delimiter ||
-- after INSERT 触发器
drop TRIGGER if EXISTS insert1after2;
create trigger insert1after2 after INSERT on tab1 for each row
insert into tab2(id, username) values(,new.username);
delimiter ||
-- 插入存储过程
drop procedure if exists insert1;
create procedure insert1()
DECLARE i int;
set i = 0;
WHILE i<100 do
insert into tab1(id,username) values(i,CONCAT('username',i));
set i = i+1;
end while;
delimiter ||
-- 查询存储过程
drop procedure if exists selecttab1;
create procedure selecttab1()
DECLARE i int;
declare username VARCHAR(255);
-- 定义游标
declare selecttab1_cursor CURSOR for select id, username from tab1 ;
-- 打开游标
open selecttab1_cursor;
-- 首次填充数据到变量
FETCH next from selecttab1_cursor into i,username;
-- 循环游标
read_loop: LOOP
select i,username;
-- 再次填充数据到变量
FETCH next from selecttab1_cursor into i,username;
-- 关闭游标
close selecttab1_cursor;
delimiter ||
-- 存储过程动态执行sql
drop procedure if exists dongtaisql;
create procedure dongtaisql()
declare v_sql varchar(500); -- 需要执行的SQL语句
DECLARE i int;
set i = 0;
WHILE i<10 do
set v_sql= concat('insert into tab2(id,username) values(',i,', \'username',i,'\');');
set @v_sql=v_sql; -- 注意很重要,将连成的字符串赋值给一个变量(可以之前没有定义,但要以@开头)
prepare stmt from @v_sql; -- 预处理需要执行的动态SQL,其中stmt是一个变量
EXECUTE stmt; -- 执行SQL语句
deallocate prepare stmt; -- 释放掉预处理段
set i = i+1;
end while;
1 drop procedure if exists insert_hd_id_gen; 2 create procedure insert_hd_id_gen(table_name varchar(100)) 3 begin 4 declare v_every_table_name varchar(100); 5 declare v_auto_increment int; 6 declare v_insert_sql_upper varchar(1000); 7 declare v_insert_sql_lower varchar(1000); 8 9 declare notfound int default 0; #定义一个辅助变量用于判断 10 11 #定义游标 12 declare selecttab1_cursor cursor for select distinct t.table_name, t.auto_increment from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema = 'bpmapp53' and t.table_name = table_name; 13 declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set notfound=1;#定义declare continue handler,这个会根据上下文是否有结果判断是否执行set notfound = 1, 必须在游标定义后定义 14 15 #打开游标 16 open selecttab1_cursor; 17 #首次填充数据到变量 18 fetch selecttab1_cursor into v_every_table_name, v_auto_increment; 19 while notfound<>1 do 20 set v_insert_sql_upper = concat('insert into bpmapp53.hd_id_gen values (\'', upper(v_every_table_name), '\', ', v_auto_increment, ');'); 21 set @v_insert_sql_upper=v_insert_sql_upper; #注意很重要,将连成成的字符串赋值给一个变量(可以之前没有定义,但要以@开头) 22 prepare stmt_insert_sql_upper from @v_insert_sql_upper; #预处理需要执行的动态sql,其中stmt是一个变量 23 execute stmt_insert_sql_upper; #执行sql语句 24 deallocate prepare stmt_insert_sql_upper; #释放掉预处理段 25 26 set v_insert_sql_lower = concat('insert into bpmapp53.hd_id_gen values (\'', lower(v_every_table_name), '\', ', v_auto_increment, ');'); 27 set @v_insert_sql_lower=v_insert_sql_lower; #注意很重要,将连成成的字符串赋值给一个变量(可以之前没有定义,但要以@开头) 28 prepare stmt_insert_sql_lower from @v_insert_sql_lower; #预处理需要执行的动态sql,其中stmt是一个变量 29 execute stmt_insert_sql_lower; #执行sql语句 30 deallocate prepare stmt_insert_sql_lower; #释放掉预处理段 31 32 #再次填充数据到变量 33 fetch selecttab1_cursor into v_every_table_name, v_auto_increment; 34 end while; 35 #关闭游标 36 close selecttab1_cursor; 37 end 38 39 40 drop procedure if exists alter_table_auto_increment; 41 create procedure alter_table_auto_increment(table_name varchar(100)) 42 begin 43 declare v_every_table_name varchar(100); 44 declare v_alter_table varchar(1000); 45 46 declare notfound int default 0; #定义一个辅助变量用于判断 47 48 #定义游标 49 declare selecttab1_cursor cursor for select distinct c.table_name from information_schema.columns c where c.column_name = 'id' and c.data_type = 'bigint' and c.column_key = 'pri' and c.table_schema = 'bpmapp53' and c.table_name = table_name; 50 declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set notfound=1;#定义declare continue handler,这个会根据上下文是否有结果判断是否执行set notfound = 1, 必须在游标定义后定义 51 52 #打开游标 53 open selecttab1_cursor; 54 #首次填充数据到变量 55 fetch next from selecttab1_cursor into v_every_table_name; 56 while notfound<>1 do 57 set v_alter_table= concat('alter table bpmapp53.', v_every_table_name, ' modify column id bigint(20) not null auto_increment first;'); 58 set @v_alter_table=v_alter_table; #注意很重要,将连成成的字符串赋值给一个变量(可以之前没有定义,但要以@开头) 59 prepare stmt_select_now_id from @v_alter_table; #预处理需要执行的动态sql,其中stmt是一个变量 60 execute stmt_select_now_id; #执行sql语句 61 deallocate prepare stmt_select_now_id; #释放掉预处理段 62 63 call insert_hd_id_gen(v_every_table_name); 64 65 #再次填充数据到变量 66 fetch next from selecttab1_cursor into v_every_table_name; 67 end while; 68 #关闭游标 69 close selecttab1_cursor; 70 end 71 72 drop procedure if exists select_all_table; 73 create procedure select_all_table() 74 begin 75 declare table_name varchar(100); 76 declare notfound int default 0; #定义一个辅助变量用于判断 77 78 #定义游标 79 declare selecttab1_cursor cursor for select distinct t.table_name from information_schema.tables t where t.table_schema = 'bpmapp53' and t.auto_increment is null ; 80 declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set notfound=1;#定义declare continue handler,这个会根据上下文是否有结果判断是否执行set notfound = 1, 必须在游标定义后定义 81 82 #清空hd_id_gen表数据 83 delete from bpmapp53.hd_id_gen; 84 85 #打开游标 86 open selecttab1_cursor; 87 #首次填充数据到变量 88 fetch next from selecttab1_cursor into table_name; 89 while notfound<>1 do 90 call alter_table_auto_increment(table_name); 91 92 #再次填充数据到变量 93 fetch next from selecttab1_cursor into table_name; 94 end while; 95 #关闭游标 96 close selecttab1_cursor; 97 end