C 运行时库版本


The following table lists the release versions of the C run-time library files, along with their associated compiler options and environment variables. Prior to Visual C++ 4.2, the C run-time libraries contained the iostream library functions. In Visual C++ 4.2 and later, the old iostream library functions have been removed from LIBC.LIB, LIBCMT.LIB, and MSVCRT.LIB. (This change was made because the Standard C++ library has been added to Visual C++, and it contains a new set of iostream libraries. Thus, two sets of iostream functions are now included in Visual C++.) The old iostream functions now exist in their own libraries: LIBCI.LIB, LIBCIMT.LIB, and MSVCIRT.LIB. The new iostream functions, as well as many other new functions, exist in the Standard C++ libraries: LIBCP.LIB, LIBCPMT.LIB, and MSVCPRT.LIB.

When you build a release version of your project, one of the basic C run-time libraries (LIBC.LIB, LIBCMT.LIB, and MSVCRT.LIB) is linked by default, depending on the compiler option you choose (single-threaded, multithreaded, or DLL). Depending on the headers you use in your code, a library from the Standard C++ libraries or one from the old iostream libraries may also be linked:

  • If you include aStandard C++ library header in your code, a Standard C++ library will be linked in automatically by Visual C++ at compile time. For example:
   #include <ios> 
  • If you include an old iostream library header, an old iostream library will be linked in automatically by Visual C++ at compile time. For example:
   #include <ios.h>

Headers determine whether a Standard C++ library, an old iostream library, or neither will be linked. Compiler options determine which of the libraries to be linked is the default (single-threaded, multithreaded, or DLL). When a specific library compiler option is defined, that library is considered to be the default and its environment variables are automatically defined.

在vc++4.1版本(包括4.1版)之前,运行库是Libc.lib, Libcmt.lib,  Msvcrt.lib ,这些库包含了旧的iostream库,而这些旧的iostream库现在已经从libc.lib, libcmtlib, msvcrt.lib 中独立出来,如果链接时没有 /NODEFAULTLIB,默认链接时用 libci.lib , libcimt.lib , msvcirt.lib ,而如果指定 /NODEFAULTLIB ,则需要手动添加库。



#include <iostream.h>

int main()
    return 0;


        cl main.cpp /c

这里等同于    cl main.cpp /c /ML 

/ML 为缺省状态下的运行库

其中,/c 是编译而不链接,/ML为缺省选项,对应于单线程静态版标准程序库 libc.lib

取得main.obj ,用文本打开看,里面有一行

                                   -defaultlib:libci -defaultlib:LIBC -defaultlib:OLDNAMES


        link main.obj /nodefaultlib libc.lib libci.lib kernel32.lib


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    return 0;
编译后再查看main.obj ,发现变成

                                  -defaultlib:libcp -defaultlib:LIBC -defaultlib:OLDNAMES


        link main.obj /nodefaultlib libc.lib libcp.lib kernel32.lib


C Run-Time Library (without iostream) Characteristics Option Defined
LIBC.LIB Single threaded, static link /ML  
LIBCMT.LIB Multithreaded, static link /MT _MT
MSVCRT.LIB Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCRT.DLL) /MD _MT, _DLL

Standard C++ Library Characteristics Option Defined
LIBCP.LIB Single threaded, static link /ML  
LIBCPMT.LIB Multithreaded, static link /MT _MT
MSVCPRT.LIB Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCRT.DLL) /MD _MT, _DLL

Old Iostream Library Characteristics Option Defined
LIBCI.LIB Single threaded, static link /ML  
LIBCIMT.LIB Multithreaded, static link /MT _MT
MSVCIRT.LIB Multithreaded, dynamic link (import library for MSVCIRT.DLL) /MD _MT, _DLL

posted on 2012-04-06 14:36  silyvin  阅读(196)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报