: 4.40k
48 threads: Avg: 0.7102ms Range: [0.7052ms, 0.7157ms] Ops/s: 67.58k Ops/s/t: 1.41k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.84M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0496us Range: [0.0496us, 0.0496us] Ops/s: 20.18M Ops/s/t: 20.18M
2 threads: Avg: 1.0667us Range: [1.0643us, 1.0678us] Ops/s: 1.87M Ops/s/t: 937.43k
4 threads: Avg: 4.5046us Range: [3.9727us, 4.6711us] Ops/s: 887.98k Ops/s/t: 222.00k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0156ms Range: [0.0146ms, 0.0166ms] Ops/s: 513.34k Ops/s/t: 64.17k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0378ms Range: [0.0367ms, 0.0385ms] Ops/s: 317.46k Ops/s/t: 26.45k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0684ms Range: [0.0671ms, 0.0691ms] Ops/s: 233.94k Ops/s/t: 14.62k
32 threads: Avg: 0.1494ms Range: [0.1483ms, 0.1498ms] Ops/s: 214.18k Ops/s/t: 6.69k
48 threads: Avg: 0.3392ms Range: [0.3367ms, 0.3400ms] Ops/s: 141.51k Ops/s/t: 2.95k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.14M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0546us Range: [0.0546us, 0.0546us] Ops/s: 18.30M Ops/s/t: 18.30M
2 threads: Avg: 0.4666us Range: [0.4610us, 0.4700us] Ops/s: 4.29M Ops/s/t: 2.14M
4 threads: Avg: 5.9669us Range: [5.0405us, 6.2625us] Ops/s: 670.37k Ops/s/t: 167.59k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0217ms Range: [0.0186ms, 0.0223ms] Ops/s: 368.76k Ops/s/t: 46.09k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0395ms Range: [0.0227ms, 0.0467ms] Ops/s: 304.07k Ops/s/t: 25.34k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0775ms Range: [0.0753ms, 0.0790ms] Ops/s: 206.41k Ops/s/t: 12.90k
32 threads: Avg: 0.2710ms Range: [0.2028ms, 0.2853ms] Ops/s: 118.07k Ops/s/t: 3.69k
48 threads: Avg: 0.5390ms Range: [0.5018ms, 0.5553ms] Ops/s: 89.05k Ops/s/t: 1.86k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.13M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 5.0901ns Range: [5.0309ns, 5.0997ns] Ops/s: 196.46M Ops/s/t: 196.46M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 196.46M
only enqueue (pre-allocated):
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are producers,
and the queue has been stretched out first)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0126us Range: [0.0126us, 0.0126us] Ops/s: 79.19M Ops/s/t: 79.19M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0337us Range: [0.0337us, 0.0337us] Ops/s: 59.37M Ops/s/t: 29.69M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1239us Range: [0.1214us, 0.1253us] Ops/s: 32.28M Ops/s/t: 8.07M
8 threads: Avg: 0.5276us Range: [0.5163us, 0.5358us] Ops/s: 15.16M Ops/s/t: 1.90M
32 threads: Avg: 0.0168ms Range: [0.0165ms, 0.0169ms] Ops/s: 1.91M Ops/s/t: 59.62k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 11.09M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 7.5041ns Range: [7.4886ns, 7.5103ns] Ops/s: 133.26M Ops/s/t: 133.26M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0168us Range: [0.0167us, 0.0168us] Ops/s: 119.21M Ops/s/t: 59.60M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0331us Range: [0.0330us, 0.0331us] Ops/s: 120.88M Ops/s/t: 30.22M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0661us Range: [0.0655us, 0.0665us] Ops/s: 121.05M Ops/s/t: 15.13M
32 threads: Avg: 0.3257us Range: [0.3239us, 0.3267us] Ops/s: 98.25M Ops/s/t: 3.07M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 26.22M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0358us Range: [0.0357us, 0.0358us] Ops/s: 27.96M Ops/s/t: 27.96M
2 threads: Avg: 0.2404us Range: [0.2268us, 0.2599us] Ops/s: 8.32M Ops/s/t: 4.16M
4 threads: Avg: 7.3158us Range: [6.9033us, 8.1491us] Ops/s: 546.76k Ops/s/t: 136.69k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0487ms Range: [0.0465ms, 0.0492ms] Ops/s: 164.38k Ops/s/t: 20.55k
32 threads: Avg: 0.5564ms Range: [0.5395ms, 0.5664ms] Ops/s: 57.51k Ops/s/t: 1.80k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.65M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0301us Range: [0.0301us, 0.0301us] Ops/s: 33.25M Ops/s/t: 33.25M
2 threads: Avg: 0.5946us Range: [0.5919us, 0.5973us] Ops/s: 3.36M Ops/s/t: 1.68M
4 threads: Avg: 1.9060us Range: [1.9048us, 1.9069us] Ops/s: 2.10M Ops/s/t: 524.66k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0105ms Range: [0.0105ms, 0.0105ms] Ops/s: 761.71k Ops/s/t: 95.21k
32 threads: Avg: 0.2255ms Range: [0.2248ms, 0.2259ms] Ops/s: 141.91k Ops/s/t: 4.43k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.87M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0460us Range: [0.0460us, 0.0460us] Ops/s: 21.73M Ops/s/t: 21.73M
2 threads: Avg: 1.2065us Range: [1.2053us, 1.2073us] Ops/s: 1.66M Ops/s/t: 828.82k
4 threads: Avg: 4.9670us Range: [4.3212us, 5.1403us] Ops/s: 805.32k Ops/s/t: 201.33k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0192ms Range: [0.0188ms, 0.0194ms] Ops/s: 417.06k Ops/s/t: 52.13k
32 threads: Avg: 0.2600ms Range: [0.2589ms, 0.2607ms] Ops/s: 123.06k Ops/s/t: 3.85k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.82M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0553us Range: [0.0552us, 0.0553us] Ops/s: 18.09M Ops/s/t: 18.09M
2 threads: Avg: 0.4806us Range: [0.4753us, 0.4859us] Ops/s: 4.16M Ops/s/t: 2.08M
4 threads: Avg: 4.9843us Range: [4.7319us, 5.1623us] Ops/s: 802.51k Ops/s/t: 200.63k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0218ms Range: [0.0202ms, 0.0223ms] Ops/s: 366.19k Ops/s/t: 45.77k
32 threads: Avg: 0.2786ms Range: [0.2736ms, 0.2813ms] Ops/s: 114.85k Ops/s/t: 3.59k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.67M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 5.1703ns Range: [5.1616ns, 5.1739ns] Ops/s: 193.41M Ops/s/t: 193.41M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 193.41M
only enqueue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk when all threads are producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 4.3278ns Range: [4.3220ns, 4.3302ns] Ops/s: 231.07M Ops/s/t: 231.07M
2 threads: Avg: 8.6521ns Range: [8.6212ns, 8.6733ns] Ops/s: 231.16M Ops/s/t: 115.58M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0175us Range: [0.0174us, 0.0175us] Ops/s: 228.85M Ops/s/t: 57.21M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0340us Range: [0.0338us, 0.0341us] Ops/s: 235.47M Ops/s/t: 29.43M
12 threads: Avg: 0.0595us Range: [0.0593us, 0.0597us] Ops/s: 201.65M Ops/s/t: 16.80M
16 threads: Avg: 0.1129us Range: [0.1018us, 0.1191us] Ops/s: 141.69M Ops/s/t: 8.86M
32 threads: Avg: 0.3418us Range: [0.3295us, 0.3519us] Ops/s: 93.62M Ops/s/t: 2.93M
48 threads: Avg: 0.5520us Range: [0.5256us, 0.5639us] Ops/s: 86.96M Ops/s/t: 1.81M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 32.34M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 4.0631ns Range: [4.0621ns, 4.0644ns] Ops/s: 246.12M Ops/s/t: 246.12M
2 threads: Avg: 8.6975ns Range: [8.6641ns, 8.7179ns] Ops/s: 229.95M Ops/s/t: 114.98M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0182us Range: [0.0181us, 0.0182us] Ops/s: 220.30M Ops/s/t: 55.08M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0392us Range: [0.0390us, 0.0393us] Ops/s: 203.85M Ops/s/t: 25.48M
12 threads: Avg: 0.0685us Range: [0.0682us, 0.0687us] Ops/s: 175.15M Ops/s/t: 14.60M
16 threads: Avg: 0.1134us Range: [0.1122us, 0.1142us] Ops/s: 141.05M Ops/s/t: 8.82M
32 threads: Avg: 0.3856us Range: [0.3822us, 0.3872us] Ops/s: 82.99M Ops/s/t: 2.59M
48 threads: Avg: 0.5514us Range: [0.5408us, 0.5617us] Ops/s: 87.05M Ops/s/t: 1.81M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 32.54M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only enqueue bulk (pre-allocated):
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk when all threads are producers,
and the queue has been stretched out first)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 4.3689ns Range: [4.3676ns, 4.3710ns] Ops/s: 228.89M Ops/s/t: 228.89M
2 threads: Avg: 8.9038ns Range: [8.8807ns, 8.9141ns] Ops/s: 224.62M Ops/s/t: 112.31M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0188us Range: [0.0188us, 0.0189us] Ops/s: 212.28M Ops/s/t: 53.07M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0411us Range: [0.0410us, 0.0413us] Ops/s: 194.54M Ops/s/t: 24.32M
32 threads: Avg: 0.4054us Range: [0.3987us, 0.4083us] Ops/s: 78.93M Ops/s/t: 2.47M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 44.70M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 4.0712ns Range: [4.0682ns, 4.0741ns] Ops/s: 245.63M Ops/s/t: 245.63M
2 threads: Avg: 8.9105ns Range: [8.8472ns, 8.9616ns] Ops/s: 224.46M Ops/s/t: 112.23M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0185us Range: [0.0184us, 0.0185us] Ops/s: 216.46M Ops/s/t: 54.12M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0397us Range: [0.0396us, 0.0399us] Ops/s: 201.28M Ops/s/t: 25.16M
32 threads: Avg: 0.3868us Range: [0.3856us, 0.3875us] Ops/s: 82.73M Ops/s/t: 2.59M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 46.39M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only dequeue:
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0357us Range: [0.0357us, 0.0357us] Ops/s: 27.99M Ops/s/t: 27.99M
2 threads: Avg: 0.7098us Range: [0.7086us, 0.7108us] Ops/s: 2.82M Ops/s/t: 1.41M
4 threads: Avg: 2.6890us Range: [2.6831us, 2.6970us] Ops/s: 1.49M Ops/s/t: 371.89k
8 threads: Avg: 8.9909us Range: [8.5916us, 9.1297us] Ops/s: 889.79k Ops/s/t: 111.22k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0187ms Range: [0.0185ms, 0.0188ms] Ops/s: 642.71k Ops/s/t: 53.56k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0317ms Range: [0.0310ms, 0.0321ms] Ops/s: 504.92k Ops/s/t: 31.56k
32 threads: Avg: 0.0862ms Range: [0.0855ms, 0.0865ms] Ops/s: 371.38k Ops/s/t: 11.61k
48 threads: Avg: 0.2111ms Range: [0.2092ms, 0.2126ms] Ops/s: 227.42k Ops/s/t: 4.74k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 984.16k
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0312us Range: [0.0312us, 0.0312us] Ops/s: 32.04M Ops/s/t: 32.04M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0692us Range: [0.0691us, 0.0693us] Ops/s: 28.89M Ops/s/t: 14.45M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1392us Range: [0.1389us, 0.1394us] Ops/s: 28.74M Ops/s/t: 7.18M
8 threads: Avg: 0.2820us Range: [0.2804us, 0.2831us] Ops/s: 28.36M Ops/s/t: 3.55M
12 threads: Avg: 0.4334us Range: [0.4315us, 0.4349us] Ops/s: 27.69M Ops/s/t: 2.31M
16 threads: Avg: 0.5946us Range: [0.5828us, 0.6055us] Ops/s: 26.91M Ops/s/t: 1.68M
32 threads: Avg: 8.8624us Range: [7.6002us, 9.7372us] Ops/s: 3.61M Ops/s/t: 112.84k
48 threads: Avg: 0.0125ms Range: [0.0115ms, 0.0136ms] Ops/s: 3.83M Ops/s/t: 79.79k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.48M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0293us Range: [0.0293us, 0.0293us] Ops/s: 34.15M Ops/s/t: 34.15M
2 threads: Avg: 1.2354us Range: [1.2319us, 1.2374us] Ops/s: 1.62M Ops/s/t: 809.45k
4 threads: Avg: 4.7702us Range: [3.9572us, 4.8897us] Ops/s: 838.53k Ops/s/t: 209.63k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0188ms Range: [0.0185ms, 0.0189ms] Ops/s: 426.57k Ops/s/t: 53.32k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0436ms Range: [0.0429ms, 0.0439ms] Ops/s: 275.09k Ops/s/t: 22.92k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0829ms Range: [0.0807ms, 0.0835ms] Ops/s: 192.92k Ops/s/t: 12.06k
32 threads: Avg: 0.3059ms Range: [0.3049ms, 0.3070ms] Ops/s: 104.60k Ops/s/t: 3.27k
48 threads: Avg: 0.7265ms Range: [0.7189ms, 0.7301ms] Ops/s: 66.07k Ops/s/t: 1.38k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.10M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0197us Range: [0.0197us, 0.0197us] Ops/s: 50.68M Ops/s/t: 50.68M
2 threads: Avg: 0.3747us Range: [0.2215us, 0.3976us] Ops/s: 5.34M Ops/s/t: 2.67M
4 threads: Avg: 2.1049us Range: [1.4759us, 2.1970us] Ops/s: 1.90M Ops/s/t: 475.08k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0109ms Range: [0.0107ms, 0.0111ms] Ops/s: 731.00k Ops/s/t: 91.38k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0255ms Range: [0.0254ms, 0.0255ms] Ops/s: 471.40k Ops/s/t: 39.28k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0431ms Range: [0.0386ms, 0.0456ms] Ops/s: 371.22k Ops/s/t: 23.20k
32 threads: Avg: 0.1530ms Range: [0.1520ms, 0.1536ms] Ops/s: 209.18k Ops/s/t: 6.54k
48 threads: Avg: 0.6456ms Range: [0.6427ms, 0.6491ms] Ops/s: 74.35k Ops/s/t: 1.55k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.82M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0244us Range: [0.0244us, 0.0245us] Ops/s: 40.92M Ops/s/t: 40.92M
2 threads: Avg: 1.5279us Range: [1.5107us, 1.5381us] Ops/s: 1.31M Ops/s/t: 654.49k
4 threads: Avg: 9.8623us Range: [9.7481us, 9.8987us] Ops/s: 405.59k Ops/s/t: 101.40k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0504ms Range: [0.0470ms, 0.0522ms] Ops/s: 158.77k Ops/s/t: 19.85k
12 threads: Avg: 0.1378ms Range: [0.1328ms, 0.1407ms] Ops/s: 87.11k Ops/s/t: 7.26k
16 threads: Avg: 0.2761ms Range: [0.2702ms, 0.2790ms] Ops/s: 57.96k Ops/s/t: 3.62k
32 threads: Avg: 0.9643ms Range: [0.9583ms, 0.9689ms] Ops/s: 33.18k Ops/s/t: 1.04k
48 threads: Avg: 2.1728ms Range: [2.1511ms, 2.1824ms] Ops/s: 22.09k Ops/s/t: 460.24
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.28M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0457us Range: [0.0457us, 0.0457us] Ops/s: 21.87M Ops/s/t: 21.87M
2 threads: Avg: 0.3881us Range: [0.3595us, 0.4002us] Ops/s: 5.15M Ops/s/t: 2.58M
4 threads: Avg: 8.5581us Range: [8.3268us, 8.6466us] Ops/s: 467.39k Ops/s/t: 116.85k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0367ms Range: [0.0346ms, 0.0372ms] Ops/s: 218.20k Ops/s/t: 27.27k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0824ms Range: [0.0806ms, 0.0830ms] Ops/s: 145.71k Ops/s/t: 12.14k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1363ms Range: [0.1032ms, 0.1443ms] Ops/s: 117.36k Ops/s/t: 7.34k
32 threads: Avg: 0.4370ms Range: [0.4082ms, 0.4561ms] Ops/s: 73.23k Ops/s/t: 2.29k
48 threads: Avg: 0.7839ms Range: [0.7233ms, 0.8163ms] Ops/s: 61.23k Ops/s/t: 1.28k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 837.50k
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 3.2964ns Range: [3.2952ns, 3.2980ns] Ops/s: 303.36M Ops/s/t: 303.36M
1 thread: Avg: 3.2976ns Range: [3.2950ns, 3.2985ns] Ops/s: 303.25M Ops/s/t: 303.25M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 303.31M
only dequeue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing an item in bulk when all threads are consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 1.3818ns Range: [1.3812ns, 1.3828ns] Ops/s: 723.68M Ops/s/t: 723.68M
2 threads: Avg: 8.9961ns Range: [8.9915ns, 8.9977ns] Ops/s: 222.32M Ops/s/t: 111.16M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0390us Range: [0.0389us, 0.0391us] Ops/s: 102.59M Ops/s/t: 25.65M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1611us Range: [0.1607us, 0.1614us] Ops/s: 49.65M Ops/s/t: 6.21M
12 threads: Avg: 0.3702us Range: [0.3327us, 0.3803us] Ops/s: 32.42M Ops/s/t: 2.70M
16 threads: Avg: 0.6996us Range: [0.6953us, 0.7054us] Ops/s: 22.87M Ops/s/t: 1.43M
32 threads: Avg: 2.3975us Range: [2.3849us, 2.4046us] Ops/s: 13.35M Ops/s/t: 417.11k
48 threads: Avg: 5.1981us Range: [5.1573us, 5.2400us] Ops/s: 9.23M Ops/s/t: 192.38k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 30.54M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 1.2074ns Range: [1.2052ns, 1.2110ns] Ops/s: 828.20M Ops/s/t: 828.20M
2 threads: Avg: 2.8806ns Range: [2.8747ns, 2.8845ns] Ops/s: 694.30M Ops/s/t: 347.15M
4 threads: Avg: 5.7023ns Range: [5.6673ns, 5.7191ns] Ops/s: 701.47M Ops/s/t: 175.37M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0126us Range: [0.0126us, 0.0127us] Ops/s: 634.07M Ops/s/t: 79.26M
12 threads: Avg: 0.0213us Range: [0.0213us, 0.0213us] Ops/s: 563.18M Ops/s/t: 46.93M
16 threads: Avg: 0.0323us Range: [0.0323us, 0.0324us] Ops/s: 494.72M Ops/s/t: 30.92M
32 threads: Avg: 0.1146us Range: [0.1121us, 0.1151us] Ops/s: 279.12M Ops/s/t: 8.72M
48 threads: Avg: 0.1535us Range: [0.1530us, 0.1538us] Ops/s: 312.73M Ops/s/t: 6.52M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 86.51M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly enqueue:
(Measures the average operation speed when most threads are enqueueing)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1469us Range: [0.0750us, 0.1572us] Ops/s: 13.61M Ops/s/t: 6.81M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1857us Range: [0.1846us, 0.1868us] Ops/s: 21.54M Ops/s/t: 5.38M
8 threads: Avg: 0.8476us Range: [0.8309us, 0.8565us] Ops/s: 9.44M Ops/s/t: 1.18M
32 threads: Avg: 9.9740us Range: [9.8477us, 0.0101ms] Ops/s: 3.21M Ops/s/t: 100.26k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.04M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0950us Range: [0.0891us, 0.0964us] Ops/s: 21.04M Ops/s/t: 10.52M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0852us Range: [0.0852us, 0.0853us] Ops/s: 46.94M Ops/s/t: 11.74M
8 threads: Avg: 0.2579us Range: [0.1719us, 0.4591us] Ops/s: 31.02M Ops/s/t: 3.88M
32 threads: Avg: 3.4474us Range: [1.9589us, 4.7942us] Ops/s: 9.28M Ops/s/t: 290.07k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.28M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1359us Range: [0.1334us, 0.1373us] Ops/s: 14.71M Ops/s/t: 7.36M
4 threads: Avg: 4.1708us Range: [3.5076us, 4.3484us] Ops/s: 959.05k Ops/s/t: 239.76k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0262ms Range: [0.0259ms, 0.0264ms] Ops/s: 305.26k Ops/s/t: 38.16k
32 threads: Avg: 0.4770ms Range: [0.4692ms, 0.4830ms] Ops/s: 67.08k Ops/s/t: 2.10k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 924.62k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1219us Range: [0.1113us, 0.1395us] Ops/s: 16.41M Ops/s/t: 8.20M
4 threads: Avg: 1.5456us Range: [1.5278us, 1.5544us] Ops/s: 2.59M Ops/s/t: 647.00k
8 threads: Avg: 7.6602us Range: [7.3877us, 7.8992us] Ops/s: 1.04M Ops/s/t: 130.54k
32 threads: Avg: 0.1652ms Range: [0.1648ms, 0.1655ms] Ops/s: 193.70k Ops/s/t: 6.05k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.12M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.9759us Range: [0.9742us, 0.9783us] Ops/s: 2.05M Ops/s/t: 1.02M
4 threads: Avg: 4.5384us Range: [3.3258us, 4.7206us] Ops/s: 881.38k Ops/s/t: 220.34k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0169ms Range: [0.0165ms, 0.0172ms] Ops/s: 472.04k Ops/s/t: 59.00k
32 threads: Avg: 0.2282ms Range: [0.2272ms, 0.2293ms] Ops/s: 140.23k Ops/s/t: 4.38k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 174.92k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2195us Range: [0.2176us, 0.2217us] Ops/s: 9.11M Ops/s/t: 4.55M
4 threads: Avg: 6.7491us Range: [4.7114us, 7.6459us] Ops/s: 592.67k Ops/s/t: 148.17k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0326ms Range: [0.0304ms, 0.0351ms] Ops/s: 245.33k Ops/s/t: 30.67k
32 threads: Avg: 0.4410ms Range: [0.3794ms, 0.4928ms] Ops/s: 72.57k Ops/s/t: 2.27k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 574.60k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly enqueue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk under light contention)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 8.0674ns Range: [8.0590ns, 8.0748ns] Ops/s: 247.91M Ops/s/t: 123.96M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0184us Range: [0.0183us, 0.0185us] Ops/s: 217.04M Ops/s/t: 54.26M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0383us Range: [0.0380us, 0.0384us] Ops/s: 208.95M Ops/s/t: 26.12M
32 threads: Avg: 0.2972us Range: [0.2858us, 0.3040us] Ops/s: 107.67M Ops/s/t: 3.36M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 31.66M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 8.0878ns Range: [7.2902ns, 8.2116ns] Ops/s: 247.29M Ops/s/t: 123.64M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0143us Range: [0.0136us, 0.0146us] Ops/s: 279.47M Ops/s/t: 69.87M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0328us Range: [0.0306us, 0.0378us] Ops/s: 243.54M Ops/s/t: 30.44M
32 threads: Avg: 0.2700us Range: [0.2470us, 0.2801us] Ops/s: 118.51M Ops/s/t: 3.70M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 35.43M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly dequeue:
(Measures the average operation speed when most threads are dequeueing)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1215us Range: [0.1195us, 0.1224us] Ops/s: 16.46M Ops/s/t: 8.23M
4 threads: Avg: 1.6265us Range: [1.6144us, 1.6423us] Ops/s: 2.46M Ops/s/t: 614.83k
8 threads: Avg: 5.0893us Range: [5.0332us, 5.1180us] Ops/s: 1.57M Ops/s/t: 196.49k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.15M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1570us Range: [0.1397us, 0.1603us] Ops/s: 12.74M Ops/s/t: 6.37M
4 threads: Avg: 1.5041us Range: [1.5001us, 1.5064us] Ops/s: 2.66M Ops/s/t: 664.87k
8 threads: Avg: 1.5055us Range: [1.4913us, 1.5111us] Ops/s: 5.31M Ops/s/t: 664.24k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.96M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4529us Range: [0.4522us, 0.4535us] Ops/s: 4.42M Ops/s/t: 2.21M
4 threads: Avg: 2.2630us Range: [2.0034us, 2.3220us] Ops/s: 1.77M Ops/s/t: 441.90k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0116ms Range: [0.0115ms, 0.0116ms] Ops/s: 690.84k Ops/s/t: 86.35k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 680.85k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3612us Range: [0.3582us, 0.3629us] Ops/s: 5.54M Ops/s/t: 2.77M
4 threads: Avg: 0.9626us Range: [0.5721us, 1.1233us] Ops/s: 4.16M Ops/s/t: 1.04M
8 threads: Avg: 5.8279us Range: [5.2630us, 6.2185us] Ops/s: 1.37M Ops/s/t: 171.59k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.04M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 1.1719us Range: [1.1633us, 1.1786us] Ops/s: 1.71M Ops/s/t: 853.34k
4 threads: Avg: 4.9511us Range: [3.2836us, 5.4309us] Ops/s: 807.90k Ops/s/t: 201.97k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0270ms Range: [0.0260ms, 0.0275ms] Ops/s: 295.91k Ops/s/t: 36.99k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 274.78k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3299us Range: [0.3162us, 0.3417us] Ops/s: 6.06M Ops/s/t: 3.03M
4 threads: Avg: 5.8541us Range: [5.5493us, 6.1109us] Ops/s: 683.28k Ops/s/t: 170.82k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0239ms Range: [0.0227ms, 0.0248ms] Ops/s: 334.93k Ops/s/t: 41.87k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 760.33k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly dequeue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing an item in bulk under light contention)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0108us Range: [0.0103us, 0.0109us] Ops/s: 185.78M Ops/s/t: 92.89M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0373us Range: [0.0372us, 0.0373us] Ops/s: 107.36M Ops/s/t: 26.84M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1495us Range: [0.1462us, 0.1561us] Ops/s: 53.52M Ops/s/t: 6.69M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 32.67M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 3.7186ns Range: [3.7151ns, 3.7217ns] Ops/s: 537.84M Ops/s/t: 268.92M
4 threads: Avg: 6.9914ns Range: [6.9631ns, 7.0045ns] Ops/s: 572.13M Ops/s/t: 143.03M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0141us Range: [0.0140us, 0.0143us] Ops/s: 565.65M Ops/s/t: 70.71M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 138.78M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
single-producer, multi-consumer (measuring all but 1 thread):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing with only one producer, but multiple consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.2405us Range: [0.2389us, 0.2410us] Ops/s: 4.16M Ops/s/t: 4.16M
4 threads: Avg: 4.2169us Range: [3.0232us, 4.7858us] Ops/s: 711.43k Ops/s/t: 237.14k
8 threads: Avg: 5.7117us Range: [4.7950us, 6.1325us] Ops/s: 1.23M Ops/s/t: 175.08k
16 threads: Avg: 8.3830us Range: [8.1155us, 8.6670us] Ops/s: 1.79M Ops/s/t: 119.29k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 593.96k
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.2474us Range: [0.2461us, 0.2485us] Ops/s: 4.04M Ops/s/t: 4.04M
4 threads: Avg: 3.3233us Range: [3.1959us, 3.4740us] Ops/s: 902.71k Ops/s/t: 300.90k
8 threads: Avg: 5.0620us Range: [4.0865us, 5.8400us] Ops/s: 1.38M Ops/s/t: 197.55k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0105ms Range: [6.5440us, 0.0153ms] Ops/s: 1.42M Ops/s/t: 94.84k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 589.43k
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1318us Range: [0.1267us, 0.1376us] Ops/s: 7.59M Ops/s/t: 7.59M
4 threads: Avg: 0.3896us Range: [0.3650us, 0.4586us] Ops/s: 7.70M Ops/s/t: 2.57M
8 threads: Avg: 0.8681us Range: [0.8362us, 0.9220us] Ops/s: 8.06M Ops/s/t: 1.15M
16 threads: Avg: 2.4247us Range: [2.3627us, 2.4832us] Ops/s: 6.19M Ops/s/t: 412.42k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.80M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3890us Range: [0.3863us, 0.3925us] Ops/s: 2.57M Ops/s/t: 2.57M
4 threads: Avg: 0.3788us Range: [0.2911us, 1.0901us] Ops/s: 7.92M Ops/s/t: 2.64M
8 threads: Avg: 0.6557us Range: [0.5637us, 1.4010us] Ops/s: 10.67M Ops/s/t: 1.52M
16 threads: Avg: 4.2543us Range: [2.0247us, 0.0336ms] Ops/s: 3.53M Ops/s/t: 235.06k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.31M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.5829us Range: [0.4318us, 0.6558us] Ops/s: 1.72M Ops/s/t: 1.72M
4 threads: Avg: 3.7357us Range: [2.8465us, 5.8089us] Ops/s: 803.07k Ops/s/t: 267.69k
8 threads: Avg: 8.7515us Range: [3.1555us, 0.0191ms] Ops/s: 799.86k Ops/s/t: 114.27k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0202ms Range: [0.0126ms, 0.0367ms] Ops/s: 742.55k Ops/s/t: 49.50k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 288.98k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1033us Range: [0.1021us, 0.1044us] Ops/s: 9.68M Ops/s/t: 9.68M
4 threads: Avg: 2.7103us Range: [2.6647us, 2.7505us] Ops/s: 1.11M Ops/s/t: 368.97k
8 threads: Avg: 8.2018us Range: [7.9971us, 8.4244us] Ops/s: 853.48k Ops/s/t: 121.93k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0284ms Range: [0.0277ms, 0.0289ms] Ops/s: 527.88k Ops/s/t: 35.19k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.17M
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
single-producer, multi-consumer (pre-produced):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing from a queue pre-filled by one thread)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0357us Range: [0.0357us, 0.0358us] Ops/s: 27.98M Ops/s/t: 27.98M
3 threads: Avg: 1.0896us Range: [1.0892us, 1.0903us] Ops/s: 2.75M Ops/s/t: 917.77k
7 threads: Avg: 7.4992us Range: [7.4811us, 7.5053us] Ops/s: 933.43k Ops/s/t: 133.35k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0361ms Range: [0.0359ms, 0.0362ms] Ops/s: 414.99k Ops/s/t: 27.67k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.25M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0312us Range: [0.0312us, 0.0312us] Ops/s: 32.05M Ops/s/t: 32.05M
3 threads: Avg: 1.8365us Range: [1.8311us, 1.8400us] Ops/s: 1.63M Ops/s/t: 544.51k
7 threads: Avg: 8.9960us Range: [8.9815us, 9.0019us] Ops/s: 778.12k Ops/s/t: 111.16k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0384ms Range: [0.0366ms, 0.0393ms] Ops/s: 390.49k Ops/s/t: 26.03k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.61M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0292us Range: [0.0291us, 0.0293us] Ops/s: 34.26M Ops/s/t: 34.26M
3 threads: Avg: 2.4113us Range: [2.3990us, 2.4172us] Ops/s: 1.24M Ops/s/t: 414.71k
7 threads: Avg: 0.0127ms Range: [0.0125ms, 0.0127ms] Ops/s: 552.70k Ops/s/t: 78.96k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0676ms Range: [0.0670ms, 0.0681ms] Ops/s: 221.74k Ops/s/t: 14.78k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.81M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0199us Range: [0.0199us, 0.0199us] Ops/s: 50.16M Ops/s/t: 50.16M
3 threads: Avg: 1.3713us Range: [1.3567us, 1.3797us] Ops/s: 2.19M Ops/s/t: 729.25k
7 threads: Avg: 4.9943us Range: [4.1482us, 5.3368us] Ops/s: 1.40M Ops/s/t: 200.23k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0289ms Range: [0.0224ms, 0.0332ms] Ops/s: 519.87k Ops/s/t: 34.66k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.63M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0245us Range: [0.0244us, 0.0245us] Ops/s: 40.88M Ops/s/t: 40.88M
3 threads: Avg: 3.0130us Range: [2.3021us, 3.4232us] Ops/s: 995.68k Ops/s/t: 331.89k
7 threads: Avg: 0.0293ms Range: [0.0260ms, 0.0304ms] Ops/s: 238.94k Ops/s/t: 34.13k
15 threads: Avg: 0.2168ms Range: [0.2128ms, 0.2191ms] Ops/s: 69.19k Ops/s/t: 4.61k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.49M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0458us Range: [0.0457us, 0.0458us] Ops/s: 21.85M Ops/s/t: 21.85M
3 threads: Avg: 1.5927us Range: [1.3496us, 1.9027us] Ops/s: 1.88M Ops/s/t: 627.87k
7 threads: Avg: 0.0235ms Range: [0.0226ms, 0.0239ms] Ops/s: 297.80k Ops/s/t: 42.54k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0935ms Range: [0.0502ms, 0.1009ms] Ops/s: 160.48k Ops/s/t: 10.70k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.50M
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
multi-producer, single-consumer (measuring 1 thread):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing with only one consumer, but multiple producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0729us Range: [0.0726us, 0.0730us] Ops/s: 13.72M Ops/s/t: 13.72M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0507us Range: [0.0506us, 0.0508us] Ops/s: 19.73M Ops/s/t: 19.73M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0844us Range: [0.0839us, 0.0849us] Ops/s: 11.85M Ops/s/t: 11.85M
16 threads: Avg: 0.2197us Range: [0.2190us, 0.2208us] Ops/s: 4.55M Ops/s/t: 4.55M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 12.46M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0604us Range: [0.0476us, 0.0624us] Ops/s: 16.55M Ops/s/t: 16.55M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0356us Range: [0.0354us, 0.0357us] Ops/s: 28.11M Ops/s/t: 28.11M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0331us Range: [0.0330us, 0.0332us] Ops/s: 30.21M Ops/s/t: 30.21M
16 threads: Avg: 0.0326us Range: [0.0325us, 0.0326us] Ops/s: 30.70M Ops/s/t: 30.70M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 26.39M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0476us Range: [0.0460us, 0.0491us] Ops/s: 21.02M Ops/s/t: 21.02M
4 threads: Avg: 0.5888us Range: [0.4460us, 0.6260us] Ops/s: 1.70M Ops/s/t: 1.70M
8 threads: Avg: 0.2697us Range: [0.1050us, 0.7683us] Ops/s: 3.71M Ops/s/t: 3.71M
16 threads: Avg: 1.0713us Range: [1.0330us, 1.0920us] Ops/s: 933.44k Ops/s/t: 933.44k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 6.84M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2368us Range: [0.1076us, 0.2808us] Ops/s: 4.22M Ops/s/t: 4.22M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2267us Range: [0.2262us, 0.2269us] Ops/s: 4.41M Ops/s/t: 4.41M
8 threads: Avg: 0.2114us Range: [0.2098us, 0.2120us] Ops/s: 4.73M Ops/s/t: 4.73M
16 threads: Avg: 0.2197us Range: [0.2171us, 0.2202us] Ops/s: 4.55M Ops/s/t: 4.55M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.48M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3092us Range: [0.2127us, 0.4384us] Ops/s: 3.23M Ops/s/t: 3.23M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4952us Range: [0.4757us, 0.5015us] Ops/s: 2.02M Ops/s/t: 2.02M
8 threads: Avg: 0.3858us Range: [0.3843us, 0.3862us] Ops/s: 2.59M Ops/s/t: 2.59M
16 threads: Avg: 0.3647us Range: [0.3629us, 0.3660us] Ops/s: 2.74M Ops/s/t: 2.74M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.65M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1043us Range: [0.0981us, 0.1714us] Ops/s: 9.59M Ops/s/t: 9.59M
4 threads: Avg: 0.7658us Range: [0.7038us, 0.8431us] Ops/s: 1.31M Ops/s/t: 1.31M
8 threads: Avg: 0.6372us Range: [0.6062us, 0.6615us] Ops/s: 1.57M Ops/s/t: 1.57M
16 threads: Avg: 0.5428us Range: [0.5134us, 0.5528us] Ops/s: 1.84M Ops/s/t: 1.84M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.58M
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
dequeue from empty:
(Measures the average speed of attempting to dequeue from an empty queue
(that eight separate threads had at one point enqueued to))
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.1438us Range: [0.0266us, 0.1617us] Ops/s: 6.96M Ops/s/t: 6.96M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2659us Range: [0.0935us, 0.3182us] Ops/s: 7.52M Ops/s/t: 3.76M
8 threads: Avg: 1.4211us Range: [1.2605us, 1.5397us] Ops/s: 5.63M Ops/s/t: 703.66k
32 threads: Avg: 0.0106ms Range: [9.5731us, 0.0123ms] Ops/s: 3.02M Ops/s/t: 94.42k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.36M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0609us Range: [0.0541us, 0.0784us] Ops/s: 16.42M Ops/s/t: 16.42M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1062us Range: [0.0897us, 0.1442us] Ops/s: 18.84M Ops/s/t: 9.42M
8 threads: Avg: 0.4811us Range: [0.3461us, 0.5677us] Ops/s: 16.63M Ops/s/t: 2.08M
32 threads: Avg: 5.0579us Range: [3.0195us, 7.0480us] Ops/s: 6.33M Ops/s/t: 197.71k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.37M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 4.6996ns Range: [4.6987ns, 4.7002ns] Ops/s: 212.79M Ops/s/t: 212.79M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 8.7301ns Range: [8.7266ns, 8.7359ns] Ops/s: 229.09M Ops/s/t: 114.55M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0349us Range: [0.0348us, 0.0349us] Ops/s: 229.54M Ops/s/t: 28.69M
32 threads: Avg: 0.2145us Range: [0.2145us, 0.2145us] Ops/s: 149.19M Ops/s/t: 4.66M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 44.25M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 3.6913ns Range: [3.6889ns, 3.6921ns] Ops/s: 270.91M Ops/s/t: 270.91M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 7.3977ns Range: [7.3920ns, 7.4032ns] Ops/s: 270.36M Ops/s/t: 135.18M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0296us Range: [0.0296us, 0.0296us] Ops/s: 270.48M Ops/s/t: 33.81M
32 threads: Avg: 0.1744us Range: [0.1743us, 0.1745us] Ops/s: 183.45M Ops/s/t: 5.73M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 54.14M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 4.8994ns Range: [4.8967ns, 4.9013ns] Ops/s: 204.11M Ops/s/t: 204.11M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0102us Range: [0.0102us, 0.0102us] Ops/s: 196.03M Ops/s/t: 98.02M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0407us Range: [0.0407us, 0.0408us] Ops/s: 196.35M Ops/s/t: 24.54M
32 threads: Avg: 0.3004us Range: [0.3000us, 0.3009us] Ops/s: 106.53M Ops/s/t: 3.33M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 39.54M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0251us Range: [0.0251us, 0.0251us] Ops/s: 39.89M Ops/s/t: 39.89M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1986us Range: [0.1951us, 0.2009us] Ops/s: 10.07M Ops/s/t: 5.03M
8 threads: Avg: 6.3745us Range: [5.5998us, 6.5522us] Ops/s: 1.25M Ops/s/t: 156.87k
32 threads: Avg: 0.0864ms Range: [0.0852ms, 0.0876ms] Ops/s: 370.26k Ops/s/t: 11.57k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.36M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.6708ns Range: [0.6705ns, 0.6710ns] Ops/s: 1.49G Ops/s/t: 1.49G
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.49G
enqueue-dequeue pairs:
(Measures the average operation speed with each thread doing an enqueue
followed by a dequeue)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0214us Range: [0.0214us, 0.0214us] Ops/s: 46.84M Ops/s/t: 46.84M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.1197us Range: [0.0976us, 0.1773us] Ops/s: 16.71M Ops/s/t: 8.35M
4 threads: Avg: 1.3761us Range: [1.2900us, 1.4179us] Ops/s: 2.91M Ops/s/t: 726.67k
8 threads: Avg: 5.7697us Range: [5.6598us, 5.8091us] Ops/s: 1.39M Ops/s/t: 173.32k
32 threads: Avg: 0.0754ms Range: [0.0748ms, 0.0759ms] Ops/s: 424.33k Ops/s/t: 13.26k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.70M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0170us Range: [0.0170us, 0.0170us] Ops/s: 58.79M Ops/s/t: 58.79M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.0498us Range: [0.0485us, 0.0505us] Ops/s: 40.12M Ops/s/t: 20.06M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1080us Range: [0.1024us, 0.1103us] Ops/s: 37.03M Ops/s/t: 9.26M
8 threads: Avg: 0.3397us Range: [0.3264us, 0.3478us] Ops/s: 23.55M Ops/s/t: 2.94M
32 threads: Avg: 9.0299us Range: [8.7799us, 9.2197us] Ops/s: 3.54M Ops/s/t: 110.74k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 8.89M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0328us Range: [0.0328us, 0.0328us] Ops/s: 30.45M Ops/s/t: 30.45M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 1.1448us Range: [0.4117us, 1.2515us] Ops/s: 1.75M Ops/s/t: 873.54k
4 threads: Avg: 4.6480us Range: [4.0236us, 4.8069us] Ops/s: 860.58k Ops/s/t: 215.15k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0198ms Range: [0.0190ms, 0.0208ms] Ops/s: 403.50k Ops/s/t: 50.44k
32 threads: Avg: 0.4098ms Range: [0.4018ms, 0.4142ms] Ops/s: 78.09k Ops/s/t: 2.44k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.50M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0224us Range: [0.0224us, 0.0224us] Ops/s: 44.66M Ops/s/t: 44.66M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.5825us Range: [0.5799us, 0.5844us] Ops/s: 3.43M Ops/s/t: 1.72M
4 threads: Avg: 2.5531us Range: [2.1310us, 2.6899us] Ops/s: 1.57M Ops/s/t: 391.67k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0101ms Range: [0.0101ms, 0.0102ms] Ops/s: 789.08k Ops/s/t: 98.64k
32 threads: Avg: 0.1343ms Range: [0.1311ms, 0.1371ms] Ops/s: 238.28k Ops/s/t: 7.45k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.74M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0429us Range: [0.0429us, 0.0429us] Ops/s: 23.30M Ops/s/t: 23.30M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.9275us Range: [0.9030us, 0.9385us] Ops/s: 2.16M Ops/s/t: 1.08M
4 threads: Avg: 5.2883us Range: [5.2680us, 5.2959us] Ops/s: 756.39k Ops/s/t: 189.10k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0297ms Range: [0.0267ms, 0.0315ms] Ops/s: 269.42k Ops/s/t: 33.68k
32 threads: Avg: 0.6158ms Range: [0.6028ms, 0.6242ms] Ops/s: 51.96k Ops/s/t: 1.62k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.96M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0503us Range: [0.0503us, 0.0504us] Ops/s: 19.86M Ops/s/t: 19.86M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.4039us Range: [0.3996us, 0.4073us] Ops/s: 4.95M Ops/s/t: 2.48M
4 threads: Avg: 4.8038us Range: [4.0986us, 5.4712us] Ops/s: 832.68k Ops/s/t: 208.17k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0324ms Range: [0.0286ms, 0.0335ms] Ops/s: 246.75k Ops/s/t: 30.84k
32 threads: Avg: 0.3925ms Range: [0.3335ms, 0.4503ms] Ops/s: 81.52k Ops/s/t: 2.55k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.85M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 2.7071ns Range: [2.7069ns, 2.7074ns] Ops/s: 369.39M Ops/s/t: 369.39M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 369.39M
heavy concurrent:
(Measures the average operation speed with many threads under heavy load)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1211us Range: [0.1163us, 0.1233us] Ops/s: 16.51M Ops/s/t: 8.26M
3 threads: Avg: 0.4467us Range: [0.3247us, 0.4672us] Ops/s: 6.72M Ops/s/t: 2.24M
4 threads: Avg: 0.9646us Range: [0.8831us, 1.0081us] Ops/s: 4.15M Ops/s/t: 1.04M
8 threads: Avg: 2.3965us Range: [2.3389us, 2.4271us] Ops/s: 3.34M Ops/s/t: 417.27k
12 threads: Avg: 4.2654us Range: [4.2042us, 4.3185us] Ops/s: 2.81M Ops/s/t: 234.44k
16 threads: Avg: 6.5713us Range: [6.1844us, 6.6608us] Ops/s: 2.43M Ops/s/t: 152.18k
32 threads: Avg: 0.0330ms Range: [0.0318ms, 0.0333ms] Ops/s: 970.98k Ops/s/t: 30.34k
48 threads: Avg: 0.0612ms Range: [0.0592ms, 0.0625ms] Ops/s: 784.29k Ops/s/t: 16.34k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 731.94k
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0491us Range: [0.0434us, 0.0508us] Ops/s: 40.77M Ops/s/t: 20.39M
3 threads: Avg: 0.1539us Range: [0.1536us, 0.1541us] Ops/s: 19.50M Ops/s/t: 6.50M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4153us Range: [0.3947us, 0.4259us] Ops/s: 9.63M Ops/s/t: 2.41M
8 threads: Avg: 0.7587us Range: [0.5327us, 0.8894us] Ops/s: 10.54M Ops/s/t: 1.32M
12 threads: Avg: 1.3762us Range: [1.2403us, 1.5247us] Ops/s: 8.72M Ops/s/t: 726.65k
16 threads: Avg: 2.6196us Range: [2.2556us, 2.8414us] Ops/s: 6.11M Ops/s/t: 381.74k
32 threads: Avg: 0.0162ms Range: [9.3597us, 0.0203ms] Ops/s: 1.97M Ops/s/t: 61.66k
48 threads: Avg: 0.0143ms Range: [0.0111ms, 0.0173ms] Ops/s: 3.35M Ops/s/t: 69.85k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.91M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 1.2196us Range: [1.2159us, 1.2220us] Ops/s: 1.64M Ops/s/t: 819.95k
3 threads: Avg: 2.2890us Range: [2.2667us, 2.3046us] Ops/s: 1.31M Ops/s/t: 436.88k
4 threads: Avg: 2.9693us Range: [2.9229us, 2.9822us] Ops/s: 1.35M Ops/s/t: 336.78k
8 threads: Avg: 8.9729us Range: [8.8928us, 9.0693us] Ops/s: 891.57k Ops/s/t: 111.45k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0208ms Range: [0.0205ms, 0.0209ms] Ops/s: 577.87k Ops/s/t: 48.16k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0369ms Range: [0.0355ms, 0.0376ms] Ops/s: 433.75k Ops/s/t: 27.11k
32 threads: Avg: 0.3347ms Range: [0.3205ms, 0.3437ms] Ops/s: 95.62k Ops/s/t: 2.99k
48 threads: Avg: 0.7204ms Range: [0.7067ms, 0.7367ms] Ops/s: 66.63k Ops/s/t: 1.39k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 114.43k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.5035us Range: [0.4944us, 0.5064us] Ops/s: 3.97M Ops/s/t: 1.99M
3 threads: Avg: 1.1369us Range: [1.1313us, 1.1402us] Ops/s: 2.64M Ops/s/t: 879.61k
4 threads: Avg: 1.8101us Range: [1.8060us, 1.8148us] Ops/s: 2.21M Ops/s/t: 552.45k
8 threads: Avg: 8.2873us Range: [7.6817us, 8.3997us] Ops/s: 965.34k Ops/s/t: 120.67k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0182ms Range: [0.0174ms, 0.0187ms] Ops/s: 657.96k Ops/s/t: 54.83k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0403ms Range: [0.0354ms, 0.0419ms] Ops/s: 397.38k Ops/s/t: 24.84k
32 threads: Avg: 0.1491ms Range: [0.1353ms, 0.1525ms] Ops/s: 214.58k Ops/s/t: 6.71k
48 threads: Avg: 0.3679ms Range: [0.3642ms, 0.3710ms] Ops/s: 130.46k Ops/s/t: 2.72k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 218.55k
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.8196us Range: [0.3717us, 0.8868us] Ops/s: 2.44M Ops/s/t: 1.22M
3 threads: Avg: 1.6837us Range: [1.6827us, 1.6845us] Ops/s: 1.78M Ops/s/t: 593.94k
4 threads: Avg: 4.5087us Range: [3.7115us, 4.9618us] Ops/s: 887.18k Ops/s/t: 221.79k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0222ms Range: [0.0199ms, 0.0232ms] Ops/s: 360.16k Ops/s/t: 45.02k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0532ms Range: [0.0515ms, 0.0538ms] Ops/s: 225.48k Ops/s/t: 18.79k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0920ms Range: [0.0743ms, 0.0959ms] Ops/s: 174.00k Ops/s/t: 10.88k
32 threads: Avg: 0.4328ms Range: [0.3996ms, 0.4452ms] Ops/s: 73.94k Ops/s/t: 2.31k
48 threads: Avg: 0.8777ms Range: [0.8347ms, 0.8909ms] Ops/s: 54.69k Ops/s/t: 1.14k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 123.28k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3872us Range: [0.3804us, 0.3916us] Ops/s: 5.17M Ops/s/t: 2.58M
3 threads: Avg: 3.1674us Range: [2.7845us, 3.3797us] Ops/s: 947.16k Ops/s/t: 315.72k
4 threads: Avg: 6.6254us Range: [6.4227us, 6.7718us] Ops/s: 603.74k Ops/s/t: 150.93k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0247ms Range: [0.0213ms, 0.0259ms] Ops/s: 323.74k Ops/s/t: 40.47k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0514ms Range: [0.0499ms, 0.0524ms] Ops/s: 233.56k Ops/s/t: 19.46k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0895ms Range: [0.0873ms, 0.0908ms] Ops/s: 178.78k Ops/s/t: 11.17k
32 threads: Avg: 0.3723ms Range: [0.3626ms, 0.3779ms] Ops/s: 85.95k Ops/s/t: 2.69k
48 threads: Avg: 0.7242ms Range: [0.7031ms, 0.7378ms] Ops/s: 66.28k Ops/s/t: 1.38k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 169.58k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
Overall average operations per second per thread (where higher-concurrency runs have more weight):
(Take this summary with a grain of salt -- look at the individual benchmark results for a much
better idea of how the queues measure up to each other):
moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue (including bulk): 18.50M
boost::lockfree::queue: 3.27M
tbb::concurrent_queue: 4.21M
SimpleLockFreeQueue: 2.90M
LockBasedQueue: 1.12M
std::queue (single thread only): 436.10M
64-bit 8-core, Fedora 19, g++ 4.81 (a Linode VM)
Running 64-bit benchmarks on a Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650L 0 @ 1.80GHz
(precise mode)
Note that these are synthetic benchmarks. Take them with a grain of salt.
'Avg': Average time taken per operation, normalized to be per thread
'Range': The minimum and maximum times taken per operation (per thread)
'Ops/s': Overall operations per second
'Ops/s/t': Operations per second per thread (inverse of 'Avg')
Operations include those that fail (e.g. because the queue is empty).
Each logical enqueue/dequeue counts as an individual operation when in bulk.
(Measures the average operation speed with multiple symmetrical threads
under reasonable load -- small random intervals between accesses)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 3.9753us Range: [3.9540us, 3.9879us] Ops/s: 503.11k Ops/s/t: 251.55k
3 threads: Avg: 6.0741us Range: [6.0383us, 6.1039us] Ops/s: 493.90k Ops/s/t: 164.63k
4 threads: Avg: 8.3842us Range: [8.3230us, 8.4119us] Ops/s: 477.09k Ops/s/t: 119.27k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0199ms Range: [0.0196ms, 0.0200ms] Ops/s: 402.49k Ops/s/t: 50.31k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0290ms Range: [0.0288ms, 0.0292ms] Ops/s: 414.03k Ops/s/t: 34.50k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0403ms Range: [0.0394ms, 0.0408ms] Ops/s: 397.36k Ops/s/t: 24.84k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 80.36k
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 3.8409us Range: [3.8075us, 3.8688us] Ops/s: 520.71k Ops/s/t: 260.35k
3 threads: Avg: 5.8761us Range: [5.8086us, 5.9162us] Ops/s: 510.55k Ops/s/t: 170.18k
4 threads: Avg: 7.9556us Range: [7.8602us, 7.9969us] Ops/s: 502.79k Ops/s/t: 125.70k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0179ms Range: [0.0177ms, 0.0180ms] Ops/s: 447.20k Ops/s/t: 55.90k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0270ms Range: [0.0267ms, 0.0272ms] Ops/s: 443.80k Ops/s/t: 36.98k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0364ms Range: [0.0357ms, 0.0370ms] Ops/s: 440.16k Ops/s/t: 27.51k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 84.89k
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 4.1898us Range: [4.1386us, 4.2131us] Ops/s: 477.35k Ops/s/t: 238.68k
3 threads: Avg: 6.3612us Range: [6.3393us, 6.3831us] Ops/s: 471.61k Ops/s/t: 157.20k
4 threads: Avg: 8.6152us Range: [8.5799us, 8.6417us] Ops/s: 464.30k Ops/s/t: 116.07k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0199ms Range: [0.0198ms, 0.0200ms] Ops/s: 401.50k Ops/s/t: 50.19k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0286ms Range: [0.0278ms, 0.0290ms] Ops/s: 419.55k Ops/s/t: 34.96k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0369ms Range: [0.0363ms, 0.0374ms] Ops/s: 433.47k Ops/s/t: 27.09k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 78.59k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 4.0596us Range: [4.0407us, 4.0735us] Ops/s: 492.65k Ops/s/t: 246.33k
3 threads: Avg: 6.1844us Range: [6.1648us, 6.2013us] Ops/s: 485.09k Ops/s/t: 161.70k
4 threads: Avg: 8.3020us Range: [8.2448us, 8.3411us] Ops/s: 481.81k Ops/s/t: 120.45k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0189ms Range: [0.0184ms, 0.0190ms] Ops/s: 423.50k Ops/s/t: 52.94k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0270ms Range: [0.0262ms, 0.0275ms] Ops/s: 444.25k Ops/s/t: 37.02k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0381ms Range: [0.0375ms, 0.0384ms] Ops/s: 420.40k Ops/s/t: 26.27k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 81.12k
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 4.1909us Range: [4.1500us, 4.2127us] Ops/s: 477.22k Ops/s/t: 238.61k
3 threads: Avg: 6.4012us Range: [6.3794us, 6.4177us] Ops/s: 468.67k Ops/s/t: 156.22k
4 threads: Avg: 8.5954us Range: [8.5562us, 8.6192us] Ops/s: 465.37k Ops/s/t: 116.34k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0200ms Range: [0.0197ms, 0.0201ms] Ops/s: 400.75k Ops/s/t: 50.09k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0287ms Range: [0.0285ms, 0.0289ms] Ops/s: 418.09k Ops/s/t: 34.84k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0394ms Range: [0.0390ms, 0.0397ms] Ops/s: 405.60k Ops/s/t: 25.35k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 78.02k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 4.2615us Range: [4.2250us, 4.2780us] Ops/s: 469.31k Ops/s/t: 234.66k
3 threads: Avg: 6.4749us Range: [6.4288us, 6.5182us] Ops/s: 463.33k Ops/s/t: 154.44k
4 threads: Avg: 9.0602us Range: [8.7692us, 9.2544us] Ops/s: 441.49k Ops/s/t: 110.37k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0274ms Range: [0.0263ms, 0.0281ms] Ops/s: 292.30k Ops/s/t: 36.54k
12 threads: Avg: 0.0390ms Range: [0.0368ms, 0.0405ms] Ops/s: 308.01k Ops/s/t: 25.67k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0632ms Range: [0.0607ms, 0.0661ms] Ops/s: 253.15k Ops/s/t: 15.82k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 69.67k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only enqueue:
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0258us Range: [0.0257us, 0.0259us] Ops/s: 38.73M Ops/s/t: 38.73M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0437us Range: [0.0434us, 0.0439us] Ops/s: 45.76M Ops/s/t: 22.88M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0841us Range: [0.0840us, 0.0842us] Ops/s: 47.54M Ops/s/t: 11.89M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1742us Range: [0.1728us, 0.1766us] Ops/s: 45.92M Ops/s/t: 5.74M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 15.34M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0170us Range: [0.0169us, 0.0171us] Ops/s: 58.70M Ops/s/t: 58.70M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0341us Range: [0.0340us, 0.0342us] Ops/s: 58.67M Ops/s/t: 29.33M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0673us Range: [0.0671us, 0.0674us] Ops/s: 59.47M Ops/s/t: 14.87M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1324us Range: [0.1315us, 0.1330us] Ops/s: 60.43M Ops/s/t: 7.55M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 20.89M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0890us Range: [0.0882us, 0.0893us] Ops/s: 11.23M Ops/s/t: 11.23M
2 threads: Avg: 0.5708us Range: [0.4042us, 0.6624us] Ops/s: 3.50M Ops/s/t: 1.75M
4 threads: Avg: 4.1473us Range: [4.0496us, 4.2130us] Ops/s: 964.49k Ops/s/t: 241.12k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0223ms Range: [0.0171ms, 0.0239ms] Ops/s: 358.37k Ops/s/t: 44.80k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.98M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0551us Range: [0.0550us, 0.0553us] Ops/s: 18.15M Ops/s/t: 18.15M
2 threads: Avg: 0.4317us Range: [0.4103us, 0.4609us] Ops/s: 4.63M Ops/s/t: 2.32M
4 threads: Avg: 2.3467us Range: [2.3320us, 2.3652us] Ops/s: 1.70M Ops/s/t: 426.12k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0116ms Range: [0.0113ms, 0.0117ms] Ops/s: 692.01k Ops/s/t: 86.50k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.11M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0896us Range: [0.0890us, 0.0899us] Ops/s: 11.16M Ops/s/t: 11.16M
2 threads: Avg: 0.4875us Range: [0.3707us, 0.5435us] Ops/s: 4.10M Ops/s/t: 2.05M
4 threads: Avg: 2.6748us Range: [2.0577us, 2.8082us] Ops/s: 1.50M Ops/s/t: 373.86k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0126ms Range: [0.0122ms, 0.0128ms] Ops/s: 635.70k Ops/s/t: 79.46k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.08M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0928us Range: [0.0926us, 0.0930us] Ops/s: 10.77M Ops/s/t: 10.77M
2 threads: Avg: 0.6854us Range: [0.6488us, 0.7116us] Ops/s: 2.92M Ops/s/t: 1.46M
4 threads: Avg: 3.3918us Range: [3.3343us, 3.4234us] Ops/s: 1.18M Ops/s/t: 294.83k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0258ms Range: [0.0252ms, 0.0261ms] Ops/s: 309.97k Ops/s/t: 38.75k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.87M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 9.8436ns Range: [9.7873ns, 9.9017ns] Ops/s: 101.59M Ops/s/t: 101.59M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 101.59M
only enqueue (pre-allocated):
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are producers,
and the queue has been stretched out first)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0217us Range: [0.0215us, 0.0218us] Ops/s: 46.15M Ops/s/t: 46.15M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0406us Range: [0.0401us, 0.0410us] Ops/s: 49.23M Ops/s/t: 24.61M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1207us Range: [0.1190us, 0.1219us] Ops/s: 33.14M Ops/s/t: 8.28M
8 threads: Avg: 0.4243us Range: [0.4208us, 0.4259us] Ops/s: 18.86M Ops/s/t: 2.36M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 14.39M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0120us Range: [0.0120us, 0.0120us] Ops/s: 83.25M Ops/s/t: 83.25M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0254us Range: [0.0253us, 0.0254us] Ops/s: 78.78M Ops/s/t: 39.39M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0504us Range: [0.0502us, 0.0505us] Ops/s: 79.42M Ops/s/t: 19.85M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1078us Range: [0.1020us, 0.1092us] Ops/s: 74.20M Ops/s/t: 9.27M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 28.29M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0558us Range: [0.0557us, 0.0559us] Ops/s: 17.93M Ops/s/t: 17.93M
2 threads: Avg: 0.5962us Range: [0.5408us, 0.6396us] Ops/s: 3.35M Ops/s/t: 1.68M
4 threads: Avg: 4.5705us Range: [4.4259us, 4.6954us] Ops/s: 875.18k Ops/s/t: 218.80k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0196ms Range: [4.1197us, 0.0236ms] Ops/s: 408.32k Ops/s/t: 51.04k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.88M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0581us Range: [0.0576us, 0.0583us] Ops/s: 17.21M Ops/s/t: 17.21M
2 threads: Avg: 0.4374us Range: [0.4017us, 0.4489us] Ops/s: 4.57M Ops/s/t: 2.29M
4 threads: Avg: 2.3334us Range: [2.2983us, 2.3511us] Ops/s: 1.71M Ops/s/t: 428.56k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0116ms Range: [0.0114ms, 0.0117ms] Ops/s: 692.48k Ops/s/t: 86.56k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.97M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0768us Range: [0.0767us, 0.0769us] Ops/s: 13.02M Ops/s/t: 13.02M
2 threads: Avg: 0.5945us Range: [0.4558us, 0.6580us] Ops/s: 3.36M Ops/s/t: 1.68M
4 threads: Avg: 3.3484us Range: [2.1610us, 3.7927us] Ops/s: 1.19M Ops/s/t: 298.65k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0181ms Range: [0.0175ms, 0.0185ms] Ops/s: 441.55k Ops/s/t: 55.19k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.23M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0930us Range: [0.0927us, 0.0932us] Ops/s: 10.76M Ops/s/t: 10.76M
2 threads: Avg: 0.6540us Range: [0.6248us, 0.6744us] Ops/s: 3.06M Ops/s/t: 1.53M
4 threads: Avg: 3.4617us Range: [3.3743us, 3.4877us] Ops/s: 1.16M Ops/s/t: 288.87k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0227ms Range: [0.0218ms, 0.0232ms] Ops/s: 352.22k Ops/s/t: 44.03k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.88M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0100us Range: [9.9960ns, 0.0100us] Ops/s: 99.91M Ops/s/t: 99.91M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 99.91M
only enqueue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk when all threads are producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 8.5403ns Range: [8.4784ns, 8.5612ns] Ops/s: 117.09M Ops/s/t: 117.09M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0160us Range: [0.0160us, 0.0161us] Ops/s: 124.90M Ops/s/t: 62.45M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0270us Range: [0.0268us, 0.0273us] Ops/s: 148.05M Ops/s/t: 37.01M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0474us Range: [0.0457us, 0.0485us] Ops/s: 168.80M Ops/s/t: 21.10M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 46.82M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 8.1486ns Range: [8.1126ns, 8.1773ns] Ops/s: 122.72M Ops/s/t: 122.72M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0166us Range: [0.0162us, 0.0169us] Ops/s: 120.42M Ops/s/t: 60.21M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0334us Range: [0.0330us, 0.0335us] Ops/s: 119.91M Ops/s/t: 29.98M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0720us Range: [0.0623us, 0.0745us] Ops/s: 111.14M Ops/s/t: 13.89M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 42.40M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only enqueue bulk (pre-allocated):
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk when all threads are producers,
and the queue has been stretched out first)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 8.6011ns Range: [8.5285ns, 8.6324ns] Ops/s: 116.26M Ops/s/t: 116.26M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0165us Range: [0.0164us, 0.0165us] Ops/s: 121.30M Ops/s/t: 60.65M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0337us Range: [0.0334us, 0.0339us] Ops/s: 118.75M Ops/s/t: 29.69M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0727us Range: [0.0708us, 0.0746us] Ops/s: 110.04M Ops/s/t: 13.76M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 41.46M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 8.1239ns Range: [8.1000ns, 8.1366ns] Ops/s: 123.09M Ops/s/t: 123.09M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0162us Range: [0.0161us, 0.0163us] Ops/s: 123.57M Ops/s/t: 61.79M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0327us Range: [0.0325us, 0.0328us] Ops/s: 122.51M Ops/s/t: 30.63M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0650us Range: [0.0643us, 0.0661us] Ops/s: 123.17M Ops/s/t: 15.40M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 43.53M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only dequeue:
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0592us Range: [0.0591us, 0.0593us] Ops/s: 16.89M Ops/s/t: 16.89M
2 threads: Avg: 0.4769us Range: [0.4276us, 0.5157us] Ops/s: 4.19M Ops/s/t: 2.10M
4 threads: Avg: 1.8856us Range: [1.8214us, 2.0263us] Ops/s: 2.12M Ops/s/t: 530.33k
8 threads: Avg: 6.9621us Range: [6.8872us, 7.0058us] Ops/s: 1.15M Ops/s/t: 143.64k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.94M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0522us Range: [0.0521us, 0.0523us] Ops/s: 19.15M Ops/s/t: 19.15M
2 threads: Avg: 0.1078us Range: [0.1074us, 0.1080us] Ops/s: 18.55M Ops/s/t: 9.28M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2205us Range: [0.2178us, 0.2233us] Ops/s: 18.14M Ops/s/t: 4.53M
8 threads: Avg: 0.4826us Range: [0.4639us, 0.5050us] Ops/s: 16.58M Ops/s/t: 2.07M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 6.52M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0463us Range: [0.0462us, 0.0463us] Ops/s: 21.62M Ops/s/t: 21.62M
2 threads: Avg: 0.5207us Range: [0.4642us, 0.5516us] Ops/s: 3.84M Ops/s/t: 1.92M
4 threads: Avg: 2.6303us Range: [0.9500us, 3.1910us] Ops/s: 1.52M Ops/s/t: 380.19k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0174ms Range: [0.0167ms, 0.0177ms] Ops/s: 460.26k Ops/s/t: 57.53k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.49M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0345us Range: [0.0344us, 0.0345us] Ops/s: 28.99M Ops/s/t: 28.99M
2 threads: Avg: 0.3395us Range: [0.2961us, 0.3672us] Ops/s: 5.89M Ops/s/t: 2.95M
4 threads: Avg: 2.0345us Range: [1.8242us, 2.1027us] Ops/s: 1.97M Ops/s/t: 491.52k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0113ms Range: [0.0110ms, 0.0115ms] Ops/s: 707.21k Ops/s/t: 88.40k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.75M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0405us Range: [0.0404us, 0.0406us] Ops/s: 24.69M Ops/s/t: 24.69M
2 threads: Avg: 0.5289us Range: [0.2447us, 0.5972us] Ops/s: 3.78M Ops/s/t: 1.89M
4 threads: Avg: 3.8209us Range: [3.4123us, 4.0981us] Ops/s: 1.05M Ops/s/t: 261.72k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0192ms Range: [0.0180ms, 0.0199ms] Ops/s: 417.23k Ops/s/t: 52.15k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.87M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0747us Range: [0.0744us, 0.0748us] Ops/s: 13.39M Ops/s/t: 13.39M
2 threads: Avg: 1.6140us Range: [0.9652us, 1.8031us] Ops/s: 1.24M Ops/s/t: 619.57k
4 threads: Avg: 7.4764us Range: [7.3353us, 7.5629us] Ops/s: 535.02k Ops/s/t: 133.75k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0322ms Range: [0.0110ms, 0.0442ms] Ops/s: 248.58k Ops/s/t: 31.07k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.02M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 5.3382ns Range: [5.3169ns, 5.3460ns] Ops/s: 187.33M Ops/s/t: 187.33M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 187.33M
only dequeue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing an item in bulk when all threads are consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 2.1588ns Range: [2.1556ns, 2.1642ns] Ops/s: 463.22M Ops/s/t: 463.22M
2 threads: Avg: 6.9126ns Range: [6.8439ns, 6.9818ns] Ops/s: 289.33M Ops/s/t: 144.66M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0343us Range: [0.0332us, 0.0355us] Ops/s: 116.73M Ops/s/t: 29.18M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1784us Range: [0.1752us, 0.1825us] Ops/s: 44.85M Ops/s/t: 5.61M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 102.45M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 1.6079ns Range: [1.6044ns, 1.6112ns] Ops/s: 621.93M Ops/s/t: 621.93M
2 threads: Avg: 3.4957ns Range: [3.4832ns, 3.5004ns] Ops/s: 572.13M Ops/s/t: 286.07M
4 threads: Avg: 7.1365ns Range: [7.1169ns, 7.1531ns] Ops/s: 560.50M Ops/s/t: 140.12M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0163us Range: [0.0161us, 0.0167us] Ops/s: 490.03M Ops/s/t: 61.25M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 204.34M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly enqueue:
(Measures the average operation speed when most threads are enqueueing)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1172us Range: [0.1141us, 0.1188us] Ops/s: 17.07M Ops/s/t: 8.54M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1784us Range: [0.1739us, 0.1809us] Ops/s: 22.42M Ops/s/t: 5.61M
8 threads: Avg: 0.5951us Range: [0.5256us, 0.6458us] Ops/s: 13.44M Ops/s/t: 1.68M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.49M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1097us Range: [0.1057us, 0.1120us] Ops/s: 18.23M Ops/s/t: 9.11M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1336us Range: [0.1324us, 0.1343us] Ops/s: 29.93M Ops/s/t: 7.48M
8 threads: Avg: 0.4040us Range: [0.2980us, 0.5020us] Ops/s: 19.80M Ops/s/t: 2.48M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.58M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2114us Range: [0.1789us, 0.2367us] Ops/s: 9.46M Ops/s/t: 4.73M
4 threads: Avg: 2.7809us Range: [2.7316us, 2.8150us] Ops/s: 1.44M Ops/s/t: 359.60k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0137ms Range: [0.0132ms, 0.0139ms] Ops/s: 584.64k Ops/s/t: 73.08k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.22M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2596us Range: [0.2080us, 0.2972us] Ops/s: 7.70M Ops/s/t: 3.85M
4 threads: Avg: 1.2173us Range: [1.2013us, 1.2292us] Ops/s: 3.29M Ops/s/t: 821.50k
8 threads: Avg: 6.8225us Range: [6.7245us, 6.8822us] Ops/s: 1.17M Ops/s/t: 146.57k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.20M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3485us Range: [0.2800us, 0.3978us] Ops/s: 5.74M Ops/s/t: 2.87M
4 threads: Avg: 2.7128us Range: [2.5456us, 2.7836us] Ops/s: 1.47M Ops/s/t: 368.62k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0130ms Range: [0.0126ms, 0.0131ms] Ops/s: 616.55k Ops/s/t: 77.07k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 802.97k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3517us Range: [0.3371us, 0.3670us] Ops/s: 5.69M Ops/s/t: 2.84M
4 threads: Avg: 4.2386us Range: [3.9773us, 4.4195us] Ops/s: 943.71k Ops/s/t: 235.93k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0319ms Range: [0.0313ms, 0.0324ms] Ops/s: 250.64k Ops/s/t: 31.33k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 733.86k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly enqueue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk under light contention)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0163us Range: [0.0161us, 0.0163us] Ops/s: 122.86M Ops/s/t: 61.43M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0351us Range: [0.0349us, 0.0353us] Ops/s: 113.88M Ops/s/t: 28.47M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0735us Range: [0.0716us, 0.0767us] Ops/s: 108.78M Ops/s/t: 13.60M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 29.20M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 9.2662ns Range: [7.5763ns, 0.0153us] Ops/s: 215.84M Ops/s/t: 107.92M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0227us Range: [0.0224us, 0.0234us] Ops/s: 175.99M Ops/s/t: 44.00M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0630us Range: [0.0521us, 0.0696us] Ops/s: 126.96M Ops/s/t: 15.87M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 45.73M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly dequeue:
(Measures the average operation speed when most threads are dequeueing)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1147us Range: [0.1046us, 0.1173us] Ops/s: 17.43M Ops/s/t: 8.72M
4 threads: Avg: 0.9262us Range: [0.9049us, 0.9498us] Ops/s: 4.32M Ops/s/t: 1.08M
8 threads: Avg: 3.0595us Range: [2.9788us, 3.0996us] Ops/s: 2.61M Ops/s/t: 326.85k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.47M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0930us Range: [0.0865us, 0.1028us] Ops/s: 21.51M Ops/s/t: 10.76M
4 threads: Avg: 0.9531us Range: [0.9170us, 0.9809us] Ops/s: 4.20M Ops/s/t: 1.05M
8 threads: Avg: 1.4378us Range: [1.0370us, 1.8924us] Ops/s: 5.56M Ops/s/t: 695.51k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.09M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4833us Range: [0.3832us, 0.5034us] Ops/s: 4.14M Ops/s/t: 2.07M
4 threads: Avg: 1.8954us Range: [1.7417us, 1.9705us] Ops/s: 2.11M Ops/s/t: 527.59k
8 threads: Avg: 8.5828us Range: [6.3044us, 9.8062us] Ops/s: 932.10k Ops/s/t: 116.51k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 690.60k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1649us Range: [0.1389us, 0.1819us] Ops/s: 12.13M Ops/s/t: 6.07M
4 threads: Avg: 1.0857us Range: [1.0471us, 1.1069us] Ops/s: 3.68M Ops/s/t: 921.09k
8 threads: Avg: 5.3119us Range: [5.1655us, 5.3679us] Ops/s: 1.51M Ops/s/t: 188.26k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.75M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4274us Range: [0.3019us, 0.4857us] Ops/s: 4.68M Ops/s/t: 2.34M
4 threads: Avg: 2.2468us Range: [2.1875us, 2.2895us] Ops/s: 1.78M Ops/s/t: 445.07k
8 threads: Avg: 9.7230us Range: [5.7420us, 0.0115ms] Ops/s: 822.79k Ops/s/t: 102.85k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 719.26k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.8770us Range: [0.8159us, 0.9367us] Ops/s: 2.28M Ops/s/t: 1.14M
4 threads: Avg: 5.0059us Range: [4.7889us, 5.0749us] Ops/s: 799.06k Ops/s/t: 199.77k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0329ms Range: [0.0302ms, 0.0343ms] Ops/s: 243.48k Ops/s/t: 30.44k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 336.10k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly dequeue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing an item in bulk under light contention)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 9.8168ns Range: [9.3033ns, 0.0101us] Ops/s: 203.73M Ops/s/t: 101.87M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0290us Range: [0.0282us, 0.0295us] Ops/s: 137.74M Ops/s/t: 34.44M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1433us Range: [0.1368us, 0.1469us] Ops/s: 55.85M Ops/s/t: 6.98M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 37.27M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 4.3748ns Range: [4.3514ns, 4.3898ns] Ops/s: 457.17M Ops/s/t: 228.58M
4 threads: Avg: 8.9674ns Range: [8.8150ns, 9.0488ns] Ops/s: 446.06M Ops/s/t: 111.52M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0205us Range: [0.0203us, 0.0209us] Ops/s: 389.55M Ops/s/t: 48.69M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 109.57M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
single-producer, multi-consumer (measuring all but 1 thread):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing with only one producer, but multiple consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0878us Range: [0.0863us, 0.0922us] Ops/s: 11.40M Ops/s/t: 11.40M
4 threads: Avg: 2.0406us Range: [2.0044us, 2.0721us] Ops/s: 1.47M Ops/s/t: 490.05k
8 threads: Avg: 3.8939us Range: [3.0656us, 4.7150us] Ops/s: 1.80M Ops/s/t: 256.81k
16 threads: Avg: 1.1516us Range: [0.8709us, 1.4386us] Ops/s: 13.03M Ops/s/t: 868.36k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.76M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1021us Range: [0.0805us, 0.1185us] Ops/s: 9.80M Ops/s/t: 9.80M
4 threads: Avg: 2.0643us Range: [2.0420us, 2.0983us] Ops/s: 1.45M Ops/s/t: 484.43k
8 threads: Avg: 3.2532us Range: [2.0597us, 4.5513us] Ops/s: 2.15M Ops/s/t: 307.39k
16 threads: Avg: 1.0387us Range: [0.9508us, 1.1214us] Ops/s: 14.44M Ops/s/t: 962.78k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.64M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1953us Range: [0.1255us, 0.2504us] Ops/s: 5.12M Ops/s/t: 5.12M
4 threads: Avg: 0.6180us Range: [0.5063us, 0.7395us] Ops/s: 4.85M Ops/s/t: 1.62M
8 threads: Avg: 1.2901us Range: [0.3619us, 2.5359us] Ops/s: 5.43M Ops/s/t: 775.15k
16 threads: Avg: 0.5587us Range: [0.5391us, 0.5822us] Ops/s: 26.85M Ops/s/t: 1.79M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.83M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0504us Range: [0.0503us, 0.0505us] Ops/s: 19.83M Ops/s/t: 19.83M
4 threads: Avg: 0.3747us Range: [0.3519us, 0.4136us] Ops/s: 8.01M Ops/s/t: 2.67M
8 threads: Avg: 1.0650us Range: [0.9783us, 1.3288us] Ops/s: 6.57M Ops/s/t: 938.94k
16 threads: Avg: 4.9238us Range: [4.1458us, 6.8823us] Ops/s: 3.05M Ops/s/t: 203.10k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.00M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1745us Range: [0.1117us, 0.2339us] Ops/s: 5.73M Ops/s/t: 5.73M
4 threads: Avg: 1.0479us Range: [0.9467us, 1.1571us] Ops/s: 2.86M Ops/s/t: 954.25k
8 threads: Avg: 1.6628us Range: [0.8011us, 2.5645us] Ops/s: 4.21M Ops/s/t: 601.41k
16 threads: Avg: 0.7777us Range: [0.6937us, 0.8517us] Ops/s: 19.29M Ops/s/t: 1.29M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.51M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2711us Range: [0.2503us, 0.3654us] Ops/s: 3.69M Ops/s/t: 3.69M
4 threads: Avg: 2.0288us Range: [1.9517us, 2.1707us] Ops/s: 1.48M Ops/s/t: 492.91k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0121ms Range: [5.6724us, 0.0141ms] Ops/s: 577.35k Ops/s/t: 82.48k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0334ms Range: [0.0253ms, 0.0569ms] Ops/s: 449.71k Ops/s/t: 29.98k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 527.19k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
single-producer, multi-consumer (pre-produced):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing from a queue pre-filled by one thread)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0593us Range: [0.0592us, 0.0594us] Ops/s: 16.85M Ops/s/t: 16.85M
3 threads: Avg: 1.2845us Range: [1.2593us, 1.2992us] Ops/s: 2.34M Ops/s/t: 778.51k
7 threads: Avg: 6.3588us Range: [6.1795us, 6.4430us] Ops/s: 1.10M Ops/s/t: 157.26k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0239ms Range: [0.0212ms, 0.0245ms] Ops/s: 628.32k Ops/s/t: 41.89k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.03M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0522us Range: [0.0521us, 0.0523us] Ops/s: 19.16M Ops/s/t: 19.16M
3 threads: Avg: 1.2192us Range: [1.1359us, 1.2706us] Ops/s: 2.46M Ops/s/t: 820.22k
7 threads: Avg: 6.6076us Range: [6.3552us, 6.7226us] Ops/s: 1.06M Ops/s/t: 151.34k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0247ms Range: [0.0241ms, 0.0250ms] Ops/s: 606.63k Ops/s/t: 40.44k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.29M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0462us Range: [0.0461us, 0.0462us] Ops/s: 21.66M Ops/s/t: 21.66M
3 threads: Avg: 1.5532us Range: [1.5270us, 1.5706us] Ops/s: 1.93M Ops/s/t: 643.82k
7 threads: Avg: 0.0129ms Range: [0.0126ms, 0.0131ms] Ops/s: 540.60k Ops/s/t: 77.23k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0609ms Range: [0.0529ms, 0.0628ms] Ops/s: 246.40k Ops/s/t: 16.43k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.49M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0346us Range: [0.0345us, 0.0347us] Ops/s: 28.93M Ops/s/t: 28.93M
3 threads: Avg: 0.9686us Range: [0.8993us, 0.9962us] Ops/s: 3.10M Ops/s/t: 1.03M
7 threads: Avg: 6.5002us Range: [6.2817us, 6.6565us] Ops/s: 1.08M Ops/s/t: 153.84k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0955ms Range: [0.0925ms, 0.0973ms] Ops/s: 157.07k Ops/s/t: 10.47k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.37M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0406us Range: [0.0406us, 0.0407us] Ops/s: 24.62M Ops/s/t: 24.62M
3 threads: Avg: 0.9775us Range: [0.7102us, 1.1289us] Ops/s: 3.07M Ops/s/t: 1.02M
7 threads: Avg: 0.0125ms Range: [0.0109ms, 0.0134ms] Ops/s: 560.68k Ops/s/t: 80.10k
15 threads: Avg: 0.0537ms Range: [0.0482ms, 0.0570ms] Ops/s: 279.46k Ops/s/t: 18.63k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.88M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0749us Range: [0.0747us, 0.0751us] Ops/s: 13.35M Ops/s/t: 13.35M
3 threads: Avg: 2.7371us Range: [2.4621us, 2.8206us] Ops/s: 1.10M Ops/s/t: 365.35k
7 threads: Avg: 0.0283ms Range: [0.0277ms, 0.0290ms] Ops/s: 247.11k Ops/s/t: 35.30k
15 threads: Avg: 0.1168ms Range: [0.0455ms, 0.1511ms] Ops/s: 128.41k Ops/s/t: 8.56k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.53M
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
multi-producer, single-consumer (measuring 1 thread):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing with only one consumer, but multiple producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0787us Range: [0.0740us, 0.0844us] Ops/s: 12.71M Ops/s/t: 12.71M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0761us Range: [0.0755us, 0.0764us] Ops/s: 13.15M Ops/s/t: 13.15M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1050us Range: [0.1046us, 0.1053us] Ops/s: 9.53M Ops/s/t: 9.53M
16 threads: Avg: 0.1227us Range: [0.1054us, 0.1465us] Ops/s: 8.15M Ops/s/t: 8.15M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 10.88M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0715us Range: [0.0625us, 0.0801us] Ops/s: 13.99M Ops/s/t: 13.99M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0584us Range: [0.0582us, 0.0585us] Ops/s: 17.12M Ops/s/t: 17.12M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0553us Range: [0.0552us, 0.0555us] Ops/s: 18.07M Ops/s/t: 18.07M
16 threads: Avg: 0.0543us Range: [0.0541us, 0.0545us] Ops/s: 18.40M Ops/s/t: 18.40M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 16.90M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1204us Range: [0.0959us, 0.1492us] Ops/s: 8.30M Ops/s/t: 8.30M
4 threads: Avg: 0.3535us Range: [0.3389us, 0.3591us] Ops/s: 2.83M Ops/s/t: 2.83M
8 threads: Avg: 0.4242us Range: [0.4127us, 0.4340us] Ops/s: 2.36M Ops/s/t: 2.36M
16 threads: Avg: 0.4959us Range: [0.4858us, 0.5012us] Ops/s: 2.02M Ops/s/t: 2.02M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.88M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1540us Range: [0.1379us, 0.1610us] Ops/s: 6.49M Ops/s/t: 6.49M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1178us Range: [0.1174us, 0.1182us] Ops/s: 8.49M Ops/s/t: 8.49M
8 threads: Avg: 0.1788us Range: [0.1769us, 0.1802us] Ops/s: 5.59M Ops/s/t: 5.59M
16 threads: Avg: 0.4524us Range: [0.4471us, 0.4555us] Ops/s: 2.21M Ops/s/t: 2.21M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.70M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2191us Range: [0.1969us, 0.2384us] Ops/s: 4.56M Ops/s/t: 4.56M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2822us Range: [0.2790us, 0.2841us] Ops/s: 3.54M Ops/s/t: 3.54M
8 threads: Avg: 0.2778us Range: [0.1914us, 0.2998us] Ops/s: 3.60M Ops/s/t: 3.60M
16 threads: Avg: 0.2838us Range: [0.2790us, 0.2869us] Ops/s: 3.52M Ops/s/t: 3.52M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.81M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2405us Range: [0.2110us, 0.2647us] Ops/s: 4.16M Ops/s/t: 4.16M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4786us Range: [0.4487us, 0.5009us] Ops/s: 2.09M Ops/s/t: 2.09M
8 threads: Avg: 0.6288us Range: [0.6146us, 0.6619us] Ops/s: 1.59M Ops/s/t: 1.59M
16 threads: Avg: 0.6400us Range: [0.6148us, 0.6605us] Ops/s: 1.56M Ops/s/t: 1.56M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.35M
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
dequeue from empty:
(Measures the average speed of attempting to dequeue from an empty queue
(that eight separate threads had at one point enqueued to))
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0450us Range: [0.0446us, 0.0453us] Ops/s: 22.21M Ops/s/t: 22.21M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1120us Range: [0.1101us, 0.1137us] Ops/s: 17.86M Ops/s/t: 8.93M
8 threads: Avg: 0.5365us Range: [0.4941us, 0.5660us] Ops/s: 14.91M Ops/s/t: 1.86M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 7.65M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0261us Range: [0.0234us, 0.0280us] Ops/s: 38.35M Ops/s/t: 38.35M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0536us Range: [0.0526us, 0.0545us] Ops/s: 37.32M Ops/s/t: 18.66M
8 threads: Avg: 0.3407us Range: [0.2978us, 0.3646us] Ops/s: 23.48M Ops/s/t: 2.93M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 13.93M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 6.7505ns Range: [6.7148ns, 6.7679ns] Ops/s: 148.14M Ops/s/t: 148.14M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0135us Range: [0.0135us, 0.0135us] Ops/s: 148.29M Ops/s/t: 74.14M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0578us Range: [0.0556us, 0.0596us] Ops/s: 138.38M Ops/s/t: 17.30M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 57.59M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 5.0561ns Range: [5.0460ns, 5.0629ns] Ops/s: 197.78M Ops/s/t: 197.78M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0102us Range: [0.0101us, 0.0102us] Ops/s: 196.89M Ops/s/t: 98.44M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0436us Range: [0.0427us, 0.0445us] Ops/s: 183.65M Ops/s/t: 22.96M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 76.67M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 8.2113ns Range: [8.1694ns, 8.2488ns] Ops/s: 121.78M Ops/s/t: 121.78M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0170us Range: [0.0170us, 0.0170us] Ops/s: 117.47M Ops/s/t: 58.74M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0769us Range: [0.0687us, 0.0830us] Ops/s: 104.08M Ops/s/t: 13.01M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 46.09M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0415us Range: [0.0413us, 0.0416us] Ops/s: 24.08M Ops/s/t: 24.08M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3330us Range: [0.2910us, 0.3575us] Ops/s: 6.01M Ops/s/t: 3.00M
8 threads: Avg: 0.0115ms Range: [0.0113ms, 0.0117ms] Ops/s: 693.59k Ops/s/t: 86.70k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.45M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 1.1189ns Range: [1.1174ns, 1.1201ns] Ops/s: 893.71M Ops/s/t: 893.71M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 893.71M
enqueue-dequeue pairs:
(Measures the average operation speed with each thread doing an enqueue
followed by a dequeue)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0355us Range: [0.0355us, 0.0356us] Ops/s: 28.13M Ops/s/t: 28.13M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.2504us Range: [0.2444us, 0.2626us] Ops/s: 7.99M Ops/s/t: 3.99M
4 threads: Avg: 0.9991us Range: [0.9811us, 1.0048us] Ops/s: 4.00M Ops/s/t: 1.00M
8 threads: Avg: 3.9295us Range: [3.8626us, 3.9785us] Ops/s: 2.04M Ops/s/t: 254.48k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.04M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0284us Range: [0.0284us, 0.0285us] Ops/s: 35.17M Ops/s/t: 35.17M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.0664us Range: [0.0639us, 0.0675us] Ops/s: 30.10M Ops/s/t: 15.05M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1407us Range: [0.1393us, 0.1422us] Ops/s: 28.43M Ops/s/t: 7.11M
8 threads: Avg: 0.3319us Range: [0.3263us, 0.3370us] Ops/s: 24.10M Ops/s/t: 3.01M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 10.93M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0551us Range: [0.0549us, 0.0553us] Ops/s: 18.15M Ops/s/t: 18.15M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.4973us Range: [0.4543us, 0.5281us] Ops/s: 4.02M Ops/s/t: 2.01M
4 threads: Avg: 2.7075us Range: [2.6333us, 2.7333us] Ops/s: 1.48M Ops/s/t: 369.34k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0122ms Range: [0.0117ms, 0.0124ms] Ops/s: 658.25k Ops/s/t: 82.28k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.03M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0374us Range: [0.0373us, 0.0375us] Ops/s: 26.73M Ops/s/t: 26.73M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.3919us Range: [0.3765us, 0.3979us] Ops/s: 5.10M Ops/s/t: 2.55M
4 threads: Avg: 1.5805us Range: [1.5665us, 1.5899us] Ops/s: 2.53M Ops/s/t: 632.70k
8 threads: Avg: 6.7988us Range: [6.6864us, 6.8373us] Ops/s: 1.18M Ops/s/t: 147.09k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.42M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0654us Range: [0.0650us, 0.0660us] Ops/s: 15.28M Ops/s/t: 15.28M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.5166us Range: [0.4368us, 0.5703us] Ops/s: 3.87M Ops/s/t: 1.94M
4 threads: Avg: 2.2357us Range: [0.8571us, 3.0570us] Ops/s: 1.79M Ops/s/t: 447.30k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0150ms Range: [0.0146ms, 0.0153ms] Ops/s: 532.29k Ops/s/t: 66.54k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.64M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0819us Range: [0.0817us, 0.0820us] Ops/s: 12.21M Ops/s/t: 12.21M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.9000us Range: [0.8402us, 0.9348us] Ops/s: 2.22M Ops/s/t: 1.11M
4 threads: Avg: 4.4576us Range: [4.3944us, 4.5059us] Ops/s: 897.34k Ops/s/t: 224.33k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0325ms Range: [0.0322ms, 0.0329ms] Ops/s: 245.85k Ops/s/t: 30.73k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.98M
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 4.7801ns Range: [4.7600ns, 4.7944ns] Ops/s: 209.20M Ops/s/t: 209.20M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 209.20M
heavy concurrent:
(Measures the average operation speed with many threads under heavy load)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.2274us Range: [0.2084us, 0.2361us] Ops/s: 8.80M Ops/s/t: 4.40M
3 threads: Avg: 0.3628us Range: [0.3108us, 0.3876us] Ops/s: 8.27M Ops/s/t: 2.76M
4 threads: Avg: 0.8110us Range: [0.8024us, 0.8255us] Ops/s: 4.93M Ops/s/t: 1.23M
8 threads: Avg: 2.3682us Range: [2.2998us, 2.4158us] Ops/s: 3.38M Ops/s/t: 422.26k
16 threads: Avg: 7.1416us Range: [6.9666us, 7.3096us] Ops/s: 2.24M Ops/s/t: 140.02k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.27M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0617us Range: [0.0607us, 0.0624us] Ops/s: 32.44M Ops/s/t: 16.22M
3 threads: Avg: 0.1539us Range: [0.1453us, 0.1600us] Ops/s: 19.49M Ops/s/t: 6.50M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4326us Range: [0.3373us, 0.4557us] Ops/s: 9.25M Ops/s/t: 2.31M
8 threads: Avg: 1.1528us Range: [0.6981us, 1.3157us] Ops/s: 6.94M Ops/s/t: 867.42k
16 threads: Avg: 2.5832us Range: [1.7887us, 2.8307us] Ops/s: 6.19M Ops/s/t: 387.12k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.58M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4679us Range: [0.3875us, 0.5422us] Ops/s: 4.27M Ops/s/t: 2.14M
3 threads: Avg: 1.5423us Range: [1.2787us, 1.6510us] Ops/s: 1.95M Ops/s/t: 648.37k
4 threads: Avg: 2.1368us Range: [2.0835us, 2.1668us] Ops/s: 1.87M Ops/s/t: 467.99k
8 threads: Avg: 7.0047us Range: [6.8172us, 7.1692us] Ops/s: 1.14M Ops/s/t: 142.76k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0217ms Range: [0.0119ms, 0.0265ms] Ops/s: 738.87k Ops/s/t: 46.18k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 473.47k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3758us Range: [0.3676us, 0.3830us] Ops/s: 5.32M Ops/s/t: 2.66M
3 threads: Avg: 0.6918us Range: [0.5712us, 0.7622us] Ops/s: 4.34M Ops/s/t: 1.45M
4 threads: Avg: 1.2247us Range: [1.2153us, 1.2353us] Ops/s: 3.27M Ops/s/t: 816.55k
8 threads: Avg: 4.8072us Range: [4.7176us, 4.8768us] Ops/s: 1.66M Ops/s/t: 208.02k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0314ms Range: [0.0283ms, 0.0342ms] Ops/s: 508.84k Ops/s/t: 31.80k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 719.46k
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3386us Range: [0.2242us, 0.4207us] Ops/s: 5.91M Ops/s/t: 2.95M
3 threads: Avg: 1.3641us Range: [1.2620us, 1.4514us] Ops/s: 2.20M Ops/s/t: 733.07k
4 threads: Avg: 2.5347us Range: [2.3151us, 2.7468us] Ops/s: 1.58M Ops/s/t: 394.52k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0116ms Range: [0.0101ms, 0.0129ms] Ops/s: 689.76k Ops/s/t: 86.22k
16 threads: Avg: 0.0179ms Range: [0.0151ms, 0.0191ms] Ops/s: 893.24k Ops/s/t: 55.83k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 559.71k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.8267us Range: [0.6615us, 0.8974us] Ops/s: 2.42M Ops/s/t: 1.21M
3 threads: Avg: 2.2000us Range: [2.1430us, 2.2375us] Ops/s: 1.36M Ops/s/t: 454.55k
4 threads: Avg: 4.5203us Range: [4.3255us, 4.5829us] Ops/s: 884.89k Ops/s/t: 221.22k
8 threads: Avg: 0.0317ms Range: [0.0198ms, 0.0347ms] Ops/s: 252.75k Ops/s/t: 31.59k
16 threads: Avg: 0.1313ms Range: [0.1260ms, 0.1356ms] Ops/s: 121.86k Ops/s/t: 7.62k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 255.55k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
Overall average operations per second per thread (where higher-concurrency runs have more weight):
(Take this summary with a grain of salt -- look at the individual benchmark results for a much
better idea of how the queues measure up to each other):
moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue (including bulk): 23.23M
boost::lockfree::queue: 4.75M
tbb::concurrent_queue: 6.44M
SimpleLockFreeQueue: 4.07M
LockBasedQueue: 1.28M
std::queue (single thread only): 298.35M
64-bit dual-core, Windows 7, MinGW-w64 g++ 4.81 (a netbook)
Running 64-bit benchmarks on an AMD C-50 Processor with 2 cores @ 1.0GHz
(precise mode)
Note that these are synthetic benchmarks. Take them with a grain of salt.
'Avg': Average time taken per operation, normalized to be per thread
'Range': The minimum and maximum times taken per operation (per thread)
'Ops/s': Overall operations per second
'Ops/s/t': Operations per second per thread (inverse of 'Avg')
Operations include those that fail (e.g. because the queue is empty).
Each logical enqueue/dequeue counts as an individual operation when in bulk.
(Measures the average operation speed with multiple symmetrical threads
under reasonable load -- small random intervals between accesses)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.6824us Range: [0.5126us, 0.7394us] Ops/s: 2.93M Ops/s/t: 1.47M
3 threads: Avg: 0.8942us Range: [0.6801us, 0.9944us] Ops/s: 3.35M Ops/s/t: 1.12M
4 threads: Avg: 1.2901us Range: [1.2430us, 1.3249us] Ops/s: 3.10M Ops/s/t: 775.11k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.08M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.5335us Range: [0.5023us, 0.5511us] Ops/s: 3.75M Ops/s/t: 1.87M
3 threads: Avg: 0.6989us Range: [0.5523us, 0.7436us] Ops/s: 4.29M Ops/s/t: 1.43M
4 threads: Avg: 0.8901us Range: [0.7294us, 1.0176us] Ops/s: 4.49M Ops/s/t: 1.12M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.43M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 1.0185us Range: [0.9988us, 1.0281us] Ops/s: 1.96M Ops/s/t: 981.82k
3 threads: Avg: 1.0706us Range: [0.6640us, 1.2621us] Ops/s: 2.80M Ops/s/t: 934.05k
4 threads: Avg: 1.3243us Range: [0.8594us, 1.6103us] Ops/s: 3.02M Ops/s/t: 755.11k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 877.64k
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.8333us Range: [0.8103us, 0.8432us] Ops/s: 2.40M Ops/s/t: 1.20M
3 threads: Avg: 1.0095us Range: [0.6400us, 1.0816us] Ops/s: 2.97M Ops/s/t: 990.59k
4 threads: Avg: 1.1098us Range: [0.8329us, 1.3179us] Ops/s: 3.60M Ops/s/t: 901.02k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.01M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.8720us Range: [0.7974us, 0.9197us] Ops/s: 2.29M Ops/s/t: 1.15M
3 threads: Avg: 1.0043us Range: [0.7678us, 1.0872us] Ops/s: 2.99M Ops/s/t: 995.70k
4 threads: Avg: 1.2877us Range: [0.8881us, 1.5254us] Ops/s: 3.11M Ops/s/t: 776.59k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 952.08k
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0157ms Range: [0.0122ms, 0.0179ms] Ops/s: 127.48k Ops/s/t: 63.74k
3 threads: Avg: 0.0183ms Range: [9.7330us, 0.0271ms] Ops/s: 164.09k Ops/s/t: 54.70k
4 threads: Avg: 0.0141ms Range: [0.0132ms, 0.0165ms] Ops/s: 283.88k Ops/s/t: 70.97k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 63.51k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only enqueue:
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0800us Range: [0.0799us, 0.0801us] Ops/s: 12.51M Ops/s/t: 12.51M
2 threads: Avg: 0.1405us Range: [0.1398us, 0.1415us] Ops/s: 14.23M Ops/s/t: 7.12M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2840us Range: [0.2778us, 0.2872us] Ops/s: 14.08M Ops/s/t: 3.52M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 6.71M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0336us Range: [0.0334us, 0.0337us] Ops/s: 29.79M Ops/s/t: 29.79M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0703us Range: [0.0692us, 0.0713us] Ops/s: 28.43M Ops/s/t: 14.22M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1442us Range: [0.1415us, 0.1466us] Ops/s: 27.73M Ops/s/t: 6.93M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 14.44M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.3496us Range: [0.3475us, 0.3504us] Ops/s: 2.86M Ops/s/t: 2.86M
2 threads: Avg: 1.3211us Range: [1.2986us, 1.3384us] Ops/s: 1.51M Ops/s/t: 756.94k
4 threads: Avg: 2.4626us Range: [2.1835us, 2.6067us] Ops/s: 1.62M Ops/s/t: 406.08k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.07M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.1014us Range: [0.1001us, 0.1021us] Ops/s: 9.86M Ops/s/t: 9.86M
2 threads: Avg: 0.6901us Range: [0.6653us, 0.7117us] Ops/s: 2.90M Ops/s/t: 1.45M
4 threads: Avg: 4.5818us Range: [0.5737us, 6.0795us] Ops/s: 873.01k Ops/s/t: 218.25k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.80M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.1729us Range: [0.1718us, 0.1734us] Ops/s: 5.78M Ops/s/t: 5.78M
2 threads: Avg: 0.9181us Range: [0.8509us, 0.9554us] Ops/s: 2.18M Ops/s/t: 1.09M
4 threads: Avg: 1.5708us Range: [1.3950us, 1.7283us] Ops/s: 2.55M Ops/s/t: 636.64k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.95M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 3.1054us Range: [3.0999us, 3.1087us] Ops/s: 322.02k Ops/s/t: 322.02k
2 threads: Avg: 0.0245ms Range: [0.0222ms, 0.0271ms] Ops/s: 81.54k Ops/s/t: 40.77k
4 threads: Avg: 0.0790ms Range: [0.0250ms, 0.1326ms] Ops/s: 50.64k Ops/s/t: 12.66k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 91.75k
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0214us Range: [0.0213us, 0.0215us] Ops/s: 46.73M Ops/s/t: 46.73M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 46.73M
only enqueue (pre-allocated):
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are producers,
and the queue has been stretched out first)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0783us Range: [0.0780us, 0.0784us] Ops/s: 12.78M Ops/s/t: 12.78M
2 threads: Avg: 0.1474us Range: [0.1468us, 0.1480us] Ops/s: 13.57M Ops/s/t: 6.78M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2980us Range: [0.2843us, 0.3053us] Ops/s: 13.42M Ops/s/t: 3.36M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 6.59M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0268us Range: [0.0267us, 0.0268us] Ops/s: 37.36M Ops/s/t: 37.36M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0557us Range: [0.0553us, 0.0562us] Ops/s: 35.89M Ops/s/t: 17.94M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1105us Range: [0.1098us, 0.1111us] Ops/s: 36.20M Ops/s/t: 9.05M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 18.31M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.1283us Range: [0.1280us, 0.1287us] Ops/s: 7.79M Ops/s/t: 7.79M
2 threads: Avg: 0.7111us Range: [0.6135us, 0.7794us] Ops/s: 2.81M Ops/s/t: 1.41M
4 threads: Avg: 1.1166us Range: [0.6167us, 1.3582us] Ops/s: 3.58M Ops/s/t: 895.56k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.62M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.1009us Range: [0.1005us, 0.1013us] Ops/s: 9.91M Ops/s/t: 9.91M
2 threads: Avg: 0.6381us Range: [0.5011us, 0.6934us] Ops/s: 3.13M Ops/s/t: 1.57M
4 threads: Avg: 2.9372us Range: [0.4636us, 5.9396us] Ops/s: 1.36M Ops/s/t: 340.46k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.90M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.1656us Range: [0.1652us, 0.1659us] Ops/s: 6.04M Ops/s/t: 6.04M
2 threads: Avg: 0.9964us Range: [0.9337us, 1.0278us] Ops/s: 2.01M Ops/s/t: 1.00M
4 threads: Avg: 1.4095us Range: [1.2388us, 1.5327us] Ops/s: 2.84M Ops/s/t: 709.48k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.01M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 3.0501us Range: [3.0382us, 3.0576us] Ops/s: 327.86k Ops/s/t: 327.86k
2 threads: Avg: 0.0196ms Range: [0.0131ms, 0.0235ms] Ops/s: 101.91k Ops/s/t: 50.95k
4 threads: Avg: 0.0842ms Range: [0.0438ms, 0.1204ms] Ops/s: 47.52k Ops/s/t: 11.88k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 95.98k
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0211us Range: [0.0210us, 0.0211us] Ops/s: 47.43M Ops/s/t: 47.43M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 47.43M
only enqueue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk when all threads are producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0158us Range: [0.0157us, 0.0158us] Ops/s: 63.25M Ops/s/t: 63.25M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0364us Range: [0.0360us, 0.0367us] Ops/s: 54.92M Ops/s/t: 27.46M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0736us Range: [0.0727us, 0.0742us] Ops/s: 54.32M Ops/s/t: 13.58M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 29.28M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0153us Range: [0.0153us, 0.0154us] Ops/s: 65.26M Ops/s/t: 65.26M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0334us Range: [0.0328us, 0.0338us] Ops/s: 59.82M Ops/s/t: 29.91M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0672us Range: [0.0654us, 0.0686us] Ops/s: 59.51M Ops/s/t: 14.88M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 31.11M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only enqueue bulk (pre-allocated):
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk when all threads are producers,
and the queue has been stretched out first)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0157us Range: [0.0157us, 0.0158us] Ops/s: 63.54M Ops/s/t: 63.54M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0360us Range: [0.0353us, 0.0364us] Ops/s: 55.56M Ops/s/t: 27.78M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0740us Range: [0.0733us, 0.0746us] Ops/s: 54.06M Ops/s/t: 13.52M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 29.42M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0153us Range: [0.0153us, 0.0154us] Ops/s: 65.32M Ops/s/t: 65.32M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0337us Range: [0.0333us, 0.0340us] Ops/s: 59.30M Ops/s/t: 29.65M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0676us Range: [0.0665us, 0.0687us] Ops/s: 59.14M Ops/s/t: 14.78M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 31.00M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
only dequeue:
(Measures the average operation speed when all threads are consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.1165us Range: [0.1163us, 0.1167us] Ops/s: 8.58M Ops/s/t: 8.58M
2 threads: Avg: 0.6081us Range: [0.3983us, 0.6949us] Ops/s: 3.29M Ops/s/t: 1.64M
4 threads: Avg: 1.3773us Range: [1.2187us, 1.5266us] Ops/s: 2.90M Ops/s/t: 726.07k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.80M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.1144us Range: [0.1126us, 0.1165us] Ops/s: 8.74M Ops/s/t: 8.74M
2 threads: Avg: 0.2450us Range: [0.2388us, 0.2477us] Ops/s: 8.16M Ops/s/t: 4.08M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4822us Range: [0.4760us, 0.4851us] Ops/s: 8.30M Ops/s/t: 2.07M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.23M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.1044us Range: [0.1041us, 0.1045us] Ops/s: 9.58M Ops/s/t: 9.58M
2 threads: Avg: 0.6626us Range: [0.6523us, 0.6739us] Ops/s: 3.02M Ops/s/t: 1.51M
4 threads: Avg: 1.4675us Range: [1.3134us, 1.6303us] Ops/s: 2.73M Ops/s/t: 681.42k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.96M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0962us Range: [0.0958us, 0.0965us] Ops/s: 10.40M Ops/s/t: 10.40M
2 threads: Avg: 0.8670us Range: [0.7704us, 0.9092us] Ops/s: 2.31M Ops/s/t: 1.15M
4 threads: Avg: 2.9464us Range: [2.6072us, 3.2898us] Ops/s: 1.36M Ops/s/t: 339.40k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.88M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0879us Range: [0.0877us, 0.0881us] Ops/s: 11.38M Ops/s/t: 11.38M
2 threads: Avg: 0.5947us Range: [0.1847us, 0.7029us] Ops/s: 3.36M Ops/s/t: 1.68M
4 threads: Avg: 1.4889us Range: [1.1207us, 1.7064us] Ops/s: 2.69M Ops/s/t: 671.62k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.42M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 2.9784us Range: [2.9697us, 2.9859us] Ops/s: 335.75k Ops/s/t: 335.75k
2 threads: Avg: 0.0265ms Range: [0.0199ms, 0.0298ms] Ops/s: 75.48k Ops/s/t: 37.74k
4 threads: Avg: 0.1215ms Range: [0.0902ms, 0.1350ms] Ops/s: 32.91k Ops/s/t: 8.23k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 91.88k
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0168us Range: [0.0168us, 0.0168us] Ops/s: 59.49M Ops/s/t: 59.49M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 59.49M
only dequeue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing an item in bulk when all threads are consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 5.5943ns Range: [5.5849ns, 5.6040ns] Ops/s: 178.75M Ops/s/t: 178.75M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0184us Range: [0.0176us, 0.0186us] Ops/s: 108.83M Ops/s/t: 54.41M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0318us Range: [0.0314us, 0.0324us] Ops/s: 125.90M Ops/s/t: 31.47M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 72.19M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 5.0906ns Range: [5.0838ns, 5.0961ns] Ops/s: 196.44M Ops/s/t: 196.44M
2 threads: Avg: 0.0121us Range: [0.0120us, 0.0121us] Ops/s: 165.13M Ops/s/t: 82.57M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0243us Range: [0.0240us, 0.0244us] Ops/s: 164.89M Ops/s/t: 41.22M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 89.63M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly enqueue:
(Measures the average operation speed when most threads are enqueueing)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.4424us Range: [0.2400us, 0.5108us] Ops/s: 4.52M Ops/s/t: 2.26M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4271us Range: [0.3528us, 0.4655us] Ops/s: 9.36M Ops/s/t: 2.34M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.31M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.2470us Range: [0.2336us, 0.2581us] Ops/s: 8.10M Ops/s/t: 4.05M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2328us Range: [0.1404us, 0.2728us] Ops/s: 17.18M Ops/s/t: 4.30M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.19M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4311us Range: [0.4071us, 0.4438us] Ops/s: 4.64M Ops/s/t: 2.32M
4 threads: Avg: 1.8933us Range: [1.6289us, 1.9567us] Ops/s: 2.11M Ops/s/t: 528.17k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.27M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2621us Range: [0.1655us, 0.3532us] Ops/s: 7.63M Ops/s/t: 3.82M
4 threads: Avg: 3.1446us Range: [0.8478us, 3.8621us] Ops/s: 1.27M Ops/s/t: 318.01k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.77M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3761us Range: [0.3144us, 0.4321us] Ops/s: 5.32M Ops/s/t: 2.66M
4 threads: Avg: 1.3820us Range: [1.1667us, 1.5381us] Ops/s: 2.89M Ops/s/t: 723.59k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.53M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0219ms Range: [6.6121us, 0.0253ms] Ops/s: 91.25k Ops/s/t: 45.62k
4 threads: Avg: 0.1021ms Range: [0.0457ms, 0.1239ms] Ops/s: 39.16k Ops/s/t: 9.79k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 24.63k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly enqueue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of enqueueing an item in bulk under light contention)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0304us Range: [0.0303us, 0.0306us] Ops/s: 65.70M Ops/s/t: 32.85M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0648us Range: [0.0529us, 0.0719us] Ops/s: 61.77M Ops/s/t: 15.44M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 22.65M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0284us Range: [0.0282us, 0.0285us] Ops/s: 70.53M Ops/s/t: 35.26M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0562us Range: [0.0482us, 0.0678us] Ops/s: 71.14M Ops/s/t: 17.78M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 25.02M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly dequeue:
(Measures the average operation speed when most threads are dequeueing)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.3370us Range: [0.3165us, 0.3504us] Ops/s: 5.94M Ops/s/t: 2.97M
4 threads: Avg: 0.5739us Range: [0.2841us, 0.6900us] Ops/s: 6.97M Ops/s/t: 1.74M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.25M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.2321us Range: [0.2208us, 0.2407us] Ops/s: 8.62M Ops/s/t: 4.31M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4434us Range: [0.2650us, 0.4834us] Ops/s: 9.02M Ops/s/t: 2.26M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.11M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.6810us Range: [0.6688us, 0.7021us] Ops/s: 2.94M Ops/s/t: 1.47M
4 threads: Avg: 0.6482us Range: [0.3601us, 0.8150us] Ops/s: 6.17M Ops/s/t: 1.54M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.51M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4504us Range: [0.3686us, 0.4826us] Ops/s: 4.44M Ops/s/t: 2.22M
4 threads: Avg: 0.7818us Range: [0.4763us, 0.9027us] Ops/s: 5.12M Ops/s/t: 1.28M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.67M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.7089us Range: [0.6896us, 0.7275us] Ops/s: 2.82M Ops/s/t: 1.41M
4 threads: Avg: 0.6683us Range: [0.4217us, 0.9445us] Ops/s: 5.99M Ops/s/t: 1.50M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.46M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0213ms Range: [0.0182ms, 0.0241ms] Ops/s: 94.11k Ops/s/t: 47.06k
4 threads: Avg: 0.1003ms Range: [0.0451ms, 0.1279ms] Ops/s: 39.86k Ops/s/t: 9.97k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 25.33k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
mostly dequeue bulk:
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing an item in bulk under light contention)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0260us Range: [0.0258us, 0.0261us] Ops/s: 76.84M Ops/s/t: 38.42M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0456us Range: [0.0453us, 0.0458us] Ops/s: 87.76M Ops/s/t: 21.94M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 28.77M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.0147us Range: [0.0144us, 0.0148us] Ops/s: 136.11M Ops/s/t: 68.05M
4 threads: Avg: 0.0289us Range: [0.0283us, 0.0297us] Ops/s: 138.50M Ops/s/t: 34.63M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 48.47M
> boost::lockfree::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> tbb::concurrent_queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> LockBasedQueue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
single-producer, multi-consumer (measuring all but 1 thread):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing with only one producer, but multiple consumers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1426us Range: [0.1352us, 0.1462us] Ops/s: 7.01M Ops/s/t: 7.01M
4 threads: Avg: 1.2177us Range: [0.9412us, 1.4320us] Ops/s: 2.46M Ops/s/t: 821.24k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.09M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1504us Range: [0.1360us, 0.1606us] Ops/s: 6.65M Ops/s/t: 6.65M
4 threads: Avg: 0.7253us Range: [0.4129us, 0.9226us] Ops/s: 4.14M Ops/s/t: 1.38M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.31M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3493us Range: [0.1637us, 0.5469us] Ops/s: 2.86M Ops/s/t: 2.86M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1801us Range: [0.1380us, 0.2321us] Ops/s: 16.66M Ops/s/t: 5.55M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.57M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.1373us Range: [0.1034us, 0.2169us] Ops/s: 7.28M Ops/s/t: 7.28M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2629us Range: [0.1769us, 0.4252us] Ops/s: 11.41M Ops/s/t: 3.80M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.08M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.3192us Range: [0.0925us, 0.4334us] Ops/s: 3.13M Ops/s/t: 3.13M
4 threads: Avg: 0.3504us Range: [0.2090us, 0.4648us] Ops/s: 8.56M Ops/s/t: 2.85M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.96M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 8.7334us Range: [3.6908us, 0.0137ms] Ops/s: 114.50k Ops/s/t: 114.50k
4 threads: Avg: 0.0936ms Range: [8.8969us, 0.1140ms] Ops/s: 32.04k Ops/s/t: 10.68k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 48.68k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
single-producer, multi-consumer (pre-produced):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing from a queue pre-filled by one thread)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.1162us Range: [0.1161us, 0.1163us] Ops/s: 8.60M Ops/s/t: 8.60M
3 threads: Avg: 0.8814us Range: [0.7712us, 0.9528us] Ops/s: 3.40M Ops/s/t: 1.13M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.87M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.1166us Range: [0.1165us, 0.1168us] Ops/s: 8.57M Ops/s/t: 8.57M
3 threads: Avg: 0.8026us Range: [0.5731us, 0.9180us] Ops/s: 3.74M Ops/s/t: 1.25M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.93M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.1049us Range: [0.1047us, 0.1051us] Ops/s: 9.53M Ops/s/t: 9.53M
3 threads: Avg: 0.9315us Range: [0.8573us, 0.9574us] Ops/s: 3.22M Ops/s/t: 1.07M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.17M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0956us Range: [0.0951us, 0.0958us] Ops/s: 10.47M Ops/s/t: 10.47M
3 threads: Avg: 2.4941us Range: [1.9916us, 2.5995us] Ops/s: 1.20M Ops/s/t: 400.95k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.08M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0878us Range: [0.0877us, 0.0879us] Ops/s: 11.39M Ops/s/t: 11.39M
3 threads: Avg: 0.8759us Range: [0.7589us, 0.9733us] Ops/s: 3.42M Ops/s/t: 1.14M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.89M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 2.9825us Range: [2.9711us, 2.9880us] Ops/s: 335.29k Ops/s/t: 335.29k
3 threads: Avg: 0.0510ms Range: [0.0273ms, 0.0622ms] Ops/s: 58.87k Ops/s/t: 19.62k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 135.17k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
multi-producer, single-consumer (measuring 1 thread):
(Measures the average speed of dequeueing with only one consumer, but multiple producers)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.2415us Range: [0.2096us, 0.2516us] Ops/s: 4.14M Ops/s/t: 4.14M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1585us Range: [0.1453us, 0.1621us] Ops/s: 6.31M Ops/s/t: 6.31M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.22M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1733us Range: [0.1679us, 0.1763us] Ops/s: 5.77M Ops/s/t: 5.77M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1284us Range: [0.1237us, 0.1312us] Ops/s: 7.79M Ops/s/t: 7.79M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 6.78M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.5650us Range: [0.5312us, 0.5794us] Ops/s: 1.77M Ops/s/t: 1.77M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1195us Range: [0.1085us, 0.1307us] Ops/s: 8.37M Ops/s/t: 8.37M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.07M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2632us Range: [0.2479us, 0.2771us] Ops/s: 3.80M Ops/s/t: 3.80M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2673us Range: [0.2162us, 0.4811us] Ops/s: 3.74M Ops/s/t: 3.74M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.77M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.4706us Range: [0.4295us, 0.5352us] Ops/s: 2.12M Ops/s/t: 2.12M
4 threads: Avg: 0.1236us Range: [0.0986us, 0.1327us] Ops/s: 8.09M Ops/s/t: 8.09M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 5.11M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0126ms Range: [8.7123us, 0.0143ms] Ops/s: 79.55k Ops/s/t: 79.55k
4 threads: Avg: 0.0127ms Range: [0.0118ms, 0.0131ms] Ops/s: 78.95k Ops/s/t: 78.95k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 79.25k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
dequeue from empty:
(Measures the average speed of attempting to dequeue from an empty queue
(that eight separate threads had at one point enqueued to))
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.1010us Range: [0.1010us, 0.1011us] Ops/s: 9.90M Ops/s/t: 9.90M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.2152us Range: [0.2145us, 0.2155us] Ops/s: 9.29M Ops/s/t: 4.65M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 6.82M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0407us Range: [0.0399us, 0.0435us] Ops/s: 24.56M Ops/s/t: 24.56M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0876us Range: [0.0865us, 0.0897us] Ops/s: 22.83M Ops/s/t: 11.42M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 16.86M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0192us Range: [0.0192us, 0.0192us] Ops/s: 52.10M Ops/s/t: 52.10M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0431us Range: [0.0427us, 0.0433us] Ops/s: 46.37M Ops/s/t: 23.18M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 35.16M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0142us Range: [0.0142us, 0.0142us] Ops/s: 70.57M Ops/s/t: 70.57M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0322us Range: [0.0318us, 0.0324us] Ops/s: 62.11M Ops/s/t: 31.05M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 47.42M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0273us Range: [0.0273us, 0.0273us] Ops/s: 36.59M Ops/s/t: 36.59M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0606us Range: [0.0589us, 0.0612us] Ops/s: 32.98M Ops/s/t: 16.49M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 24.81M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 2.8034us Range: [2.8004us, 2.8059us] Ops/s: 356.71k Ops/s/t: 356.71k
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0215ms Range: [0.0167ms, 0.0259ms] Ops/s: 92.96k Ops/s/t: 46.48k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 174.98k
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 5.0446ns Range: [5.0418ns, 5.0477ns] Ops/s: 198.23M Ops/s/t: 198.23M
^ Note: No contention -- measures raw failed dequeue speed on empty queue
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 198.23M
enqueue-dequeue pairs:
(Measures the average operation speed with each thread doing an enqueue
followed by a dequeue)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0923us Range: [0.0923us, 0.0924us] Ops/s: 10.83M Ops/s/t: 10.83M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.4628us Range: [0.3523us, 0.4883us] Ops/s: 4.32M Ops/s/t: 2.16M
4 threads: Avg: 0.7692us Range: [0.6056us, 0.8575us] Ops/s: 5.20M Ops/s/t: 1.30M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.73M
With tokens
1 thread: Avg: 0.0674us Range: [0.0673us, 0.0674us] Ops/s: 14.84M Ops/s/t: 14.84M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.1482us Range: [0.1469us, 0.1491us] Ops/s: 13.49M Ops/s/t: 6.75M
4 threads: Avg: 0.2887us Range: [0.2812us, 0.2943us] Ops/s: 13.85M Ops/s/t: 3.46M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 7.09M
> boost::lockfree::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.1063us Range: [0.1061us, 0.1065us] Ops/s: 9.41M Ops/s/t: 9.41M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.5539us Range: [0.4211us, 0.6343us] Ops/s: 3.61M Ops/s/t: 1.81M
4 threads: Avg: 1.0231us Range: [0.5522us, 1.2066us] Ops/s: 3.91M Ops/s/t: 977.46k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.15M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0894us Range: [0.0892us, 0.0895us] Ops/s: 11.18M Ops/s/t: 11.18M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.6722us Range: [0.6325us, 0.7061us] Ops/s: 2.98M Ops/s/t: 1.49M
4 threads: Avg: 2.2212us Range: [0.3867us, 3.7638us] Ops/s: 1.80M Ops/s/t: 450.21k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 3.21M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
1 thread: Avg: 0.1370us Range: [0.1369us, 0.1371us] Ops/s: 7.30M Ops/s/t: 7.30M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.7587us Range: [0.6783us, 0.8147us] Ops/s: 2.64M Ops/s/t: 1.32M
4 threads: Avg: 1.2061us Range: [1.0951us, 1.2795us] Ops/s: 3.32M Ops/s/t: 829.13k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 2.45M
> LockBasedQueue
1 thread: Avg: 3.0499us Range: [3.0363us, 3.0647us] Ops/s: 327.88k Ops/s/t: 327.88k
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
2 threads: Avg: 0.0230ms Range: [0.0150ms, 0.0287ms] Ops/s: 86.81k Ops/s/t: 43.41k
4 threads: Avg: 0.0814ms Range: [0.0347ms, 0.1144ms] Ops/s: 49.13k Ops/s/t: 12.28k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 93.75k
> std::queue
1 thread: Avg: 0.0143us Range: [0.0143us, 0.0143us] Ops/s: 69.99M Ops/s/t: 69.99M
^ Note: No contention -- measures speed of immediately dequeueing the item that was just enqueued
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 69.99M
heavy concurrent:
(Measures the average operation speed with many threads under heavy load)
> moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue
Without tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.4484us Range: [0.3894us, 0.4837us] Ops/s: 4.46M Ops/s/t: 2.23M
3 threads: Avg: 0.5666us Range: [0.5258us, 0.5872us] Ops/s: 5.30M Ops/s/t: 1.77M
4 threads: Avg: 0.6681us Range: [0.4460us, 0.8570us] Ops/s: 5.99M Ops/s/t: 1.50M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.79M
With tokens
2 threads: Avg: 0.1509us Range: [0.1499us, 0.1518us] Ops/s: 13.26M Ops/s/t: 6.63M
3 threads: Avg: 0.2381us Range: [0.1902us, 0.2797us] Ops/s: 12.60M Ops/s/t: 4.20M
4 threads: Avg: 0.4002us Range: [0.3306us, 0.4937us] Ops/s: 9.99M Ops/s/t: 2.50M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 4.21M
> boost::lockfree::queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.5976us Range: [0.2773us, 0.6748us] Ops/s: 3.35M Ops/s/t: 1.67M
3 threads: Avg: 1.0917us Range: [0.9830us, 1.1773us] Ops/s: 2.75M Ops/s/t: 916.02k
4 threads: Avg: 1.1793us Range: [1.0690us, 1.2686us] Ops/s: 3.39M Ops/s/t: 847.94k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.10M
> tbb::concurrent_queue
2 threads: Avg: 0.5967us Range: [0.4621us, 0.6802us] Ops/s: 3.35M Ops/s/t: 1.68M
3 threads: Avg: 0.9434us Range: [0.3221us, 1.1513us] Ops/s: 3.18M Ops/s/t: 1.06M
4 threads: Avg: 1.3151us Range: [0.4924us, 1.7355us] Ops/s: 3.04M Ops/s/t: 760.40k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.11M
> SimpleLockFreeQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.7336us Range: [0.6230us, 0.8236us] Ops/s: 2.73M Ops/s/t: 1.36M
3 threads: Avg: 0.6925us Range: [0.4716us, 0.8721us] Ops/s: 4.33M Ops/s/t: 1.44M
4 threads: Avg: 0.6623us Range: [0.5031us, 0.8796us] Ops/s: 6.04M Ops/s/t: 1.51M
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 1.45M
> LockBasedQueue
2 threads: Avg: 0.0210ms Range: [0.0127ms, 0.0273ms] Ops/s: 95.11k Ops/s/t: 47.56k
3 threads: Avg: 0.0370ms Range: [9.9256us, 0.0798ms] Ops/s: 81.04k Ops/s/t: 27.01k
4 threads: Avg: 0.0970ms Range: [0.0147ms, 0.1225ms] Ops/s: 41.22k Ops/s/t: 10.31k
Operations per second per thread (weighted average): 26.17k
> std::queue
(skipping, benchmark not supported...)
Overall average operations per second per thread (where higher-concurrency runs have more weight):
(Take this summary with a grain of salt -- look at the individual benchmark results for a much
better idea of how the queues measure up to each other):
moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue (including bulk): 16.69M
boost::lockfree::queue: 4.07M
tbb::concurrent_queue: 4.97M
SimpleLockFreeQueue: 3.53M
LockBasedQueue: 75.32k
std::queue (single thread only): 84.37M
As you can see, my queue is generally at least as good as the next fastest implementation, and often much faster (especially the bulk operations, which are in a league of their own!). The only benchmark that shows a significant reduction in throughput with respect to the other queues is the 'dequeue from empty' one, which is the worst case dequeue scenario for my implementation because it has to check all the inner queues; it's still faster on average than a successful dequeue operation, though. The impact of this can also be seen in certain other benchmarks, such as the single-producer multi-consumer one, where most of the dequeue operations fail (because the producer can't keep up with demand), and the relative throughput of my queue compared to the others suffers slightly as a result. Also note that the LockBasedQueue is extremely slow on my Windows netbook; I think this is a quality-of-implementation issue with the MinGW std::mutex
, which does not use Windows's efficient CRITICAL_SECTION
and seems to suffer terribly as a result.
I think the most important thing that can be gleaned from these benchmarks is that the total system throughput at best stays roughly constant as the number of threads increases (and often falls off anyway). This means that even with the fastest queue of each benchmark, the amount of work each thread accomplishes individually declines with each thread added, with approximately the same total amount of work being accomplished by e.g. four threads and sixteen. And that's the best case. There is no linear scaling at this level of contention and throughput; the moral of the story is to stay away from designs that require intensively sharing data if you care about performance. Of course, real applications tend not to be purely moving things around in queues, and thus have far lower contention and do have the possibility of scaling upwards (at least a little) as threads are added.
On the whole, I'm very happy with the results. Enjoy the queue!
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