// 地图初始化 initMap() { let vm = this; //地图加载 this.map = new AMap.Map("map", { viewMode: "2D", zoom: 4, center: [105, 36], resizeEnable: true }); let autoOptions = { input: "tipinput" }; AMap.plugin( [ "AMap.PlaceSearch", "AMap.AutoComplete", "AMap.Geocoder", "AMap.HeatMap" ], function() { // 输入时会出现提示 var auto = new AMap.Autocomplete(autoOptions); // 地理编码 vm.geocoder = new AMap.Geocoder({}); vm.heatmap = new AMap.HeatMap(vm.map, { radius: 50, //给定半径 opacity: [0, 0.8] }); function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { let timeout; const debounced = function() { const context = this; const args = arguments; const later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) { func.apply(context, args); } }; const callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) { func.apply(context, args); } }; debounced.cancel = () => { clearTimeout(timeout); }; return debounced; } const index = new Supercluster({ minZoom: 0, // min zoom to generate clusters on maxZoom: 21, // max zoom level to cluster the points on minPoints: 1, // minimum points to form a cluster radius: 40, // cluster radius in pixels extent: 512, // tile extent (radius is calculated relative to it) nodeSize: 64, // size of the KD-tree leaf node, affects performance log: false, // whether to log timing info // whether to generate numeric ids for input features (in vector tiles) generateId: false, // a reduce function for calculating custom cluster properties reduce: null, // (accumulated, props) => { accumulated.sum += props.sum; } // properties to use for individual points when running the reducer map: props => props // props => ({sum: props.my_value}) }); index.load(vm.heatmapData.map(p => ({ ...p, x: p.lng, y: p.lat }))); let markers = []; const render = () => { let bounds = vm.map.getBounds(); if (bounds.toBounds) { bounds = bounds.toBounds(); } const bbox = [ bounds.southWest.lng, bounds.southWest.lat, bounds.northEast.lng, bounds.northEast.lat ]; // bbox const views = index.getClusters(bbox, vm.map.getZoom()); const clusters = views.filter(view => view.isClutser); // 多个点聚合之后的点 const data = views.filter(view => !view.isClutser); // 原始点 vm.heatmap.setDataSet({ data: clusters.map(c => ({ ...c, lng: c.x, lat: c.y })), max: 15 }); }; render(); const listener = debounce(render, 200); vm.map.on("zoom", listener); vm.map.on("moveend", listener); auto.on("select", select); //注册监听,当选中某条记录时会触发 function select(e) { vm.address = e.poi.name; vm.radius = "200"; vm.disable = false; } } ); vm.map.off("dblclick", markerClick); vm.map.on("dblclick", markerClick); async function markerClick(e) { console.log("dblclicke", e, e.lnglat); vm.disable = false; vm.radius = "200"; vm.pointLat = ""; vm.pointLng = ""; vm.lat = e.lnglat.lat ? e.lnglat.lat : ""; vm.lng = e.lnglat.lng ? e.lnglat.lng : ""; // 查询列表 vm.getList(); // 画圈 vm.setCirCle(); // vm.map.setFitView(); // 逆地理编码,经纬度解析 vm.geocoder.getAddress([vm.lng, vm.lat], function(status, result) { if (status === "complete" && result.regeocode) { vm.address = result.regeocode.formattedAddress; } }); } vm.setMessPoint(); },
setCirCle() { let vm = this; let lng = vm.pointLng ? vm.pointLng : vm.lng; let lat = vm.pointLat ? vm.pointLat : vm.lat; if (this.circle) { this.map.remove(this.circle); } this.circle = new AMap.Circle({ center: new AMap.LngLat(lng, lat), // 圆心位置 radius: vm.radius ? vm.radius : 200, // 圆半径 fillColor: "transparent", // 圆形填充颜色 strokeColor: "red", // 描边颜色 strokeWeight: 2 // 描边宽度 }); vm.map.add(this.circle); vm.map.setZoomAndCenter(14, [lng, lat]); },
setMessPoint() { let vm = this; const markers = this.gatherPoint.map((point, index) => ({ lnglat: [point.lng, point.lat], name: index, style: index, count: point.count, pointLat: point.pointLat, pointLng: point.pointLng })); var styles = []; for (let n in this.gatherPoint) { let point = this.getCountSize(this.gatherPoint[n].count); styles.push({ // url: "https://webapi.amap.com/images/mass/mass0.png", // url: "https://a.amap.com/jsapi_demos/static/images/mass2.png", url: require("../../assets/image/circle2.png"), anchor: new AMap.Pixel(6, 6), size: new AMap.Size(point, point), zIndex: 3, opacity: 1 }); } vm.mass = new AMap.MassMarks(markers, { opacity: 0.8, zIndex: 1111, cursor: "pointer", style: styles }); function massClick(e) { vm.pointLng = e.data.pointLng ? e.data.pointLng : ""; vm.pointLat = e.data.pointLat ? e.data.pointLat : ""; vm.lng = ""; vm.lat = ""; vm.disable = false; vm.radius = ""; vm.getList(); vm.geocoder.getAddress(e.data.lnglat, function(status, result) { if (status === "complete" && result.regeocode) { vm.address = result.regeocode.formattedAddress; } }); } vm.mass.off("click", massClick); vm.mass.on("click", massClick); var marker = new AMap.Marker({ content: " ", map: vm.map }); vm.mass.on("mouseover", function(e) { marker.setPosition(e.data.lnglat); marker.setLabel({ content: e.data.count }); }); vm.mass.on("mouseout", function(e) { marker.setLabel({ content: "" }); }); vm.mass.setMap(this.map); },
getCountSize(count) { if (count >= 0 && count < 10) { return 10 * 0.3; } else { let length = parseInt(count).toString().length; // 几位数 let multiple = Math.pow(10, length - 1); // 倍数 let hBit = parseInt(count / multiple); // 最高位 if (count >= 10 && count < 100) { return (hBit + 1) * multiple * 0.153; } else if (count >= 100 && count < 500) { return (hBit + 1) * multiple * 0.078; } else if (count >= 500) { return (hBit + 1) * multiple * 0.066; } } },
vm.geocoder.getLocation(vm.address, async function(status, result) { // 输入的地址查询成功时 if (status === "complete" && result.geocodes.length) { console.log("result", result); const { lng, lat } = result.geocodes[0].location; vm.lng = lng; vm.lat = lat; vm.pointLat = ""; vm.pointLng = ""; vm.getList(); await vm.queryAllGatherPoint(); await vm.getHeatMapData(); vm.setCirCle(); let paramArr = []; let operation = "查询"; paramArr.push(this.paramObj1, this.paramObj2, this.paramObj3); buryingOperation(paramArr, operation); } else { // 地址无法解析时提示错误并清空相关信息 if (!vm.address) { vm.address = ""; vm.radius = ""; vm.pointLng = ""; vm.pointLat = ""; vm.lat = ""; vm.lng = ""; } Message.error("根据地址查询位置失败"); } }); }