
在David M.Blei 的Distance Dependent Chinese Restaurant Processes 中提到:DDCRP 的一个重要性质,也是和dependent DP 的一个区别,就是"In general ,dependent DPs exhibit marginal invariance while distance dependent CRPs do NOT " 。文章中对Marginal invariance 的定义是: "The traditional CRP is marginally invariant : marginalizing over a particular customer gives the same probability distribution as if that customer were not included in the model at all."那么疑问是:marginalize 是一种什么样的操作?

Marginalization distribution 直译是"边缘分布"这里来看一下其具体的含义:

(以下内容来自course中的Probabilistic Graphical Models 1: Representation 斯坦福大学)

这里所说的marginalize I 就是对I 的所有取值进行积分或者求和。下面是两道例题用来区分reduction和marginalization:


posted @ 2016-10-16 20:26  司马_羽鹤  阅读(981)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报