From: http://mobiledevelopertips.com/debugging/remove-debug-code-for-release-build.htmlWhen it’s time to remove debug code and log messasges from your application, it’s straight forward if you follow a few simple steps during development.First, wrap debugging code in a block similar to the following 阅读全文
From : http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/ios-sdk-custom-delegates/Delegates are a useful tool in communicating between objects. In this tutorial we will create and implement a custom delegate to allow three UISliders to adjust the background color of a ViewController.About DelegatesMessage 阅读全文
From : http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/phonegap/phonegap-from-scratch-app-template/In the last two parts we have installed Phonegap, gotten a hello world running, and then taken a look at some of the functionality that Phonegap offers us. Over the next two parts, we will build our app and take 阅读全文
From : http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/phonegap/phonegap-from-scratch-twitter-maps/Where We Left OffIn the last part of this series, we got our web app up and running with some basic structure and transitions between pages. In this part, we are going to continue working on filling out the parts 阅读全文
From : http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/phonegap/phonegap-from-scratch-camera-exporting/Adding Camera FunctionalityWe left off in the last tutorial in this series just after getting our application into the Phonegap framework and awaiting to add our final piece of functionality: the device camer 阅读全文
In our first part we looked at setting up our development environment and getting PhoneGap up and running on the iOS and Android SDKs. In this second part of our PhoneGap series, we are going to look at some of the device APIs that PhoneGap gives us access to and discuss how we might use them.Settin 阅读全文
From : http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/phonegap/phonegap-from-scratch/In this series, we will build a mobile application using some of the features in PhoneGap. We will go from installation of the SDK to deployment into the app stores of the two major platforms: iOS and Android. Concepts covere 阅读全文
This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team memberSteve Baranski, the founder ofkomorka technology, a provider of iOS development and consulting services.Welcome to the second part of the Core Plot tutorial series!In thefirst part of this series, you created a tab bar controller application that provid 阅读全文
From :http://www.raywenderlich.com/13269/how-to-draw-graphs-with-core-plot-part-1This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team memberSteve Baranski, the founder ofkomorka technology, a provider of iOS development and consulting services.If you’ve ever wanted to include charts or graphs in your app, chanc 阅读全文
xcode4以后,删除不用的文件后, 编译的时候会有missing file的警告,原因是由于SVN或git造成的。运行终端,执行命令行进入missing file目录,然后运行 svn delete nameOfMissingFile 或 git rm nameOfMissingFile 阅读全文
from:http://maniacdev.com/2012/01/easily-get-non-arc-enabled-open-source-libraries-working-in-arc-enabled-projects/The topic of this post is one that I’m sure many developers will know about especially since it is a footnote in several of the tutorials on theARC tutorial and guide pageon this site.I 阅读全文
byJERROD PUTMANonFEBRUARY 7, 2012inBLOGfrom:http://www.tinytimgames.com/2012/02/07/cocos2d-and-storyboards/UPDATE: I’ve now uploadeda ready-to-use classfor your enjoyment to GitHub.Storyboarding in iOS 5 is really neat. It allows you to lay out nearly your entire interface visually, and gives you so 阅读全文
from:http://kurrytran.blogspot.com/2011/10/ios-5-storyboard-uitableview-tutorial.htmlSince I'm learning as well and have been reading other people's tutorials that I thought were not very good (because they either had too much clutter or did not stress the important points) I thought I would 阅读全文
from:http://kurrytran.blogspot.com/2011/10/ios-5-storyboard-and.htmlIn this tutorial we will:1. Create a UITableView from scratch.2. Learn about navigation controllers.3. Pushing view controllers with storyboard.Link to Download Entire Project:here1. Create a new single view based application called 阅读全文
byMattjDrakeonDECEMBER 15, 2011inCODE TIPSfrom:http://howtomakeiphoneapps.com/using-storyboards-to-make-navigation-based-iphone-apps/1445/Step One: Create a New Storyboard Based iOS ApplicationMake sure to have a storyboard app started out (covered in the last post on storyboards). Your app will loo 阅读全文