android studio 中类似VS的代码折叠功能Region

1. 打开android studio

2. 选择要折叠的代码

Group selection


3. 按Ctrl + Alt + T 选择 “region .. end region comments”

Group selection dialog

Group selection dialog

4. 代码已被 “//region” / “//endregion” 包围, 可以看到代码可以折叠了

Initial code region

Initial code region

5. You can now edit the description of your group

Collapsed Group with description

Collapsed Group with description

6. You can easily see the code within your group without having to expand the group, just hover the group description with the mouse pointer

Group code preview
posted @   simadi  阅读(5391)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报